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Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

I'm a pro.A peace with Kurds and giving their legitimte rights to them, can end the violence in whole Turkish, Iraqi and Iranian Kurdistan once and for all.It can lead to further developments in Kurdistan, to become a prosperous region.

First war is better than last peace.The worst kinds of peace deals is still better than war option.
MHP is the only opposition. With at about 15% vote share if I am not wrong.

Well, I wouldnt expect much of them in the first place. They where originally Mafia extremist, The Grey wolves. They have there place in Turkey.
MHP is the only opposition. With at about 15% vote share if I am not wrong.

Isn't MHP opposition only correlated to these peace talks? I can imagine that if the concessions by the Turkish government to the PKK are made public, a lot Turks would oppose these concessions?
I'm a pro.A peace with Kurds and giving their legitimte rights to them, can end the violence in whole Turkish, Iraqi and Iranian Kurdistan once and for all.It can lead to further developments in Kurdistan, to become a prosperous region.

First war is better than last peace.The worst kinds of peace deals is still better than war option.

The development of democracy situation of Kurds in Turkey will affect the demand of democracy within the Iranian minorities without doubt.
The development of democracy situation of Kurds in Turkey will affect the demand of democracy within the Iranian minorities without doubt.

The difference between Turkey and Iran, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that the main obstacle in giving minorities more rights is the Iranian regime, rather than the Iranian people. The Turkish-Kurdish issue is a lot more sensitive than the Kurdish-Iranian issue, don't you agree?
The difference between Turkey and Iran, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that the main obstacle in giving minorities more rights is the Iranian regime, rather than the Iranian people. The Turkish-Kurdish issue is a lot more sensitive than the Kurdish-Iranian issue, don't you agree?

Yup, Kurds and Iranians are more united duo the fact there where no Kurdish Terrorists active for decades, Untile a couple years ago but Iran quickly recognized the potential danger and reacted will full force, So the PJAK got destroyed. But because Turkey carelessness the PKK recruited and forced members till they reached thousands and thus furthering the unity gap betweeb Kurds and Turks.
Well, I wouldnt expect much of them in the first place. They where originally Mafia extremist, The Grey wolves. They have there place in Turkey.

We should send you to the front next time when sh.t hits the fan. Since you know how to deal with such issues.
Yup, Kurds and Iranians are more united duo the fact there where no Kurdish Terrorists active for decades, Untile a couple years ago but Iran quickly recognized the potential danger and reacted will full force, So the PJAK got destroyed. But because Turkey carelessness the PKK recruited and forced members till they reached thousands and thus furthering the unity gap betweeb Kurds and Turks.

You're right, but as far as I can analyze, the PKK used PJAK as a bargaining chip in the negotiations with the Iranian government. The PKK has always, for some reasons, focussed on Turkey, rather than on Iraq, Iran or Syria. The reason why could be because they are supported by other foreign entities, who want to keep pressure on Turkey in case they become more powerful.
The difference between Turkey and Iran, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that the main obstacle in giving minorities more rights is the Iranian regime, rather than the Iranian people. The Turkish-Kurdish issue is a lot more sensitive than the Kurdish-Iranian issue, don't you agree?

It was more sensitive but it is going to be changed. Things changes rapidly in Turkey. Now, you rarely find any Turk who insults Kurds. But the amount of harsh attitude regards to the Turkic people in Iran rises dramatically. A big awareness.
3- If you guys remember, the military doctrine of Turkey is to be able to fight on 2.5 fronts at the same time...That 0.5 comes from inside terrorism..In a war scenario(God forbids!) Turkey wont have to keep an eye on south east zone inside and will be able to distribute her war assets effectively
This is Exaggeration, Turkey has four armies. PKK is merely a job of a division. And that is without mobilization.
2- This terror situation is a big burden on Turkey`s shoulders economically..For this 30 years old conflict Turkey spent 10bn$ each year to finish it off..Thats huge..and a clear indication that it must end..soon..Right now Tax income from south east is almost 0..
And this is BS. You can't consider the whole budget of the Army, spent on terror.
It was more sensitive but it is going to be changed. Things changes rapidly in Turkey. Now, you rarely find any Turk who insult Kurds. But the amount of harsh attitude regards to the Turkic people in Iran rises dramatically. A big awareness.

Honestly, and I don't know if these guys represent a certain portion of the Turkish population, is that I encounter many anti-Kurdish Turks in the Netherlands? For instance, in my hometown here in the Netherlands, some coffeeshops that are owned by Turkish-Kurds are giving a large part of their incomes to the PKK, and on the other hand many Turks are member of the Grey Wolves.

But in which way Iranians are becoming more anti-Turkic? I haven't noticed that, to be honest.
We should send you to the front next time when sh.t hits the fan. Since you know how to deal with such issues.


Honestly, and I don't know if these guys represent a certain portion of the Turkish population, is that I encounter many anti-Kurdish Turks in the Netherlands? For instance, in my hometown here in the Netherlands, some coffeeshops that are owned by Turkish-Kurds are giving a large part of their incomes to the PKK, and on the other hand many Turks are member of the Grey Wolves.

But in which way Iranians are becoming more anti-Turkic? I haven't noticed that, to be honest.

Europeun Turks tend to be more Ultra-nationalistic, Most of the German Turkish Youth is even part or supports Grey wolf activity. Because as you may now, There is a huge gap socialy in countries like Netherlands, England and Germany duo racisme and fanatisme. Small groups start to form and these are always formed by people of the same origin. And so, Etnic clashing begins. Turks supporting fellow Turks regardless ideals or reason. Kurds support fellow Kurds so PKK. Its a huge problems in Europe, And very little is done.
AKP said we wont accept PKK as legitimate representative of Kurdish side. Our main goal to disarming PKK and regulate constitutional bans on Kurish ID.

AKP now is more pwoerful to 2009 when he failed to reach an agreement with PKK.

in 2009 AKP was struggling with military structure and didnt get sufficient armed support from army againist PKK. Some Army commanders delibrately ignored PKK attacks in order to reduce the govenment's credibility in public opinions.

in last 1.5 years PKK took heavy blow. in 2012 it lost over 1000 militans. even in last 7-8 days pkk lost 23 militans in the calmest months of winter. half of them were from Iran and Syrian

i think government doing what needed in right time. and this proces will divide PKK. it is hard to eliminate PKK to zero level because it always find some foreign support and shelter.
Europeun Turks tend to be more Ultra-nationalistic, Most of the German Turkish Youth is even part or supports Grey wolf activity. Because as you may now, There is a huge gap socialy in countries like Netherlands, England and Germany duo racisme and fanatisme. Small groups start to form and these are always formed by people of the same origin.

Thats correctly observed. But you think the Turkish population is ready to make concessions? Is peace within fingertips, you think?
Thats correctly observed. But you think the Turkish population is ready to make concessions? Is peace within fingertips, you think?

No, Peace will be achived on the long run IMO, I am fairly convinced that factions within PKK will neglect and refuse if any peace treaty will be signed. So we will still be facing some problems but the numbers will be decreased dramaticly and so the efficienty of an Guerilla warfare will decrease dramaticly, Eventually my predictions is that they to will eventually give in or will be destroyed.

A huge gap of Turkish population is still naive minded, So i wont expect much support from the Turkish population. But we should continue anyway...
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