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Message from the Mosque - What are the Imams saying


May 12, 2009
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I'll be regularly posting new and old recordings maintained under a project by Mashal Books called "Message from the Mosque - Ulma'a kya kehtay hain?". It covers a number of cities, and all major sects as well.

The project is being expanded, but the people who record these have faced threats and once beaten by a crowd for being a "spy" as well. However, it is of immense importance since it shows us the reality of the message given to out general public by imams.

With every recording, an urdu transcription and an English transcription is also provided. For brevity and my time's sake I'll only post the more important ones. You can of course follow the updates on your own.
Maulana Zahid Mehmood Qasimi - Deobandi - Attock

Minister for Religious Affairs, Hamid Mehmood Kazmi called a mushrik after shouting unproven allegations (why was he attacked?) that can provoke attacks, violent outbursts against Qadianis and followed by - wait for it - spewing of poison against Barelvis. So much for communal harmony. Imam Sahib praises SSP leader Ludhianvi as well.

When I was in Saudi Arabia for Haj this year I went to Madina to say namaz at Masjid Nabwi. Pakistan’s Religion Minister Hamid Mehmood Kazimi was also there for Haj but he kept sitting in Pakistan House. People asked him why he was not saying his prayers at Masjid Nabwi where people who prayed got sawab (blessing) equal to 50 thousand namaz offerings. To this the Minister said: my namaz cannot be offered behind the Prophet PBUH.

This is your Minister for Religious Affairs. He is a mushrik (believer in someone in addition to Allah) and when in Makka and Madina he does not say his namaz inside the House of Allah. In this grand congregation today I demand that this mushrik be driven from his ministry. Those who are in agreement with me raise your hand.

This mushrik minister gave 150 Qadianis quota for Haj through a travel agent in Peshawar. No Mushrik can enter Makka and Madina but this mushrik is the friend of the Kuffaar (non-believers). He had made a compact in London that we will give you licence and that you will be able to go to Haj. This mushrik minister gave quota to 150 Qadianis and we within the organisations of Khatm-e-Nabuwwat protested most emphatically. We have always blocked the way of these people and will go on doing so and will confront the dissenters from Khatm-e-Nabuwwat (finality of the Prophet PBUH).

Now I will speak about another mushrik. The First mushrik is from Rahimyar Khan who got elected on the PPP ticket. The Second mushrik is from Faisalabad. The son of Sardar Singh named Sahibzada Fazl Karim (MNA) whose father’s background is like this: When Zafrullah Khan Qadiani was foreign minister and came to Lyallpur (Faisalabad) the first person to greet him was Sardar Singh. This Fazl Karim is the son of that cursed person. This man has destroyed our home on the occasion of the Birthday of the Prophet and burnt the books there pertaining to hadith and exegesis of Quran. Then he led an attack on Jamia Qasimiya and looted the homes of the teachers. And worst of all, his trouble-makers approached the grave of my father and dug it up!

O followers of Deobandi Islam! Hazrat Maulana Tayyab Panjpiri had defeated the shameless Sansis and today the same shameless people have come and destroyed my father’s grave. These Sansis (Barelvis) are formed into a group and wear white turbans, their leader damaged my father’s grave. They took revenge for the defeat our followers had inflicted on them. These mushrik people then got on top of the minaret and unfurled their flag saying the heir of Ziaul Qasimi hade been arrested and his home and his sons had been burnt in fire and his madrassa had been taken over. Let us all celebrate, the Mushriks said.

My dear audience (including those from Attock), I have narrated what happened in Faisalabad, and how thirty other friends of mine were arrested. But I am grateful to Muhammad Ahmad Ludihanvi (leader of Sipah Sahaba) that he came to Faisalabad the same day swearing that he will not leave till he had avenged what had been done to Ziaul Qasimi’s house and his family. Hafiz Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi and Ahmad Ludihanvi held a meeting in Darul Quran and all the madrassas cooperated with them. The next day a procession of 15 thousand from the mosque to Kutcheri Bazar came out wearing shrouds and saying give us the order and we will put an end to these mushriks. But our leaders said don’t be impatient we will do what our Prophet PBUH has asked us to do.

The next day, an ultimatum was delivered to the government and a convention was held in which the head of Wifaqul Madaris presented himself and later came to see me in the prison before addressing a press conference. Later Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Maulana Samiur Rehman and the leadership of Majlis-e-Ahrar came to the city. The members of Alami Khatm-e-Nabuwwat and Hafiz Siddiq Sahib came to see me too. I am grateful to all these great ulema and recall that when my father had come out in his struggles he was accompanied by the great Maulana Muhammad Ali Jalundhari.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Zahid Mehmood Qasimi | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Muhammad Hanif - Barelvi - Attock

Sectarianism, Showing Barelvis as superior to Deobandis, Qadianis, Jihad and call for (figuratively) taking up arms against deniers of Khatm-e-Nabuwaat (reference to Qadianis).

In war there is a code that the army repeats all day. This is a kind of war slogan or guideline. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid with his army of three thousand came to clash with Musailama the Pretender Kazzab. The Companions asked Khalid what is our code of the day? He replied it is: Muhammad and Ya Rasul Allah.

The war started. All day the Companions went on crying Muhammad and Ya Rasul Allah and kept fighting the rebels, fighting against the violators of the doctrine of khatm-e-nabuwwat (finality of the Prophet PBUH) and against the rebels of Islam. Both sides raised the cry of Allahu Akbar, which scared the Companions because they did not want to kill the believers in Oneness of Allah.

Hazrat Khalid was an intelligent man he took the flag and got on top of a hill and turned his face in the direction of Madina and cried Ya Rasul Allah, which immediately gave strength to the army of Islam and they put an end to the rebels.

This tells us that Khalid and the Companions had come to put an end to the rebels by defending the idea of khatm-e-nabuwwat. The identity of the rebel is that he is insults the Nabuwwat (prophethood) And those who fight the rebels can be identified by the slogan of the Prophet PBUH on their tongues. But no one can become a soldier of Nabuwwat by holding conferences. If you are the true soldier then give voice to the cry of Ya Muhammad PBUH. Your ancestors had paved the way for the Qadianis. Deobandi leader Qasim Nanotwi in his book Tahzir al-Naas had stated that even if someone came (and claimed prophethood) after the Prophet he would not affect the Finality of the Prophet PBUH.

On this Mirza Ghulam Ahmad jumped up and said I have come! And then the world saw that on the floor of the National Assembly of Pakistan when the leader of the Qadianis Mirza Nasir Ahmad took out Nanotwi’s Tahzir al-Naas, the rebel Muslims (Deobandis) were greatly shocked and surprised and did not know how to answer the leader of the Qadianis.

May Allah bless Shah Ahmad Noorani got up and said O Mirza, sit down. On the book by Nanotwi, our Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi had given his fatwa of apostatisation (kufr) a hundred years ago. Keep this in mind: the man who defends the Prophethood will always be true and the man who insults the Prophethood will always be false.

The man who fights the rebel of Prophethood will always cry Ya Rasul Allah which will be according to the thinking of the Companions. And remember that there will always be dispute between the rebels and the defenders, between those who say Ya Rasul Allah and those who don’t say it. They will never unite.

In the times of Caliph Siddiq Akbar a war was waged against the rebels. During the time of Caliph Usman the rebels were so strong they martyred him. Hazrat Ali also faced the rebellion of these people. The rebels became Kharijees and started killing people and started calling Ali as Kafir. Who were these Kharijees? Their origin goes far back.

In Bukhari Shareef on page 472 it is narrated that once the spoils of war were brought before the Prophet PBUH. The Prophet PBUH distributed the booty but one man stepped forward looking strange: his eyes were sunken, cheeks puffed up and forehead extremely narrow wearing a shalwar that hung at half calf. Why did Bukhari describe the appearance of this man? Others like Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab were never described like this. This was the kharijee, his shalwar tucked up above his ankles.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcrption, follow this link:-

Maulana Muhammad Hanif | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Mufti Saeed Ahmed - Ahl e Hadith - Sialkot

I need not summarize this violent outburst. Covers everything from Jihad to military to India to America to nuclear power to Afghanistan.

Let us not be spectators but get together to swear that we will avenge the making of cartoons about our Beloved Prophet PBUH. O Muslims, get up and take in hand your arrows, pick up your kalashnikovs, train yourselves in explosives and bombs, organise yourselves into armies, prepare nuclear attacks and destroy every part of the body of the enemy.

The Quran instructs us but since we have not followed it the Europeans have published the cartoons. Former ruler President Farooq Leghari arrested Aimal Kansi from Dera Ghazi Khan and handed him over to the US. And merciless America put him on the electric chair and handed over his corpse to Pakistan.

Supplier of women (dalla!) Musharraf and his shameless khaki clad army-men handed over the daughter of the nation Aafiya Siddiqi to the Americans. He kept quiet on Afghanistan and put a stop to Kashmir jihad. He also destroyed the Jamia Hafsa in Islamabad.

In Musharraf’s book more betrayals are narrated. He sold the Arab mujahideen, sold Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, and earned dollars by doing this. This group of kanjars (pimps) and clowns (bhaand) have got hold of the Two Nation Theory and have become dominant on us.

Allah has got us rid of Musharraf but who has been imposed on us in his place, Mr Ten Percent Zardari. Prime Minister Gilani who proclaims he is a Syed is lying because in his rule women are being freely raped and there is no remedy. And India in the name of friendship is interfering in Balochistan.

It is only yesterday that Lahore suffered seven explosions after similar explosions at Aabpara in Islamabad, the Wah Factory, and the Islamic University. There are suicide bombers all over the place and Americans, Indians and Jews are crawling all over disguised and hidden in cars with windows covered in black tint. Today India has blocked our water by building 62 illegal dams on our rivers. Under the Indus Waters Treaty, Indus, Sutlej and Jhelum belonged to Pakistan, but India was opposed to the situation and has built dams on them.

Hafiz Saeed has called a large rally of protesters against water-stealing India on the Mall in Lahore to open the eyes of the media. The Hindus are dissemblers, they say something and do something else. Manmohan Singh said there was no water issue and Pakistan should get hold of Hafiz Saeed. The Hindus have rejected Jamaat Ali Shah the Water Commissioner of Pakistan and other delegates. My brothers, the answer to water thieves, cartoon-makers and drone fliers is only jihad in the name of Allah.

Today Pakistan is at an important crossroads. The hatred among the people against the kafirs has reached a new height. Remember the ambassador of America had come to Lahore trying to pin a medal on the chest of a boy who had won distinction but the boy refused to accept the medal from the ambassador saying America was not friend of Pakistan and Muslims. The hands of America are red with the blood of Muslim women and children. We will not receive medals from these people.

This year in February eight FATA leaders were going to America on the invitation of the US embassy but once there they were subjected to humiliating body search and scanning (jama-taladshi) But when it came to scanning, the eight refused to be subjected to insult and turned back saying if the Americans don’t invite us again it does not matter, what matters is our honour.

May America the rebel of Allah be destroyed. We will not go to America after being made naked (nanga). A big change is upon us and there is revolution in the air. Look the Americans have come and located themselves in our country. They will not leave unless we impose jihad on them. The experts of jihad are predicting that America will be subjected to a lot of drubbing before it decides to leave. We will have to create a graveyard of the Americans like the one created in Vietnam.

In America 172 banks have gone bankrupt. The G-20 hooligans get together and hold consultations to strengthen the IMF with funds. Until yesterday only Hafiz Said was asking for contributions. And the mujahideen have thrashed the Americans so much that they are now forced to beg for contributions.

Now the Americans go to Saudi Arabia begging it for an arranged meeting with Mullah Umar and peace talks with the Taliban. The big slap was delivered on the cheek of Hindus in Mumbai by Deccan Tigers and although the Hindus have done bigger mischief in Pakistan, they can’t for get forget the slap of Mumbai.

I tell the generals and the establishment in the country that if you want to relieve the pressure and want to bring peace to your country then give a bloodbath to Indian and American diplomats in Kabul and Kandahar. The Hindu will stop blocking your water after that.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Mufti Saeed Ahmed | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Manzur Ahmad - Ahl e Hadith - Sheikhupura

Politics, Zardari bashing, America bashing, calls for communal harmony.

People love each other because if they have some trait which is in common. If I am from Sheikhupura and you too are from the same city, if I am a Jat and you too are Jat, if you and I are both Butt, then we will like each other.

Zardari tells George Bush, ‘I like you because you are a liar and I too am a liar’. People, what about our love for each other? How will our love succeed?

Our love is for Allah; but what is Zardari but a thief (chor—uchaka) a sickness (bimari), an enemy of the Maulvi and a friend of George Bush? May Allah get us rid of this man. Amen.

I want to say more. The sea of people in front of me including leaders and youth force will become the sword of late Allama Ehsan Elahi Zaheer and an assault of Habibur Rehman Yazdani and spread out into the streets all over the country and will say, ‘Zardari! Hear this. By the grace of Allah the Wahhabis will protect Pakistan and protect Islam’.

But Zardari says I will look after widows and orphans. I say, Shut Up Zardari! How dare you! (Teri aisi ki taisi). How can Zardari look after widows and orphans when he has not been able to look after his wife? He wants to become Uncle of the nation (mama).

O killer of wife! Caster of the lustful gaze at other’s wives! May curse be upon you (lanat), O genuine illegitimate child (******). Come and listen! Our love is for Allah, our anger if for Allah and our challenge is on behalf of Allah. One day we will bring you down!

One day a man told me that I should speak with some caution because my speeches have been recorded and sent to Zardari who has heard them. I answered if there was any science involved in making speeches. Was I ever that sort (cautious) of speaker?

Listen to me. I declare that East or West, at the Regal Chowk of Lahore or elsewhere, our grand gatherings are of those who fear only Allah and his Prophet PBUH. Let Zardari and his supporters take this to heart that anyone who thinks negatively about Pakistan we will blow him up. And anyone who speaks against the Prophet PBUH we will crush him. The Wahhabi will press down kufr (non-belief) and hold aloft the flag of Unity of Allah.

Of Friends! The invitation to hadith is an invitation to Unity. The Prophet PBUH said I am leaving behind two things for you: the Book of Allah and the Way of the Prophet PBUH. As long as you hold on to these two things no one can bring you harm. The Prophet PBHUH said anyone who loves my way (sunnat) loves me and anyone who loves me will accompany me to Paradise.

Great scholar of Islam of the Ahle Hadith Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Sheikhupuri used to address mammoth crowds and say there can be no consensus on the Hanafis and no consensus on the Malikis but there was only one consensus that was possible among Muslims and that was the embracing of the Quran and the Way of the Holy Prophet PBUH. And that would be possible if you don’t spread division and schism.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Manzur Ahmad | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Abdul Jabbar - Ahl e Hadith - Sialkot

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, G A Pervez, Ghamidi are all bashed, Science is bashed, rationality is bashed and focus is on achieving peace between science and religion and by virtue of the focus on denying Hadith importance, all other sects, especially Quran-alone sects are bashed.

One of the rejecters of hadith is Sir Syed Ahmad Khan whom people at times go to the extent of calling a hero. Sir Syed was born in 1817 and was dead in 1898. He was greatly enamoured of the West and liked its ways. People will remember that he set up Aligarh University to convert Muslims into angrez (Englishmen). No one remembers that he also wrote a tafseer (exegesis) of the Quran.

When Sir Syed’s tafseer was presented to Abul Kalam Azad he said it is not a tafseer of the Quran but its rebuttal (rejection). Sir Syed rejected all miracles and said he did not believe in miracles (mujaza). He did not believe in Paradise and Hell. Nor in angels and the jinn. Thus all that is stated in the Quran he rejected. He also rejected hadith.

Sir Syed thus played an important role as an enemy of Islam. The 7th group of the deniers or rejecters of hadith is called the Chakralwi Group. Its founder Chakralwi was an inhabitant of Gurdaspur. He not only rejected the hadith – listen to this carefully – he said hadith is ‘shirk’ (adding someone to the Oneness of Allah). He rejected the miracles, he rejected the pain of the grave and rejected intervention (shafaat) and denied that the Prophet PBUH was the last Prophet.

The 8th group of rejecters are those who say the entire faith is a game. They say religion has to be changed according to times and the muftis should carry out the duty of suiting religion to times. According to them beard and shalwar over the ankles was a way of the Companions centuries ago. Jihad and Zakat too was the order of the Companions and is no longer relevant. Likewise purdah is irrelevant today. Today’s issues are different and religion must find solutions to them by changing itself. Make a new religion so that people can accept it in our times. The leader of this gang was Ghulam Ahmad Pervaiz who died in 1985 in Lahore. Today’s zinda laash (walking corpse) Javed Ahmad Ghamidi is another of these rejecters who has a made a game out of religion and has tried his best to distort it.

I will dwell on Ghamidi next week or the week next but let me tell you about the 9th group that rejects the hadith and that is the one led by Masududdin Usmani. He says he does not reject hadith but any hadith that clashes with the Quran is rejected. My question is can hadith be against the Quran?

Those who reject hadith say hadith is not wahi (voice of Allah) but in Sura Yunus verse 15 it is said that Allah follows wahi and the Prophet too follows wahi. This proves that hadith too is wahi. Sura Nisa verse 113 tells us that Allah sent down Quran and hadith both. Sura Najm says the Prophet PBUH does not speak on his own therefore hadith is wahi. And Sura Qiyamat says Quran was sent down by Allah and He also explains it through hadith; therefore hadith is wahi.

They also say that hadith is against reason (aql) but I say it is against your personal aql, it cannot be against reason. Only Hindus, Christians and Jews are against reason. What is hadith but the sayings of the Prophet PBUH? And the Prophet PBUH is the highest point of reason in the Creation. How can hadith be against reason?

And if hadith is against your reason then you should also deny the Quran. The Quran says Hud-Hud and Ant can talk among themselves. The Quran talks about miracles. They are also things that defy reason. Those who deny the hadith deny also the Quran.

There is objection that hadith is against science. The fact is that hadith is not against the sciences. The truth is that the sciences are against the sciences. Scientist appeared among humanity and declared first that the earth is static and does not move. Then another group came and said the earlier scientists made a mistake and the earth actually moves. Some said the sky is non-existent and later some said as far as the eye can see it is the sky. The truth is that the science that we have manufactured is pitted against itself. It is also against hadith but hadith can never be against reason.

The Quran in Sura Kahf says Zulqarnain went in the direction of the West and saw the sun set. Science says the sun never sets. If the sun never really sets then the Quran is against science. (That is the position.) O those who reject hadith do also reject the Quran! The Quran and hadith are the Kalam of Allah and the sayings of the Prophet PBUH. We can reject the sciences but not the Quran and hadith.

The objection is that hadith goes against history. The fact is that some history has come down with authentic sources. Hadith will never be against history if history is given with proof. And if you say that hadith goes against history then the Quran too is against history. The Quran says Azar was the father of Hazrat Ibrahim and man-made history says Azar was his uncle. Whom should we believe, the Quran or history? We cannot go along with history; we cannot reject hadith and the Quran.

Then the objection is that hadith has contradictions but the fact is that there is no contradiction in hadith. If you insist on contradiction then the fact is that Quran too has contradictions. Should we then reject the Quran? Sura Baqara verse 234 says if a husband dies his widow will have four months of iddat (waiting) but verse 240 says the period is one year.

Does this mean that the Quran is contradictory? No the truth is that one order is replaced with another order of Allah. The Quran says Allah replaces one earlier order with a later order (mansookh). Sura Infaal verse 65 says if you are 20 and confront 200 enemy you will overcome. Then the Quran says if you are 100 you will overcome 200 of the enemy. Does this mean the Quran contradicts itself? This first order came in light of the virtues of the Muslims and the second order came in the light of their weaknesses.

Hadith and the Quran have no internal contradictions.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Abdul Jabbar | Message from the Mosque
how can trust ur interpretation of sm1s saying ... and why only Anti America Anti Government and Anti India Mullahs are quoted .. why not those who preach peace love and harmony ..why ..??
how can trust ur interpretation of sm1s saying ... and why only Anti America Anti Government and Anti India Mullahs are quoted .. why not those who preach peace love and harmony ..why ..??

1. I'm not doing the transcriptions. They are being carried out by individuals behind the project and professional translators. You can follow the link and listen to the audio recording and compare it with transcription to see whether there is any difference.

2. I have not finished posting, have I? So, why the criticism on selection of the khutbas?
Someone should control these "Imams", they are the cause of the poisoned mindset found in a substantial number of our populace.

The level of Jahalat shown by these hate mongorers is alarming but expected. These are the same people who wrecked Kashmir committee in the 30's, they opposed and cursed Pakistan before it's creation and today they are destroying it from within.

The day we get rid of these Jahils and actually get learned imams who preach a universal message, we will be much better off.

All these sermons you would hear would have one thing in common, hatred against someone and call for violence. No wonder there see so many people willing to become terrorists.

May Allah help us.
Maulana Muhammad Yaqub - Ahl e Hadith - Faisalabad

Anti-contraception and family planning message and why and how to avoid Zina.

Allah has banned killing children before birth (abortion, birth control) together with the killing of children after birth. He said don’t kill your children simply because you don’t have enough to feed them. In this respect, He addressed both the victim children and the killer parents.

The state bans hunting of birds and looks after the production of cattle, opposing the killing of animals, but why should it allow the killing of infants before birth? Why are the Muslims bent upon killing human beings while conserving wild life and cattle?

The Quran says Allah gives food (rizq) to the newborn as well as the parents.

Allah has promised rizq but not allowed extravagance. If you abstain from extravagance then the children you don’t kill become grown men who will earn more rizq. In old days your ancestors used to eat just one bread and sustain two children, but now those two are two hundred and from one family many families have emerged. And food is still being provided by Allah.

Hazrat Ibrahim had said to Allah please give food only to the Muslims and not to those who don’t believe because the non-believer will destroy your faith. Allah told his beloved prophet that he would give rizq to both the believers and the non-believers. “I am not the Provider (Rabb) of Muslims only but Rabb of all the worlds”. That is why Allah says to us that we should not put up publicity for contraception. I can swear that the ministers who recommend birth control have a dozen children each at home.

Allah also forbade the evil of zina (fornication) or the sexual act. He said don’t go near it because it is extreme shame and dishonour. If you do fornication (*** with anyone other than wife) my mistake then do penance (tauba). One very good solution is to keep the women behind veil. Women should not be allowed to roam in the markets without a veil (nanga). Another way of avoidance of zina is by keeping your gaze to the ground and not look at other women.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Muhammad Yaqub | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Ashraf Asif -Barelvi - Mandi Bahauddin

Morality, maintaining decency, calls for self-control, music.

The Prophet PBUH says in a hadith that a man who protects his eye against sinful (haram) indulgence will be given houris to enjoy in the Hereafter. And the peeping tom who glances into others’ houses from the rooftop will be raised in the Hereafter as a blind person. And the person who stops the ogler from his sinful pastime will also be married to the Houris in Heaven.

And if you keep your eyes of clean vision and do it for the sake of getting Houris there is no harm in it. But those are superior who observe modesty of vision simply because they want to please Allah.

If the eyes have a discipline, the ears too have one. If you are not allowed to freely see someone (like a stranger woman) you are also not allowed to hear her voice. Unless of course you are a doctor or a cleric and the woman has come to seek advice in which case a very restricted freedom is allowed to ears.

These are laws not made in parliament but made in Heaven by Allah. If you are not allowed to hear the voice of a na-mehram (stranger) woman you are also barred from listening to her voice on the phone.

The Prophet PBUH has made it clear that all senses have their own way of sinning which is a kind of zina (fornication). Any kind of pleasure which is against the Shariat is zina. There is the zina of the eyes, of the ears and the tongue.

The identity of the true believer (momin) is that he observes the morality of the senses. He keeps himself and his senses clean. But today times have changed and the youths have no access to good company. And that which is crime in Shariat is not considered a crime. The idea of sin has also changed. Today English dominates the mind and the youth has wandered with the help of English style.

There is a difference between a dog and a Muslim. The dog will go wherever he wants to and will eat and drink whatever pleases him but a momin is not supposed to be like a dog.

Let me tell you the modesty of the eyes is not only that a man should avoid looking at a na-mehram woman, there are other sounds that he must not allow his ears to hear, like the music of a wind-instrument, the raising of the weeping voice of protest, if raised collectively.

Qasim bin Muhammad once asked someone if listening to songs and musical instruments was permitted. The answer was in the form of a question: tell me where will the songs and musical instruments be on the Day of Judgement, Hell of Paradise? The answer came: in Hell. In that case give your self the fatwa that song and music is haram.

The only thing good for the eyes and ears is that which is allowed by Islam, listening to the Quran being recited, listening to the praise of the Prophet PBUH being sung, etc.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Muhammad Yaqub | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Abdul Hameed Chishti -Barelvi - Multan

Science, importance of Namaz (prayers), debate on the Prophet's expansiveness of knowledge, Girls and challenges of modernity, TV artists and religion.

Scientists have estimated that the electricity we consume in Pakistan is one and a half tola (less than an ounce); the electricity that Allah sends us for our crops and our bodies is 480 maunds. Think how you will pay for the electricity of Allah if you can’t pay your bills of one a half tola you are using now!

O, avoider of Namaz your funeral is forbidden! O, Forsaker of Namaz your body can’t be buried in a Muslim graveyard. Great poet Sultan of the Pious, Sultan Bahu says that the man who doesn’t say Namaz is worse than Khanzir (pig).

I am quoting a hadith which is from the Abu Muslim collection and I know the names of all the Muslim warriors who will fight the great battle against Dajjal the anti-Christ, and I know the names of their parents and even the colour of the horses they would be riding.

Ali Qari Muhammad who has done justice with Hadith has told us about the miracle contained in the knowledge of kul (the whole) and juzv (the part) given to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Someone asked me what is this kul and juzv? Maulana Muhammad Umar Achcharvi had a debate (munazira) with an opposing cleric who claimed that the Prophet PBUH did not have the knowledge of the kul (the whole) to which Achcharvi said: “The Quran says Adam had knowledge of everything (kul); how can it be that Allah should give Adam kul and give his Prophet Muhammad POBUH not even a kulli (small hut)?”

Milk goes bad but purified butter (ghee) doesn’t go bad. Milk has water in it but ghee doesn’t. The bogus clerics are milk and the wali (friends) of Allah are ghee! The mullah can go bad but a wali can’t. Someone said to me, “All clerics are the same: they have beards and you have a beard; they give sermons and you give sermons; they recite the Quran and you recite the Quran. So don’t speak against them because all clerics are right even though their livelihood is their main concern. We stand behind the Quran and don’t care about the mullahs”.

I said to them, “Then there is no quarrel. If your wife knows the Quran by heart say your namaz behind her and if a faithless Mirzai knows his Quran by heart except that he denies one aspect of the Prophet PBUH, will you say your namaz behind him? I know you will not. Why should you pray behind the mullah if he denies the Prophet’s ability of the knowledge of the Whole?”

Now consider this: Eighteen thousand warriors on one side and only eighty two on the other. In the smaller Lashkar of Muslims there were3 great wise men of Islam, recites and prayer-observers of late night. But those whop followed Yazid said their namaz separately not behind Imam Hussain. The Pure Hussain would not pray behind the Yazeedis. Today anyone who calls Imam Hussain a rebel or traitor he would be Yazeedis in the eyes of us Hussain people. How can we pray behind them?

Today things have changed. There was a time when accosting a girl led to fights, today girls get cell phones costing Rs 20,000 and the girls are in their bed talking secretly on the cell phone and no one minds. The mother thinks the girl is asleep but she is in fact in bed talking to her lover. This is no laughb9ing matter. Mufti Sahib has told me another tale. A boy was pressing his mother’s feet and saying that he had started talking ton a girl and if she did not marry him with her he would throw himself in front of a bus and kill himself. I say, give this boy more mobiles to facilitate his talking to girls.

I am not saying snatch the cell phones; I am only saying please keep an eye on your girls. Sacred hadith says don’t spare the stick on your children. But what is our conduct? Today when the TV drama starts the son runs to his father saying come and see it before it starts. Plague on such a son. He should have instead said the azan is coming from the mosque, let’s go there!

Today the dress is the limit. On weddings video-wallahs carry their cameras around while the women paint themselves to be ready to be filmed like actresses. And the boys wear pants. I have not find out how they get into these pants.

There was a gathering to which I was invited. A guest came up and gave me a note saying he had been married 20 years but his in-laws present there refused to let his wife go with him. Then another note came which said last the maulvi had caused the rain to fall, can you repeat the miracle? I was trapped. But I said I will come off stage only after this rain has started. But first you will have to let the bride go with the bridegroom. They did not let the bride go and I was freed from the pledge to cause rain.

If the medicine is bitter one has to mix it with sugar. The scourge is so blatant that the kanjris (prostitutes) on TV say that Allah is kind to them because they are dancing for the last 20 years. I say this is not blessing of Allah but his scourge. I will tell you that today the youths are so used to this that when they listen to a CD they at once know which prostitute is singing. They also know which year the prostitute sang the song on which day she died.

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Maulana Muhammad Yaqub | Message from the Mosque
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