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Maulana fazlullah killed

The same used to be said about the SW, that military would not be able to root out the militants and take the region back, but we saw the opposite to it.

The recent news of Mehsud militants and their Punjabi militants leaving NW is due to the fact that the militants have realized in NW, that if PA came into action in NW, there would be no stopping them, this is not the same army which attacked them 4-5 years ago and took heavy casualties, this current army has changed and adopted to COIN operation and with NW encircled from all sides, would be difficult for them to escape places.

The only thing left is for the Afghan, NATO and US forces to increase their presence on the other side of the NW and when operation is started on the Pakistani side, make sure, they don't leave their posts yet again as per past practice and let the militants have a safe passage and safe heavens on the Afghan side of the border where they regroup and again make problems for us.

good for them if they can root them out. this will be the best outcome for both countries. but the fact is that pakistan is still not safe and secure, the taliban in SW and other places might have fled the area, but they are still capable of launcing attacks and sucide bombings in different areas of pakistan, until we achieve that goal of safety and security, it is too soon to declare a victory.
Awesome! Turkey trains are large number of Afghan police there.
good for them if they can root them out. this will be the best outcome for both countries. but the fact is that pakistan is still not safe and secure, the taliban in SW and other places might have fled the area, but they are still capable of launcing attacks and sucide bombings in different areas of pakistan, until we achieve that goal of safety and security, it is too soon to declare a victory.

Well their capability has been diminished to a great extend, that is the reason the bombing spree has been reduced and intelligence agencies are actively pursuing suspects.

They will try to do their acts, but with their safe heavens gone, training centers gone, on the run, with military going wherever they go, as time passes by, their capacity to do such acts will further go down.
Well I have to say one thing, we have killed and captured many Taliban, Al Qaeda and TTP commanders but the the grand total of major Taliban commanders neutralized by Pakistan stands at zero. Why the hell are they always eliminated by drones or in this case by Afghans?
Well I have to say one thing, we have killed and captured many Taliban, Al Qaeda and TTP commanders but the the grand total of major Taliban commanders neutralized by Pakistan stands at zero. Why the hell are they always eliminated by drones or in this case by Afghans?

because may be the peoples in Pakistan and Pakistan Army still have sympthy with them? They can definitely eliminate them but you are right the top leadership is always being killed by the drone attacks and in this case Afghans. It could be the reason that we are still not so serious to eliminate these terrorists :undecided:
I want to see his dead body to believe.. last time we fell for baitula mehsud. Not this time.
Well as Elmer Fudd would say " Good Widdance to bad Wubbish"

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