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Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

The thing is that blaming Iran and showing Iran as responsible are different things with probably different outcomes.

You are right. I should've said 'showing Iran as responsible' in the first one too. But in order such thing to happen, France's collaboration is also needed which complicate things even more.

If Turkey blames Iran this time, and the next time something like this happens the attention would be aimed at Turkey I think.

You may be right about this too. Turkey should take precautions to prevent such things to happen again and make the public, especially the Kurds, believe that it would never do such a thing. I believe making some progress in the deal would do that trick.

If Turkey blames Iran just this time it will not be well received in Tehran. Potentially leading to the former scenario.

I'm sure PKK camps in Iran and the Iranian spies in Turkey wasn't well recieved in Ankara too. But economic relations still growing since then.
You are right. I should've said 'showing Iran as responsible' in the first one too. But in order such thing to happen, France's collaboration is also needed which complicate things even more.

You may be right about this too. Turkey should take precautions to prevent such things to happen again and make the public, especially the Kurds, believe that it would never do such a thing. I believe making some progress in the deal would do that trick.

I'm sure PKK camps in Iran and the Iranian spies in Turkey wasn't well recieved in Ankara too. But economic relations still growing since then.

In any case our discussion demonstrates a need to reconcile with the kurds. But then we're back to square one. What are the cons?
Erdogan to Continue PKK Talks Despite Paris Murders

It is certain that the Paris murders are a dangerous, ominous starter.


Cengiz Çandar

A Kurdish arms dealer in Moscow was shot dead in the Russian capital on Wednesday,
No doubt. but the point is on the timing! Why now! Why not any before this?

Actually, that dude was surviving from assassination attempts since 1998. Çekirge...

Anyway, good riddance.

Hasan Dede’ye daha önce iki suikast girişimi yapıldı. İlki 1998 yılında Karadeniz kıyısındaki Soçi şehrinde gerçekleşti. Bu ilk saldırıda katil hedefi ıskaladığı için Hasan Dede yara almadan kurtulmuştu. Hasan Dede’yi öldürmek için yapılan ikinci suikast girişimi 2010 yılında oldu. Hasan Dede bu saldırıdan yaralı kurtuldu.
How many intelligence agency do you know which can assassinate people in middle of Paris?

Think, make your brain work a little.
You dont need intelligence services for that.
You only need some of your countrymen in that country who lived there for many years and can carry a gun and shoot with it.
What do you think would happen if turkish intelligence asked such a thing to Turks in any country in Europe?
I must add not just any countrymen.
I hope you get what i mean.
Thanks for your mature response. In contrast of some you provided your reasons and this is very welcomed.

Now the question is which one is more harmful to the unity of Turkey?
1- The case there are unfair policies regards to some races and regions
2- The case in which all regions and races treated equally
1-It was never government policy to discriminate regarding races(its some people discriminating),how can you invest in a region where the day a school is build word goes out to the pkk and they either forbid the locals to go to school or they just destroy the school?
2-I am for equal rights

Thanks for your mature response. In contrast of some you provided your reasons and this is very welcomed.

Now the question is which one is more harmful to the unity of Turkey?
1- The case there are unfair policies regards to some races and regions
2- The case in which all regions and races treated equally
1-It was never government policy to discriminate regarding races(its some people discriminating),how can you invest in a region where the day a school is build word goes out to the pkk and they either forbid the locals to go to school or they just destroy the school?
Many kurds from europe tried to build a factory in the east,they were either forced to pay the pkk or their factory was closed by threathening to kill if not.
2-I am for equal rights
Actually because of stupid Turkish government, we lost Iraqi Turkmens to Iraq and Iran.
Then we pushed Syrian Turkmens into a civil war.
Now Erdogan started forming Azeri opposition in Turkey. I smell bad things here.

Sorry, I stand for interests of Turks, even if it would be Iran that protects the interests of Turks.
Ok now,explain to me how iran is protecting turkish interests?
-Peace as a state of harmony, lack of violent conflict and freedom from fear of violence, my answer is a big yes.

-pkk is a burden for all including kurds... without a conflict pkk or its political fronts are nothing... moreover, in a true democracy apo's stalinist mentality (this is quite evident in their rhetoric... terminology...) has no chance to survive therefore in a way it is also a chance to save a group of kurds who are politically kidnaped by pkk...

-we dont have the luxury to neglect anyone; Turkmens...Kurds you name it

-for middle east... sorry but this is not an ongoing war between good and evil... just the politics among nations
+1 pro..
Unless Pkk buried the battle axes, there always will be prejudice over Kurds and that's the main reason of their possible feeling "out of things" in mainland, this is making things a mess for both side but the solution is as easy as falling off a log which is being a citizen! Within the moment Pkk has been abolished I am gonna buy a beer to first kurd i saw around me 'cause I do love this country and we must have much more important things to do but to fight each other, more goals to achieve..

Both the police and the PKK must pass a test

Today, hundreds of thousands will meet in Diyarbakir, among them the extremely angry and sad. This will all occur as a “Kurdish demonstration.”

People will demonstrate their power. The Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) has determined its stance; it will not provoke.

We do not know of the stance of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Will it say, “Look, whenever we want to, we can turn the streets into fireballs but this time, we will show the peaceful side of our people,” or will it make its youth attack the surroundings as a sign?
The organization, today, will give the first signal of what it thinks about the İmralı Process.

It is easy to provoke such huge crowds; however, it is very difficult to keep them under control. One sound of a gunshot, one whisper would ruin everything.

Police responsibilities

Police have a huge responsibility also. As we have seen in previous demonstrations, security forces sometime get very tough. Their reactions can turn the whole place into a battlefield with such justifications as, “They do not have any permission. They spat on police.”

Yet we have seen demonstrations in which the police stand by and there is no incident. But, be careful, we are not talking about the police silently watching while people are being killed or while buildings are burned.

We expect the security forces to act with common sense. We will receive the first sign today. Will this process work or will it be undermined?
I want to be hopeful.

Halki Seminary

I’m sure you noticed the story that came up last week.

The woods surrounding the Halki Seminary, about 190 hectares, were returned to their owner, the Aya Triada Monastary Foundation. The Seminary had been closed in 1971 in a move against religious schools. Not only the seminary but all the assets of local Greek foundations were seized. Buildings and land were given or sold to Turks. It was not possible to correct this injustice until the Ak Party government. This government has taken remarkable steps regarding minorities. Court cases that were ongoing for 40 years have been finalized. Assets were given back to their former and real owners.
You can imagine what a hard business this is. This last issue has confirmed that Ankara now regards minority issues with a completely different view. But the Halki Seminary is still not open. The Ak Party government that has overcome such difficulties has not opened the school yet.

They have given statements, one after the other, that “it should be opened,” that “it will be opened,” but it has not.

We somehow cannot abandon the “reciprocity” principle. When we do something, we expect Greece to reciprocate in the same way. However, the seminary is a part of this country. The clergy educated there are our citizens. To expect reciprocity is an exceptionally wrong approach.

Mehmed Ali is dead. WOW, another corrupt guy bites the dust. I never imagined I'd see this day.

Das sei sicher besser für die Türken.

The only difference between Iran and Turkey is that the number of people who think like you are that much high in Iran which is enough to turn Iran to a ruin.
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