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Making Karachi a province

Abay! What exactly did MQM do to abolish quota
Go and read administration units first and your comments show you that you are not mature enough.

Very good suggestion.

Please elaborate why it is not a good idea and also please elaborate the difference between local body and province and why local bodies is better?

So by other mean you are supporting sindhi's and not give rights to other community . For your basic knowledge please read this

Now if you are true follower of truth tell me who is correct? and how

We thank you for your comments, but with deep respect i have to say that this is our internal matter and please don't comments on that and we know that your point is a valid one but sorry again

That is why one one my favorite leader said " Don't think who is saying, think what he/she is saying" (Hazrat Ali (R.A))

Batter management will resolve lot of issues

Stop this quota system argument! MQM started its violent politics on quota system. What did it do to abolish it?

Also, quota system is an insignificant argument. With time, it has lost its validity. Also, MQM never brought quota system to discussion as soon as it got to power in province and in centre. MQMers only use this argument to evoke sympathy and I honestly have ZERO sympathy for MQM or its politics.

There should be provinces but not on a call of parties who do politics of division. Read my original post again before you make a comment.
Make Karachi province, Sindh 2, Sindh B or whatever - i don't care, i want tax reforms - all GST/SED/Surcharges should be collected by the province where goods & services are sold and should be the revenue of that province.
All provinces should be abolished and Pakistan should be divided in Administrative Divisions.
(The whole infrastructure is already in place)

Punjab- 9 Divisions
Sind - 7 Divisions
KPK - 7 Divisions
Baluchistan - 6 Divisions, (can be increased to 7 Gwadar)
GB - 2 Divisions
AJK - 3 Divisions

Every division should have its own police, tax collection and budgets.
This system worked fine, during Musharraf era, when he introduced local bodies govt. Laws were written, staff was traied, offices were made, tools were provided, all public service was being delivered at door step.... look back feel like a dream.

GB should be excluded and kept under army control, as it is play ground of Indian cold start.
Pakistan need more administrative units
sindh situation is bit different as it would need more attention due PPP/ sindhi nationalist corrupt practices and injustice to non sindhi speaking areas and people specially urdu speaking citizens

pretty soon it will go very violent as 50% of karachi and 25% of sindh population is non sindhi and non urdu speaking and they will have to go through same discrimination

breaking sindh into Mehran and Sindh province is inevitable. the sooner the better.
breaking punjab into 3 provincial units is the easiest thing to do
merging Fata into KPK and breaking KPK into 2 provinces is not difficult either
breaking Baluchistan into Makran, Baluchistan and a 3rd province will be close to Sindh situation

if some how, Pakistanis agree to justly create a Sindh and Mehran provinces all other will fall in line easily including Baluchistan

in this day and age this discrimination in sindh will not last too long and sooner or later with it will hurt pakistan or will hurt sindh very badly

OR, sindh need to abolish discriminatory law's to save its bifurcation but not for too long.
Go and read administration units first and your comments show you that you are not mature enough.

Very good suggestion.

Please elaborate why it is not a good idea and also please elaborate the difference between local body and province and why local bodies is better?

So by other mean you are supporting sindhi's and not give rights to other community . For your basic knowledge please read this

Now if you are true follower of truth tell me who is correct? and how

We thank you for your comments, but with deep respect i have to say that this is our internal matter and please don't comments on that and we know that your point is a valid one but sorry again

That is why one one my favorite leader said " Don't think who is saying, think what he/she is saying" (Hazrat Ali (R.A))

Batter management will resolve lot of issues
Read constitution for answer
most of the pakistanies do not stop blaming mqm but no body think of fixing issues in sindh
I'm against the division of Sindh but Karachi needs more powers devolved to it and Takht-e-Larkana should treat us as equals.
Abay! What exactly did MQM do to abolish quota

Stop this quota system argument! MQM started its violent politics on quota system. What did it do to abolish it?

Also, quota system is an insignificant argument. With time, it has lost its validity. Also, MQM never brought quota system to discussion as soon as it got to power in province and in centre. MQMers only use this argument to evoke sympathy and I honestly have ZERO sympathy for MQM or its politics.

There should be provinces but not on a call of parties who do politics of division. Read my original post again before you make a comment.

Mate what i give you is not quota system, it is distribution of National assembly seat and financial distribution. Please check again and it is noting to do with quota system

I'm against the division of Sindh but Karachi needs more powers devolved to it and Takht-e-Larkana should treat us as equals.

We need more province for better management and it is according guidance of Islam but distribution must not based any group or any thing but purely administrative based. Please stop this sindhi, punjabi etc etc. We are Pakistani only and nothing else and i consider this Punjabi, sindhi, mahajir etc is just bullshit or political card

Read constitution for answer

Constitution is not come from Allah that you can't change and that is why they amend it regularly. By the way it is a fault of Constitution that we all are suffering right now
In making new province or administrative units, Important thing is not what is best for Pakistan and its people, but what is beneficial for our corrupt ruling elites. This will always remains a dream unless these corrupt people will be eliminated. Unfortunately, Their personal interests are more important than the existence of Pakistan. :-(

Anyone which have even little common sense knows making more province/administrative unit is better for both Pakistan and its people. But unfortunately, In making new province or administrative units, Important thing is not what is best for Pakistan and its people, but what is beneficial for our corrupt ruling elites. This will always remains a dream unless these corrupt people will be eliminated. Unfortunately, Their personal interests are more important than the existence of Pakistan. :-(
every province must have an urban centre around which it can run its economy. If Karachi is taken out of Sindh, what will be left of the Sindh's economy? Urban economy supports the rural economy while at the same time generating revenue for the entire province. You cant just make more provinces for the sake of making more provinces.
Ensure transparency and stop corruption.
every province must have an urban centre around which it can run its economy. If Karachi is taken out of Sindh, what will be left of the Sindh's economy? Urban economy supports the rural economy while at the same time generating revenue for the entire province. You cant just make more provinces for the sake of making more provinces.

Then urban Sindh should be given its equal share in electoral politics .........
i am very much in favor of Karachi Province but this MQM makes me rethink my decision. so not yet
Then urban Sindh should be given its equal share in electoral politics .........

And rural sindh should be given equal share in provincial and federal development spending. if you have data which says otherwise please let me know.
Karachi should be made the province and should be handed over to Army for next 25 years for administration. Karachi should be ruled by Government system which should be run by Governor (from Army) and Governor should select 15-30 competent people, and these people should be selected as the Karachi provincial government representative.

Do you agree with these?


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