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Marvi Memon Badly Exposed !!!

He is campaigning to become Prime Minister. You cant just treat him as an Individual. We have to take in account the party he is building.

Bro, Lets all be honest in discussion. He's not got a great team as by your argument. I agree with it but has Nawaz got better team, including fraudalents, thugs, rapers, fake degree holders .... So please leave it there ... Imran and his team are yet to prove, what they really are ....

Please Do Not make it a PTI Thread Again :lazy: No to the Bolded part. Imran has got No policy against War On Terror, just talk And No policy and intents for Kashmir Issue Resolution, he even seems least bothered and In-sensitive about Kashmir and Kashmiris.
Look - No matter which party is in power the foreign policy will always have an input from our armed forces so nobody can change it drastically..i am talking about domestic policies.
I and Millions more take Kashmir as a Demestic Issue. I was expecting this very answer from a PTI Member.
Bro, Lets all be honest in discussion. He's not got a great team as by your argument. I agree with it but has Nawaz got better team, including fraudalents, thugs, rapers, fake degree holders .... So please leave it there ... Imran and his team are yet to prove, what they really are ....

Why leave it? Why leave the SO called New team????

Nawaz had fraudalents, thugs, rapers, fake degree holders but they went to PTI and had Marvi joined this team she would have done a great job.

But she joined Nawaz ( who is once again left with his faithful workers ) and she is now like Nawaz PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1
GO on Pti fan boys ..We all remember the time when ya all use to bag her to Join PTI on twitter..

It's pretty sad to see some ppl ganging up n try to be cocky to throw some harsh comments on the lady So you all can sleep better

It's the matter of people you could drag into your political party to bring change.You cannot find change if u don't have the will of change inside you.
Can you explain why Marvi Memon deserves more respect? I thought the interview was very professional. There were no insults. The interviewer went by her own statements in the past. For example she could have at least said she would be sad if Musharraff gets prosecuted.
Btw what is the message she carries(because you compare her message with Finkelstein's)?

I am talking beyond the interview.
our mentality of insulting someone if that person has a different PoV
I am talking about the over all attitude. the same PTI or PPP guys might have been singing praise to this same woman had she joined their party.
so what matters to them is who is with them regardless of what he or she stands for or what her / his past is.

for nawaz league now she is cleansed and pavitra (apologies for misspell) for the rest she deserves all the mockery and insults that are normally lashed out at opposing party leaders.

my take is, she is a good and able person in her own right and was one the top members of Musharraf's team. this is why she was approached by other parties.

Although, I agree with my fellow members who are saying that she has contradicted her self and made a blunder by joining a party of selfish leadership that is running a political party like a family business and is equally tainted like the PPP. but lets not ignore her qualities that set her apart from the usual crowd of the foul mouth scroungers that grace the Pakistani channels.

so she says now that joining the establishment party was a big blunder on her part and maybe sometime in the future she will say the same thing about Nawaz league? maybe this statement was forced on her? and was her right to pass? who knows but I would rather respect her “no comment” comment instead of a circular argument normally made by our politicians when they are asked a question that puts them on the spot.
Only time will tell if she keeps her dignity and her distinction like Ayaz Amir or become just another typical member of Nawaz leadership.

Right, that’s enough said in her defence.

I don't know why..... but i started hating her after she's joined PML-N

not surprising my dear
its a problem with us Pakistanis

maybe you will start hating your favourite leader if he or she also leaves your favourite party and joins Nawaz league too?
then there is another Pakistani who will assume the role of forgiver and must be forgiving her for her "sins" of being a part of Musharraf's team now that she is with Nawaz league.

emotions define our behaviours rather than rational thinking.

its not the message but the personality I was referring to. so relevance with Norman was to focus on argument not on political affiliation. Zionists hate him because he makes a case about Israeli atrocities on Palestinians and detests the use of holocaust card to justify the brutality on Palestinians. Instead of taking him on his argument they call him a Jew hating Jew. Likewise in our country, we insult and disregard a person based on our differing political opinions with his or her point of view without giving our self a chance to think whether what he is saying is right or not?
Marvi Memon Badly Exposed. One can see her face colours changing, while she talks. Welldone Shahzeb Khanzada. You've proved again that you are a Best Political Anchor of Pakistan !!!

To The Point - 15th March 2012 - YouTube

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

Name and shame Marvi and such likes?

its the loss for PTI that they missed out on the chance to get yet another bright and honest politician into their ranks.

People can only brag about her domicile nothing else.... they cant prove a single point where Marvi has been proven corupt

she been on foot walking from village to village listening to poeple.. going to Police stations solving problems of the poorest. one could see the relief and pride on Nawaz Shrif's face when he got her on his side.

PTI will be given a very tuff time by this young lady...

i consider Imran Khan, Sheikh Rasheed, Ayaz Amir, Marvi, Faisal Raza Abdi and such like the true and dedicated politicians of Pakistan clean brave and talk no nonsense.

What the hell are you talking about !! ??
do you know in person that she is bright, honest etc etc etc ??

I can tell you that she is NOT,
she is a middle aged, divorced, insecure and self indulgent woman who believes she has blue blood ( which kinda qualifies her for Pakistan's politician).

and guys PLEASE !

I had a very different expectation when I clicked on this one. (badly EXPOSED ).
What the hell are you talking about !! ??
do you know in person that she is bright, honest etc etc etc ??

I can tell you that she is NOT,
she is a middle aged, divorced, insecure and self indulgent woman who believes she has blue blood ( which kinda qualifies her for Pakistan's politician).

and guys PLEASE !

I had a very different expectation when I clicked on this one. (badly EXPOSED ).

people should not be so harsh on her so much just because she might not follow popular mood of people & think otherwise !!!!!!!!
What the hell are you talking about !! ??
do you know in person that she is bright, honest etc etc etc ??

No need to get this much angry sir.

has there been a occasion where the rating hungry media has ever let go of a chance where they can humiliate a person not to their liking, (person - institution etc)

Sir i have not met Marvi in person but what i can say is on the basis of what we observe, on comparison do you see persons like Marvi in politics?
where all the might of the government and her opponents and media could not prove a single case of corruption on her. brag about her domicile but has she ever been dishonest?

i would not think so sir. and i just say on basis of what is visible to me

just for an example i would put this -have the guys in this forum discussing F-16, F-22, MiGs, SU-30s flown these aircrafts ? not that i know of. doesnt make them totally irrelevant to the discussions.
well the way you are putting it 99.9% of members on PDF should not lecture on stuff cuz they haven’t got personal experience in the regards.

Ta Free Soul

(just on a side note: your Avatar scares me - but what a great general he was)
What the hell are you talking about !! ??
do you know in person that she is bright, honest etc etc etc ??

I can tell you that she is NOT,
she is a middle aged, divorced, insecure and self indulgent woman who believes she has blue blood ( which kinda qualifies her for Pakistan's politician).

and guys PLEASE !

I had a very different expectation when I clicked on this one. (badly EXPOSED ).

irrelevant and judgemental comment that has nothing to do with what she says or does.
yet she still manages to be well versed, fluent and multilingual and important enough to make a mark in the politics
if this is despite she being insecure then one wonders what she will achieve if she over comes these short comings you just listed

by the way I know that our yardstick to criticise politicians is either corruption, misappropriation of funds and incompetence.
site with examples which of the above 3 apply on her?

sorry that you are disappointed the title and your expectations. I had no delusions and knew there wont be much that is being sold as exposure.
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