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Malaysian court rules use of "Allah" exclusive to Muslims

Immortality is relative term,

For a fly which lives a week Humans are immoratal, for Humans the supreme beings(Hindu gods or Allah or aliens) are immortal since their calender is big compared to us.

1000 years is one GOD day according to the Hadith.

You can name your lovely pet with any Hindu god name, we also do that :), GOD is every where and in every form that includes animals is our belief.

Good then ask your naïve and nonsense members like maler to refrain from insulting Allah. Because naming idols or deities or photos or whatever as he said he wants to name after Allah, is tantamount to naming Hindus god to my pets.

Give respect and get respect.

And indeed Allah does not have gender. Muslims all other world should use ALLAH instead of gender since nowhere in Quran any such gender is mentioned.

Allah is not mortal being since on perishable things need gender not supreme GOD :).
Wise decision by Malaysian court. The christian proselytization literatures take deceptive means to gain converts. Almost all of the prophets mentioned in the Bible are also prophets of Islam and even many of the stories are shared too. Instead of clarifying the obvious differences in basic tenets between these two religions Christian proselytizers exaggerate this anecdotal similarity between these two religions and tell the illiterate Muslims that Christianity is acceptable in Islam. These literatures never mention 'Jesus' but its Arabic equivalent Isa and never talk of 'God' but Allah.
lolzzz hindus are now trying to get a solace ??

Sorry we don't feel the need to call our GOD by animal names or even deities as the main/core foundation of Islam is negation of these very idols. Handmade crafts which cant even move by itself.

and hunuman does not represent a monkey face?

Vishnu does not represent a pig??

tell me if the hindu gods themselves loved to appear in these forms why monkey is derogatory then?

it is derogatory. The Gods can take any form in this world. For them all creations are equal.

So you can equally equate God Vishnu to Allah, Buddha, or anyone, as Vishnu can take any form!! But referring them to as one animal is derogatory. Its not the word but the intent behind the language which signifies if its derogatory or not.

Vishnu does not represent pig. Again you are being derogatory. You would hate it if someone used names like this for Allah.

Vishnu represents the maintainer or preserver of this whole universe - the universe in which you and all the Muslims also live ;)

Vishnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and Hanuman does not represent a monkey. He represents selfless service to God and victory of Good over Evil.
it is derogatory. The Gods can take any form in this world. For them all creations are equal.

So you can equally equate God Vishnu to Allah, Buddha, or anyone, as Vishnu can take any form!! But referring them to as one animal is derogatory. Its not the word but the intent behind the language which signifies if its derogatory or not.

Vishnu does not represent pig. Again you are being derogatory. You would hate it if someone used names like this for Allah.

Vishnu represents the maintainer or preserver of this whole universe - the universe in which you and all the Muslims also live ;)

Vishnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and Hanuman does not represent a monkey. He represents selfless service to God and victory of Good over Evil.

My dear all these are animals forms if your gods do not feel derogatory to adopt these forms why you as their follower even have objection ?

The bottom of your posts and mine posts is that everyone gets offended over disrespect to his or her faith hence its better you should respect mine to get respect for yours.

You are offended over calling human representing monkey god and you are ok with using Allah's name for idols or any object by anyone.

But its the same we are not ok with that
lolzzz hindus are now trying to get a solace ??

Sorry we don't feel the need to call our GOD by animal names or even deities as the main/core foundation of Islam is negation of these very idols. Handmade crafts which cant even move by itself.

ok don't call your God as Jesus, Shiva. But you can call your God as Bhagwan, Allmighty etc?

Also you may not use above names, but no one else has problem if you do use. Only Muslims again acting differently from rest of world and acting intolerantly (in this case Malaysia).
My dear all these are animals forms if your gods do not feel derogatory to adopt these forms why you as their follower even have objection ?

The bottom of your posts and mine posts is that everyone gets offended over disrespect to his or her faith hence its better you should respect mine to get respect for yours.

You are offended over calling human representing monkey god and you are ok with using Allah's name for idols or any object by anyone.

But its the same we are not ok with that

No bottomline is not same.

When someone (in this case Christians) call their God as Allah. They are using the world Allah in the MOST RESPECTABLE manner possible in this world. They are calling God itself as Allah. So in effect they are taking the word Allah and respecting it more then anything.

this is most respectable thing and not offensive.

this is different when you call Vishnu as some animal. How much respectfully do you say that statement? You say that only to insult and not to respect. You are taking the word Vishnu and trying to insult it as much as you can.

So the intent is so different in both cases.
The Maronites used the term Allah long before the Malays were even Muslims :lol:
They should make a special frequency for the the sound of "Allah" so that only muslims can hear it and write it in a way that only "muslims" can read it . After all Islam is the most superior religion in the world with the most superior followers across the globe .
GOD created this universe and GOD energy exists in all beings, Some of the scientific and philosophical thoughts are embedded in Hindu worship, worship is some kind of respect and taking care of things around you. Like environment trees, animals which support human life etc....etc....

GOD is a supreme being and concept of worship differ is in different faiths ...... Any way I believe GODs and Aliens are same ..... :D

My dear all these are animals forms if your gods do not feel derogatory to adopt these forms why you as their follower even have objection ?

The bottom of your posts and mine posts is that everyone gets offended over disrespect to his or her faith hence its better you should respect mine to get respect for yours.

You are offended over calling human representing monkey god and you are ok with using Allah's name for idols or any object by anyone.

But its the same we are not ok with that

GOD created this universe and GOD energy exists in all beings, Some of the scientific and philosophical thoughts are embedded in Hindu worship, worship is some kind of respect and taking care of things around you. Like environment trees, animals which support human life etc....etc....

GOD is a supreme being and concept of worship differ is in different faiths ...... Any way I believe GODs and Aliens are same ..... :D

My dear all these are animals forms if your gods do not feel derogatory to adopt these forms why you as their follower even have objection ?

The bottom of your posts and mine posts is that everyone gets offended over disrespect to his or her faith hence its better you should respect mine to get respect for yours.

You are offended over calling human representing monkey god and you are ok with using Allah's name for idols or any object by anyone.

But its the same we are not ok with that
They should make a special frequency for the the sound of "Allah" so that only muslims can hear it and write it in a way that only "muslims" can read it . After all Islam is the most superior religion in the world with the most superior followers across the globe .

Not really....
ok don't call your God as Jesus, Shiva. But you can call your God as Bhagwan, Allmighty etc?

Also you may not use above names, but no one else has problem if you do use. Only Muslims again acting differently from rest of world and acting intolerantly (in this case Malaysia).

:)) why should I call my God as bhagwan? I mean we are NOT confused those who are confused what to call their gods they should think over.

we don't consider idols as our gods we don't believe in idols and its the beginning of Islam abrahamic religion so why should we even think of shiva.

Jesus is a respected Prophet of Islam so we don't need to even think of calling him god.

We know out God is one we don't mix it with confusion or any idol worshipers' gods
:)) why should I call my God as bhagwan? I mean we are NOT confused those who are confused what to call their gods they should think over.

we don't consider idols as our gods we don't believe in idols and its the beginning of Islam abrahamic religion so why should we even think of shiva.

Jesus is a respected Prophet of Islam so we don't need to even think of calling him god.

We know out God is one we don't mix it with confusion or any idol worshipers' gods

See this thread :P
Christian proselytizers exaggerate this anecdotal similarity between these two religions and tell the illiterate Muslims that Christianity is acceptable in Islam.

I am against this. Even in India they are creating lot of problems by trying to convert people. But the court should ban or imprison these groups.

But ban on use of word Allah is not appropriate and shows the judges lack tolerance.
GOD created this universe and GOD energy exists in all beings, Some of the scientific and philosophical thoughts are embedded in Hindu worship, worship is some kind of respect and taking care of things around you. Like environment trees, animals which support human life etc....etc....

GOD is a supreme being and concept of worship differ is in different faiths ...... Any way I believe GODs and Aliens are same ..... :D

GOD created this universe and GOD energy exists in all beings, Some of the scientific and philosophical thoughts are embedded in Hindu worship, worship is some kind of respect and taking care of things around you. Like environment trees, animals which support human life etc....etc....

GOD is a supreme being and concept of worship differ is in different faiths ...... Any way I believe GODs and Aliens are same ..... :D

whatever is your worship that is NOT subject of debate here the only funny thing here is that Indian Hindus are hell bent upon insulting Islam and when we point out realities about Hinduism even, they are going bonkers.

My faith says "You on to your way , on to ours".

when people lose all kinds of purpose in life they resort to such gimmicks to gain attention.

:)) why should I call my God as bhagwan? I mean we are NOT confused those who are confused what to call their gods they should think over.

we don't consider idols as our gods we don't believe in idols and its the beginning of Islam abrahamic religion so why should we even think of shiva.

Jesus is a respected Prophet of Islam so we don't need to even think of calling him god.

We know out God is one we don't mix it with confusion or any idol worshipers' gods

I know many Pakistan people who call God as Bhagwan :) :P

Bhagwan is a generic term and not name of any Hindu God.

Bhagwan, God, AllMighty are same words. So you should not call Allah as God also!!

what is difference between God and Bhagwan? one is English word and other is Hindi word. that's all. both otherwise refer to God/Bhagwan in general terms.

So you cannot use the word GOD anymore. :P

if using Bhagwan is unacceptable, then using God is also unacceptable. Look at yor post, you just committed lot of sins by calling Allah as God in above post !!
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