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Making Israelis into Monsters

^^i mean dude who kills 6 and 9 year old kids because they refused to become muslims....and kills them by building a wall around their bodies and chopping their head off...so much for a so called peaceful religion ...
Israel is democracy, all religions and nations have same rights. For example Arabic in Israel is official language, we have state run Arabic schools, all documents in Israel should be translated to Arabic, there are daily Arab programs on Israeli state TV. Unlike Turkey where Kurdish is not recognized. So I dont think that Israeli Arabs would like Israel to be like Turkey.

you simply fail to understand why kurdish isn't an official language in turkey, and i wont bother telling it. cause you'll only twist the facts or do something!
^^i mean dude who kills 6 and 9 year old kids because they refused to become muslims....and kills them by building a wall around their bodies and chopping their head off...so much for a so called peaceful religion ...

Every religion have followers that are lunatics
If it was burning people alive as u describe it would be marked as dual purpose round. However it has only one purpose: make smoke.

I'll repeat again:

M825A1, which Israel used is smoke round. It is not incendiary round and its absolutely legal in all circumstanses.
M110A1 is dual purpose round, smoke + incendiary. Israel did not use it.

M825 155mm Projectile
M110 155mm Projectile

Thats exactly what you are doing and always do in pretty much every thread...You dont reply to other people's comments..You only repeat yourself over and over again like a broken record...
I have posted two videos in which burning phosphorous is visibly raining over large area and we can see the glow long after it has landed on the ground..And the UN ofice video that clearly shows the phosphorous burning through the roof and setting everything on fire...and the UN operative which is clearly not Hamas activist ...says that he can smell burning flesh..
Then i also posted an explanation of phosphorous shells..which clearly says that it produces smoke because it burns phosphorous and it causes fatal burns to people if it falls on them...and that it causes fires..

You claim that M1234 or whatever its called can only make smoke....How can it make smoke without Burning? It defies laws of science..Its not pressurized gas which is released by the shell's detonation..It creates smoke because it fiercely burns Phosphorous..
Go on explain to me how on earth it can make smoke without Burning? and as you say it creates smoke for 10 minutes..I agree..because it burns fiercely for 10 long minutes...Enough to set whole areas on fire.

Now instead of replying to what i wrote ..You are repeated the same lines like a parrot......Good for you
100% agree. The post and video recently put on here showing the killings of Syrian civilians confirms this. I think the Arabs have a lot to answer for because they (and in particular greed) have behaved and are complete ignoramuses. Completely made a mess of their own back yard and not only do they try playing with the Palestinian issue they play the Muslim card.

so basically you are suggesting that if syrians are killing somebody that it gives Israel a license to kill?
One killing does not justify another...
so basically you are suggesting that if syrians are killing somebody that it gives Israel a license to kill?
One killing does not justify another...

No im not suggesting this. I am sorry if i came across like that. My frustrations lie with experiences i have encountered recently. All i am suggesting that Arabs are no angels. It certainly doesn't give the Israelis a right to kill
What type of prove you asking for oh you never listen to your own people who shouting about 1000 year barbaric period which your kind is very proud of it bloodiest history event happened in India. It’s hard to calculate the number of people who was killed, women rapes, forcefully conversion etc.

Everyone Knows that All of the Muslim Conquest let that in any Part of the world & every Muslim King let that be Muhammad tughlaq even Prophet Mohammed himself Persecuted Infidel & every non - Muslim... that was there style of War & way of enjoying their Victory and your golden days.

Islamic Conquest was most Bloodiest & most Barbaric in History...Women were treated as War booties.

Guys who watched Jodha Akbar think Akbar was a Secular... but i was not so...he was softer on Masses just for the Better Administration of this over stretched Empire and for the "amazing" military victories many of which were won by the Rajput Generals of Akbar.For decreasing the Constant threat from Rajput & Marathas... it was nothing like he did it because he was kind & secular. He was as Barbaric as any Moghul kings.
Akbar the butcher of Chittor killed 30,000 unarmed civilians for not converting to Islam.
What harm did those millions of Hindus did? Did they come and destroy your mosques? Did they massacre Muslims? No, those Hindus and Buddhists were peaceful beings; but were killed for only one reason being a NON-MUSLIM.

The Real Akbar. The (not) So Great

Ever heard of Shiva ji, Pratap and Guru Gobind singhji slaughtering innocents?
You guys always talks about Sikhs riots 1984 and take a pleasure, they killed on religions reason? NO
It was political riots but I think you forget who kill the Guru Gobind Singh ji and his youngest son and even you don’t who is Guru Gobind Singh ji and what he done for us. Go check who murder him and why because he trying to stop forcefully conversion of Kashmiri pandits . And you forget Sikh and Hindus are brothers, if you don’t know ask me I will tell you. But not as embarrassing as raping and killing 1000s of Hindu women in Bangladesh. How you do the Identification mention below, Many times more minorities were murdered and an army was given orders to exterminate a minority in 1971.

What type of religions is this killing innocent only for conversion and non-Muslim thing?
If we Hindus want revenge for those million Hindus killed my Muslim. There will not even a single Muslim breathing in India. But we are not Muslim to murder millions of people in the name of religion. In India many Muslim are converted ones from Hinduism. The thing is you always need to some to blame and you are the only one religious group who have problems with other’s you can’t mix up with other due to your pure concept thing.

Now in modern world they doing for jihad called terrorist for Muslim and saving Islam, now where are your quote “killing one innocent person is like killing all of mankind, isn't that proof that Islam is peaceful” leave all religion behind and tell me Muslims killing Muslims is quite ok, walking brainwash human bombs. Really it’s very easy to changed their mind-set if have something we called brain. And you guys also problem with Indian Muslim and claims yourself pure Muslim why that propaganda even they are better and more disciplined than your people.

Every single time you guys talk about it to shows Islamic power which is nothing, you can’t do anything but still some illiterate who lived in delusion they talk about “Gazwa Hind” prophecy and according to them in coming year 2012 they going to conquer India LOL and afterwards they go for Israel. I am waiting for another joke. Actually the problem is you can’t accept other religious group only because of Muslims phobia.
However in which era or period you are interested in or any particular country were Jihad show his mercy to mankind like – Albania, Algeria, America, Armenia, Australia, Britain, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Latin America, Malaysia, Mongolia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Scandinavia, Serbia, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Thailand and Turkey; also if you are looking Jihad in the Modern Age (20th and 21st Centuries).

Your argument orbits around one thing "Muslims converting non muslims into islam".........If you follow an organized religion you will understand me .. if you dont then you will not understand..
How can you forcibly convert somebody into any religion? It doesnt make sense....I can push somebody inside a mosque but i cannot force them to have faith in My God and pray to My God..They can be sitting in the mosque/Pagoda/Church/temple due to my fear but wont Believe and wont pray..so basically i created Hypocrites not Muslim/christian/Hindu.....By using force i created the mosr disliked type in Islam..A Hypocrite or a "Munafiq"..
And beleive it or not..Our forefathers were well aware of the fact..If it was a religion preached by force it wont be followed by 2 billoin humans round the world and still growing...and when i say "Followed by"..its not as Hindus or christians follow their religion .. It has more self imposed restrictions than any other religion.....I am not keeping fast because somebody forced me..and same is true for hundreds of millions round the world..
Ok..you tell me who forced these women to convert to Islam.if you say that islam was only preached by sword.
100,000 Islam converts living in UK: White women most keen to embrace Muslim faith | Mail Online

and there are ongoing examples round the world..The truth is that Islam was and still is the fastest growing religion in the world..So your "conversion by force" theory is an ancient propaganda by jealous people who got jealous by Islam's successes.

So lets believe for a moment..However untrue it is..That muslims did kill for conversion..But at least people had a way to survive...By conversion to ISlam they had the full support if Islamic government.

Now consider the actual topic..The state of Israel..Its not about religion..they are not converting Muslims to Jews..They are taking away their right to life and there is no way they can have it .. Israel never comes up with a solution..They make a deal then break it..Or make a deal and keep stopping food and basic needs from entering Arab areas,that makes people angry and they do something and that is used as an excuse to mass execute them while posing Israel as the Victim.
Even if Hamas or arabs accept ISrael unconditionally..Israel will still stop them from having basic needs of life...will still keep driving them out of their home for new jewish settlers...
So you are not doing good by comparing to different types of scenarios..One is about preaching a religion..while the other is an occupation the occupier needs land for her own people and has to get rid of the Locals//It is loosely comparable to the European settlers and the red indians..The european settlers needed land and for that they had to kill the local red Indians...
Israel is doing something similar...They have to stop locals from asking their basic rights becasue they dont want to make them feel at home.they want them to leave or surrender all their rights...By making any excuse israel will keep stopping their water,sewage and electricity...Because these resources are better spent on Israelis...and Israelis suport all this..and thats what makes them so despicable.
gives Israel a license to kill?
One killing does not justify another...

Is not an established fact ? If you are a democracy ... you can ignore the UN and even get away with murder.
Which Pakistanis here are willing to step forward and denounce The Economist for its distortions as opposed to those Pakistanis who are willing, by their silence, to condone it?
And if you don't stand up for the Israelis - which costs you nothing since their enemies are far away and unlikely to injure you - how do you think you will ever stand up to corruption in Pakistan?


Is this just plain wrong headed --- Settlers on the West bank just conjur up, as offensive as it sounds and is, the notion of Lebenraum - it's one of those "this will not stand" ideas.
Thats exactly what you are doing and always do in pretty much every thread...You dont reply to other people's comments..You only repeat yourself over and over again like a broken record...
I repeat facts because u seem dont understand them:

1) M825 WP, which Israel used is one purpose smoke round. It is not consideren incendiary by international law and its allowed to for use in any circumstances. It is also million times less lethal than regular high explosive round.

2) M110 WP is dual purpose round: smoke and incendiary. Israel did not use it.

These are FACTS. I brought links. But you dont understand it and repeat like broken record nonsense.
I have posted two videos
I already answered that. Smoke screen look scarry for people who know nothing in military:

Here famous pic of M825 hitting the school:


As you can see there is ambulance and guy standing in midst of the shelling.

And here u see that both ambulance and guy are unhurted. If Israel used regular high explosive round instead of "terrible phospsorus" as u siggest, they both would be smashed to little pieces.

You claim that M1234 or whatever its called can only make smoke....How can it make smoke without Burning? It defies laws of science..Its not pressurized gas which is released by the shell's detonation..It creates smoke because it fiercely burns Phosphorous..
Go on explain to me how on earth it can make smoke without Burning? and as you say it creates smoke for 10 minutes..I agree..because it burns fiercely for 10 long minutes...Enough to set whole areas on fire.
Every round and every bullet on earth can cause fire. That does not make them incendiary rounds.
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Why is the thread OP @Solomon2 always creates Israelis related article that leads to flame war in this forum, is he not an American??
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