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Hindu mob have burned down the mosque and killed the Naib Imam!

They're Mewati Muslims right?

All I have to say is carry on the proud legacy of your ancestors, especially this man

You were not made to be someone's slave, not in history, nor now

Have love for all but if pushed take a stand for your rights even if it's the last stand, this is what they would have wanted

Good luck to tough SOB's of Mewat!!, Keep your chin up brothers in these tough times
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Good to see Hindus responding to these mewati rioters, a few more blows and these jihadis will be back to their ghettoes.
spoken like a true dog
I think they saw how Muslims of Pakistan failed so badly, even getting their country which wasn't supposed to be "undone" split into two in 71'.... and decided that they would rather be cowards.

Prolly Muslims of Pakistan should wage a war against Hindoos to instill some confidence into the cowards?
they should get their inspirations from february 2019 where the indian dogs got their backside handed back to them or maybe from galwan where chinese soldiers converted your soldiers to chinese
It's too easy to pontificate when you don't have the knowledge of history or oppression that they (hindus) faced there. It's okay if you don't understand but stop making disparing comments. This is coming from a southie.
The oppressions didn't come from local Muslims who were themselves dalits and other low castes. It came from outsiders. Hindus know that well but go after the easy target due to their bullying culture that encourages victimization of the weak and submission to the powerful, which begs the question if that "oppression" might have happened due to this bullying nature .
Why are the Muslims of India so cowardly .
It’s there own fault if they aren’t fighting back
Do they not have weapons to fight back .
If you know meos, you wouldn't say that

Most meo Rajput elite of mewat moved to Pakistan (especially centeral Punjab- that's why the stereotype of loaded mewati but from outside they act poor AF lol) after partition but most other groups of meo Muslims stayed in Mewat

I am defending em cause my uncle has a house outside a mewati dominated village and I know some of em from my childhood days

They're independent minded folks, love fighting, would do anything to make money, usually loaded but never show off thier wealth like others

Please don't disrespect em for no reason in their testing times cause I can assure you they're the opposite of what you think they're
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Biden turns his head the other way looking at China: "Xinjiang laborers are working like slaves for only US$30,000 a year when in the US farm laborers make over US$100K a year."
Idc we're fed up of mewatis, you love them, take them with you.
If you don't like them then GET OUT OF MEWAT
The oppressions didn't come from local Muslims who were themselves dalits and other low castes. It came from outsiders. Hindus know that well but go after the easy target due to their bullying culture that encourages victimization of the weak and submission to the powerful, which begs the question if that "oppression" might have happened due to this bullying nature .
Wait so let me get this straight
They're trying to beat up on Meos to feel good about themselves, as some sorta historical revenge?
When They literally claim their ancestry from literal Hindu god's
Even the most relgious/ practicing of Meos consider their ancestry from Hindu gods as it's part of their clans "history" (they don't consider em god's ofcourse but respected real historical figures who were their elders)

Oh God sit down with mewatis in their village or something for FFS lmao 🤣😂

"Paliya Meos distinguish themselves comprising of 5 Bans.i-e,

1. Jadu from Krishna (Duhlot, Chiraklot, Daimroth, Punglot, Nai)
2. Tanvar from Arjuna (Dairwaal,Rattavat,Balot,Ladhavat )
3. Kachvaha from Ram ( Dhaingal,Seengal / Bar'gujar )
others include Rathor(Kalisa), Chauhan( Pahat )"

Infact here's a very old Urdu book of different Rajput tribes - all these niggas claim ancestry from major Hindu god's (who are not considered God's just real life historical figures who were a major part of their ancestors history)
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Might have been posted here as I didn't read all posts, a railway worker killed his Muslim colleague and 3 passengers then praised the nazi Butcher modi. Things are just getting worse there with that racist in power.
Since attacking Pak is becoming unaffordable to them the poor Indian Muslims are becoming the substitutes.....
People here want to highlight only one side of all events that happen in India. If a Muslim dies then it is always fault of Hindus. Investigation and decision is given at faster pace then light and Hindus blamed for everything.

Look at inflammatory headlines created for such tragedies. If these people have their way, then there would be riots happening in India based in such flame mongers.

No one gave such a headline for bomb blast in Paksiatn. The headline should have been - “Bomb blast by a Muslim kills more than 50 Muslims”. OR “Hatred filled Muslim kills 50 Muslims”.

These people seem to be elated at prospect of being able to key in their inflammatory views here rather than feeling actual sorrow for loss of life.

This is most illogical drivel I have seen from you. You fool, it’s not a Muslim dying it’s a mob of Hindus demolishing a mosque and killing the imam of the mosque. Using your stupid logic if tomorrow muslims burn down a temple and kill the priests in the temple it’s not a big deal lmao 😂 you lot demolished a masjid based on archaeological rumours that it contained a temple and now are building said temple and getting orgasms. Yaar kuch toh soch ke bola kar. Bakchodi ki bhi had hoti hai.

Btw the first paragraph of yours, what is this bawaseer lol. Bhai, Hindus demolished a mosque and martyred the imam so what should I think aliens came down and did it. Man you went full retard, never go full retard.
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If you don't like them then GET OUT OF MEWAT
I don't live in that shithole

They're trying to beat up on Meos to feel good about themselves, as some sorta historical revenge?
No, those mewatis had pre-planned the riots to stop the shobha yatra to pass from mewat. A muslim from anywhere else in haryana can never be as big of an a$$hole as a mewati is.
I don't live in that shithole

No, those mewatis had pre-planned the riots to stop the shobha yatra to pass from mewat. A muslim from anywhere else in haryana can never be as big of an a$$hole as a mewati is.
Then don't comment on something you don't know about. India itself is a shithole.
I live in Faridabad who had got a notice of WFH due to riots and I know much more about that than u do. And I don't care what slum dwellers consider a shithole and what they don't.

Then don't comment on something you don't know about. India itself is a shithole.
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