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Malaysian court rules use of "Allah" exclusive to Muslims


You are just trolling, Allah the word didn't exist in the pre Islamic age. If you have a 'peer reviewed document' to prove it otherwise post it here or just don't post at all.

Allah is a word unique to the Quran. The word itself is the declaration of the Islamic 'Tauheed' (Singularity).

Allah is a 'Singular word' ONLY. Its impossible to make it plural. It means that there is only ONE creator.

Allah also can't be taken for a gender, female or male, which means Allah is not a being.

It doesn't give an image to your mind when you say Allah and close your eyes. You don't see a man with a white beard or a female diety.

Allah is ambiguity/nothingness, it doesn't exist until you find it through sprituality accumilated out of knowledge and critical thinking.

Critical thinking being the fundamental of Islamic thought, means that since Allah wants to be found NOT blindly followed, it remains a neutral ground for humans to think, learn and make sense of it before the reaching the core stages of 'belief'.
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