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Massive Financial blow to PKK


Sep 22, 2011
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around 4 tons of drugs found.





. . . .
And what evidence do you have that this is the work of PKK and not the MIT or JITEM? Or even AKP? Or Gulen movement who is known to spread drugs amongst Kurdish students in their schools?

I reckon this is just a ''smart'' move from AKP to further give reason to build their stupid control points around in the Kurdish areas instead of doing it in Afyon and Istanbul which are known drug centres of Turkey.

PKK does not do drug business. Even the German Intelligence Service ( BND) has been saying this for years. Go read their reports which are actually based on facts, unlike the decieving turkish medias.
And what evidence do you have that this is the work of PKK and not the MIT or JITEM? Or even AKP? Or Gulen movement who is known to spread drugs amongst Kurdish students in their schools?

I reckon this is just a ''smart'' move from AKP to further give reason to build their stupid control points around in the Kurdish areas instead of doing it in Afyon and Istanbul which are known drug centres of Turkey.

PKK does not do drug business. Even the German Intelligence Service ( BND) has been saying this for years. Go read their reports which are actually based on facts, unlike the decieving turkish medias.

The news is from January 2012

In that time the government had other reasons to build these karakol. Simply pkk.
Not a cover up for any other bs.
The news is from January 2012

In that time the government had other reasons to build these karakol. Simply pkk.
Not a cover up for any other bs.

Yeah. Lets blame everything on PKK. AKP even blamed PKK for Roboski massacre when it had just happened. Biggest joke in the world.

You can not be a Muslim and support AKP at same time. That is very clear.
And what evidence do you have that this is the work of PKK and not the MIT or JITEM? Or even AKP? Or Gulen movement who is known to spread drugs amongst Kurdish students in their schools?

I reckon this is just a ''smart'' move from AKP to further give reason to build their stupid control points around in the Kurdish areas instead of doing it in Afyon and Istanbul which are known drug centres of Turkey.

PKK does not do drug business. Even the German Intelligence Service ( BND) has been saying this for years. Go read their reports which are actually based on facts, unlike the decieving turkish medias.

What you mean with JITEM ? watched too much Valley of Wolves or what ?
Yeah. Lets blame everything on PKK. AKP even blamed PKK for Roboski massacre when it had just happened. Biggest joke in the world.

You can not be a Muslim and support AKP at same time. That is very clear.

What has this got to do with being a Muslim?

You have to be a pkk supporter to be a Muslim?

I'm not blaming anyone. I'm simply pointing out to you that a military outpost built in that time, was simply built to counter pkk.

Last but not least. A state doesn't need permission from anyone to guarantee it's citizens safety.
And what evidence do you have that this is the work of PKK and not the MIT or JITEM? Or even AKP? Or Gulen movement who is known to spread drugs amongst Kurdish students in their schools?

I reckon this is just a ''smart'' move from AKP to further give reason to build their stupid control points around in the Kurdish areas instead of doing it in Afyon and Istanbul which are known drug centres of Turkey.

PKK does not do drug business. Even the German Intelligence Service ( BND) has been saying this for years. Go read their reports which are actually based on facts, unlike the decieving turkish medias.

Schlag gegen Heroin-Mafia
Dienstag, 17.06.2008, 18:07 · von FOCUS-Redakteur Herbert Reinke-Nobbe

Deutsche und niederländische Drogenfahnder haben eine der größten bislang in Europa entdeckten Heroinmengen sichergestellt. Die halbe Tonne Heroin hat einen Schwarzmarktwert von 11,5 Millionen Euro.

Drogenfahnder aus den Anrainerstaaten der klassischen Balkanroute hatten vermutlich den Transport des Heroins von der Türkei aus verfolgt. Der Stoff war auf einem Lieferwagen in Industrieakkus versteckt. Im holländischen Tilburg schließlich schlugen die Beamten zu. Sie nahmen zwei Männer im Alter von 38 und 39 Jahren fest und beschlagnahmten das Rauschgift, das auf dem Schwarzmarkt einen Wert von 11,5 Millionen Euro hat. Zudem schnappten sie sich in Bukarest noch einen 45-jährigen Tatverdächtigen.

Auf die Spur der Drogenhändler kamen die Ermittler laut Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) durch die Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover. Die Niedersachsen hatten das BKA bei einem Rauschgiftfall um Mithilfe gebeten. Bei den Recherchen stießen die Beamten auf einen Rauschgifthändlerring, der im großen Stil Heroin aus der Türkei in die Niederlande schmuggelt. Die Fahnder durchsuchten Wohn- und Geschäftsräume in Almere, Amsterdam und Tilburg. Sie stellten 10 000 Euro Bargeld, Computer und eine geladene Schusswaffe sicher, nahmen Unterlagen und Dokumente mit.

Drogengeld für den Krieg

Schon seit Jahren arbeiten die Drogenfahnder der Länder, durch die die klassische Balkanroute führt, zusammen. Die Nachfrage nach dem Rauschgift in Westeuropa ist ungebrochen. Auf 135 Tonnen schätzt die Drogenbehörde der Vereinten Nationen in Wien (UNODC) den jährlichen Verbrauch im Westen. Das Hauptanbauland Afghanistan verzeichnet Rekordernten. 6100 Tonnen wurden laut UNODC im Jahr 2006 am Hindukusch geerntet. Dies entspricht 92 Prozent der weltweiten Produktion.

Vor allem in den von den radikal-islamischen Taliban beherrschten Südprovinzen handeln Bauern und Islamkämpfer mit Rohopium, dem Grundstoff für Heroin. Früher hatten die „Gotteskrieger“ den Anbau von Schlafmohn verboten, wodurch die Anbauflächen stark reduziert wurden. Inzwischen haben die Taliban den Rauschgifthandel als Geldquelle für ihren Kampf gegen die Regierung in Kabul und deren westliche Verbündete entdeckt. Etwa 300 Millionen Dollar im Jahr kassieren die Mullahs von Opiumbauern und Drogenhändlern. Als Gegenleistung garantieren sie deren Geschäfte.

Die klassische Balkanroute

Unbeeindruckt von den am Hindukusch stationierten Nato-Truppen, darunter an die 3000 deutsche Soldaten, schmuggeln internationale Banden Opium und Heroin durch den Iran und Irak in die Türkei: zu Fuß, auf Pferden oder in klapprigen Autos. 60 Prozent des Stoffes gelangen meist von Istanbul aus in Lastwagen über die klassische Balkanroute über Bulgarien, Serbien-Montenegro und Österreich nach Deutschland. Alternative Schmuggelstrecken sind der überwiegend von Albanern kontrollierte Seeweg durchs Mittelmeer nach Italien oder der nördlichere Weg durch Rumänien, Ungarn und Tschechien, den die Tilburger Drogenhändler wahrscheinlich gefahren sind.

Hohe Gewinnspannen
Als Hauptumschlagplatz für Drogen in Westeuropa gelten die Niederlande. Von dort aus verkaufen Großhändler das Heroin an kleinere Abnehmer in Frankreich, England, Deutschland und Spanien. Die Gewinnspannen sind groß: Die „Geschäftsleute“ im Westen zahlen den meist türkischen Banden für ein Kilo reines Heroin 20 000 Euro. Sie strecken das Rauschgift auf insgesamt vier Kilo, die sie für 150 000 Euro auf der Straße verkaufen. An potenziellen Kunden mangelt es nicht: Mehr als 150 000 Abhängige sollen allein in Deutschland den hochgefährlichen Stoff vom Hindukusch konsumieren.

Drogenfahnder: Schlag gegen Heroin-Mafia - Aus aller Welt - FOCUS Online Mobile - Nachrichten

You are wrong! PKK is one of the biggest heroin dealing org in EU! We don't talk about mahriuana or cocain. We talk about heroin. Who ever sell this, is not only a dealer, he is a murderer in time. Heroin is one of the worst drug. Have you ever seen a heroin junkie? If you have children, I hopefully wish that they will never use heroin!
PKK does not do drug business. Even the German Intelligence Service ( BND) has been saying this for years. Go read their reports which are actually based on facts, unlike the decieving turkish medias.

LOL...That was the biggest joke of the century..Congratulations..You are so dumb, so can be easily manipulated bro..Sorry for revealing the truth..Just google Drug traffic and PKK and see the results( from international media, not from Turkish) ( oh wait, all those international news are from MIT or JITEM, yes? :laughcry: )
But yeah i know, you choose to believe the creditibility of rojhelat and some other BS terror propagandist media..Nice life :D
To Mods..... Why are you allowing a terrorist supporters in this forum? Listed by virtually nearly every country as terrorist organisation this keyxw whatever should be banned. This is like a Turkish forum allowing bla or that terrorist organisation members that want to partition from pakistan into its forums.
You are wrong! PKK is one of the biggest heroin dealing org in EU! We don't talk about mahriuana or cocain. We talk about heroin. Who ever sell this, is not only a dealer, he is a murderer in time. Heroin is one of the worst drug. Have you ever seen a heroin junkie? If you have children, I hopefully wish that they will never use heroin!

and that's the EU saying that. Everyone who believes otherwise is probably on one of those substances the PKK is dealing with.
To Mods..... Why are you allowing a terrorist supporters in this forum? Listed by virtually nearly every country as terrorist organisation this keyxw whatever should be banned. This is like a Turkish forum allowing bla or that terrorist organisation members that want to partition from pakistan into its forums.

Our mode is @Neptune, ask him. IMO terrorist supporter or not, everyone in this forum should be able to post their opinions.
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Calm down Turks. Here you go:

From German Intelligence Recent report:

Die PKK ist weiterhin in den USA gemäß dem „Foreign Narcotics
Kingpin Designation Act“ (Gesetz zur Kennzeichnung ausländischer
Drogenhändler) als eine in den Drogenschmuggel involvierte
Organisation gelistet. In Deutschland liegen jedoch keine
Hinweise dafür vor, dass Organisationsstrukturen der PKK direkt
in den Drogenhandel verwickelt sind.

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