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Making Karachi a province

Why people always relate Province of Karachi with MQM? More Administrative Units with authorities to local is need of time and it's something which should be done to whole Pakistan. Don't relate it to political and sectarian division. I sincerely wants inputs from you guys should more province be made in Pakistan or not? (keeping in mind the division will be nonpolitical and nonsectarian). As this thread is about Karachi so my simple Question to you people

" Should Karachi be made a separate province on nonpolitical & nonsectarian basis? "

Please don't try to divert topic with old distractions like MQM, Political basis, Sectarian Issue, Army Rule etc.
this must be stopped at all costs.
This is a map of Philippines. it has 82 provinces.
I am post this for the retarded people who always gives stupid arguments against making provinces in Pakistan


Iran - 26 provinces
Afghanistan - 34 provinces
India - 36 provinces.

Pakistan need to give provincial status to every division.
every province must have an urban centre around which it can run its economy. If Karachi is taken out of Sindh, what will be left of the Sindh's economy? Urban economy supports the rural economy while at the same time generating revenue for the entire province. You cant just make more provinces for the sake of making more provinces.
the Sindh govt should have developed other urban cities then. Read up on the history of Karachi since the time of British, local population of Sindh has done next to zero to develop Karachi, or other cities in Sindh for that matter.
All provinces should be abolished and Pakistan should be divided in Administrative Divisions.
(The whole infrastructure is already in place)

Punjab- 9 Divisions
Sind - 7 Divisions
KPK - 7 Divisions
Baluchistan - 6 Divisions, (can be increased to 7 Gwadar)
GB - 2 Divisions
AJK - 3 Divisions

What kind of Government structure would you have for these Divisions?

Divisional Commissioner or Governor for each Division?
Why people always relate Province of Karachi with MQM? More Administrative Units with authorities to local is need of time and it's something which should be done to whole Pakistan. Don't relate it to political and sectarian division. I sincerely wants inputs from you guys should more province be made in Pakistan or not? (keeping in mind the division will be nonpolitical and nonsectarian). As this thread is about Karachi so my simple Question to you people

" Should Karachi be made a separate province on nonpolitical & nonsectarian basis? "

Please don't try to divert topic with old distractions like MQM, Political basis, Sectarian Issue, Army Rule etc.
That's the thing ... Our people oppose Karachi making a province due to MQM influence in Karachi ... They don't think that if MQM makes government in Karachi after being a province then would have to serve for people ... If they don't then must be kicked out ... And I agree with you that provinces should be made non political, non ethenic and non sectaran basis ........
without having a strong economy i dont think so we sud go ahead for that...
I have a large family and extended family.... i want my own province ...
and later you will demand a separate state..
that is how establishment malign when ethnic sectors demand province and greater autonomy.
The divisions should be made into provinces. But if MQM demands anything-whatever they demand-it shouldn't be given. They have sold us migrants to India. They are traitors and MQM chief is a disease.
Won't happen. The fat boys in Islamabad/Rawalpindi will never let local people chose their destiny.
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