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Message from the Mosque - What are the Imams saying

how can trust ur interpretation of sm1s saying ... and why only Anti America Anti Government and Anti India Mullahs are quoted .. why not those who preach peace love and harmony ..why ..??

When you preach peace and love, you are doing expected. It is like saying why does a murderer gets attention in media on the day when he murders, what about the days when he is not murdering anyone.

@topic and @sparklingway

Great initiative and thanks for sharing!!!
Purpose of the project is socio-religious research on an important issue. Purpose of thread is to share project recordings.

You of course do not know everything about Attock and cannot claim to do so. Nobody can claim knowledge of everything from his city. Your observations about the people are not necessarily wrong. Imam's sermon does not people of Attock embrace these values.

The recording is available on the link attached. Please follow and listen to it. The location of this recording is stated as Lalazar Stadium, Attock. The website provides name of imam, location, name of masjid (sometimes) and sect. If you think that it's a fake recording not from the place the project website states, you are more than welcome to contact them.

Moreover, considering your generalization, not everybody follows the Tableeghi Jamaat (Tariq Jamil) as well. There is a large opposition to the TJ from different sects as well. My point is that sweeping generalization are useless. Tariq Jamil is not the religious leader of Attock in entirety, no does this Imam represent Attock in entirety. I, or the project itself, does not suggest and it was never stated that a single imam is representative of the views of an entire city.

I seriously hope that widening of your intellectual horizon will make you see why generalizations are bad.

sir, Attock is very very smal city.. And this moulana is not local imam.. He might be imported by people like him for a flamish speech,
sir, Attock is very very smal city.. And this moulana is not local imam.. He might be imported by people like him for a flamish speech,

I respect your idea. However, it is a fact that majority of our mullahs cultivate the seed of hatred against different sects and different religions in general. KILL AMERICANS KILL, yet your country is running from their aid more or less. Islam never told mullahs to be her guard, did she? Anyways, I have a first hand experience of listening hatred against different sects and this 'phenomena' is across the board; shia, sunni, wahabi, bralvi etc

Sometimes I think that you need to take extreme actions to solve extreme problems---
sir, Attock is very very smal city.. And this moulana is not local imam.. He might be imported by people like him for a flamish speech,

I believe the population of Attock City is nearly 200,000 now. By our standards that maybe a small city but by international standards it is comparatively an adequately mid-sized city.

I'll reiterate, you cannot profess of knowledge of the whole area. I do respect your opinion and the fact that he might be a visiting imam. Nonetheless, fact is that the focus is on the message here and not on what the people of Attock believe in.
Nothing from Lahore? Or is it too mainstream? Too many people = chance of them getting caught?
I believe the population of Attock City is nearly 200,000 now. By our standards that maybe a small city but by international standards it is comparatively an adequately mid-sized city.

I'll reiterate, you cannot profess of knowledge of the whole area. I do respect your opinion and the fact that he might be a visiting imam. Nonetheless, fact is that the focus is on the message here and not on what the people of Attock believe in.

rightly said! Its not what the people are believing but the fact that these people are freely spreading the seed of hatred and intolerance.

Is there a board or a syllabus that you need to subscribe to become a Mullah or Imam? How do these people get appointed? Surely there should be a governing body and their "license" to preach or preside over a congregation should be revoked as soon as you get to know that they spread violence!
rightly said! Its not what the people are believing but the fact that these people are freely spreading the seed of hatred and intolerance.

Is there a board or a syllabus that you need to subscribe to become a Mullah or Imam? How do these people get appointed? Surely there should be a governing body and their "license" to preach or preside over a congregation should be revoked as soon as you get to know that they spread violence!

Most have religious education from madrassas (certification of basic, intermediate religious education, etc). Rarely do you find a significantly educated one (e.g. a Mufti) but even that does not ensure that he won't be spewing hatred.

A fairly significant percentage of mosques (especially the bigger ones) are supported financially by the provincial Auqaf Departments. Administration is largely left to the appointed maulvi and helpers who are paid by the state. However, a fair number of mosques are run through charity and yet-to-be-declared sources. Even for Auqaf mosques, there is no existing form of state oversight of friday sermons and activities let alone the privately run ones.

Nothing from Lahore? Or is it too mainstream? Too many people = chance of them getting caught?

I'm unsure why but I'm guessing the focus is on smaller cities which are normally overlooked in social research. Large urban areas have their fair share of radical mosques, but most are in smaller cities.
Maulana Muhammad Saeed - Deobandi - Rawalpindi

Morality, Family values, Anti-feminism (fake statistics), Hypocrisy of "west"

The men in Europe tricked the women into feeling that they were not free and if they became free they would be better off. But in so doing the man shifted all his burdens on to the woman. She was told she was equal to men and she could do what the men could and cooking was not the only thing for her to do.

The women were taken in. The men did two things: shifted their own burdens on to them; and took them out of the house to satisfy his sexual desire more easily. This was done through raising the slogan of Woman’s Liberty (Azadi Niswan). Once the woman was outside the home she was exploited in all sorts of base ways but she was still not given the status where she could share civic power.

In the West the woman has come out of home and is now sweeping bathrooms and works as charwoman, working at hotels and shops, serving food at restaurants. But she is not the head of the country. As a rule, if women are half of the population then half the top jobs should fall to her. In the US there has never been a woman president. There was a lady presidential candidate in the last election but she had a tough time and had to accept defeat.

The men have encashed the liberty of women. My friend bought a shoe with the face of a woman on the inner sole. They gave her the slogan of freedom then put her in the shoe and forgot her. She was told that she would be better off serving food to strangers than to her own kids at home. Look how low has the woman been brought.

Women too have not protested thinking they should keep their mouths shut and save their honour. The West has freed the women and has also made the mixing of men and women very easy. Last year I read that out of the girls that became mothers in America, 33 percent were under the age of 12. Gorbachev wrote a book in which he admitted that ‘we had liberated the woman but had scarred our future generations as a punishment for this act’.

When man and his wife both go out to work, the family system is destroyed. Where should the children go? It is decided that children should be sent to the day-care centre. Children growing at these centres cannot be aware of their parents and will not care for them in the end. When a parent grows old the children send him to an old home and when he dies the old home sends them a letter informing them of the death. The son says I have no time so please bury him and send me the bill.

My friends you have the outward refinement of the West. All this is on surface. But behind this clean appearance you have not looked at its frightful face. The West has gathered all the dirt it has produced and thrown it into our homes.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Muhammad Saeed | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Altafur Rehman Shah - Deobandi - Gujrat

Morality, Lots of Politics, Sectarianism - a very necessary read overall.

The Prophet PBUH said that permitting innovation in religion was the biggest evil. This is a hadith from Mishkat Sharif volume one. Religion is from Allah and Allah has made this religion complete. No one has the right to change it or add anything in it.

You know the PPP minister called Dasti and another one of the PMLN who won the by-election from Gujrat who is the worshipper of the graves (Barelvi).

It is our misfortune that he is a worshipper of the graves. Dasti was asked by the Supreme Court to name the five suras of the Quran – I am not making it up I have a copy of Nawa-e-Waqt newspaper which reports this – he did not know the names of the five suras although he had a certificate of graduation from a religious seminary (madrassa).

If the ministers holding degrees from madrassas are like this, what would be the quality of the clerics who come out of the madrassas?

You know that a member of the National Assembly had claimed that there are 40 paras (sections) of the Quran. One cleric was leading the tarawih prayers during Ramzan but the people gave him nothing for his labours. He demanded that he be paid something for his work. And when the people gave him nothing he said it doesn’t matter because I have also led the namaz without ablution (wuzu). This is the state of the politician and the cleric.

Let me show you more from Nawa-e-Waqt. This is your foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and he is also a worshipper of the graves. He has put his head on the head of Hillary Clinton and is standing there with her. We have become shameless or shamelessness has been imposed on us.

When Muslims were entering Jerusalem they were ordered that they should keep their eyes directed to the floor because there will be woman in the mosque. And the woman (Jewish?) who were there asked what kind of people are they? They don’t even look at us.

Our rulers go to America to sell our blood. Look at this foreign minister who is haramzada (illegitimate son). I am not scared of anyone although you may be. I tread the earth of Allah and will tell the truth on it. Allah will be witness that I conveyed his message to the people. I have not taken money from the Chaudhry Zahur Elahi family like other maulvis, nor from the PPP and Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar the defence minister. All of them came to me but only Allah gives me my bread.

This foreign minister of ours keeps his face next to the face of Hillary Clinton and he has sold the blood of this nation. And he is the worshipper of the graves. All these are innovations and will be punished. We are great sinners only the generosity of Allah keeps us safe otherwise we deserve great punishment. The minister who has put his face on the face of Hillary Clinton has proved that 180 million Muslims of Pakistan are fornicators.

The cleric is equally to blame. He should refuse to conduct the funeral prayer over the dead body of such ministers. But Maulvi is a soul which has been purchased, be he Barelvi, Deobandi or Ahle Hadith. The clergy is scared it is also materialist and is busy acquiring wealth.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Altafur Rehman Shah | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Usman Ghani - Barelvi - Vehari

Governance (historical perspective and Iqbal), Rights and "west", Piety and status.

Islam has a distinct discipline not seen in other religions which is the reason why it is more universal than the other religions. For instance, in other religions, if the rights of the parents are given, those of the offspring are not given. If the rights of women are given, the rights of the men are ignored. Islam speaks of rights of both the parties, for instance, of the ruler and the ruled, etc.

Today we are focused on Europe and we ask the West to give us our rights. We appeal for the rights of the Kashmiris, the Palestinians, and the Afghans and knock on the doors of America and Europe and beg them. We beg for other decisions from them too. We say if America joins in our cause there will be peace in the world. I ask you will those who have come to this world to spread disorder ever be ready to create order? Those who have come to grab the rights of other people can they bestow our rights on us? My contention is that if you want to give the rights of the deprived to them then approach the authority of the Prophet PBUH and kiss his doorstep. After that Allah will give the rights you don’t have.

Allama Iqbal said it is wrong on your part to attach hope for solutions to a ruler who appears to be powerful to you. You think that since he is powerful and since all obey him he will solve your problem. But you are wrong. All that you see is actually a magic trick. All that the powerful ruler wants is extension of his power. Such powers are not meant to spread peace but to spread chaos for their own ends.

The downtrodden has to wake from his slumber. And when he realises that his rights have been usurped he tries to wake up. At this point the powerful ruler tries to give him soothing but false reassurance. After which the downtrodden again goes to sleep.

Now if I explain the democratic system to you, you will accuse me of going political. That’s why I have quoted Iqbal who wants to say that Caesars had a system of government in which they acquired the consent of the people but what they imposed was hardly democracy. Iqbal wants to say that today in the name of democracy the old system of the Caesars is being erected and imposed on the Muslims. Such rulers prevent the Muslims to turn to their religion. They attract the Muslims to the systems of Europe and America. All these are systems of old despots.

Allama Iqbal goes on to say that in this world the struggle is for wealth. Whoever has more riches is more powerful. But what happens to the man who has nothing? If a poor man gets elected by accident he is pushed back at all levels, corporation, provincial and national assemblies. The fact is that if a poor man becomes a member of the mosque committee the rich man will not let him be there for long. But Allah says status is only with taqwa (piety).

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Usman Ghani | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Abdul Waheed - Barelvi - Qasur

Women, Respect for females and mothers.

Hazrat Yahya Bakhtiar Kaki was teaching his pupil Hazrat Khwaja Qutbuddin how to read the Quran and was surprised when the pupil said I will not read the first 14 chapters. When asked why, he said because I know the first 14 chapters by heart as my mother used to read them while I rested in her lap. Before he left her lap he had the chapters by heart and therefore did not need to be taught them.

So the problem is solved. The truth is that if the mother is the one who reads the Quran then the son will be Qutbuddin. Our mothers and sisters have the duty from your offspring that you make them reader of the Quran and teach them namaz. The women whose milk is sacred will give birth to men who are namazi when they come to the prayer mat and are ghazi when they go to the battlefield.

Muhammad bin Qasim said a very pleasant thing. When an elderly Muslim woman was deprived of her veil (dopatta) by the men of Raja Dahir of Sindh, Qasim cried out O, my mother I am coming to you to retrieve your honour. And he invaded Sindh and changed history. Today if our women do ablutions (wuzu) before suckling their babies and read Sura Rehman while the babies feed, they will beget Sultan Salahuddin, Muhammad bin Qasim, Ali Hujwiri and Pir Mehr Ali Shah.

Once the Prophet PBUH was sitting in the midst of his Companions in his mosque at Madina. He told them that they should ask for whatever they wished and he will grant them on behalf of Allah who was the giver while the Prophet PBUH was the distributer. Hazrat Salman Farsi wanted the health of his seriously ill son, which was granted. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid wanted two swords to fight against the infidel, which too were granted. Then Abu Hurayra stood up crying and said people have asked for health and weapons but I want you to cause my mother who is still an infidel to become a Muslim. The Prophet PBUH raised his hands and started praying for Abu Hurayra’s mother. While he prayed Abu Bakr endorsed it by saying Amen.

Abu Hurayra who was weeping a while ago now stood smiling and when the Prophet PBUH asked him why he was smiling he said he was sure that his prayer was accepted by Allah and my mother has become a Muslim. When Abu Hurayra went home and knocked, his mother said she was taking a bath and would open soon. When she appeared, she was ready to go somewhere in her new clothes. She said please take me to your Prophet whose slave you have become so that I too can become his slave. This is how great sons prevent their mothers from going to Hell and instead open the door of Paradise for them

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Abdul Waheed | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Sajjadur Rehman - Deobandi - Vehari

Women, modernity and veil.

Prophet PBUH says shameless wretch is the father of the woman who wears the dress but one can still see her body through it, the breasts the legs and the arms – so tight or see-through is the cloth from which the dress is made.

About the women who come out thus naked into the markets the Prophet PBUH has said that they will be the fuel of the fires of Hell. Such women are coy and attract males to themselves. The Prophet said women should walk on a side path and not on the path on which men are walking. I am talking of times when the number of women out on the road was much less than that of the men. Now that men and women are everywhere in markets and clubs the advice of the Prophet is relevant.

Today it is different. The woman is out on the roads and the man is sitting at home. Women in the market are so large in number that men have to avoid colliding with them. The shops are full of only women and men are scarce. But the advice of the Prophet PBUH that women should take the side of the path and men the middle is still useful.

Hazrat Abdullah was sent a beautiful woman by the mischief-making non-believer to weaken his faith. A Christian ruler had put Hazrat Abdullah in a cell and put wine and pig in front of him, thinking that he will eat pig and thus lose his faith in Islam. But when Abdullah did not eat, the King sent a beautiful woman who would repeatedly take off her clothes in front of him and make herself naked to seduce him.

The naked woman would come in front of Abdullah and say I have come to offer my body but you don’t even look at me. Abdullah knew that the moment he looked with his eyes the instinct of sin would be awakened with ishq and khawahish (love and desire). After the eye has seen then one wants to talk to the pretty women. And after talking one feels like sinning. That is why the Prophet PBUH said that human eye too does fornication or zina. The limbs of men are also a part of doing zina. The Prophet PBUH said that when a man starts walking in the direction of woman his feet too become sinful and thus entire body and limbs become involved in sinning.

The Prophet PBUH said three kinds of eye will not sin. One eye that wakes at night guards the armies of the believing Muslims. This eye will not see Hell. The second eye is the one that keeps up at night and weeps for the fear and love of Allah. This eye too will not see the fires of Hell. The third eye is the one that refuses to see what the Prophet PBUH has not permitted it to see. Hazrat Abdullah acted on this advice. He thought if I look at this woman then I will be sent to Hell. It is better that I should avoid looking at this ***** (in front of me).

So Hazrat Abdullah did not eat pork, drank no wine and would not look at the naked woman. For three days she tried and then went to the King and said that I had gone to this man to do the base act with him but he is made of stone.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Sajjadur Rehman | Message from the Mosque
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