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Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

He is not really in the wrong because we can deport all the BDP members to Iraq my people in Russia and other Central Asian states want to go back to Turkey but we cant because we dont have the money and we have no existence in Turkey anymore.
BDP members are 2 million or something like that Ahiska and other Turkic people who dont have a country are over 10 million i dont see a Problem in this.
Turkey should save money and make 10 year program to accomplish this. This can't be done in 1 year. This is a long-term project. I will call it the true Ergenecon ( the real meaning of this word is the birth of Turkic independence )
Turkey guarantees safe passage to Kurdish rebels: PM

ANKARA: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday his government was determined to settle the three-decade Kurdish conflict and would guarantee safe passage for rebels wishing to leave the country.

“If you are sincere and honest, you lay down your arms,” Erdogan told his ruling party lawmakers in parliament, referring to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

“If you don’t want to live in this country, you are free to go to any country you like. We assure you that … we’ll do our best not to let what happened at our borders before happen again,” he said.

Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran all have Kurdish minorities in regions straddling their common borders.

In the past there have been clashes between Turkey’s security forces and the PKK as they were leaving the country for northern Iraq where the group enjoys safe haven.

Ankara has acknowledged that a fresh round of talks was being held between Turkey’s secret services and the jailed Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan with the ultimate aim of disarming the rebels.

Turkish media have speculated that the nascent talks have produced a roadmap to end the long-running insurgency in Turkey, which has claimed 45,000 lives, mostly Kurdish. But the reported roadmap has not been confirmed by either party.

Erdogan’s remarks came as six PKK rebels, including two women, were killed in clashes with Turkish security forces near the Syrian border, a security source said.

The conflict erupted in the village of Dogancay in the southeast some 50 kilometres (30 miles) from the Syrian border and was continuing, the source added.

Erdogan said his government wanted peace but would not make concessions on fighting against “terrorists”.

“We have opened our hearts to our Kurdish brothers. We did not drop bombs on them. We are dropping bombs on terrorists,” Erdogan said.

“Today and tomorrow our fight against terrorists will persevere. There is no concession there.”

The PKK, which took up arms for autonomy in the Kurdish majority southeast in 1984, is branded as a terrorist group by much of the international community in addition to Turkey.

Turkey guarantees safe passage to Kurdish rebels: PM | World | DAWN.COM
Is there any analysis which discusses the consequences of the fact that the murderer of Paris was from PKK itself?
They will still blame it on us. They will claim that he was a Turkish agent or something like that.

This could be the right time to assasin some PKK folks in Europe and make it look like its an even bigger internal conflict. That would force them finally to fight those bastards.
They will still blame it on us. They will claim that he was a Turkish agent or something like that.

This could be the right time to assasin some PKK folks in Europe and make it look like its an even bigger internal conflict. That would force them finally to fight those bastards.
I think Turkish youth needs to be organized just like in the good old days. Secret Grey wolf organization should be formed in Europe to counter PKK influence in Europe. It is the only way. If covert assassinations need to be done, we will have a base to work with.
Yesterday you wanted to kill TurAr and now you're calling for ordinary Turks to turn into assasins. Duuude.

Secret services might be a better solution, just saying..
Yesterday you wanted to kill TurAr and now you're calling for ordinary Turks to turn into assasins. Duuude.

Secret services might be a better solution, just saying..

Look at this..

They will still blame it on us. They will claim that he was a Turkish agent or something like that.

This could be the right time to assasin some PKK folks in Europe and make it look like its an even bigger internal conflict. That would force them finally to fight those bastards.

I think government is incapable of doing stuff, the people have to take matters in their own hand. If we leave this issue to Turkish public, it will be solved within 1 month. There should be one condition though.. it has to be covert. It has to be a long-term project.
Türk-Kürt Federasyonu

Türkiye’nin başını, savaş gibi belaların en büyüğüne sokabilir bu iktidar...

Ülke için en büyük tehlike (sonuçları, AKP iktidarının sonlanmasına yol açma olasılığını barındırsa bile) iktidarın Suriye’ye saldırma, Ortadoğu savaşı çıkarma ve Irak’ı da parçalama olasılığıdır. Başbakan’ın cumartesi günkü konuşması dehşet vericidir, dünkü yazımdaki alıntıyı yineliyorum:

“Suriye’de tribünde olamayız.. binlerce, on binlerce kilometreden gelip de Irak’a girenler (Amerikalıları kastediyor tabii ki) haklı oluyorsa, biz 910 km. sınırımız olan Suriye’de eli bağlı, tribünde seyirci olamayız. Gereği neyse yapmamız lazım ve yaparız...”

Şimdi Suriye’ye karşı bu saldırgan politikaya bir ek daha yapmalıyız: Mesele sadece Suriye değil... Aynı zamanda Irak! PKK lideri Öcalan’la, içeriği hakkında sıfır bilgimiz olan ama iktidarın bütün medyaya “destekleme” mesajı verdiği “barış görüşmeleri”nin altında yatan diğer gizli bir hedef de Irak’ın bütünlüğünün parçalanması.

Dünkü Yeni Şafak’ta emekli MİT müsteşar yardımcısı Cevat Öneş “Türkiye Kürt sorununu çözdüğü zaman bölgede büyük bir sıçrama yapabilir. Türkiye’nin Kürt sorununu çözmesi bölgede sınır ve harita değişikliğini gündeme getirebilir...” sözleriyle hükümet politikasını açıklıyor aslında.

Söyleşiyi gerçekleştiren Murat Aksoy, bu can alıcı konuda tek bir soru bile sormuyor ve Öneş’i konuşturmuyor! Belki de yazmamıştır!

Öneş’i biz açalım o halde: Hedef, Irak’ın parçalanarak Kuzey Kürdistan’ın Türkiye ile birleştirilmesi ve “Türk-Kürt Federasyonu”nun kurulması! Suriye üzerinden başlayacak ve genişleyecek Ortadoğu savaşı, orayla sınırlı kalmaz. Bu projenin diğer parçası da Suriye’deki Kürt bölgesinin “federasyona” katılması. Sonra da sıra İran’daki Kürt bölgesini kurtarmaya gelir. Türkler ve Kürtler el ele ve birlikte haydi İran’a...

Sınırların ve haritaların değişmesi öngörüsünün başka bir tarifi varsa, biri bana anlatsın!

Öneş, haritalar bile değişir derken, Türkiye toprak kaybeder’i kastetmediğine göre!?

Öneş sonuçta derin hayal görüyor... Diyelim ki bu gerçekleşti... “Kazanılmış toprak” aslında sonuçta “kaybedilmiş toprak” olarak Türkiye’ye geri döner (Federasyonlar her zaman ayrılmaya hazırdır!) Bu bir... İkincisi ise Türkiye’nin işgalci, emperyalist-fütuhatçı politikaya itilmesidir.

Ülkemizdeki, “Erdoğan’ın Kürt sorununu çözme politikasının” kuyruğuna sarılıp koşanlar, başlarına takılı olan at gözlüklerini çıkarıp konuya daha genişçesine bakma olanaklarına sahip midir? Hiç sanmıyorum... Günlük slogan politikaları izleyenler, yarını göremezler...


Türk- Kürt Federasyonu, Erdoğan-Davutoğlu’nun Ortadoğu politikalarının esasıdır. Kendilerinin söylediklerini sıralayalım da fotoğraf netleşsin:

* Ortadoğu, RTE-Davutoğlu için, asla “kayıtsız kalamayacakları” “Osmanlı bakiyesi”sidir. (*)

* RTE ve Davutoğlu fetihçidir. Kanuni’yi boşuna 40 yıl fetihten fetihe at sırtında koşturup durmadılar!

* Davutoğlu’nun “ulusal devletle ve ulusçulukla hesaplaşma zamanı geldi, biz Yeni Osmanlıyız, evet...” açıklamasının anlamı şudur: “Biz bugünkü sınırlarla yetinemeyiz, ulusal devlet yerine, Ortadoğu’da bize katılabilecek Osmanlı bakiyelerini de içimize alarak genişlemeliyiz...”

* Başbakan, Türk milletinden çok, millet kavramını kullanmaya yönelmiştir.

* Her ikisi de ulusal devletçi değil ümmetçidir...


Irak Kürdistanı ile flörtün gerisinde, buradaki petrol zenginliği vardır, bu zenginlik, RTE-Davutuoğlu için kışkırtıcıdır!

Mustafa Sönmez, bu zenginliği ve Kürt politikasını Irak petrolleri üzerine yazısında konu etti. Türkiye’nin verdiği cari açık, ithal ettiği petrole eşittir. Irak- Kürt bölgesindeki petroller bunu tamamen kapatabilir...

Öneş’in “Çözüm, Türkiye’ye çağ atlatır” sözlerinin perde gerisinde de bu gerçek yatar. MİT’çiler gizli konuşur!

Neyse uzatmayayım, iki sonuca işaret edeyim: İlki, Suriye ve Irak’a yönelik bu savaş politikası, ülke içinde baskıları artırır... İkincisi ise ABD ve Batı çıkarlarıdır. Bu çıkarlar, RTE’yi çökertebilir! Daha başka şeyler de var, ama sonraya...

(*) Ulus Yıkıcılığı Zamanları kitabımın ikinci baskısında, Davutoğlu’nun ulusal devletle hesaplaşma zamanı geldi görüşleriyle, tam da bu konu üzerinde, 30 sayfaya yakın uzun bir “hesaplaşma” makalesi var. Merak edenlere... Cumhuriyet kitapları...

What can I say about this written peace. It seems like it's speculation only. It wasn't able to convince me at least. What he said about Syria could be plausible, eventhough I don't think it's the case. But the rest seems like fantasy to be honest. It just gives me the impression that the only thing the writer is trying to do is to discredit the AKP government.

But maybe I have a bias against this newspaper though, because I personally don't trust Cumhuriyet gazetesi as much, but this is just my opinion about this newspaper though.
What can I say about this written peace. It seems like it's speculation only. It wasn't able to convince me at least. What he said about Syria could be plausible, eventhough I don't think it's the case. But the rest seems like fantasy to be honest. It just gives me the impression that the only thing the writer is trying to do is to discredit the AKP government.

But maybe I have a bias against this newspaper though, because I personally don't trust Cumhuriyet gazetesi as much, but this is just my opinion about this newspaper though.
Some of it is plausible,northern Irak wants to be independent and they will achieve it i think(we all know that)
So what if we do the same and they want independence?
I see trouble in the future.
Some of it is plausible,northern Irak wants to be independent and they will achieve it i think(we all know that)
So what if we do the same and they want independence?
I see trouble in the future.

Maliki awaits the delivery of 36 F16. Then he will attack to take the control of Kerkük and eastern side of Tigris river near Mosul.

We might see double Arab-Kurd conflict in Syria and Iraq. Without US seen anywhere near, Kurds have to face this difficulty single handedly. From what i seen Turkmens are on the Arab side in both conflict.
Maliki awaits the delivery of 36 F16. Then he will attack to take the control of Kerkük and eastern side of Tigris river near Mosul.

We might see double Arab-Kurd conflict in Syria and Iraq. Without US seen anywhere near, Kurds have to face this difficulty single handedly. From what i seen Turkmens are on the Arab side in both conflict.

In this case i think you are wrong,Maliki wouldnt dare to attack.
The surprise for you now,Turkey wouldnt allowe it.
Why you ask?
Northern Irak is linked to Turkey for mostly econmic reasons(most benefitial for Turkey(we take oil and send goods or build infrastructure).
The other more important issue,you think we are going to let Iran take over Iraki borders?
What happens if Maliki attacks and wins,one long Turkey/Iran border?
No ty,so there will be no attack.
It would mean the end of Maliki.

Maliki awaits the delivery of 36 F16. Then he will attack to take the control of Kerkük and eastern side of Tigris river near Mosul.

We might see double Arab-Kurd conflict in Syria and Iraq. Without US seen anywhere near, Kurds have to face this difficulty single handedly. From what i seen Turkmens are on the Arab side in both conflict.

In this case i think you are wrong,Maliki wouldnt dare to attack.
The surprise for you now,Turkey wouldnt allowe it.
Why you ask?
Northern Irak is linked to Turkey for mostly econmic reasons(most benefitialfor Turkey.
The other more important issue,you think we are going to let Iran take over Iraki borders?
What happens if Maliki attacks and wins,one long Turkey/Iran border?
No ty,so there will be no attack.
It would mean the end of Maliki.
In this case i think you are wrong,Maliki wouldnt dare to attack.
The surprise for you now,Turkey wouldnt allowe it.
Why you ask?
Northern Irak is linked to Turkey for mostly econmic reasons(most benefitialfor Turkey.
The other more important issue,you think we are going to let Iran take over Iraki borders?
What happens if Maliki attacks and wins,one long Turkey/Iran border?
No ty,so there will be no attack.
It would mean the end of Maliki.

Maliki is Iraqi prime minister, not Iranian. Turkey cannot do a damn thing about Iraq. Thats their inner politics. Maliki is not 100% pro Iranian. He would be better option to have dialogue with. Turkey's security is more important than the pockets of AKP. Therefore Maliki has my support. :)

It is not about whether Turkey allows or not. Either US allows or Maliki cannot. Turkey has No longer any power beyond its borders after US invasion.
Maliki is Iraqi prime minister, not Iranian. Turkey cannot do a damn thing about Iraq. Thats their inner politics. Maliki is not 100% pro Iranian. He would be better option to have dialogue with. Turkey's security is more important than the pockets of AKP. Therefore Maliki has my support. :)

It is not about whether Turkey allows or not. Either US allows or Maliki cannot. Turkey has No longer any power beyond its borders after US invasion.

Again i disagree,Irans power in Iraq will be to big if a attack happens on the KRG.
. .

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