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Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

not convincing, because one can simply hide a bomb in their underwear like the underwear bomber did.

So what's your point? Anyone can hide a bomb anywhere and look like a civilian and where civilian clothes.

Again your argument is not convincing. The same way a terrorist could wear a whigg and thick black sunglasses and paint their faces black and commit a terrorist attack in a western country. LOL

just because it is not convincing to you does not mean it is not convincing to others.

In December, 2010 in Pakistan, a woman wearing a burqa threw a grenade and detonated an explosive vest at a U.N. security checkpoint, killing 41 people

Female Bomber Kills Dozens in Pakistan, Official Says
not convincing, because one can simply hide a bomb in their underwear like the underwear bomber did.

So what's your point? Anyone can hide a bomb anywhere and look like a civilian and where civilian clothes.

Again your argument is not convincing. The same way a terrorist could wear a whigg and thick black sunglasses and paint their faces black and commit a terrorist attack in a western country. LOL

You are very imaginative.You have a great future in terrorism related career.:lol:
It because of their freedoms they believe it is oppressive too for women to be covered up.

Again its no convincing. Same thing can be said for bikini clad women. Looking tarzan or prostitutes is oppressive.

So basically you are saying that France is hiding under "Liberalism" and not what it truely stands up for "freedom."

You are very imaginative.You have a great future in terrorism related career.:lol:

lol, idiot, stop arguing. Niqaab is not oppressive. Maybe some stupid frenchies may think so. No one else does.

Even a woman in Japan can wear a Niqaab. lol.

just because it is not convincing to you does not mean it is not convincing to others.

Yes, bu here is the catch, France claims to be a land of freedom, so they should allow it.

You can't have both ways. Stop wasting our time here. you just a hypocrite.
LOL France is against freedom, the very thing stands up for. Hypocrites they are.

And hypocrites who supports them.
lol idiot, weren't it you a while ago saying that the ghoonghat is not the burka?

So wearing a ghoonghat is a problem because it covers the face right?

LOL get a life man! many Hindu women believe in the ghoonghat. Now I'm just laughing me rear off.

LOL, wearing a niqaab is a threat to security according to stupid France. LOL, ONly france banned it lol. No one else did. lol

No it is not,Wearing Ghooghat is not.I don't agree with that.How many times do i have to say it:hitwall:I've never seen such an idiot before.
Burqa is also banned in Belgium,Italy and Netherland.One Australian state has also banned it,rest of the country might also follow it.UK might also ban it.
Again its no convincing. Same thing can be said for bikini clad women. Looking tarzan or prostitutes is oppressive.

So basically you are saying that France is hiding under "Liberalism" and not what it truely stands up for "freedom."


again just because you are not convinced does not mean its not because of " freedoms", that they want those outfits banned too.. You are losing this debate now. everything seems to be acceptable only if it fits your version. Just like the Taliban you too have the same outlook in life. no wonder you support that kind.

I will wait for your next reply after you add LOL's and " you indian idiot, indian fool , Indian $%%#@ " whatever
Better for Acquino III to look after his stranded population after the deadly cyclone which has killed 600 Philippinos. Better for Acquino to look after funding for reconstructing his poor country. Better for him to beg money from the US which unfortunately would not give one cent except sending an aircraft carrier with nuclear weapons. Don't expect China to given preferential loans for re-construction. Regarding Malaysia, this country has excellent relation with China, more so Chinese is the second population in Malaysia controlling two third of the private economy. Acquino must learn that one day, he will be held accountable for this and he has to answer for his own personal enrichment. Acquino must learn that sexual tourism involving minors is booming in Philippines but this would surely not bring enough FDI for uplifting the Philippinos economy.
11 pages, a new record!

If nobody hasn´t noticed, the Four-nations talk over South China Sea is postponed, not canceled forever. I am sure that we come together.
i feel sad for philipinos having to put up with such an embaressment as president:rofl:

really an economy that even top china's good transformation of government, better government service, Strong Private and public partnership, a strong new economy, new foreign investment we just got over 100 plus new facilities all over the country and an end to south Mindanao problems. ya i feel you bro the Filipino people is lucky to be under his leadership too bad for you people in china political scandals not only in the mainland but in her so called autonomous regions and Tibet man don't get me started with Tibet and for the people for a peoples republic everything is so expensive for the normal citizens and government clams on people who demand better government services not even taking the time to hear their complaints and a lot more well its taking so long hey i remember how is the guys family who committed suicide because of he was underpaid wow i thought china should be a present workers parades :woot:
lol, Malaysia and Brunei are not idiots. Why get problems with neighbour, China?

I hope Malaysia and Brunei go the same path Pakistan did with China.

I hope Malaysia and Brunei have as strong relations with China as Pakistan has.

Phillipines is being stupid.

So finding a solutions is being stupid which concerns all by the way.
So defending ourselves even in diplomatic ways is being stupid
So Following our constitution is being stupid

In that case why are you citizen of your country?
why are you replying to this?
Why is Pakistan still calming Kashmir?

If defending yourself is stupid and asking for help from others to better your chances because like it or not a arrogant china is going to cause problems to all not just the claimants so please tell mister better human being why do you even bother living?
really an economy that even top china's good transformation of government, better government service, Strong Private and public partnership, a strong new economy, new foreign investment we just got over 100 plus new facilities all over the country and an end to south Mindanao problems. ya i feel you bro the Filipino people is lucky to be under his leadership too bad for you people in china political scandals not only in the mainland but in her so called autonomous regions and Tibet man don't get me started with Tibet and for the people for a peoples republic everything is so expensive for the normal citizens and government clams on people who demand better government services not even taking the time to hear their complaints and a lot more well its taking so long hey i remember how is the guys family who committed suicide because of he was underpaid wow i thought china should be a present workers parades :woot:

Care to share what you been smoking? Sound pretty good what you been smoking for you to come up with such bullshit:rofl:Man stop being a fool philipines is no where near compared to indonesia let alone china hahaha
Better for Acquino III to look after his stranded population after the deadly cyclone which has killed 600 Philippinos. Better for Acquino to look after funding for reconstructing his poor country. Better for him to beg money from the US which unfortunately would not give one cent except sending an aircraft carrier with nuclear weapons. Don't expect China to given preferential loans for re-construction. Regarding Malaysia, this country has excellent relation with China, more so Chinese is the second population in Malaysia controlling two third of the private economy. Acquino must learn that one day, he will be held accountable for this and he has to answer for his own personal enrichment. Acquino must learn that sexual tourism involving minors is booming in Philippines but this would surely not bring enough FDI for uplifting the Philippinos economy.

He all ready did and he did that too he even hand over goods and medicine and our economy is on of the best in 2012 so what else do you want?

So are you saying that defending the national territory by all means (Diplomatic/Militarily) is not the President's job maybe for you but the constitution of the Philippines would disagree with you

Care to share what you been smoking? Sound pretty good what you been smoking for you to come up with such bullshit:rofl:Man stop being a fool philipines is no where near compared to indonesia let alone china hahaha

really why should i am not your servant please do it yourself its the truth is not my fault you people are meat puppets

http://betterphils.blogspot.com/2012/12/pres-aquino-urges-filipinos-to-continue.html here
He all ready did and he did that too he even hand over goods and medicine and our economy is on of the best in 2012 so what else do you want?

So are you saying that defending the national territory by all means (Diplomatic/Militarily) is not the President's job maybe for you but the constitution of the Philippines would disagree with you

really why should i am not your servant please do it yourself its the truth is not my fault you people are meat puppets

Please pay back the money we loan to you then come back and talk big

PH To Pay China Loan

PH To Pay China Loan | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper Online

Only $500 millions and your nation has to pay back in installments :rofl: very embaressing indeed,forget about talking big i will kill myself first if my country is that poor
Well do it? am not like you anyway about that that's china we got a lot of investments from others so why should kill ourselves because one arrogant idiotic nation who can't even defend itself international court and believing its better than others while its own people are disenfranchise some People's Republic right? sure for us we have problems but at less we are not like you so you can go a head and do that. Beside its old news and the contract has a lot of anomalous from both sides especially Arroyo and the chinese.

For us if there is live there is hope and since we are getting better that 500milion is nothing i mean we got 85 billion reserve and we are loaning some to IMF so why should be ashamed? we have a lot of good news here? i find your rebuttal funny and idiotic. :woot:
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