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Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines

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Apr 22, 2012
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Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines


When thousands of Muslims become refugees, then you can’t get the media to shut up about it for weeks. Thousands of Muslim migrants invading Burma became “refugees” and the media has spent the better part of a year ranting about how evil the Buddhists are.

But when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian city creating tens of thousands of refugees, you couldn’t pay the media to cover the story, whether it’s in Syria, Egypt or closer to home in the Philippines.

Philippine troops have started to battle their way into coastal villages in the south where Muslim rebels have held scores of residents hostage in a six-day standoff, sparking fierce clashes that have killed 56 people and displaced more than 60,000, officials said Saturday.

President Benigno Aquino III said more firefights were expected but assured more than 62,000 displaced villagers being sheltered at a sports complex in Zamboanga city that the rebels’ capability to sow trouble has been degraded and the government was working to end the crisis soon.

Zamboanga is the 6th largest city in the country and 3/4 Christian and an obvious target for the MNLF Muslim terrorists (who are of course denying responsibility and blaming a rogue leader). It’s an obvious target because of its central influence in Mindanao. It’s the city that Muslims want. And it’s likely that the MNLF is finding shelter in the Muslim parts of the city.

Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines | FrontPage Magazine
I'm pretty sure the media was and is silent on burma. I've never seen burma make the headlines and I watch the news everyday. Unless you count pdf as a media source. And where did you get this 60,000 number from?
Misuari besmirch the image of Islam and destroy the honor and dignity of the good Muslims in the Philippines. He is wreaking havoc beyond the teaching of Islam...A certified paranoid psychopath who doesn't deserve to exist...
@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Oscar @Zakii @nuclearpak @Jungibaaz @Rafael

Please lock or delete this thread, its from a frontpage magazine article, the neocon islamophobic rag of David Horowitz. Any thread based on frontpage magazine articles need to be locked or deleted.

Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines


When thousands of Muslims become refugees, then you can’t get the media to shut up about it for weeks. Thousands of Muslim migrants invading Burma became “refugees” and the media has spent the better part of a year ranting about how evil the Buddhists are.

But when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian city creating tens of thousands of refugees, you couldn’t pay the media to cover the story, whether it’s in Syria, Egypt or closer to home in the Philippines.

Philippine troops have started to battle their way into coastal villages in the south where Muslim rebels have held scores of residents hostage in a six-day standoff, sparking fierce clashes that have killed 56 people and displaced more than 60,000, officials said Saturday.

President Benigno Aquino III said more firefights were expected but assured more than 62,000 displaced villagers being sheltered at a sports complex in Zamboanga city that the rebels’ capability to sow trouble has been degraded and the government was working to end the crisis soon.

Zamboanga is the 6th largest city in the country and 3/4 Christian and an obvious target for the MNLF Muslim terrorists (who are of course denying responsibility and blaming a rogue leader). It’s an obvious target because of its central influence in Mindanao. It’s the city that Muslims want. And it’s likely that the MNLF is finding shelter in the Muslim parts of the city.

Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines | FrontPage Magazine
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Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines


When thousands of Muslims become refugees, then you can’t get the media to shut up about it for weeks. Thousands of Muslim migrants invading Burma became “refugees” and the media has spent the better part of a year ranting about how evil the Buddhists are.

But when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian city creating tens of thousands of refugees, you couldn’t pay the media to cover the story, whether it’s in Syria, Egypt or closer to home in the Philippines.

Philippine troops have started to battle their way into coastal villages in the south where Muslim rebels have held scores of residents hostage in a six-day standoff, sparking fierce clashes that have killed 56 people and displaced more than 60,000, officials said Saturday.

President Benigno Aquino III said more firefights were expected but assured more than 62,000 displaced villagers being sheltered at a sports complex in Zamboanga city that the rebels’ capability to sow trouble has been degraded and the government was working to end the crisis soon.

Zamboanga is the 6th largest city in the country and 3/4 Christian and an obvious target for the MNLF Muslim terrorists (who are of course denying responsibility and blaming a rogue leader). It’s an obvious target because of its central influence in Mindanao. It’s the city that Muslims want. And it’s likely that the MNLF is finding shelter in the Muslim parts of the city.

Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines | FrontPage Magazine

LOL Frontpage article, next you're going to put a thread from Stormfront :rofl:.

I laugh at your ignorance & fart at your general direction.
FrontMag? hahahahahahaha....


Let me give you "How bad the Jews are" , from Nazi newspaper :D

Only dumb sh!ts like bhartis would believe and promote such propaganda by a staunchly biased, anti-Muslim internet magazine..

Media globally should keep a strict eye on criminal behaviour of muslims

Another muslim-bashing comment from the slayer of muslims raj. why are you so obsessed with muslims raj.
Another muslim-bashing comment from the slayer of muslims raj. why are you so obsessed with muslims raj.

Thats bound to happen .The actions of the wahabbi and deobandi extremists is inflaming non-muslims and inflaming them.I hope muslim brothers repent their ways and better not protect criminals in their religion in the name of islam.
Another muslim-bashing comment from the slayer of muslims raj. why are you so obsessed with muslims raj.

Thats bound to happen .The actions of the wahabbi and deobandi extremists is inflaming non-muslims and inflaming them.I hope muslim brothers repent their ways and better not protect criminals in their religion in the name of islam.
I don't know about this magazine, but somehow the whole non-muslim world is becoming anti-muslim. I believe it's high time muslims around the world start introspecting, living in denial will not help in the long run.
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