All affirmative action benefit crooks and goodies are not delivered to the deserved, especially Malaysia's bumi policy . The problem of bumi policy is not about giving Malay more economics rights, but rather, a gangsters of Malay who are stupid and wicked, nevertheless wanted to be in-charge and loot.
These gangsters play up racial tensions and are willing to resort to murder for their own gains.
If the Malay elites really want to help poor Malay, they can let Chinese free wheel the economic, and at the end, spread their wealth by progressive taxation. Everyone will be better off.
What Malay gangsters UMNO did was, using the name of bumi policies, transfer wealth of Chinese into their own corrupt pockets, and leave most of the Malay Joe as poor as possible. Worst, Malay workers wages are further exploited by flooding the countries with Indonesians, effectively pegging Malay workers' wages to Indonesian slump kids.
Ironically the ONLY state in Malaysia that eradicate poverty is Penang, run by Chinese, not all other Malay lorded states. The Chinese even though being hated by Malays are so good to Malay. The poor in Malaysia receives a monthly income transfer from the Chinese state government, raising everyone above poverty standards. And most of the people who receive the transfer are Malay. The monies are transfer from state high income people, mainly Chinese, to Malay.
Unfortunately, that does not prevent Malay from mongering hate against Chinese. Shame on Malay.
Guan Eng: Penang will be first State in Malaysia to eradicate poverty by this year ABN News | Eng