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Meeting India's military challenge

but at that time also india got alot alot more than PAKISTAN in military aspect .3 ratio 1 and sometimes more than this is always there between india and pakistan .

Might be, but you dont see the whole Indian Contingent taking on pakistan, there was and Is always a fair ratio maintained....
First of all, it was pakistan who invaded and second...don't compare 1947 with 2010. The world has change and war is much more expensive now. In 1947, no arial battle, tank war and naval confrontation was there.

I dont want to go in details of history because in such a case we will be away from topic. i just gave the example to elaborate my point .
now in this century both countries cannot afford war because it could easily shift toward non conventional war .now is the era of 4rth generation war strategy .and i think both sides have their own plans regarding this .
now in this century both countries cannot afford war because it could easily shift toward non conventional war .now is the era of 4rth generation war strategy .and i think both sides have their own plans regarding this .
Escalation to non conventional war depends on the objective of both the sides. India will not allow pakistan to cross the threshold.
I agree with you if situation arise Pakistan will defend it self, they are capable of doing that. But the question is whether Pakistan will be able to achieve its political objective. Let be honest.... present situation in Kashmir favours India and it want to maintain status quo of territories. In order to change that scenario Pakistan can either continue with proxy war or confront India militarily. Proxy war has not given desire result and not even expected in future.

As second option... you can't confront with India militarily for Kashmir because you have reduced your armed forces to defensive role. Your policies are defensive in nature and that going to hurt Pakistan in future.

Do you really seeing a war in near future between India & Pakistan and if you are seeing that then what is the possibility of that war truned into a Nuclear war?.:mod:
Do you really seeing a war in near future between India & Pakistan and if you are seeing that then what is the possibility of that war truned into a Nuclear war?.:mod:
India and Pakistan relation is very unpredictable. If there is any other attack like Mumbai, war is imminent with the objective of reducing /destroying each other's military capabilities. Both countries will suffer but I don't think nuclear war is possible because existence of India and Pakistan will never be threatened.
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I think we are all forgetting one major factor here: The naval scenario. In any possible future engagements, it is very much possible that the Indian Navy will try blockade Pakistan.

This can put a serious dent in Pakistan's capability to wage war. Now, I am not assuming that PN will take this lying down, but Indian Navy is quite a lot stronger than the PN and the difference between the two navies is increasing. In such a situation will it be possible for PN to prevent such a blockade?

I dont think PAF will be able to help PN put much, since they will have their hands full defending the mainland. Even if they send some aircraft to attack Indian ships, IN will have aircraft from aircraft carrier to defend against an air attack. Also, IN will be able to call in IAF aircraft from mainland India to support Navy aircraft.

Pakistan's Augusta subs are capable and deadly, no doubt, but will they be able to damage IN enough to stop the blockade? IN will have several frigates, destroyers, smaller vessels and aircraft prepared to face the Augusta threat.

Just my thoughts.
I think we are all forgetting one major factor here: The naval scenario. In any possible future engagements, it is very much possible that the Indian Navy will try blockade Pakistan.

This can put a serious dent in Pakistan's capability to wage war. Now, I am not assuming that PN will take this lying down, but Indian Navy is quite a lot stronger than the PN and the difference between the two navies is increasing. In such a situation will it be possible for PN to prevent such a blockade?

I dont think PAF will be able to help PN put much, since they will have their hands full defending the mainland. Even if they send some aircraft to attack Indian ships, IN will have aircraft from aircraft carrier to defend against an air attack. Also, IN will be able to call in IAF aircraft from mainland India to support Navy aircraft.

Pakistan's Augusta subs are capable and deadly, no doubt, but will they be able to damage IN enough to stop the blockade? IN will have several frigates, destroyers, smaller vessels and aircraft prepared to face the Augusta threat.

Just my thoughts.

Yes indeed, INS will have to Play a major role in here if a situation like that arises..... But There is also a major factor, we have second strike capability, but still a nuke war will prove costly to the entire Asia and To the world as well
okkkkkkk this thread has turned into a MEASURING contest as usual!!!

however, see to cut it short a war if it happens pakistan is not IRAQ or PALESTIAN that it would be a cake walk & india is surely not US that will use hi tech gadgets to knock out MOUNTAINS or innocent civilians & call it "victory"!

war would be bloody for both sides india will be made to pay for every inch it dreams about having! & pakistan will surely feel what the french felt at VERDUN in the 1st world war!

so instead of having wet dreams here about a war between the two nations let's just read this article & understand that both sides will suffer equally and let's just leave it at that!
India and Pakistan relation is very unpredictable. If there is any other attack like Mumbai, war is imminent with the objective of reducing /destroying each other's military capabilities. Both countries will suffer but I don't think nuclear war is possible because existence of India and Pakistan will never be threatened.

Simple both nations are hostile to each other .
we are enemies and will remain enemies for ever.
nothing can cause these two nations to come close .
war will come with lethal outcome .
SO you give strength to your nation and we will make our country strong and see what happens in future .
Simple both nations are hostile to each other .
we are enemies and will remain enemies for ever.
nothing can cause these two nations to come close .
war will come with lethal outcome .
SO you give strength to your nation and we will make our country strong and see what happens in future .

i think that's a very pessimistic view. Indians and Pakistanis have more in common than most people think.

Take the common man in both countries. They dont want to fight. Its the politicians, and some warmongers who want a war. If both India and Pakistan manage to reduce corruption, and elect leaders who are actually willing to sit down and compromise on issues, and do what is good for their nation than for themselves, then we can bury the hatchet.

If the Europeans, who fought each other for centuries, can come together, i'm sure india and pak can.

Hell, I think in another 200 years, many countries of the world would have merged together and humans would have colonies on other planets! By then, our descendants will be looking back and wondering why we ever fought, just like we wonder why our ancestors fought so many pointless wars.
i think that's a very pessimistic view. Indians and Pakistanis have more in common than most people think.

Take the common man in both countries. They dont want to fight. Its the politicians, and some warmongers who want a war. If both India and Pakistan manage to reduce corruption, and elect leaders who are actually willing to sit down and compromise on issues, and do what is good for their nation than for themselves, then we can bury the hatchet.

If the Europeans, who fought each other for centuries, can come together, i'm sure india and pak can.

Hell, I think in another 200 years, many countries of the world would have merged together and humans would have colonies on other planets! By then, our descendants will be looking back and wondering why we ever fought, just like we wonder why our ancestors fought so many pointless wars.

Europe buried its problem and shook hands AFTER all disputed land was come to an agreement! the GERMANS got their rhineland back! & the polish were given their land back & so on.....you wnat peace with pakistan solve kashmir and i assure you we will have nothing left to fight on....but india will never do it....hence no peace in this region until kashmir & sir creek is solved!
Europe buried its problem and shook hands AFTER all disputed land was come to an agreement! the GERMANS got their rhineland back! & the polish were given their land back & so on.....you wnat peace with pakistan solve kashmir and i assure you we will have nothing left to fight on....but india will never do it....hence no peace in this region until kashmir & sir creek is solved!

Europe solved all there problem because of only one reason nearly 100% education among European ppl this is not the case in India and Pakistan politician on both sides are using and will us Kashmir issue as vote policy

my point is there is no solution to Kashmir issue untill there is 100% literacy on both side then only ppl can understand than negotiating issues over table is much easier than taking things to war field

but i will have to say that situation is worse in pak side (my opinion)here in india hardliner bjp came to power only once while in pak whatever is the reason military (hardliner) ruled country for 30 years we also have very hardliner speakers like Bal Thackeray but he is not as popular as zaid hamid in pakistan (nothing against zaid hamid) infact Bal Thackeray is not even in power in his own state and i know after reading this many pak members will raise question about modi in gujrat yes he is in power but not because he is hardliner he is in power because of his growth pocily in gujrat (
gujrat is fastest growing state in india even better than maharastra )
bjp has lost its complete ground in uttarprades hindu majority state where bjp got the oppurtunity to gain power to center bjp lost in UP not because it daviated from hardliner policy because they didnt do much for state ppl in india will give vote to the party once , if they perform they will be back in power if they dont they will have to sit in opposition which is not the case with pakistan. no one in pakistan today can guarantee that next ruler in pakistan is going to be democratic or dictator

at last it is not possible for pakistan to win kashmir from india and indian is not in position to risk nuclear war with pakistan thus best resolution to kashmir is accept LOC as international border
thnx :cheers:
The prospects of India going to an all out war with Pakistan are absolutely dubious. yeah may be a small border skirmish or any other thing like that but no full scale war, as Pakistan is completely aware of the fact that Pakistan cannot take on India under present circumstances so the last option that would strike Pakistani policy makers during a full scale war with India would be to use Nukes, because if the war occurs Indians shouldn't live in denial that Pakistan wont protect the territorial integrity of the land. So i don't think that war is an option, even a small nuclear bomb can cause massive destruction and the number of bombs possessed by Pakistan are unknown :azn: so no sane country would dare to disrupt the nuclear environment
If that is your rational conclusion, then let me enlighten you that this so called war on terror has cost Pakistan over $30 Billion, but has it dented our resolve or made Pakistan vulnerable, if any thing Pakistan has come out much stronger. But if one was to take your explanation seriously, then i wonder why it was India desperate to resume open sky policy.

good to hear that pakistan have capacity to spend 30 billion US DOLLAR. btw can u give me any link which can says that pakistan spend this amount on their own. As far as i know ur military budget is jus around 2billion us dollar. faaltoo ki shining kio maar raha hai mere bhai 30billion bolke. :sniper:;)
good to hear that pakistan have capacity to spend 30 billion US DOLLAR. btw can u give me any link which can says that pakistan spend this amount on their own. As far as i know ur military budget is jus around 2billion us dollar. faaltoo ki shining kio maar raha hai mere bhai 30billion bolke. :sniper:;)

35+B US$ is the economic cost that Pakistan has suffered so far, by combining everything into it, related to economic life.

Military budget is separate then that.
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