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Malaysia offers $2.3bn fund to bridge Padma

BNP championed bangladesh in corruption. On the other hand BAL brought new style of corruption. none of sides are good.
isn't that the truth ?

Yes new style surpassing the old one even the hyped up version. :lol: Btw there was sharemerket loot in 96 as well under this new style BAL. None R good but one has always been a lesser evil than the other, infact the less evil one pales in comparison to this most evil one. That's my point. :)

Btw why defend BAL's padma bridge scam with BNP corruption? They failed to get WB funding due to their billions of $$$ of wet dream and now going for this ML proposal. Rather than doing cost-benifit analysis one should not jump up and down cheering this BAL way of face saving by burdening the people.
Yes new style surpassing the old one even the hyped up version. :lol: Btw there was sharemerket loot in 96 as well under this new style BAL. None R good but one has always been a lesser evil than the other, infact the less evil one pales in comparison than this most evil one. That's my point. :)

Btw why defend BAL's padma bridge scam with BNP corruption? They failed to get WB funding due to their billions of $$$ of wet dream and now going for this ML proposal. Rather than doing cost-benifit analysis one should jump up and down cheering this BAL way of face saving by burdening the people.

1. BNP championed bangladesh in corrution. So BNP got champion vote. :lol:
2. BAL is good in sharemarket looting , nothing new. New thing is when BAL gov's corruption exposed by WB, they said WB is corrupted itself. WB's reaction after that is like ' oh yea ? really ? fk that, we will not give you money, lets see what you do now'
AL /BNP in my book same coin two face.none of them are looking after us.both party has corrupted members and killer thugs.none of them done anything good for the country. Both party wants power to make more money for themselves. Both party's hand is red from innocent ppls blood. Just look what they made us do.they dragged us to their level.rather than giving constructive opinions we are arguing none of our opinions count .weather AL or BNP no gov: will take on coincide ration our need or country's development. Then why all this ?why bother?
can you deny that BNP did not do corruption ? lets see who says the truth :lol:

You can try to be awami league party thug and use equating template but fact od the matter is BNP is not power for almost 7 years. So your deception has no value. Besides, awami league promised to be better than BNP, so equating with BNP when awami league looting is so astronomical that brought Bangladesh economy to its knees.
Didn't read the last line I guess. Person carries a country's passport consider that country, s citizen.I am Bangladeshi are you?and all the lecture about corruption thanks to assange who isn't?

Let the northern Sylhetis Iajdani and Al-Zakir talk against Padma Bridge construction, but the SouthWest people will keep on pressing the govt to construct it. Because, this is how SW wil be able to feed the Sylhetis high quality vegetables produced in the SW. Let the Sylhetis note that even the cows in SW eat a better quality cabbage than the people of Sylhet can only dream of. So, if they want to eat what the cows eat in the SW they must pay more tax to finance the bridge.

@the just, how do you think about this proposition of 'Merecho Kolshir Kana, Tai Bole Ki Prem Debona?'
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Let the northern Sylhetis Iajdani and Al-Zakir talk against Padma Bridge construction, but the SouthWest people will keep on pressing the govt to construct it. Because, this is how SW wil be able to feed the Sylheti high quality vegetables produced in the SW. Let the Sylhetis note that even the cows in SW eat a better quality cabbage than the people of Sylhet can only dream of. So, if they want to eat what the cows eat in the SW they must pay more tax to finance the bridge.

@the just, how do you think about this proposition of 'Merecho Kolshir Kana, Tai Bole Ki Prem Debona?'

where you from buddy ? I am from Khulna :)

Im from Khulna and I want Padma bridge at any cost.
It will take 3 hours to reach khulna from Dhaka if the bridge is constructed.
@eastwatch what do u think Khaleda said in one of her speech that she will construct not only one but two padma bridge if bnp comes to power. Has bnp any positive plan on this.
If the construction starts by local financing in al regime can bnp postpone this.
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You can try to be awami league party thug and use equating template but fact od the matter is BNP is not power for almost 7 years. So your deception has no value. Besides, awami league promised to be better than BNP, so equating with BNP when awami league looting is so astronomical that brought Bangladesh economy to its knees.

oho now i got it why BNP is so desperate :woot:, 7 years not in power :lol:
hey @liontk check it out bro :D, if you check i talked against all parties but some people called me opposite party supporter because i talked against their party, they do not want to consider that i also talked against their opposite party too :omghaha:
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Im from Khulna and I want Padma bridge at any cost. It will take 3 hours to reach khulna from Dhaka if the bridge is constructed. @eastwatch what do u think Khaleda said in one of her speech that she will construct not only one but two padma bridge if bnp comes to power. Has bnp any positive plan on this. If the construction starts by local financing in al regime can bnp postpone this.

1) I think, local financing to build a $3b bridge is possible only if the Main Contactor is from Bangladesh and almost all the materials are procured within the country. But, this is not the case with PB.

2) People tend to think BD can afford the construction of PB with its own $14b of foreign exchange. But, if it spends from this money on foreign contractor and materials it will cause Taka to depreciate to probably $1=Tk100. This will cause a heavy inflation in the country.

3) I have initiated one thread that says Japan will extnd $1b+ to finance the construction of three new smaller bridges parallel to three existing ones that will also be refurbished and repaired. So, if BD cannot even build small bridges by itself with its own fund how it is possible for it to build such a gigantic bridge like PB?

4) BD certainly needs at least two to four bridges over Padma, and at least two more over Jamuna. PB No. 1 at Mawa, PB No. 2 at Aricha, PB No. 3 at Bhola. There should also be another PB No. 4 at some point in between Aricha and Pakshi Bridge. Yet another can be envisaged at Chandpur point (PB No. 5).

But, someone living in Canada has spoiled the PB. No. 1. She refused to answer to the Canadian authority about her involvement in the PB scam and fled to London to her Aunt's shelter. Canadian govt has revoked her citizenship. So, it is not really Abul. If Abul is arested she will be exposed (our great asset @idune loves this word). Now, BD is stuck with the non-construction of PB No. 1.

5) If in power BNP will certainly get loan from the WB for the PB No. 1, and if it has learned lessons from its last term, two BNP sons will remain corruption-free at least with WB money. The construction will commence, and there is also a possibility of getting the finance for No. 2 PB in the next BNP term.

6) However, the govt should avoid getting Malaysian loan for the bridge. The loan servicing price is too high. Malyasia wants to impose unfair and unacceptable high toll rates for the vehicles.
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hey @liontk check it out bro :D, if you check i talked against all parties but some people called me opposite party supporter because i talked against their party, they do not want to consider that i also talked against their opposite party too :omghaha:
@BDforever, nothing much my dear friend, just looking through the bangladaise forum for any new military news but like 60% of PDF, majority of the stuff is on politics :confused: or people discussing religion sadly. I do not have a clear form opinion of bangladaise as far as my limited political knowledge goes, however not matter which party is in power, the infrastructure projects should be supported as they are essential for not only economic growth but leave good foundation for the next generation. I think this project from the costs appears to be an expensive and ambitious feat if BD achieves it considering the economic status though has Bd considered any other financing options(IMF, World bank, inde, US, EU...)

Also mon ami, keep us posted on the naval modernization program of BD and remember to post pictures(the EYE CANDY).
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@BDforever, nothing much my dear friend, just looking through the bangladaise forum for any new military news but like 60% of PDF, majority of the stuff is on politics :confused: or people discussing religion sadly. I do not have a clear form opinion of bangladaise as far as my limited political knowledge goes, however not matter which party is in power, the infrastructure projects should be supported as they are essential for not only economic growth but leave good foundation for the next generation. I think this project from the costs appears to be an expensive and ambitious feat if BD achieves it considering the economic status though has Bd considered any other financing options(IMF, World bank, inde, US, EU...)

Also mon ami, keep us posted on the naval modernization program of BD and remember to post pictures(the EYE CANDY).

some new pictures have been posted there, check them out
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Thanks. However, if you read the bdnews24.com news, it says Malaysia will invest $2.3b and will take away $5.2b during the next 26 yrs. So, Malaysia will take (5.2b - 2.3b) x 1000m/26yrs = about $111.5million per year. You can count this money as interest payment. So, the interest rate becomes a constant 4.8% per year.

I think, the big interest rate is what BD is not willing to accept. Can you or someone hilite the interest rate of the WB offer?

Is the toll collected both ways or only one way?? If the proposal is a 4 lane bridge, then 100+ million dollars per year is a very high figure for toll collection. For example Bandra-Worli Sea link of similar length collects about 15 million dollars yearly with about 35000 autos travelling per day.

Also, why does it cost 2.3 billion dollars to construct a 6 Km bridge?
1)Is the toll collected both ways or only one way?? If the proposal is a 4 lane bridge, then 100+ million dollars per year is a very high figure for toll collection. For example Bandra-Worli Sea link of similar length collects about 15 million dollars yearly with about 35000 autos travelling per day.

2) Also, why does it cost 2.3 billion dollars to construct a 6 Km bridge?

1) I have checked and if your data is correct, then the toll is only about Rs.60/vehicle. So, are you sure you have provided correct data? Seems to be too cheap at $1.2/vehicle.

2) The construction cost is estimated at $2.9b, and is not $2.3b as you have stated. There are many factors that are responsible for the high cost of PB. Some are written below:

- Padma Bridge is a two-tiered bridge. The lower floor is for train communications and the upper 4-lane floor is a road for transporting vehicles.

- The sub-soil is made of silts and fine sands. A deeper penetration of piles will be needed to support the dead, live, wind (axial) and seismic (axial) as well as impact (max. 21% of live loads) loads. Superstructure will also have to be built strong for similar reasons as above. The piles may have to be bored down to -80m below the river bed.

- River bank protection for quite a few km along both sides of the bridge is already being undertaken as far as I know.

- Other erosion control and anti-siltation measures will be needed.

- A few kms of approach roads will be built.

- A temporary makeshift bridge will have to built for movement of cranes and other construction and erection vehicles.

So, this is why the project is far above the cost of a bridge built in a dry climate zone with a strong soil below.
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