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Mandela called Jinnah his hero

So what event led Iqbal to change his mind that Muslims need a separate state when his whole life was in favor of one "Hindustan" that he so much loved? Were muslims were not being persecuted and mistreated when he was in "Hindustan"? Someone as knowledgeable as him should know from beginning that Muslim MUST have their OWN land with their own system. But instead 90% of his life he was in favor of either British or Hindustan.
Also its a little known fact among most of delusional Pakistanis that Iqbal was a Qadiyani. Even if he was at one point and later converted to Islam, what transformation can we notice in him? Did he even perform Hajj, or Ummrah or did he even go to mosque? Most of converts are so influenced by the religion that they pray 5 times a day, become very religious, and become a total different person that even their friends and family dont recognize them.
Thats why when Pakistani muslims accuse Qadiyanis of their leader being a British agent then they have even a better argument that it was Qadiyanis who initiated pro Pakistan movement and Jinniah had closer ties with British empire then Mirza. LOL

Now watch this. According to Ahmadis Iqbal was a Qadiyani until 1931 and according to non-Ahmadi Muslim researchers he was a Ahmadi until 1908.
Even Dr. Israr and Iqbal's son believe that Iqbal was inspired by Mirza Ghulam Ahamd.

Take Malcolm x for example. He was a follower of Nation of Islam which is not really Islam but later during his life he converted to Islam. He took a bullet because he exposed Nation of Islam and we also know he became a Muslim and he even performed Hajj. All these attribute to be a Muslim is absent in Iqbal.
Thats why I believe that Iqbal was indeed a Ahamdi but had to declare himself non-Ahmadi simply to appease non Ahmadi or else he would lose all credibility and following so he had to throw some words against Ahmadis that had no impact. Not only that, but he also belonged to group of so called "Muslims" including Mirza who were recruited by British empire to serve their interest.

Am I against creation of Pakistan? Not really....
By creating Pakistan, British empire actually did India a huge favor other wise India would have been in constant struggle with current major internal problems times 100 and it would be just massive land with two group of religion fighting each other.
I am not suggesting One Hindustan but a Pakistan 2.0 and defuse ticking time bombs that British empire left. First it was a wonderful gift inform of East Pakistan that made no sense to be included with Pakistan that was not only 1000 miles away but also with India smack in the middle :lol: . its like designing your house with bedroom in one town and bathroom in another, then kashmir because of which Pakistan may soon end up in stone age while India is in world top 5 economy (yah they dont have enough toilet is what will keep pakistanis in denial of its failure, and another gift would soon be in form of provinces war and then it will be :wave: and then you can read wonderful poems written by "SIR" Alama Iqbal and wipe your butt with it.
Nice fiction material ...
All of you guys who are spreading disinformation about Allama Iqbal and Quaid e Azam, please educate yourselves.

How a Muslim requires "explanations" in these matters is way beyond me?? Isn't it as inevitable and clear as the broad daylight???? What more India has to do to prove Jinnah/Ikbal right?????
Pakistanis are so delusional that it is not cute anymore.

Iqbal is the guy who was Knighted by the Queen and never uttered a word against British rule. All what he might have said is the "British must depart" or "we must all work hard" as if this was not pretty obvious already. He is a perfect example of what mirza ghulam ahmad was to British empire. They used "freedom of expression" as a tool to give local illusion that these leaders are truly against British rule.
And then Jinnah is the guy who was brought into highlight by Freemasons, and goras who were looking to empower some local individuals that would serve their exit strategy by dividing nations according to their interest.

Pakistan needs to ditch all their so called "founding fathers", throw every single corrupt system that was left by British masters and also ditch Pakistani education system that serves the rich and makes the poor even more poor thanks to that santa "SIR" syed ahmad who we are taught to believe that he transformed education system for Pakistan. Yes he indeed transformed the education system that now Pakistan is a super power.

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The goal of our founding fathers like Sir Syed Khan, Sir Allama iqbal and Quaid e Azam Jinnah was never to fight the British but to partner with them to get maximum benefits to the Muslims of subcontinent versus the Hindus.

The strong support of our founding fathers resulted in separate electorate for the Muslims as part of the Morley-Minto reforms of 1909 and Creation of Pakistan in 1947.

Jinnah strongly encouraged Muslims of the subcontinent to support the British during the second world war and steered clear from participating anti-British movements started by Gandhi be it the Non-co-operation movement of 1909, Salt march of 1924 , Complete Independence of 1929 or Quit India movement of 1942.
How a Muslim requires "explanations" in these matters is way beyond me?? Isn't it as inevitable and clear as the broad daylight???? What more India has to do to prove Jinnah/Ikbal right?????

Some people need to do more research on the subject. These days it is very rare to see Pakistanis reading Allama Iqbal outside of school. We don't really study Quaid e Azam on our own either, outside required studies at school.

When we are disconnected from the sources of our inspiration, and we take for granted the struggles of men far greater in the eyes of Allah swt than us, then really we have to correct this shortcoming.

Worldview is everything for a Muslim. If the worldview, the historical grounding, and the connection to our elders is broken, then strange theories like these will start creeping into our populace.

I push everyone to read Allama Iqbal on their own. Study him and own him.

Tulu e Islam, found in Bang e Dara. It has Urdu script, English transliteration, and English translation.
Pakistanis are so delusional that it is not cute anymore.

Iqbal is the guy who was Knighted by the Queen and never uttered a word against British rule. All what he might have said is the "British must depart" or "we must all work hard" as if this was not pretty obvious already. He is a perfect example of what mirza ghulam ahmad was to British empire. They used "freedom of expression" as a tool to give local illusion that these leaders are truly against British rule.
And then Jinnah is the guy who was brought into highlight by Freemasons, and goras who were looking to empower some local individuals that would serve their exit strategy by dividing nations according to their interest.

Pakistan needs to ditch all their so called "founding fathers", throw every single corrupt system that was left by British masters and also ditch Pakistani education system that serves the rich and makes the poor even more poor thanks to that santa "SIR" syed ahmad who we are taught to believe that he transformed education system for Pakistan. Yes he indeed transformed the education system that now Pakistan is a super power.

View attachment 678133
Product of Ghandi's great India
Product of Abraham Lincoln party and Country
I guess what system brought them to this end result today? Thats today
And meanwhile Jinnah's 73 years old Pakistan have managed
During the most extreme crisis
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The goal of our founding fathers like Sir Syed Khan, Sir Allama iqbal and Quaid e Azam Jinnah was never to fight the British but to partner with them to get maximum benefits to the Muslims of subcontinent versus the Hindus.

The strong support of our founding fathers resulted in separate electorate for the Muslims as part of the Morley-Minto reforms of 1909 and Creation of Pakistan in 1947.

Jinnah strongly encouraged Muslims of the subcontinent to support the British during the second world war and steered clear from participating anti-British movements started by Gandhi be it the Non-co-operation movement of 1909, Salt march of 1924 , Complete Independence of 1929 or Quit India movement of 1942.

I cant reply every post with detail reply but I do want to mentioned to you that it was mostly Hindus and Sikhs that fought war for British then Muslims... So to say that Jinnah asked Indian Muslims to fight for Britishers and in return they got a deal for a independent state is a joke.
Some people need to do more research on the subject. These days it is very rare to see Pakistanis reading Allama Iqbal outside of school. We don't really study Quaid e Azam on our own either, outside required studies at school.
I did my research outside the propaganda that was passed on to us by British empire. What I found out that what ever they wanted to accomplish they achieved it by empowering local so called muslims and turned them into leaders.
This is a perfect strategy that no other empires used for their favor.
When we are disconnected from the sources of our inspiration, and we take for granted the struggles of men far greater in the eyes of Allah swt than us, then really we have to correct this shortcoming.
Lol did they even struggle? Did Jinnah not lived 90% of his life as an English gentlemen? Was he not a British empire mouth piece?

Worldview is everything for a Muslim. If the worldview, the historical grounding, and the connection to our elders is broken, then strange theories like these will start creeping into our populace.
These are not strange theories, its just called thinking outside the box.

I push everyone to read Allama Iqbal on their own. Study him and own him.
Which part of his life should I embrace? The one until he remained as a Qadiyani? Or where he praised British Empire? Or the one in which he praised Hindustan? Or the agnostic life he lived and never set a foot in a mosque let alone perform Hajj or Ummrah?
His importance should only remain as a poet and should not be associated as a leader or some sort of a religious figure. Even many western non muslim writers have published many books and researches in Islam's favor so should we also declare them Muslims?
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I did my research outside the propaganda that was passed on to us by British empire. What I found out that what ever they wanted to accomplish they achieved it by empowering local so called muslims and turned them into leaders.
This is a perfect strategy that no other empires used it for their exit strategy.

Lol did they even struggle? Did Jinnah not lived 90% of his life as an English gentlemen? Was he not a British empire mouth piece?

These are not strange theories, its just called thinking outside the box.

Which part of his life should I embrace? The one until he remained as a Qadiyani? Or where he praised British Empire? Or the one in which he praised Hindustan? Or the agnostic life he lived and never set a foot in a mosque let alone perform Hajj or Ummrah?
His importance should only remain as a poet and should not be associated as a leader or some sort of a religious figure. Even many western non muslim writers have published many books and researches in Islam's favor so should we also declare them Muslims?

What would freedom or independence from colonial regime be if the one bargained by Jinnah is not acceptable to you?
Whenever Jinnah (R.A) is admired by people a certain section from the religious right and ethnic parties try to diminish his stature.

Jinnah (R.A) was and is our founder get over it.
Product of Ghandi's great India
Product of Abraham Lincoln party and Country
I guess what system brought them to this end result today? Thats today
And meanwhile Jinnah's 73 years old Pakistan have managed
During the most extreme crisis

LOL It was British empire who created Pakistan. Jinnah was just their mouth piece.
And btw, Jinnah is a product of Fabian society and was introduced into politics by Freemasons.

And at the moment USA is still world super power and India is in world's top 5 economy. Where as "Jinnah ka Pakistan" only life line is in CPEC.
What would freedom or independence from colonial regime be if the one bargained by Jinnah is not acceptable to you?
Bargained by Jinnah? Yai koi
khana hai jis ki "bargaining" ho? lol
To be honest, Pakistan is a product of British experiment gone bad (on purpose)... they actually did that with many other nations. East Pakistan, Kashmir, provinces, cast system etc are careful planned ticking time B (dont want to say the whole word) by wonderful British empire.

I just hate both India and Pakistan. lol
Bargained by Jinnah? Yai koi View attachment 678605 khana hai jis ki "bargaining" ho? lol
To be honest, Pakistan is a product of British experiment gone bad (on purpose)... they actually did that with many other nations. East Pakistan, Kashmir, provinces, cast system etc are careful planned ticking time B (dont want to say the whole word) by wonderful British empire.

I just hate both India and Pakistan. lol
What about Iran?
I did my research outside the propaganda that was passed on to us by British empire. What I found out that what ever they wanted to accomplish they achieved it by empowering local so called muslims and turned them into leaders.
This is a perfect strategy that no other empires used for their favor.

Lol did they even struggle? Did Jinnah not lived 90% of his life as an English gentlemen? Was he not a British empire mouth piece?

These are not strange theories, its just called thinking outside the box.

Which part of his life should I embrace? The one until he remained as a Qadiyani? Or where he praised British Empire? Or the one in which he praised Hindustan? Or the agnostic life he lived and never set a foot in a mosque let alone perform Hajj or Ummrah?
His importance should only remain as a poet and should not be associated as a leader or some sort of a religious figure. Even many western non muslim writers have published many books and researches in Islam's favor so should we also declare them Muslims?

I take it that you did not watch the video lecture I posted by Dr. Israr Ahmad, neither did you look at the link of a sample of Allama Iqbal's thought which I posted.

Perhaps you are young, perhaps you have been told wrong information by your elders, but the misrepresentation of facts and deliberate mudslinging by you must be answered.

I will respond to you in detail when I have some time tomorrow. In sha Allah.
I take it that you did not watch the video lecture I posted by Dr. Israr Ahmad, neither did you look at the link of a sample of Allama Iqbal's thought which I posted.

Perhaps you are young, perhaps you have been told wrong information by your elders, but the misrepresentation of facts and deliberate mudslinging by you must be answered.

I will respond to you in detail when I have some time tomorrow. In sha Allah.

Just counter my argument point by point instead of asking me to read or watch some hero worship propaganda.

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