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Maulana fazlullah killed

Afghan police say Pakistani Taliban leader killed in clash

Maulvi Fazlullah, the head of a Taliban faction in Pakistan's Swat Valley, was reportedly killed along with six of his comrades in the Barg Matal district of Afghanistan's Nuristan province, which lies close to the border with Pakistan, said Mohammad Zaman Mamozai, chief of the Afghan border force for the eastern region.

"Maulvi Fazlullah was killed in direct clash with Afghan border police...last night," he said.

He did not have further details. The Afghan Taliban have confirmed the fighting, but insist no foreign militants were involved.

The news of Fazlullah's death comes after reports of several days of clashes between Afghan forces and militants in Barg Matal.

Maulvi Faqir Mohammad, who heads a Pakistani Taliban faction based in the Bajuar tribal region, denied media reports that Fazlullah was leading any assault in Afghanistan.

"He could be in Nuristan because the Taliban have been moving back and fourth along the (Pakistan-Afghan) border," he told Reuters by telephone prior to reports of Fazlullah's death.

"He may be living in Nuristan but he is not engaged in any fighting there," he said.

In a BBC interview in November, Fazlullah said he had escaped to Afghanistan after a Pakistani military offensive against the Taliban in his Swat Valley stronghold in April last year.

(Reporting by Rohullah Anwari in Asadabad, Augustine Anthony in Islamabad and Alamigir Bitani in Peshawar; Writing by Sayed Salahuddin; Editing by David Fox and Chris Allbritton)

Afghan police say Pakistani Taliban leader killed in clash | Reuters
What????? hope this is true. and i hope it is not like the reports about Hakeemullah which he resurfaced again.
Great news if it's true but i guess we have to wait for the confirmation.
I'm getting confirmation from credible sources. Seriously hope its true. Apparently they attacked Afghan police.
yea he was called Mullah FM or Radio Mullah with head money of Rs 50 lakh

Good then. He and his in-laws had made life hell for people in Swat from what we read. But funny journey from a lift operator to a leader of terrorist militia....
Hundreds of Taliban led by Fazlullah attack Afghan town

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: The Afghan police in the eastern Afghan province of Nuristan have called for help after hundreds of Taliban led by Swat Taliban leader Fazlullah engaged in fierce clashes with security forces in Afghanistan, the BBC reported on Wednesday.

The Afghan Interior Ministry confirmed that at least seven Taliban and two policemen have been killed in the fighting so far.

Police in Nuristan asked authorities in Kabul for reinforcements and additional contingents had been dispatched to ward off the attack, a spokesman for the ministry said.

Quoting officials, the BBC reported that nearly 300 insurgents commanded by Fazlullah had entered the area earlier this week.

Fazlullah led the Taliban in Swat Valley until a military offensive overthrew their rule in April 2009.

Afghan officials described the attack on Barg-e-Matal district as “brazen”. Nuristan Governor Jamaloddin Badr said intense fighting was still going on in the district between police and Fazlullah’s men.

Additional reports said the Taliban attacked the district government building and a small police force was “trying to hold them off”. The provincial police chief said requested reinforcements were yet to arrive.

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 PM ----------

Fazlullah leads Taliban assault on Nuristan
By Express

May 27, 2010

Maulana Fazalullah. PHOTO: FILE


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KARACHI: Hundreds of Pakistan-based Taliban have launched an attack in the Afghan province of Nuristan and, according to local authorities, fierce fighting is continuing there, BBC Urdu reported on Wednesday.

About 300 Taliban, led by Maulana Fazalullah, had entered the district Bargh-e-Matal district of Nuristan province on Monday. The Afghan home ministry spokesperson said seven Taliban and three police officials were killed in the fight. Fazalullah, who led rebellion in Swat in 2008, had gone underground following a large military offensive in his area. However, the media reports said he had moved quietly to Afghanistan with his loyalists a few months ago.

Jamaluddin Badar, the governor of Nuristan, said the arms recovered from the dead Taliban are of Hungarian make and identical to those used by the Afghan security forces. He alleged that the former provincial officials had sold out these weapons. Nuristan police said that about 250 local men fought along with them against the invaders. They appealed to the Afghan home ministry to send international army and ammunition to remote areas. Meanwhile, International Committee of the Red Cross said that it is training Taliban in Afghanistan to administer first aid. According to the organisation, 70 Taliban received training last month.

According to the ICRC, many of the sick or injured Afghans fail to reach hospitals because of the war or damaged roads. Therefore, it has decided to impart first-aid training to people directly involved in the war. According to the Guardian newspaper, while commenting on this programme, a Nato spokesperson in Afghanistan said, “Nato highly appreciates the work of ICRC and we know that this job has to be accomplished impartially.” ICRC workers have already trained more than 100 Afghan security officials in administering first aid.

Published in the Express Tribune, May 27th, 2010.
TTP Swat chief Fazlullah killed in Afghanistan

KABUL: A top leader of Pakistan’s Taliban was killed in a clash with Afghan forces near the border, a senior Afghan police officer said on Thursday.

Maulvi Fazlullah, the head of a Taliban faction in Swat Valley, was reportedly killed along with six of his comrades in the Barg Matal district of Afghanistan’s Nuristan province, which lies close to the border with Pakistan, said Mohammad Zaman Mamozai, chief of the Afghan border force for the eastern region.

“Maulvi Fazlullah was killed in direct clash with Afghan border police last night,” he said.

He did not have further details. The Afghan Taliban confirmed the fighting, but insist no foreign militants were involved.

TTP Swat chief Fazlullah killed in Afghanistan – The Express Tribune

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