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Man Intending To Burn Holy Quran, Captured By Afghan Forces


It makes sense when you want to make the situation more difficult for your opponent.

---------- Post added at 12:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 PM ----------

Bakhtar news agency was founded before state TV of Afghanistan in 70s.
It shows that Taliban has no respect for Holy Quran or Islam.
They have violated Islamic rules several times,they allowed the bodies of 8,000 people killed in Mazar-e-Sharif to rot(Muslims regards desecration of dead as haram) when they attacked it in 1999.
the whole afghan government is sold to.americans....
would i be surprised if their state news ahency which is financed by govdrnment...is also sold to ameticans and a tool for their propoganda.

---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------

It shows that Taliban has no respect for Holy Quran or Islam.
They have violated Islamic rules several times,they allowed the bodies of 8,000 people killed in Mazar-e-Sharif to rot(Muslims regards desecration of dead as haram) when they attacked it in 1999.

Quran was burnt by Americans and thats a proven fact..
now face saving antics like catching some mythical person who allegedly...supposedly intended to do the same ..wont help in saving american face..

if an afghan does this hideous act nobody will blame americans and its pure BS that it will help taliban cause....it will jarm taliban cause and they would not do anything like that...

No it's not like that dude, f*ck those who burned the holy Quran US or people like these; it doesn't matter but the point is to show how Taliban are using religion as a tool nothing else!

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 PM ----------

the whole afghan government is sold to.americans....
would i be surprised if their state news ahency which is financed by govdrnment...is also sold to ameticans and a tool for their propoganda.

It's has never been on any propaganda and the same people you see criticizing US and saying 'death to US' are the one who read and watch news from this agency.
No it's not like that dude, f*ck those who burned the holy Quran US or people like these; it doesn't matter but the point is to show how Taliban are using religion as a tool nothing else!

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 PM ----------

It's has never been on any propaganda and the same people you see criticizing US and saying 'death to US' are the one who read and watch news from this agency.

its very convenient that days aftervAmerican burnt Quran..aTaliban supported Afghan emerges as another potential burner...
logic says this is being used as a diversion....to divert public anger against american military towards Taliban...
Taliban wont need any such acrobatics when the public is already angry with US military....
Even the pea sized brains of talibunnies will see this much logic...
you are only making a fool of yourself by insisting on the news...
makes no sense other than pure deceptive propaganda in favour of US army.
Afghan government who worship NATO crusaders made this story up. No Muslim would ever intentionally harm the Holy Quran. We can't even see our Holy Quran on the ground.

Karzai is worried that once U.S. and NATO is out who will protect him from Taliban. Also he wants to suppress the outrage over U.S. soldiers burning the copies of the Holy Quran.

Afghan media is becoming like bharati media. all crap.
News is a pure BS. Looks like someone wants to give a cover up to what their soldiers did a few days ago.
In related news, the captured man also revealed that there was never any NATO invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. All the "foreign" soldiers are actually Taliban fighters in disguise. The Taliban attacked themselves because of a confused overdose of opium.

---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

Afghan government who worship NATO crusaders made this story up. No Muslim would ever intentionally harm the Holy Quran. We can't even see our Holy Quran on the ground.

Karzai is worried that once U.S. and NATO is out who will protect him from Taliban. Also he wants to suppress the outrage over U.S. soldiers burning the copies of the Holy Quran.

Afghan media is becoming like bharati media. all crap.

I agree. NATO spinmeisters are far too clever to have come up with this trash. This has Afghan "intelligence" written all over it.
No it's not like that dude, f*ck those who burned the holy Quran US or people like these; it doesn't matter but the point is to show how Taliban are using religion as a tool nothing else!

Talibs have been using religion for their war right from beginning so nothing new there but they will fall to this level that was not expected. I just hope that people realize their play and don't become a part of it else it will be loss of common mass and win of terrorists..
I find this story difficult to believe. Karzai has a desire and love for Nato and any recent embarrassing situations would potentially be diluted with fragmented news of this nature. I think the Afghanistani Intelligence service have made a poor attempt to fake this up. Come on cant you try harder - stooping pretty low just to passify the love of Nato and of course lets not forget the superduper US of A.
the thread is about a news item about some dude in.afghanistan.
you stop going offtopic and stop coming up with krap.
just an advice....and no i dont get hurt so easy.

O Genius, where did i go off topic?? You were the one who was holding off topic discussion with others not me. So instead of accusing me stop the BS, right there.. Got it!!
Oh Genius, where did i go off topic?? You were the one who was holding off topic discussion with others not me. So instead of accusing me stop the BS, right there.. Got it!!

yes agreed on that...
i have deleted my post and the rest were deleted by a moderator.
now we can all come back to the topic.
Highly improbable and difficult to believe on the word of Americans or their allied Afghan authorities.

This is a condemnable tactic and no one should go down this route.
Difficult to believe, but taliban is seeking resurgence and this even is good for recruitment.
Not sure to what length they will go to do that.
And what if that person was sent by US and NATO to calm down the peoples and put them against Taliban, so they will divert their attention..................coz no muslims can even think to do this act of burning quran.

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