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Malaysia bans Shias from promoting their faith

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Listen pagan, I don't tolerate sh!tward people trying to act civilized on us just because they are on internet. Act real before I make you. We will not second Syrians mistake; they allowed your kind in to worship your idols and shrines and your kind ended up in mass slaughtering them. We will never make the same mistake again. Do whatever you want in your place and stay away from us.

You know you are kind of funny when you act like this.

It is easy to set you off when one starts analyzing your belief, straight to get your rewards double quick.

We don't give a flying f*** about your primitive ideology, don't try o dictate to others about theirs.
Oh Yes, muslims can , shitts can not,Period.

May I ask , what sort of language are you using for other Muslims ? :azn:

As long as one believes in the Oneness of Allah and Final prophet hood of Muhammad ( P.B.U.H. ) , he is a Muslim . Unless of course you claim to judge anyone's faith in this world or read a person's mind !

Nothing wrong with that. I don't think Iran would allow sunnis to promote there sect even in Sunni majority regions of Iran. So nothing wrong in it in my view.

Whats the right thing here , mate ? Please , tell me that . Why destabilize a peaceful country for no reason ? Aren't the Muslims fighting all over the world with their brethren enough ?
Whats the right thing here , mate ? Please , tell me that . Why destabilize a peaceful country for no reason ? Aren't the Muslims fighting all over the world with their brethren enough ?

There are no or little number of shias in Malaysia. Once they would start propagating there sect in Malaysia, things would start to turn bad. Obviously majority would resist. Govt played its part and avoided that situation. Malaysian would be more stable with such ban.
There are no or little number of shias in Malaysia. Once they would start propagating there sect in Malaysia, things would start to turn bad. Obviously majority would resist. Govt played its part and avoided that situation. Malaysian would be more stable with such ban.

There are still Shias in Malaysia , right ? . My friend , there are a dozen different sects in each country , if honestly you want to take it that route , how many will you ban and under what justification , that is the question ? This is nothing , but a state's mistake to destabilize itself . I thought the Malaysians were moderates .

Never heard of ' Dont fix if it ai'nt broke ' thing ?

It doesn't work that way, you assume everyone involved is an intellectual, but most people are poor and simple minded; Shias tend to avoid scholarly debate and play on emotions in order to 'convert'. A cowardly strategy indeed, if you are confident this is the best religion you'd come to the debate.

The same scenario can be put otherwise , why apply on just one sect ?
@Hyperion @Secur @Armstrong @Oscar, what do you say? Sounds about right given the situation, no?

Actually , yes . Every country can ban any religion or a particular sect , going by that logic , declaring it as ' deviant ' or ' primitive ' . Why not if we give the power to the state to decide people's faith being right or wrong ? What sort of example does Kuala Lumpur wants to set ? Trust me , this is the same ' Driving ban and Burqa ban ' dilemma , I explained earlier to you . Hypocrisy , the worlds knows it as !

Good job Malaysia, you won't gain anything from Shiites except backstabbing and instability, almost every Muslim country with Shiites in it you will find instability in it as well.

Half of the Muslim world is burning as hell due to this sort of thinking . :azn:
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Oh Yes, muslims can , shitts can not,Period.

It seems with petro dollars sh.its has :yay:

Good job Malaysia, you won't gain anything from Shiites except backstabbing and instability, almost every Muslim country with Shiites in it you will find instability in it as well.

Yes Wahhabi AL-Qaeda is stabilizing every Muslim country.:astagh:
There are no or little number of shias in Malaysia. Once they would start propagating there sect in Malaysia, things would start to turn bad. Obviously majority would resist. Govt played its part and avoided that situation. Malaysian would be more stable with such ban.

Naya Pakistan :pakistan:?: PTI same ol biogot :victory:
Actually , yes . Every country can ban any religion or a particular sect , going by that logic , declaring it as ' deviant ' or ' primitive ' . Why not if we give the power to the state to decide people's faith being right or wrong ? What sort of example does Kuala Lumpur wants to set ? Trust me , this is the same ' Driving ban and Burqa ban ' dilemma , I explained earlier to you . Hypocrisy , the worlds knows it as!

Perhaps Togadia does need to be voted in, then we can officially and legally label Muslims, 7th Day Adventists, worshipers of the Great Spaghetti Monster as deviants. Yup, it'll be a joyous situation all around. Should have thought of this earlier.:hang2:
First Wahhabi came for the Ahmedis, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Ahmedi.

Then Wahhabi came for the Hindu and christan, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Hindu or christan.

Then Wahhabi came for the Shias, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Shia.

Then Wahhabi came for Sunni--and there was no one left to speak for me.
Good job Malaysia, you won't gain anything from Shiites except backstabbing and instability, almost every Muslim country with Shiites in it you will find instability in it as well.

LOL…if the Religion of Peace™ does not accept its own adherents who else will it accept? Then these Islamists complain their religion is misrepresented by others. There is no misinterpretation buddy. You said it.
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