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Marvi Memon Badly Exposed !!!

i remember i saw video of nawaz sharif crying in jail on youtube in musharraf times... dikhaoo?

Yeah and if Imran Khan touched her feet it exactly shows the amount of respect she had before she made a foolish decision and joined a party she had insulted all her life.

I am talking beyond the interview.
our mentality of insulting someone if that person has a different PoV

I agree that this is an issue... but I have discovered as a writer and as a Nationalist Chapter Head in the PNA, my organization just how hard it is to be neutral and still express your views despite pressures from your peers to write things from a certain angle, from their viewpoint from the organizations viewpoint. But you can do it... for that I commend you. And it must take remarkable self control.... just not getting pissed off.

my take is, she is a good and able person in her own right and was one the top members of Musharraf's team. this is why she was approached by other parties.

As a journalist I once had a source. Claimed this woman is the champion of women's rights in Pakistan. No one has done more for women than Marvi memon. She is also constantly campaigning for the rights of Sindhis. So there are good things about her. Yet it is hard for me to see her recent decision positively.

Although, I agree with my fellow members who are saying that she has contradicted her self and made a blunder by joining a party of selfish leadership that is running a political party like a family business and is equally tainted like the PPP. but lets not ignore her qualities that set her apart from the usual crowd of the foul mouth scroungers that grace the Pakistani channels.

I tend to agree. She is still different from the other politicians. But again the party hopping has badly dented her reputation as a person who is willing to rebel, even against her own political party. Now she is paroting the PMLN stand even though she has insulted the party all along. I mean everything she said, she was defending the PMLN-everything.

Its her independent thinking that I came to admire so much. She never stuck to the party line. Even in the PML-Q in fact specially in her last days in the PML-Q. I even understood the reason she quit. PML-Q became a stooge of PPP and was simply becoming a party that was swapping favours for favours.

But its actually hurt me a lot to know that she is many ways like the others and has done something exactly like the others. I used to respect her more than Shah Mahmood Qureshi who I thought always stood up for National interest. She just did exactly what others do... spit at PMLN all your life and join the same party... what a joke yaar?

emotions define our behaviours rather than rational thinking.

You just described in a one liner how killers like PPP are elected. But again off topic... but keeping emotions out is something I'd like to learn from you.
people should not be so harsh on her so much just because she might not follow popular mood of people & think otherwise !!!!!!!!

No need to get this much angry sir.

has there been a occasion where the rating hungry media has ever let go of a chance where they can humiliate a person not to their liking, (person - institution etc)

Sir i have not met Marvi in person but what i can say is on the basis of what we observe, on comparison do you see persons like Marvi in politics?
where all the might of the government and her opponents and media could not prove a single case of corruption on her. brag about her domicile but has she ever been dishonest?

i would not think so sir. and i just say on basis of what is visible to me

just for an example i would put this -have the guys in this forum discussing F-16, F-22, MiGs, SU-30s flown these aircrafts ? not that i know of. doesnt make them totally irrelevant to the discussions.
well the way you are putting it 99.9% of members on PDF should not lecture on stuff cuz they haven’t got personal experience in the regards.

Ta Free Soul

(just on a side note: your Avatar scares me - but what a great general he was)

irrelevant and judgemental comment that has nothing to do with what she says or does.
yet she still manages to be well versed, fluent and multilingual and important enough to make a mark in the politics
if this is despite she being insecure then one wonders what she will achieve if she over comes these short comings you just listed

by the way I know that our yardstick to criticise politicians is either corruption, misappropriation of funds and incompetence.
site with examples which of the above 3 apply on her?

sorry that you are disappointed the title and your expectations. I had no delusions and knew there wont be much that is being sold as exposure.

I can afford to be judgmental, I should have been more clear in the previous post.
I can afford to be judgmental because of real life experience
so, let me put it there again.
She is a middle aged, divorced, insecure and self indulgent woman of very ordinary aptitude.
The only reason of her getting noticed is because of the contacts her daddy had as IBM country manager and because of regular exercise.

Good riddance !

She was a teacher in Kindergarten before politics.
She is a result of Get Shaukat's skewed and cheap judgement.
the video is pointless mud slinging

very typical and standard way of criticizing somebody in Pakistan is insult that person. thats a standard response of PPP vs PTI and PTI vs Nawaz League and Nawaz League Vs MQM and so forth.

if this is how someone is planning to confront Marvi then there is not much hope.

reminds me of Norman Finkelstein's response to his critics
he is accused by Zionists to be a an Antisemitic Jew or a Jew Hating Jew for his stance over Israel- Palestine conflict.

he states, whatever is said about me maybe true (i.e. me being antisemitic) but that doesnt matter. what matters is if whatever I am saying (in favor of Palestinians) is true or not?

Lost me? I bet most of you did. dont blame you. after all you are my fellow Pakistanis

The issue central to us may not be Marvi's blatant lota baazi, but it definitely is making her the face of women's liberation in Pakistan.

She has given a lot of rhetoric in support of women's causes but close to no action - is that because she doesn't believe in them as evidenced here by joining the very forces she criticized regarding treatment of women? This important to point out to make our voters knowledgeable.
I feel sad for her. I have had an enormous amount of respect for her before, because I felt she was young, bright, honest & genuinely wanted the best for Pakistan & its people. I don't know why she joined the PML-N, maybe it was because of the lack of options inside Pakistan, but I just feel sad about this.
I feel sad for her. I have had an enormous amount of respect for her before, because I felt she was young, bright, honest & genuinely wanted the best for Pakistan & its people. I don't know why she joined the PML-N, maybe it was because of the lack of options inside Pakistan, but I just feel sad about this.

This is another big point. Usually its been said that the younger generation would bring change in Pakistan, but this shows that an established young politician is still the same as a traditional politician in Pakistan. We can't back hopes based on age and modern outlook alone.
I am talking beyond the interview.
our mentality of insulting someone if that person has a different PoV
I am talking about the over all attitude. the same PTI or PPP guys might have been singing praise to this same woman had she joined their party.
so what matters to them is who is with them regardless of what he or she stands for or what her / his past is.

for nawaz league now she is cleansed and pavitra (apologies for misspell) for the rest she deserves all the mockery and insults that are normally lashed out at opposing party leaders.

my take is, she is a good and able person in her own right and was one the top members of Musharraf's team. this is why she was approached by other parties.

Although, I agree with my fellow members who are saying that she has contradicted her self and made a blunder by joining a party of selfish leadership that is running a political party like a family business and is equally tainted like the PPP. but lets not ignore her qualities that set her apart from the usual crowd of the foul mouth scroungers that grace the Pakistani channels.

so she says now that joining the establishment party was a big blunder on her part and maybe sometime in the future she will say the same thing about Nawaz league? maybe this statement was forced on her? and was her right to pass? who knows but I would rather respect her “no comment” comment instead of a circular argument normally made by our politicians when they are asked a question that puts them on the spot.
Only time will tell if she keeps her dignity and her distinction like Ayaz Amir or become just another typical member of Nawaz leadership.

Right, that’s enough said in her defence.
Sorry in advance for throwing your own words at you. But the PTI fan boys have a point(may be this is the real Finkelstein message) in all their angry insults about Marvi. I see that you are one of those who grades politicians relatively. The justification is basically 'all of them lie and flipflop, not a big deal'. I on the other hand will simply be thankful that at least one politician is taken to task for his/her actions.

I agree that Marvi Memon is one of the best female politicians of Pakistan. If you ask me, since Sherry Rehman got booted out, Marvi is the best of Pakistan in terms of speaking and politicking. But that should not be an excuse for letting her off the hook. She should prove herself in PML-N like you said.
Sorry in advance for throwing your own words at you. But the PTI fan boys have a point(may be this is the real Finkelstein message) in all their angry insults about Marvi. I see that you are one of those who grades politicians relatively. The justification is basically 'all of them lie and flipflop, not a big deal'. I on the other hand will simply be thankful that at least one politician is taken to task for his/her actions.

I agree that Marvi Memon is one of the best female politicians of Pakistan. If you ask me, since Sherry Rehman got booted out, Marvi is the best of Pakistan in terms of speaking and politicking. But that should not be an excuse for letting her off the hook. She should prove herself in PML-N like you said.
a lot of fault lies in her decision because at 1 point she used to support pti now she doesn't another point is that she used to talk so much smack about her current party and then she joined it like nothing ever happened. this was the main reason why people were disappointed with her
I feel sad for her. I have had an enormous amount of respect for her before, because I felt she was young, bright, honest & genuinely wanted the best for Pakistan & its people. I don't know why she joined the PML-N, maybe it was because of the lack of options inside Pakistan, but I just feel sad about this.

Bilal mate, I share this disappointment too, but does this make Marvi a corrupt politician – i would not think so.

With all my reservations for PML-N especially the attitude of Nawaz – selfishness, arrogance, overt and covert support for Lashkar Jungvi, Talliban, But I still think that that party is not irrelevant – they are able to carry their ridiculous agenda because a huge portion of public backs these notions. In fact public doesn’t understand that Nawaz might have no interest in these ridiculous ideas, he may have deep sympathy for nonsense and ridiculousness but in my opinion The real reason behind towing these policies is to create hoo haa keep media busy with non-issues (cuz we all feed on nonissues - shame) general public is illiterate that is the real problem of Pakistan, and educated population is so stubborn that even when Taliban blow their countrymen and family in front of them they don’t feel NOTHING, stupidity is such their support grows. May be the next generation of educated people would have more sense but its only a pray.

Once in true sense tolerating nonsense from our general public goes away Then you and I will see Nawaz changing his skin colour like a Chameleon would.

Now saying all what i have above, did Ayaz Amir ever back down from his opinion and truthfulness, even being in PML-N he was the lone voice in Assembly criticising his own leadership on Hadood ordinance, Women issues, he is a voice of sense, he went to Chakawal (his constituency is there too i think)when Pujabi so called Taliban below up a religious procession, he was the only politician i think who picked the bodies up and condoled the bereaving families. Has he ever been proved a hypocrite? Never .. never a corrupt person.. Marvi Definitely would be another Ayaz Amir of PML-N, and may they have more such brilliant and genuine people cuz PML-N and all other parties are in dire need of em.

Nonissues are what Pakistani egenral public and 90% of our PDF member base feeds on. None gave a measured response to following post. (oh sorry i forgot general public doesn’t care about what really matters)

Morally corrupt and power hungry lady don't deserve any respect she is a b***h , she was only supporting PTI because she was expecting a good position in advance , but when she saw some government party offered her huge money and protocol plus position she changed her party and even started talking against her mentors.

Marvi i spit on you , you are 40 year old but still brainless and useless garbage , lotti.:argh:

DRAMA QUEEN murdabad.
GO on Pti fan boys ..We all remember the time when ya all use to bag her to Join PTI on twitter..

It's pretty sad to see some ppl ganging up n try to be cocky to throw some harsh comments on the lady So you all can sleep better

It's the matter of people you could drag into your political party to bring change.You cannot find change if u don't have the will of change inside you.

When there is not a democratic setup in PML-N and party is full of fake degree holders and law breakers (One who break out from Police station) then how come Common people expect PML-N to bring a democratic revolution?
Bilal mate, I share this disappointment too, but does this make Marvi a corrupt politician – i would not think so.

I still do not think badly of her, because I can understand the predicament she is going through. Although I hate the PML-N & PPP the utmost, Imran Khan and his party do not fill me with confidence either; & I can understand on some levels why she chose PML-N over PTI. I think she did a very good job during Musharraf's reign, & I hope she can continue to do well for Pakistan.
I can afford to be judgmental, I should have been more clear in the previous post.
I can afford to be judgmental because of real life experience
so, let me put it there again.
She is a middle aged, divorced, insecure and self indulgent woman of very ordinary aptitude.
The only reason of her getting noticed is because of the contacts her daddy had as IBM country manager and because of regular exercise.

Good riddance !

She was a teacher in Kindergarten before politics.
She is a result of Get Shaukat's skewed and cheap judgement.

wow what analogy and reasoning. forgive me for writing this but I think your post deserves to be moved to stupid and funny.

what real life experience did you have that made you say that she is insecure and self indulgent? please explain

and how being middle aged and divorced and a kindergarten teacher serve as a proof that she deserves the hatred you just shown?
Morally corrupt and power hungry lady don't deserve any respect she is a b***h , she was only supporting PTI because she was expecting a good position in advance , but when she saw some government party offered her huge money and protocol plus position she changed her party and even started talking against her mentors.

Marvi i spit on you , you are 40 year old but still brainless and useless garbage , lotti.:argh:

DRAMA QUEEN murdabad.

i'm no supporter of any political party or Marvi, but i do wonder what would have been the response if she had joined PTI? i guess than PML-N supporters would have used the same lingo & showed the same kinda respect to her PTI supporter are. Another thing just bcoz she joined PML-N she became a loti, drama queen, brainless garbage etc? What about others leaving their political parties and joining PTI what will u call them? Marday Momin or Momin lady?... i guess most are disappointed that she didn't joined PTI and have started to use really hard lingo against her which she really don't deserve.. Spitting on some one really shows how desperate & disappointed you are:) ...:pop:
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