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Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

lol stupid Indains going at tangent.

The original point was that Indians said that why are you so pro-China.?

And I said its because China doesn't invade our countries, kill our people, or impose their beliefs on us.

So obviously.

But then ofcourse the stupid Indian replied (Jayatl) by saying "pro-atheist country...what about ummah"


Something like that.

I then replied well thats their internal affairs.
First I'm american , secondly are you also not a " freedom" country? then how come you make anti minority laws?

problem with mentally challenged people like you is you don't know the difference between " freedom" and democracy". Freedom does not mean you give up having laws that protect your " freedoms". Perhaps you need to go a regular school to understand the difference and not the ones Saudis built for you..

problem is mentally retarded idiots like you dont know what the heart of the debate is all about. Look at the initial posts you made idiot.
LOL, stupid Indians at it again.

Originally one of the incredibly idiotic indians said why are pro-China?

Because they don't invade our countries, kill our peoples, try to impose their beliefs.

We understand that China has a different culture and I respect that.

Don;t like China, don;t live there.

lol only primitive idiots like you would want your women to look like Tarzan (aka a prostitute).

ofocurse what to expect?

What a pillock,Only a pervert could think of such analogy.How could a women look like Tarzan.Its so gay.:lol:
problem is mentally retarded idiots like you dont know what the heart of the debate is all about. Look at the initial posts you made idiot.

I know what the initial post that I made, it was quite simple- don't live in countries you hate and among values you despise. It is your lack of comprehension we are having fun with now...
First I'm american , secondly are you also not a " freedom" country? then how come you make anti minority laws?

problem with mentally challenged people like you is you don't know the difference between " freedom" and democracy". Freedom does not mean you give up having laws that protect your " freedoms". Perhaps you need to go a regular school to understand the difference and not the ones Saudis built for you..

Listen Jayatl, I;m going to let you get away with this one.

The heart of the debate is that you said, "why are you for a pro-atheist country" according to post 36 in this thread.

I replied well thats their internal affairs.

Then you replied in your post 38, "that sure it suits you when you say it is their internal affairs."

then in Jayatl's post's 40, you say "Unless in countries like the west and/or Israel."

I already answered your utter nonsense.

The west needs to practise its freedom. If China doesn't claim to be a lnd of freedom they can do whatever they like their country.

Ahh sigh stupid Indians at it again.

I dont care how India runs it's country, but atleast practise what you preach hypocrites!

I know what the initial post that I made, it was quite simple- don't live in countries you hate and among values you despise. It is your lack of comprehension we are having fun with now...

No, no you curse idiot!

You said why are for a "pro-atheist country"

Go check your initial posts. This isn't about freedom. This isn't about women's clothes.



At least China doesn't invade other countries, mind their busines..

I don't give dam* what you believe in, what your perceptions of freedom are.

What a pillock,Only a pervert could think of such analogy.How could a women look like Tarzan.Its so gay.:lol:

lol idot get to the point. Look at Jayatls post 36 and 38. Since thats the crux of debate.

Dont get irrelevant stuff in here about how a women should dress.

THis is about the right nations.

No nation has the right to tell the other nation how to run their house.

I know what the initial post that I made, it was quite simple- don't live in countries you hate and among values you despise. It is your lack of comprehension we are having fun with now...

actually I'm enjoying seeing your stupidity, as you went on tangents, and tried to defend yourself with retarded irrelevant comments.

It was quite amusing you you brought up your beliefs of "FREEDOM." well there are other people who give a cra*P what your beliefs are.

LOL. quite amusing it is indeed. It was fun talking to a fool like yourself.

it seems the 90% of Indians are idiots is true afterall. Since you drifted away from the crux of the debate.

With women's dress and you ideas of freedom.
lol idot get to the point. Look at Jayatls post 36 and 38. Since thats the crux of debate.

Dont get irrelevant stuff in here about how a women should dress.

THis is about the right nations.

No nation has the right to tell the other nation how to run their house.


:lol:You are a colossal pillock.You are the one who brought women dress in to our debate.Now you don't Wanna discuss it because you ran out of steam.Listen you misogynistic ........,If you don't wanna debate then get out.With your increasingly idiotic views,you are only gonna get humiliated here.
:lol:You are a colossal pillock.You are the one who first brought women dress.Now you don't Wanna discuss it.Listen you misogynistic dumba$$,If you don't wanna debate then get out.With your increasingly idiotic views,you are only gonna get humiliated her.

Well you are bigger idiot.

Indeed I brought up the Burka. But wasn't the one who started debating about covering face or how a woman should dress, or what is dregrading not degrading.

For you it is ok to go in bikinis and look like a prostitute aka tarzan, but you have a problem with niqaab or BUrqa.

Azazel you are the real sicko here.

Stupid Indian 0

Me 1

Keep trying Idiotic Indian.

we already the conclusion of this debate.

Don't like China, don't live there.

The west if, they believe in freeedom, should practise their freedom, and let women wear burqas.

The end of the debate. But stupid indians Jayatl and Azazel kept talking with irrelevant arguments.

:lol:You are a colossal pillock.You are the one who brought women dress in to our debate.Now you don't Wanna discuss it because you ran out of steam.Listen you misogynistic dumba$$,If you don't wanna debate then get out.With your increasingly idiotic views,you are only gonna get humiliated here.

Huh, You idiot. :lol:

Its you and Jaytl who went on Tangents. Whatever happens in "atheist China" as jayatl said it, that their country.

boo hoo, booi hoo, who care a dam* about your beliefs. :lol:

:lol:You are a colossal pillock.You are the one who brought women dress in to our debate.Now you don't Wanna discuss it because you ran out of steam.Listen you misogynistic dumba$$,If you don't wanna debate then get out.With your increasingly idiotic views,you are only gonna get humiliated here.

Whats the matter you Jayatl and Azazel pigs? Getting tired after getting whipped by me?
Well you are bigger idiot.

Indeed I brought up the Burka. But wasn't the one who started debating about covering face or how a woman should dress, or what is dregrading not degrading.

For you it is ok to go in bikinis and look like a prostitute aka tarzan, but you have a problem with niqaab or BUrqa.

Azazel you are the real sicko here.

Stupid Indian 0

Me 1

Keep trying Idiotic Indian.

we already the conclusion of this debate.

Don't like China, don't live there.

The west if, they believe in freeedom, should practise their freedom, and let women wear burqas.

The end of the debate. But stupid indians Jayatl and Azazel kept talking with irrelevant arguments.

I have no problem with swimwear as long as they are used in places they are supposed to use.But I do have problem with people roaming around in tents covering faces.In civilized societies people don't cover their faces.But a silly mysogenistic person like you don't have the capability to understand such things.

And remember there are plenty burqa wearing prostitutes in this world and Wearing bikini alone doesn't make anyone a prostitute.
actually I'm enjoying seeing your stupidity, as you went on tangents, and tried to defend yourself with retarded irrelevant comments.

It was quite amusing you you brought up your beliefs of "FREEDOM." well there are other people who give a cra*P what your beliefs are.

LOL. quite amusing it is indeed. It was fun talking to a fool like yourself.

it seems the 90% of Indians are idiots is true afterall. Since you drifted away from the crux of the debate.

With women's dress and you ideas of freedom.

If you give a cr##p about it then why do you whine so much about us then? Why did you come in quoting a post of mine that was not addressing you? It is quite apparent you are consumed by us, be it Americans or Indians on PDF. Every point I made was to answer your ignorance. Face it, you are only a keeper of Muslims when the villain is non Muslim or non Chinese. Look forward to your " You India %^%#$" reply.
If you give a cr##p about it then why do you whine so much about us then? Why did you come in quoting a post of mine that was not addressing you? It is quite apparent you are consumed by us, be it Americans or Indians on PDF. Every point I made was to answer your ignorance. Face it, you are only a keeper of Muslims when the villain is non Muslim or non Chinese. Look forward to your " You India %^%#$" reply.

ACtually that was a typo. I meant there are people who don't a dam* about your beliefs.

So let them do what they want in their house, and you do in your house.

For some reason the editing button was not working.

I have no problem with swimwear as long as they are used in places they are supposed to use.But I do have problem with people roaming around in tents covering faces.In civilized societies people don't cover their faces.But a silly mysogenistic person like you don't have the capability to understand such things.

lol. so its ok to look like a prostitute. besides don't put the debate on a tangent.

Idiots, debate is, as Jaytle put is "pro-atheist China....what about Ummah"

The debate is not about women's dress or your beliefs on freedom.

Idiot get to the point.
If you give a cr##p about it then why do you whine so much about us then? Why did you come in quoting a post of mine that was not addressing you? It is quite apparent you are consumed by us, be it Americans or Indians on PDF. Every point I made was to answer your ignorance. Face it, you are only a keeper of Muslims when the villain is non Muslim or non Chinese. Look forward to your " You India %^%#$" reply.

huh what are you talking about? If there was a Muslim country claiming to be a land of freedom, but then banning burka I would call that Muslim populated country a hypocritical country.

Same thing if China claimed to be a land of freedom and then banned burkas.

Face stupid Indians, you guys losing steam very fast.

Anything else?
Well you are bigger idiot.

Indeed I brought up the Burka. But wasn't the one who started debating about covering face or how a woman should dress, or what is dregrading not degrading.

For you it is ok to go in bikinis and look like a prostitute aka tarzan, but you have a problem with niqaab or BUrqa.

Azazel you are the real sicko here.

Stupid Indian 0

Me 1

Keep trying Idiotic Indian.

we already the conclusion of this debate.

Don't like China, don't live there.

The west if, they believe in freeedom, should practise their freedom, and let women wear burqas.

The end of the debate. But stupid indians Jayatl and Azazel kept talking with irrelevant arguments.

Huh, You idiot. :lol:

Its you and Jaytl who went on Tangents. Whatever happens in "atheist China" as jayatl said it, that their country.

boo hoo, booi hoo, who care a dam* about your beliefs. :lol:

this is that they are, they are in any case inferior and incapable of most thing (apart from being guilble and annoying), but they will always have clueless excuses for their failures,
$uck at sports = because we dont wanna show-off
$uck at infrastructure = because we are 'democracy'
$uck at high tec = because we dont 'copy'
$uck at economy = because it is 'healthy' growth
$uck at defence = because of our army officers like foreign weapons
and this $ucking list goes on and on
This debate isn't about you personal beliefs of burkas or bikinis.

Or your personal beliefs on freedom.

The debate is about Jayatls post 36
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