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Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

If you mean that there a lot more sane Turkish members on this forum, compared to Iranian members; I agree. But don't be misguided by this observation; you have millions of Iranians who are ready for all kinds of reforms, while I still encounter Kurdish-Turkish hatred on many occasions.

So I recommend every one to follow the attitude of Turkish media if he/she think this forum is not enough to decide.
So I recommend every one to follow the attitude of Turkish media if he/she think this forum is not enough to decide.

Turkish media is of course more free and diverse than the Iranian media. But since you compare it too Iran. Have you ever heard of Iranians or Kurds/Azeris attacking each other because of political reasons? Have you ever heard of an Iranian Grey Wolves movement? There are a lot of things wrong in Iran, but so as in the Turkish society.
Turkish media is of course more free and diverse than the Iranian media. But since you compare it too Iran? Have you ever heard of Iranians or Kurds/Azeris attacking each other because of political reasons? Have you ever heard of a Iranian Grey Wolves movement? There are a lot of things wrong in Iran, but so as in the Turkish society.

Turks and Kurds are not attacking each other if that's what you mean. The problem is between Turks/Kurds and terrorist sympathisers, and with the likes of you who like to show every Kurd as a terrorist sympathiser.
Turks and Kurds are not attacking each other. The problem is between Turks and terrorist sympathiser, and with the likes of you who like to show every Kurd as a terrorist sympathiser.

So what is this?



I have never seen such thing happening in Iran. Look at the pictures; there is enormous hatred within the Turkish society between certain communities.
So what is this?



I have never seen such thing happening in Iran. Look at the pictures; there is a lot more hatred within the Turkish society between certain communities, than in the Iranian society.

If my memory serves me well, that is a man shooting at terrorist sympathisers. Mind posting the source of these pictures?
I think the question is
why are you so sad with this peace making process, today? You named it a big pro yesterday!

Whatever it was, it is going to change. Good or bad the fact is "Turkey is on right track". But in my personal opinion, your way of thinking will never help Iran.
I think the question is
why are you so sad with this peace making process, today? You named it a big pro yesterday!

I'm still pro-peace, but I'm not that optimistic as many people are. A lot of things have to happen before real change is established.

Whatever it was, it is going to change. Good or bad the fact is "Turkey is on right track". But in my personal opinion, your way of thinking will never help Iran.

My way of thinking is not that important; whats important is how Iranians in Iran are looking at things.
I really enjoyed how the majority of Turkish members support the right of minorities in Turkey. Every democratic development in Turkey, has affected and will affect the situation in Iran. I just could hope for Iran to be free from short-sighted views.

Don't get me wrong Ir.Tab, but I've seen a lot of Turkish members here who insult Kurds (not necessarily PKK) and I'm surprised you missed them. Not that others don't support peace and minority rights.
You know me, I'm not a hypocrite and I'm just saying what I've seen.You also know my opinion about minority rights in Iran.
Draft on "defense in mother tongue" will be discussed next week

ANKARA (AA) - January 17, 2013 - Turkish Parliament will debate a draft on "defense in mother tongue" next week.

Mahir Unal, group acting chairman of Justice & Development (AK) Party, told AA on Thursday that the draft would be discussed on January 22.

If the debates won't conclude, we will continue discussing on January 23 and 24 too, he added.

By amending Article 202 of the Law on Criminal Procedure, the draft envisages to remove a ban on making one's defense statement in mother tongue at courts.

The issue of defense in one's mother tongue or in a language other than Turkish had become a hot topic as some trials became deadlocked, with defendants demanding to deliver their defense statements in their mother tongue.

Last year, hundreds of prisoners announced a hunger strike in protest of the ban on the use of a mother tongue in defense statements.

The draft also gives a chance for married prisoners for private visits with their spouses without the presence of prison staff from three hours to 24 hours and once in three months.

Step by Step, just It is very unfair that Birand will not see his dream, a full democratic Turkey!
Don't get me wrong Ir.Tab, but I've seen a lot of Turkish members here who insult Kurds (not necessarily PKK) and I'm surprised you missed them. Not that others don't support peace and minority rights.
You know me, I'm not a hypocrite and I'm just saying what I've seen.You also know my opinion about minority rights in Iran.

Ir.Tab is too biased. Hell, many Kurds don't even dare to say that they are Kurdish in Europe or Turkey. Peace may be established, but it will take a lot of time before things will cool down between both people.
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