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Mayhem in Karachi - Karachiites trap CJ at Airport

Well Asim thanks for asking me this question I say you should accept the statements from them after all they do not pose any threat to the state like Musharraf and MQM do.

It is stupid to call any of them a threat to Pakistans National Security.

Eye witness? Asim the whole world saw what happened, it was on TV. The world saw how big a traitor Musharraf's (so called democarcy) is doing look at it MQM his party Murdered people so that they can show dominance that was a cowardly act (in effect it was Musharraf's party). It is very sad u had to give prizes for first and last place, however, you agree the MQM is traitor party who murdered most of those civilians.

It was the bad apples which engaged in killing of the civilians. However, i still think and should be obvious for everyone that no one likes to kill innocent civilians. People dead were probably because they were members of the opposing party creating the same violence or they were killed in a fight by accident. No party is that stupid to commit such an act. Everything has its own reasons.

:rofl: Asim you make me laugh. Musharrah is MQM he is member of them and he supports them if you support Musharraf you support MQM.

He is only a mahajir not a member of MQM by any means. Musharraf supports every party democractically elected by the people of Pakistan.

Yeah right he is the same guy who Murdered Bugti and created a war against his own country men, he is the same guy who allowed the murder of civilians by the hands of MQM. Explain why he hasn't taken action against MQM and dont say that other parties were involved in this attack it was solely done by the MQM. And last but not least he is a dictator.

Everyone agreed that Bugti must be gone. He didn't allow killings by MQM. Let the useless accusations to be put aside. Also other parties WERE involved in the violence, otherwise there would be no violence.

Feel free to argue.

Well Asim thanks for asking me this question I say you should accept the statements from them after all they do not pose any threat to the state like Musharraf and MQM do.

Not a threat?

Geez, if judiciary is the issue with Musharraf you know how Nawaz Sharif dissolved the Chief Justice in his time? He sent thugs into the Supreme Court, and they dragged the Chief Justice out.


MMA, you know what they were doing till a few months ago? They wanted to pass the Hisbah Bill where they can raise a unit of religious police akin to what the Tabliban had - Musharraf had it blocked!

And you do know most of our foreign debt is because of BB? She took all the money under Pakistan's name and fled the country! You do remember the corruption charges against her?

Eye witness? Asim the whole world saw what happened, it was on TV. The world saw how big a traitor Musharraf's (so called democarcy) is doing look at it MQM his party Murdered people so that they can show dominance that was a cowardly act (in effect it was Musharraf's party). It is very sad u had to give prizes for first and last place, however, you agree the MQM is traitor party who murdered most of those civilians.

It wasn't on TV. TV just reported when the violence had broken down. Who started it and how it started wasn't on TV. But TV - Geo TV reports that it was started on GT Road. Why? Because GT Road is the national highway. Or are you disputing that the ARD Nexus didn't carry guns?

:rofl: Asim you make me laugh. Musharrah is MQM he is member of them and he supports them if you support Musharraf you support MQM.
Actually he's not. He's an independent person and has gone to odds with the MQM time and time again.

Yeah right he is the same guy who Murdered Bugti and created a war against his own country men, he is the same guy who allowed the murder of civilians by the hands of MQM. Explain why he hasn't taken action against MQM and dont say that other parties were involved in this attack it was solely done by the MQM. And last but not least he is a dictator.

What you are pissed off because Bugti died? Are you a supporter of Bugti? Bugti who wanted to separate a Pakistani province? Bugti who kidnapped and murdered hundreds of Pakistanis and even killed Chinese engineers helping Pakistan build new projects? Bugti who killed the French engineers who were building the Agosta Subs for us? Bugti who fired on 2 PAF Bases, and who blew away gas pipelines every other month?

Yes Musharraf had that rotten piece of crap killed and :tup: for it! Geez and you were lecturing me about traitors! Now I get your resentment! You are a goddamn Bugti supporter!
Top news papers in Pakistan are critical of Mushraff's handling of Karachi situation....there were a host of them posted on BBC yesterday. I cannot find it now :(
Newspapers have always been critical of Musharraf, they can't seem to get over his original sin that he is a guy who came to power in a coup.
Well Mushraff has started acting like politicians who has fallen in love with power and position. His decision to employ MQM to get his job done is a pointer to that. Pakistanis need to realise that you have another BB or NZ in the making, the difference being that this time he cant be overthrown easily.

The only good thing thats coming out of this mess is that he has stopped giving 'out of the box' solutions for Kashmir. The GOI spokesperson should be relieved, as he neednt call a press meeting everyday to clarify India's stand.
This comes from an anti-establishment paper, even though the reporting is accurate there is a hint of bias towards the CJ.

My commentary from the points I've emboldened:

1. All this happened and he still didn't bother addressing the IBA? His job was done, Karachi was under unrest... Maybe he didn't have a chance to do so? Naaah, read on to point 6.

2. How systematic? To hold an address conveniently when the MQM rally was planned. And then the opposition parties also hold their rallies on the same day? All rallies should be approved for coordination by the local government, was this one approved?

3. Nope seems like the local government had warned them to change the dates since the situation was tense. The government tried to avoid this catastrophe... But maybe Musharraf wanted this... Read on...

4. A retired officer close to Musharraf DID also urge caution and informed them that a melee might ensue if they showed up... Musharraf also tried to prevent this.

5. Lastly the federal government meaning Musharraf himself tried to prevent this catastrophe by asking for a simple postponement. All three events on the same day are just stupid!!!! CJ is stupid after all and so are the Nexus apparetly. So when those guys were being really anal about it, the government tried to assist them by blocking off the main trouble points of shahr-e-Faisal.

6. Ok the crap had hit the fan. The IBA hosts couldn't come down to the airport to receive the CJ. There was commotion at the Jinnah terminal. Now the Sindh government insists the CJ to please go to your destination on a helicopter. All problem should've been solved. He could've made his address, avoided the hostile mob and everything. But he wanted to put on a show. He refused their offer and insisted to wait fruitlessly (someone should've informed him by now over the phone that they can't come to pick him up) to go by road (where the mob was waiting for him) with the hosts who can't come to pick him up.

So time and time again the government tried to defuse the situation but the CJ was just an anal basket case that wouldn't agree to anything and brought Karachi into this troubled scenario.

What do we know about what happened on May 12?
By Tahir Hasan Khan
What price did Karachi pay on May 12 and for whom? Moreover, what will the city achieve by paying this price? Is there somebody to answer this? Many people also ask why Karachi was chosen to bear this huge price. After all, who selected this city to settle their scores and to satisfy their egos in such a violent manner?

One thing for sure is that different people will have different answers about such queries.

However, I personally think the reaper of the damage will take a long time and people of this mega city would suffer for a long time.

Another thing that is for certain is that the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Chaudhry flew back home from Karachi on Saturday without addressing the Sindh High Court Bar.

Meanwhile, President Gen. Pervez Musharraf was able to address his rally behind bullet-proof glass and stringent commando security. The president seemed in high spirits and blamed the Chief Justice of Pakistan for the killings and violence in Karachi.

The president also congratulated Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain for holding such a big rally in the federal capital. He proudly exclaimed that people of Karachi showed their support for him through the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) rally, organised in Karachi to show its strength and to counter the opposition’s plans.

We also know some other facts. The Sindh High Court and Karachi Bar Association invited the CJP to address their members and fixed 12 May for their programme. On this news, opposition alliances ARD and MMA and ANP and PTI planned to welcome the Chief Justice on his visit to the city.

We know that the situation had become tense in the city when the opposition parties and MQM started their preparations for May 12 simultaneously. The Sindh government wrote a letter to the Supreme Court and informed the Registrar of the SC that the situation in Karachi is not suitable for a visit by the CJP.

It is also known that Sindh Home Secretary Brig (retd) Ghulam Muhammad Mohteram, a retired army officer considered to be very close Musharraf, wrote to the Supreme Court to ask for the CJP’s Karachi visit to be postponed.

In his letter, he wrote: ‘it is foreseen that the planned caravan of the Honourable Chief Justice of Supreme Court from Karachi airport to different venues in the town could be stopped by political elements and in ensuing melee, the person and thus the office of the honourable CJP might be slighted.’

The federal government also warned the CJP and asked him to cancel his visit. But Chaudhry refused to cancel. Therefore, finally, the provincial government blocked Shahrah-e-Faisal one day before the arrival of the CJP with containers, trucks and buses.

People had never seen this type of arrangement. Many preferred to stay in their homes as they foresaw, albeit vaguely, what could potentially happen out on the streets. The CJP and his team landed in the city according to schedule, but, as it happened, they were confined at the airport as the hosts, the Bar leaders, could not reach the airport to receive them.

Aitizaz Ahsan came out from the airport and told the media that the Sindh home secretary and CCPO were forcing the CJP to travel from the airport to the Sindh High Court by helicopter, but that Chaudhry had refused, insisting that he will go with his host. As it turned out, the hosts did not show up at the airport and finally the CJP flew back home without addressing the Bars and without addressing the Bars and without the sort of welcome that was accorded to him in the Punjab one week prior to his visit to Karachi.

Begum Abida Hussain, who belongs to a very reputed family of Punjab, and who has served many important positions in different governments, arrived in the city to see the welcome of the CJP.

She told me that she was worried when the CJP was coming to the Punjab. She feared of what would happen if the people of Punjab did not respond well and did not welcome Chaudhry.

She said that such thoughts were natural, as was the thought that it would leave a very bad impression about Punjab if the Punjabis showed their loyalty to be with the rulers instead of the CJP, who had become a symbol for the independence of the judiciary.

She also felt that the impression of Punjabis was bad within the country and they were considered to be pro-establishment because of the fact that a majority of the army men belong to the Punjab.

Hussain said she was shocked when she saw the people of the Punjab come onto the streets from Islamabad to Lahore. Women, aged people, children and people from every walk of life were on the roads along with their families. It, she said, looked as if it was Eid, with everybody happy and ready to welcome a man who refused to bow to the orders of a ‘dictator.’

She was happy, she said, at the end of the event because the people of Punjab changed the impression that they were pro-establishment. This was accentuated by the fact that the Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervez Elahi had organised a rally by the ruling party on same day and brought all government employees, teachers, patwaris and peons for the rally.

However, the people of the Punjab did not like this act and, despite all efforts to stop it, the CJP was welcomed in a historic manner.

Hussain said she came to Karachi with the same spirit and to see the same scenario, but ended up going back sad and despondent. The senior politician said she believed that the people of Karachi were not responsible for this situation. They, she believed, are democratic and always played a role against dictatorship. She said Musharraf and his allies Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and Altaf Hussain are disturbed with the popularity of the CJP and the historic welcome that he received in Punjab only heightened this feeling. She said that they felt that his popularity posed a threat to their power.

Perhaps her analysis holds some answers for the people of Karachi.
He can be overthrown by a simple mechanism that he himself has created. It is the legal way of getting him off both the positions. Get the majority vote in the National Security Council and voila it's done.

The NSC contains the Judiciary as well as opposition members.
The rest I disagree.

Asim Aquil said:
What you are pissed off because Bugti died? Are you a supporter of Bugti? Bugti who wanted to separate a Pakistani province? Bugti who kidnapped and murdered hundreds of Pakistanis and even killed Chinese engineers helping Pakistan build new projects? Bugti who killed the French engineers who were building the Agosta Subs for us? Bugti who fired on 2 PAF Bases, and who blew away gas pipelines every other month?

Yes Musharraf had that rotten piece of crap killed and :tup: for it! Geez and you were lecturing me about traitors! Now I get your resentment! You are a goddamn Bugti supporter!

You are neither person that thinks nor a person who uses good judgement that is beneficial for others. By reading, your statement you don’t have good knowledge of what is happening in Pakistan, and how politics is played. I will give you an example; Moses asked god why you don’t kill/destroy, all those who hate, murder and cause chaos in the world... Later that day Moses was working in the fields or somewhere he go tired and he rested against a Palm tree, little ants started crawling up his leg and as he was sleeping only one ant bit him; for that Moses swept his hand across his leg and killed all the ants. Then god asked Moses why did you kill all those ants when only one bit you.

Asim, Bugti didn’t murder the French engineers it was Indian terrorist who did that there passports were shown, the gas pipe line attacks again Bugti was blamed but it was not proven, the dispute in about making Baluchistan a country that is what Musharraf is going to end up doing if doesn’t leave, and this small group that oppose to stay with Pakistan is funded by India. Well the attack on Pakistan army is due to there operation in Baluchistan.

The reason why Bugti was murdered was because Musharraf hated him, Bugti opposed Musharraf and his puppet government. Bugti was blamed for the assassination attempts that had happened on Musharraf, therefore, Musharraf wanted to kill him. This now has started a feudal war between the armed forces and Baluchistan for which Musharraf is to blame the matter could have been settled if he had sent delegations to the province.
I will give you an example; Moses asked god why you don’t kill/destroy, all those who hate, murder and cause chaos in the world... Later that day Moses was working in the fields or somewhere he go tired and he rested against a Palm tree, little ants started crawling up his leg and as he was sleeping only one ant bit him; for that Moses swept his hand across his leg and killed all the ants. Then god asked Moses why did you kill all those ants when only one bit you.

That is so irrelevant here...
Asim, Bugti didn’t murder the French engineers it was Indian terrorist who did that there passports were shown, the gas pipe line attacks again Bugti was blamed but it was not proven, the dispute in about making Baluchistan a country that is what Musharraf is going to end up doing if doesn’t leave, and this small group that oppose to stay with Pakistan is funded by India. Well the attack on Pakistan army is due to there operation in Baluchistan.
Indian agents? Dude the entire freakin Baloch Liberation Army (who Bugti was the head of) is an Indian sponsored organization. India operates 4 Consulates on the Afghan-Pak border to facilitate the BLA. Bugti did blow up the gas pipelines, its not even disputable. Bugti has been leading an anti-Pakistan movement and you are calling me a traitor after supporting him?

Next you'll claim the BLA has the good of Pakistan at heart! LOL!

The reason why Bugti was murdered was because Musharraf hated him, Bugti opposed Musharraf and his puppet government. Bugti was blamed for the assassination attempts that had happened on Musharraf, therefore, Musharraf wanted to kill him. This now has started a feudal war between the armed forces and Baluchistan for which Musharraf is to blame the matter could have been settled if he had sent delegations to the province.

Bugti was killed because he raised an army of over 4000 soldiers whose stated goal was to bring down Pakistani territory. He wasn't just an enemy of Musharraf he was an enemy of the state.
Breaking news 21 killed.

Blast wounds several people in Pakistan's Peshawar ISLAMABAD, May 15 (Reuters) Several people were wounded by an explosion near a mosque in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar Tuesday, police and witnesses said. “The blast took place near Masjid Mohabat
Khan. Several people were wounded,” Arshad Ali, a policeman at the scene, told Reuters, referring to a mosque in the heart of the city. (Posted @ 13:20 PST)


Asim, did Bugti do this too?
Breaking news 21 killed.

Blast wounds several people in Pakistan's Peshawar ISLAMABAD, May 15 (Reuters) Several people were wounded by an explosion near a mosque in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar Tuesday, police and witnesses said. “The blast took place near Masjid Mohabat
Khan. Several people were wounded,” Arshad Ali, a policeman at the scene, told Reuters, referring to a mosque in the heart of the city. (Posted @ 13:20 PST)


Asim, did Bugti do this too?
It doesn't make a point for Bugti. BLA is still operational but obviously weakened. And this is an incident that took pace in Peshawar, NWFP. Not Balochistan.

You are clutching at straws now in support of Bugti. This is what the CJ supporters are like? BB, NS and Bugti supporters. I'm good with Musharraf, thank you!
How do you duduce this all? I think I should step down you have completely missed my point I was trying explain that Bugti is a politician and he should not have been murdered. It is like if some one who hates dictatorship murderes Musharraf or Altaf would you like that no. There has to be a diplomatic solution. In this world there are two great super powers one is the pen and the other is the sword.
A diplomatic solution was offered to the Bugti tribe's militant wings. Many Bugti sardars did surrender except for Nawab Akbar Bugti. He wanted to keep up the fight against Pakistan and Pakistan killed its enemy.
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