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Thanks @sandy_3126 for elevating me into some august company, but I'm not too sure how much I belong. In your list I do find some really worthy people of honor.
@Pfpilot for instance; he does not post too frequently but when he does-he articulates a very well thought out view in most appropriate words.
Or @niaz sahab for example, every post of his is WOW (Words of Wisdom).
@gambit and @Oscar have contributed in such a large measure to increasing our knowledge base on certain technical points. Then there is @ANTIBODY, who I must commend for almost single-handedly trying to ensure that this remains a Defence Forum with his industrious endeavors in setting up so many informative threads.
@Joe Shearer almost by default finds himself into the list. Now that is some great "fault" of Joe.
These names are only some of the worthy colleagues that I share space with on this forum/board. There are so many others like @Elmo, @darkWave / Emo Girl (Lady Courage) @Ikarus, @Bang Galore, @XiNiX, @Rabzon, @RescueRanger- who seems to be busier at work nowadays. The list can only get just longer and longer..............
@sandy_3126; and I'd be grossly unfair if I overlook your contributions.

All of this makes up for the rank proliferation of Twits, Twats and Twerps that is so visible of late on PDF; who blow like a wind and gas about. But well............
Its only that the PROS are still outweighing the CONS! :)

p.s.had to correct some names.
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Don't take offence if you're not on my list!!
I have!!

My vote for armstrong for member of the year and imran for lifetime achievement in trolling. :)
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