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Mayhem in Karachi - Karachiites trap CJ at Airport

I am no supporter of the Gujarat Admin, But that what you have written is plain wrong. They did what the karachi police did, listened to their political masters and stayed away. Your support to Musharraf even at his worst is a sad sight to see. Nice to see you have double standards.

I've seen Musharraf do things and I've seen a decade of BB and NS do things. I know how those political gundas work. They came for a fight and they got one.

About Gujarat, I don't like to drag it further but seriously you need to see the Indian documentary, The Final Solution. And listen to the claims against the Gujju Police.

We dont have a dictatorship, Center cannot put in the Army without State consent on internal matters.
Neither do we... We have a Chief Minister for that too. The difference is, the consent won't be there since your CM was in on the whole thing. You are seriously comparing 20 deaths to 2000?

True, but for him it is about consolidating his power rather than the economy at this point of time.
The economic rise in Pakistan is a strong component for his power.

Next also understand, that in South Asia, Politics is a very dirty game, and even we have your share. Quit having double standards.
Just by saying double standards it doesn't make it double standards. The phrase doesn't even make any sense. Quit making fashionable statements like politicians.

Everybody has the right to hold rally's. its the duty of the government to provide protection. There are reports the security forces just stood by. Let the MQM kill everyone on sight. Sad
You can hold rallies but every rally of this magnitude has to be agreed upon by the local administration. You can't bring guns to the rally. You have to work out a date, roads have to be closed off, traffic has to be diverted... The Nexus' rally did nothing like that. They just showed up. They wanted to time their rally to overshadow the MQM rally. Them being there was illegal. They broke the law.

As I said the MQM rally was announced before theirs. They just wanted to butt in... I'm not setting double standards, I'm just saying how things are and how things happened.
Pakistani troops told to shoot rioters

KARACHI (Reuters) - The Pakistani government authorized paramilitary troops on Sunday to shoot anyone involved in serious violence in Karachi, where 37 people have been killed over the past two days, an official said.

On Saturday, 34 people were killed and more than 130 wounded in the country's worst political street violence in two decades, sparked when Pakistan's suspended top judge tried to meet supporters in the southern city.

Violence between pro-government and opposition activists eased on Sunday but three people were killed in separate incidents and protesters set fire to several shops and cars.
Government attempts to remove Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry over unspecified accusations of misconduct on March 9 have outraged the judiciary and the opposition.

The judicial crisis has snowballed into a campaign against President Pervez Musharraf and is the most serious challenge to the authority of the president, who is also army chief, since he seized power in 1999.

But the violence in Pakistan's biggest city sparked by the judge's visit has raised the spectre of bloody ethnic feuding that plagued Karachi in the 1980s and 1990s.

"We have increased the presence of Rangers in the city and have told them to arrest or shoot anyone involved in violence and riots threatening life or property," Interior Secretary Syed Kamal Shah told Reuters, referring to a paramilitary force.

"The events of yesterday were very serious and violent. The whole city was paralyzed and many precious lives lost," he said. "We don't want a repeat."
Two political activists, one from an opposition party and one from the pro-government Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), which runs Karachi, were killed on Sunday. The body of a third man, shot in the head, was found in a volatile neighborhood.

Chaudhry, who denies wrongdoing and has refused to resign, flew into Karachi on Saturday, hoping to meet his supporters. But the violence prevented him from leaving the airport.


Musharraf condemned the clashes and criticized Chaudhry for ignoring a government appeal not to go to the volatile city
In a speech to tens of thousands of supporters in Islamabad on Saturday, Musharraf ruled out a state of emergency.

He said elections due this year -- first a presidential election followed by a general election -- would be on time.

Mourners at the funeral of two members of an opposition religious alliance shouted anti-Musharraf slogans and called for an Islamic revolution as the bodies, draped in party flags, were carried away for burial.

The police have been widely criticized for failing to stop the clashes between members of the MQM, which opposed Chaudhry's visit, and its old enemies including the religious alliance and former prime minister Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party
Most of those killed were members of the PPP and the opposition Awami National Party (ANP), which represents ethnic Pashtuns.

Provincial ANP President Afrasiab Khattak said he feared ethnic violence: "If they fail to control militancy it will divide Karachi on ethnic lines."

But a PPP leader played down the fear.

"I don't think it's ethnic violence, it's government supporters trying to beat the opposition into submission," said Raza Rabbani, leader of the opposition in the upper house.
Lawyers are due to boycott courts on Monday and the Islamist alliance has called for a nationwide protest.

This clearly shows that opposition parties have no intrest in pakistan as country they only want power.
i think governments orders shoot to kill will bring peace back to karachi.:enjoy:
I just heard on CNN, that rioting is still happening. 4 people have been killed today and 36 killed on saturday
Asim have you read the news your party MQM attacked the people of Pakistan and was backed by your beloved Mushi.

Dawn Report

ISLAMABAD, May 12: Condemning what they called the worst form of state terrorism unleashed in Karachi, opposition leaders on Saturday demanded an immediate resignation by President Pervez Musharraf.

In their separate statements, former prime minister and Pakistan People’s Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) chief Nawaz Sharif, Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal president Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan said that ‘terrorism’ in Karachi was pre-planned and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement had been given a freehand to kill innocent people, destroy peace and attack media organisations and journalists in Karachi.

Ms Bhutto condemned what she described as “the civil war-like conditions created by the ruling party in Karachi”.

In a statement issued here, Ms Bhutto claimed that 14 of those killed during violence in the city on Saturday were workers of the Pakistan People’s Party.

“The sight of the sons of Pakistan bleeding to death on the street of Karachi is a shocking insight into the cruelty of the present regime,” she said.

She called upon the Supreme Court to take suo motu notice of the incident. She demanded registration of cases against the law-enforcement agencies personnel and Muttahida Qaumi Movement members involved in the violence, their arrest and prosecution.

Speaking at a hurriedly called press conference in London, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif said that the real face of dictatorship had been exposed.

Mr Sharif said workers of the PML-N along with those of other parties had suffered fatal casualties and many of them were seriously injured.

“But the sacrifices of these people will not go waste,” he added.

The PML-N chief said the Chief Justice of Pakistan had been detained once again and this time by the Sindh government on the orders of Gen Musharraf.

“They even tried to abduct him in a helicopter. Lawyers were stopped by armed gangs from reaching the Sindh High Court. Some women lawyers were treated in a most shameful manner,” he alleged.

He said Gen Musharraf on Saturday had made a dangerous attempt to divide the people of Pakistan.

“I vehemently condemn all these acts of state terrorism,” He added.

According to Mr Sharif, the most heartening outcome of the events in Karachi had been the utter refusal by the patriotic people of the city to side with dictatorship and gangsterism.

He said all sober and patriotic members of the MQM stayed away from the state-sponsored rally, which consisted of only a few hundred people and was a total flop.

“I want to salute these patriotic people of Karachi and Sindh on behalf of all Pakistan for sending a clear message that they will not side with dictatorship but with the constitution,” he declared.

Describing the current struggle as a movement, he said it would only gain momentum and the people would not rest till there was rule of law and democracy in Pakistan.

General Musharraf, he said, had used the institution of the army to fulfil his ‘fascist ambitions’ and “now there is real danger that people could turn against the army and this must be avoided at all costs”.

He said the entire world had witnessed the true face of dictatorship in Pakistan. If allowed to continue it would completely destroy Pakistan and destabilise the region.

Qazi Hussain said: “We condemn the provincial government’s direct involvement in disturbing the law and order situation in Karachi.”

He said that no military general would be allowed to take over from Gen Musharraf to start another reign of terrorising the nation.

Imran Khan said that the MQM was an ethnic party which was involved in terrorist activities. He said that Gen Musharraf had become the security risk for the country. “Time has come that Gen Musharraf and the military should quit.”

He said that TV channels in their live transmission had clearly shown the activists of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement firing and beating lawyers and the general public who were there to welcome Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry.

Chaudhry Nisar said the government had lost its credibility and the law and order situation in the country demanded Gen Musharraf and his government to step down immediately.

In Karachi, Naheed Khan, political-secretary to Benazir Bhutto, claimed that Muttahida Qaumi Movement ‘terrorists’ fired on her procession near Aysha Bawani College. According to her, the terrorists taking position on roofs of a college and Sea Breeze Plaza resorted to indiscriminate firing on the procession.

She said that gates of the Saddar police station were locked from inside and shots were fired on the procession from the police station, where MQM ‘terrorists’ had taken shelter.

She said dozens of teargas shells were fired from the roof of the police station, leaving scores of workers, including women, unconscious.

She said more than 200 People’s Party workers had been trapped beneath the Baloch Colony bridge and held hostage by the MQM activists.

MMA leader Liaquat Baloch said that politics of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement were based on violence and bloodshed. He said the MQM was a coalition partner of the ruling party and its decision to take out the rally was an attempt to create turmoil and anarchy in the country.

Mr Baloch said the government was trying to create an environment to impose emergency in the country, adding that people of the country were united to against the dictatorship.


:rofl: Mushi and MQM those jokers said 10 of thousands will come to there rally and yeah righ!!:rofl: only few hundered fools came and they were paid actors:lol: .
On media record, govt agencies already warn CJ about violence. Then why he took this step ? Now everyone is acussing CJ for the death of 37 people.
And how come all of sudden CJ feel like goin on Quaid mazar, he never went their in his 58 years.
Unfortunate man played in hand of PML Q and PPP. He has no future now. He lost his credibility.
He didn t act like CJ of Pakistan, he look more like a rally boy with smily face.
Condemning what they called the worst form of state terrorism unleashed in Karachi, opposition leaders on Saturday demanded an immediate resignation by President Pervez Musharraf
The innocnet opposition leaders had no idea this would happen.thats why there so called workers came to karachi with guns.
All the political parties and there leaders should be killed.these basterds will do any thing for seat.

Ms Bhutto condemned what she described as “the civil war-like conditions created by the ruling party in Karachi”.

In a statement issued here, Ms Bhutto claimed that 14 of those killed during violence in the city on Saturday were workers of the Pakistan People’s Party.

“The sight of the sons of Pakistan bleeding to death on the street of Karachi is a shocking insight into the cruelty of the present regime,” she said.

She called upon the Supreme Court to take suo motu notice of the incident. She demanded registration of cases against the law-enforcement agencies personnel and Muttahida Qaumi Movement members involved in the violence, their arrest and prosecution.

Funny since he left Islamabad so called CJ is been on ppp payroll.the jeep he is traveling around in is provided by PPP. PPP flag is on the jeep PPP is picking up his tab.

one should ask why in the hell a judge is travelling around the country.if he is innocent from all the charges face it in court.just like he would except others to do.but i guess LAws dont apply to this clown.
I guess most people facing charges in courts should travel around the country on opposition pay roll don't show there real colors.
even if he was not guilty. excepting money from PPP .and politicizing this he is in no position to be Judge.cause what ever he decides we all no he could be bought.
CJ is now a politician, playing in the hands of Ganja.
PPP & PML-N have joined forces to oust Musharraf, and this is the beginning of the ARD movement. The flags of the rioters are the PSF (People's Students Federation).








I have heard that rangers is already there, and the everything is now under control.
If the Army can play politics and modify constitution to suit its needs, whats wrong with the Chief Justice doing the same?
Damn, the guy in the 5th picture in the light blue/white salwar-kameez has a SHOT GUN.
If the Army can play politics and modify constitution to suit its needs, whats wrong with the Chief Justice doing the same?
riots? Pakistanis dying?

Musharraf came to power with support and it was a bloodless coup with people exchanging sweets. And this is how CJ is trying to rise to power!
Asim have you read the news your party MQM attacked the people of Pakistan and was backed by your beloved Mushi.

Dawn Report

ISLAMABAD, May 12: Condemning what they called the worst form of state terrorism unleashed in Karachi, opposition leaders on Saturday demanded an immediate resignation by President Pervez Musharraf.

In their separate statements, former prime minister and Pakistan People’s Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) chief Nawaz Sharif, Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal president Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan said that ‘terrorism’ in Karachi was pre-planned and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement had been given a freehand to kill innocent people, destroy peace and attack media organisations and journalists in Karachi.

Ms Bhutto condemned what she described as “the civil war-like conditions created by the ruling party in Karachi”.

In a statement issued here, Ms Bhutto claimed that 14 of those killed during violence in the city on Saturday were workers of the Pakistan People’s Party.

“The sight of the sons of Pakistan bleeding to death on the street of Karachi is a shocking insight into the cruelty of the present regime,” she said.

She called upon the Supreme Court to take suo motu notice of the incident. She demanded registration of cases against the law-enforcement agencies personnel and Muttahida Qaumi Movement members involved in the violence, their arrest and prosecution.

Speaking at a hurriedly called press conference in London, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif said that the real face of dictatorship had been exposed.

Mr Sharif said workers of the PML-N along with those of other parties had suffered fatal casualties and many of them were seriously injured.

“But the sacrifices of these people will not go waste,” he added.

The PML-N chief said the Chief Justice of Pakistan had been detained once again and this time by the Sindh government on the orders of Gen Musharraf.

“They even tried to abduct him in a helicopter. Lawyers were stopped by armed gangs from reaching the Sindh High Court. Some women lawyers were treated in a most shameful manner,” he alleged.

He said Gen Musharraf on Saturday had made a dangerous attempt to divide the people of Pakistan.

“I vehemently condemn all these acts of state terrorism,” He added.

According to Mr Sharif, the most heartening outcome of the events in Karachi had been the utter refusal by the patriotic people of the city to side with dictatorship and gangsterism.

He said all sober and patriotic members of the MQM stayed away from the state-sponsored rally, which consisted of only a few hundred people and was a total flop.

“I want to salute these patriotic people of Karachi and Sindh on behalf of all Pakistan for sending a clear message that they will not side with dictatorship but with the constitution,” he declared.

Describing the current struggle as a movement, he said it would only gain momentum and the people would not rest till there was rule of law and democracy in Pakistan.

General Musharraf, he said, had used the institution of the army to fulfil his ‘fascist ambitions’ and “now there is real danger that people could turn against the army and this must be avoided at all costs”.

He said the entire world had witnessed the true face of dictatorship in Pakistan. If allowed to continue it would completely destroy Pakistan and destabilise the region.

Qazi Hussain said: “We condemn the provincial government’s direct involvement in disturbing the law and order situation in Karachi.”

He said that no military general would be allowed to take over from Gen Musharraf to start another reign of terrorising the nation.

Imran Khan said that the MQM was an ethnic party which was involved in terrorist activities. He said that Gen Musharraf had become the security risk for the country. “Time has come that Gen Musharraf and the military should quit.”

He said that TV channels in their live transmission had clearly shown the activists of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement firing and beating lawyers and the general public who were there to welcome Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry.

Chaudhry Nisar said the government had lost its credibility and the law and order situation in the country demanded Gen Musharraf and his government to step down immediately.

In Karachi, Naheed Khan, political-secretary to Benazir Bhutto, claimed that Muttahida Qaumi Movement ‘terrorists’ fired on her procession near Aysha Bawani College. According to her, the terrorists taking position on roofs of a college and Sea Breeze Plaza resorted to indiscriminate firing on the procession.

She said that gates of the Saddar police station were locked from inside and shots were fired on the procession from the police station, where MQM ‘terrorists’ had taken shelter.

She said dozens of teargas shells were fired from the roof of the police station, leaving scores of workers, including women, unconscious.

She said more than 200 People’s Party workers had been trapped beneath the Baloch Colony bridge and held hostage by the MQM activists.

MMA leader Liaquat Baloch said that politics of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement were based on violence and bloodshed. He said the MQM was a coalition partner of the ruling party and its decision to take out the rally was an attempt to create turmoil and anarchy in the country.

Mr Baloch said the government was trying to create an environment to impose emergency in the country, adding that people of the country were united to against the dictatorship.


:rofl: Mushi and MQM those jokers said 10 of thousands will come to there rally and yeah righ!!:rofl: only few hundered fools came and they were paid actors:lol: .

Your excellent report is just "Imran Khan said...", "Nawaz Sharif said..." and "Benazir Bhutto said..."

Am I supposed to take their word as FACT?

Eye witness accounts and the independent media have all identified that the violence broke out from GT Road where both groups fired upon each other. MQM just happened to be the winners. Equally irresponsible though.

MQM is not my party. My allegiance lies to the President of Pakistan.

Musharraf has given orders to shoot at the rioters. Since MQM is the one mostly in control of the situation now, if they riot, they'd be shot at too. Musharraf has played fair and come down hard upon both the groups. His interest is only restoration of normalcy in Karachi. It's just the ARD Nexus trying to instigate violence right now.
Musharraf playing a fair hand? He let the MQM kill and teach the CJ supporters a lesson, After all that he is out with his army, Little use and Little Late if you ask me. Especially since this situation was well-predicted before.
Musharraf playing a fair hand? He let the MQM kill and teach the CJ supporters a lesson, After all that he is out with his army, Little use and Little Late if you ask me. Especially since this situation was well-predicted before.
You can never predict mob violence. Both the sides were shooting. They obviously came with guns and aren't so innocent in the killings either... Rangers were deployed in a matter of hours... He didn't simply let ANYONE kill.
Well I rather take what CNN and BBC are reporting; He let the CJ' supporters know that he would play below the belt.
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