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Man Who Killed The USSR | General Akhtar Abdul Rehman.


Don't let them fool you. We all know what India would have done,had the Soviets been able to punch through the Khayber pass. Pakistan can't survive a two front invasion.

We along with our Afghan brothers were victorious. We walked out of the war as a nuclear power. The USSR threat was reduced for good, India was forced to retreat its evil plans in 1987,when they wanted to attack Pakistan.

Why should we expect the admission of our victory from our enemies?
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I know an air martial, a very well known one, the one who has been to very responsible and respectable positions, his sons cant own a toilet paper mill even if they sell everything their father owned.

Not to forget, invaluable experiance in insurgency warfare was gained.
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Till date, I was of the opinion that it was General Hameed Gul responsible for the annihilation of Soviet Union!
Any way, RIP Sir
Once again, an excellent thread that risks being derailed by Idiot India Vs Pakistan BS -- Gen Akhtar Abdul Rahman, patriot, who did his duty as his superiors commanded him to do. But no man or woman, is just one thing to all others.
what to say.

If one looks purely in a strategic context, this man and the entire Pakistani military establishment along with the CIA and Saudis coordinated very well. Many legendary tales of classic military ambushed could be told.

But the social, political, cultural and economic aspects of his and his superiors actions destroyed Pakistan's sovereignty by making the entire a state a facilitator of extremist outfits.

Pakistan plunged itself into a bloody game.
The man who Killed USSR
Seriously the Pakistanis seriously think they Killed USSR
Let me remind you what
you were Playing the Side kicks of the Brits,Gulfies,USA in this great game
Of course this was one of the Major reason of collapse but not the only one

Economic stagnation & many more
Stop Being so Delusional people
what to say.

If one looks purely in a strategic context, this man and the entire Pakistani military establishment along with the CIA and Saudis coordinated very well. Many legendary tales of classic military ambushed could be told.

But the social, political, cultural and economic aspects of his and his superiors actions destroyed Pakistan's sovereignty by making the entire a state a facilitator of extremist outfits.

Pakistan plunged itself into a bloody game.

Had Gen Akhtar survived, would he have been a supporter of allowing extremist ideology such influence in society? I wonder if there is any scholarship that may allow us to consider this
Very nice read thank you for sharing and Because of their involvement [ISI] they are still rank No =1.
1. It could only be Allah's will that Pakistan was led by a group of men who were utterly patriotic and staunch believers in a glorious destiny for the followers of Islam. Zia, Akhtar, Yusuf, Hamid Gul and others saved Pakistan, saved Afghans and lifted the weight that had kept the C Asian Muslims subdued for seven decades. The enterprise they set up rang out a call of Jihad unparalleled in the annuls of Islamic history. Muslims from Philippines to Europe, N America to Africa, Muslims of all colors and shades joined in a holy war that on the one hand destroyed communist empires, and on the other terrified WCC (Western Christan Civilization) with its possible ramifications. Islamic history will remember these men as also Prince Turki as heroes.

2. Gen Akhtar's CV needs to mention his successful tenure as the Military Secretary at the GHQ from where he was moved to ISI and promoted to three star. He also served as an instructor / term commander /company commander at the PMA. Many cadets of the time would become well known figures in the country. NH recipients Mohammad Akram and Shabbir Sharif; Prez Musharraf and the man appointed to replace him Gen Khwaja Ziauddin.

3. When confronted with the task of organizing the Afghan war, Akhtar chose fellow gunner Yusuf, now deceased, as his key man. Like Zia and Akhtar, Yusuf was an East Punjabi. He had no links with Afghanistan or Frontier. He was not a special forces officer and never trained for intel. But Akhtar remembered a paper that Yusuf had produced in the Staff College on a similar case scenario. When Hamid Gul took over ISI, Yusuf was replaced by Afzal Janjua, SSG, an extremely hard working and dedicated soldier. It was him who went to wake up Gen Zia at dead of night to report that the Soviets had started withdrawing. Zia had immediately offered two raqats of thanksgiving prayers.Then turning to Afzal he had said, "Son, today is the start of the birth of many Pakistans".

4. Rarely has such a close and intensive cooperation seen among special forces, intel, military, diplomacy, resistance forces, global volunteers and the political leadership. This goes to prove the excellent organization of work carried out under Zia and Akhtar and delivered through Yusuf. Zia was a master statesman and a shrewd diplomat. Today some people enamored of Western culture accuse Zia of being a bigot. The truth is that Zia had understood well that Pakistan was born to serve Islam. He was able to motivate the people and the military into believing in the cause of Islam. Therefore, he had made committed no mistakes in the Afghan War where the entire world of Islam had accepted him as the leader and Gazi.
The big credit goes to CIA for their funds , weapons and stingers......Pakistan role was to distribute weapons from CIA to Afghan mujahideen (and to eat American dollars).....it was afghan people whose bravery and fearlessness dragged the war for decade, forcing russia to retreat.....what could have happened if afghan mujahideens had accepted defeat infront of super power?.......unlike america, russia was bombing rural populations on very large scale, any other nation could have accepted defeat.

Certainly US money and weapons were important, very important - -- Could it even have happened without Pakistan? for our US friends, all positives are theirs and all negatives are Pakistan's, this may persuade some, but not many.

If you research, you will find Pakistan concerned and "active" years before US entering the fray -

Don't let them fool you. We all know what India would have done,had the Soviets been able to punch through the Khayber pass. Pakistan can't survive a two front invasion.

We along with our Afghan brothers were victorious. We walked out of the war as a nuclear power. The USSR threat was reduced for good, India was forced to retreat its evil plans in 1987,when they wanted to attack Pakistan.

Why should we expect the admission of our victory from our enemies?

For better or worse, History for centuries would tell Pakistan & Afghanistan as the victorious against soviets and the revenge of EPak fulfilled as a extra bounty. We can imagine how good plan Pakistan prepared...EPak was taken, defeat caused to soviet complete disintegration with several break away states, russians will always remember it for what they've done.
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The man who Killed USSR
Seriously the Pakistanis seriously think they Killed USSR
Let me remind you what
you were Playing the Side kicks of the Brits,Gulfies,USA in this great game
Of course this was one of the Major reason of collapse but not the only one

Economic stagnation & many more
Stop Being so Delusional people

but you just cant steal credit where it is due, its like stealing away veitnamese victory and trying to shove it to russian arse?
@Silverblaze @muse

Gentlemen, you may not believe this but Gen Akhtar was against extremists among the 7 parties. 3 of them were lead by fanatics, Sayyaf,Hikmatyar and a third one's who's name i'll write as soon as i remember it again.

Matter of fact, those 3 received 'direct funds from the gulf bypassing ISI'. Yes it also means, ISI didn't have substantial authority over their ops. What must be noted is that happened after 1979's 'holy revolution' in Iran.

Our nation was subjected to a war of ideologies. Both Arabs and Iranians were trying to 'win over' Pakistan to their camp. Zia relied on fundamentalists, for obvious political reasons,using JI as his 'shurta'.
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I have moved the thread to Senior's cafe.

Every post except TT's will now require approval.
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