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Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

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joke of the day there are ZERO rapes in Saudi Arabia, ahh well
if not zero BUT STILL NOWAY NEAR to western countries stats US = rape in 2 sec
YOU MAY LAUGH OR MAY JUMP AROUND ARE START dancing..........reality may not change lolc
if not zero BUT STILL NOWAY NEAR to western countries stats US = rape in 2 sec
YOU MAY LAUGH OR MAY JUMP AROUND ARE START dancing..........reality may not change lolc

oh are you talking of this society

Saudi Arabia to lash raped Filipina worker

In Saudi Arabia, an overseas Filipina worker (OFW), who was raped by a coworker and became pregnant, was arrested and imprisoned. The unidentified woman was charged with having an illicit affair since, under the strict interpretation of Sharia law implemented in the Kingdom, sex outside of marriage is a crime – even in cases of rape. For this reason, the Filipina did not report the attack and had begun the process of repatriating to the Philippines when her employer discovered the pregnancy. As a result of the harsh prison conditions, she suffered a miscarriage. The woman remains in Hafer Al Baten Central jail awaiting sentencing, which could be 100 lashes.

Saudi Arabia: Rape Victim Punished for Speaking Out

November 15, 2007

Related Materials:
Saudi Arabia: Lift Gag-Order on Rights Campaigner

This verdict not only sends victims of sexual violence the message that they should not press charges, but in effect offers protection and impunity to the perpetrators.
Farida Deif, researcher in the women’s rights division of Human Rights Watch

A court in Saudi Arabia doubled its sentence of lashings for a rape victim who had spoken out in public about her case and her efforts to seek justice, Human Rights Watch said today. The court also harassed her lawyer, banning him from the case and confiscating his professional license.

An official at the General Court of Qatif, which handed down the sentence on November 14, said the court had increased the woman’s sentence because of “her attempt to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media.” The court sentenced the rape victim to six months in prison and 200 lashes, more than double its October 2006 sentence after its earlier verdict was reviewed by Saudi Arabia’s highest court, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary.

Human Rights Watch called on King Abdullah to immediately void the verdict and drop all charges against the rape victim and to order the court to end its harassment of her lawyer.

“A courageous young woman faces lashing and prison for speaking out about her efforts to find justice,” said Farida Deif, researcher in the women’s rights division of Human Rights Watch. “This verdict not only sends victims of sexual violence the message that they should not press charges, but in effect offers protection and impunity to the perpetrators.”

The young woman, who is married, said she had met with a male acquaintance who had promised to give her back an old photograph of herself. After she met her acquaintance in his car in Qatif, a gang of seven men then attacked and raped both of them, multiple times. Despite the prosecution’s requests for the maximum penalty for the rapists, the Qatif court sentenced four of them to between one and five years in prison and between 80 and 1,000 lashes. They were convicted of kidnapping, apparently because prosecutors could not prove rape. The judges reportedly ignored evidence from a mobile phone video in which the attackers recorded the assault.

Moreover, the court in October 2006 also sentenced both the woman and man who had been raped to 90 lashes each for what it termed “illegal mingling.” Human Rights Watch is particularly concerned that the criminalization of any contact between unmarried individuals of the opposite sex in Saudi Arabia severely impedes the ability of rape victims to seek justice. A court may view a woman’s charge of rape as an admission of extramarital sexual relations (or “illegal mingling”) unless she can prove, by strict evidentiary standards, that this contact was legal and the intercourse was nonconsensual.

In an interview in December, the rape victim described to Human Rights Watch her treatment in court:

“At the first session, [the judges] said to me, ‘what kind of relationship did you have with this individual? Why did you leave the house? Do you know these men?’ They asked me to describe the situation. They used to yell at me. They were insulting. The judge refused to allow my husband in the room with me. One judge told me I was a liar because I didn’t remember the dates well. They kept saying, ‘Why did you leave the house? Why didn’t you tell your husband [where you were going]?’”

“Victims of sexual violence in Saudi Arabia face enormous obstacles in the criminal justice system,” said Deif. “Their interrogations and court hearings are more likely to compound the trauma of the original assault than provide justice.”

During the recent hearings, Judge al-Muhanna of the Qatif court also banned the woman’s lawyer, Abd al-Rahman al-Lahim, from the courtroom and from any future representations of her, without apparent reason. He also confiscated his lawyer’s identification card, which the Ministry of Justice issues. Al-Lahim faces a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Justice on December 5, where sanctions can include suspension for three years and disbarment.

Al-Lahim, who is Saudi Arabia’s best-known human rights lawyer, earlier this year had planned to take legal action against the Ministry of Justice for failing to provide him with a copy of the verdict against his client so that he could prepare an appeal. Despite numerous representations to the court and the ministry, he was not given a copy of the case file or the verdict.

“The decision to ban the rape victim’s lawyer from the case shows what little respect Saudi authorities have for the legal profession or the law in general,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.

On October 3, King Abdullah announced a judicial reform, promising new specialized courts and training for judges and lawyers. There is currently no rule of law in Saudi Arabia, which does not have a written penal code. Judges do not follow procedural rules and issue arbitrary sentences that vary widely. Often, judges do not provide written verdicts, even in death penalty cases. Judges sometimes deny individuals their right to legal representation. In May 2006, a judge in Jeddah had thrown a lawyer out of his courtroom in a civil suit on the sole basis that he is of the Isma’ili faith, a branch of Shiism. Trials remain closed to the public.

Saudi court ups punishment for gang-rape victim

(CNN) -- A court in Saudi Arabia increased the punishment for a gang-rape victim after her lawyer won an appeal of the sentence for the rapists, the lawyer told CNN.

The 19-year-old victim was sentenced last year to 90 lashes for meeting with an unrelated male, a former friend from whom she was retrieving photographs. The seven rapists, who abducted the pair, received sentences ranging from 10 months to five years in prison.

The victim's attorney, Abdulrahman al-Lahim, contested the rapists' sentence, contending there is a fatwa, or edict under Islamic law, that considers such crimes Hiraba (sinful violent crime) and the punishment should be death.

"After a year, the preliminary court changed the punishment and made it two to nine years for the defendants," al-Lahim said of the new decision handed down Wednesday. "However, we were shocked that they also changed the victim's sentence to be six months in prison and 200 lashes."

The judges more than doubled the punishment for the victim because of "her attempt to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media," according to a source quoted by Arab News, an English-language Middle Eastern daily newspaper.

Judge Saad al-Muhanna from the Qatif General Court also barred al-Lahim from defending his client and revoked his law license, al-Lahim said. The attorney has been ordered to attend a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Justice next month.

Al-Lahim said he is appealing the decision to bar him from representing the victim and has a meeting with Justice Minister Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al Al-Sheikh on Monday.
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* Saudi King's U.K. visit draws protests

"Currently she doesn't have a lawyer, and I feel they're doing this to isolate her and deprive her from her basic rights," al-Lahim said. "We will not accept this judgment and I'll do my best to continue representing her because justice needs to take place."

Al-Lahim said he wanted the Justice Ministry to take "a very clear standing" on the case, saying the decision is "judicial mutiny against reform that King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz started and against Saudi women who are being victimized because of such decisions."

Women are subject to numerous restrictions in Saudi Arabia, including a strict dress code, a prohibition against driving and the need for a man's permission to travel or have surgery. Women are also not allowed to testify in court unless it is about a private matter that was not observed by a man, and they are not allowed to vote.

The Saudi government recently has taken some steps toward bettering the situation of women in the kingdom, including the establishment earlier this year of special courts to handle domestic abuse cases, adoption of a new labor law that addresses working women's rights, and creation of a human rights commission.

A pervert society which lashes a victim himself and expects the women to report rape....
oh are you talking of this society

Saudi Arabia to lash raped Filipina worker

In Saudi Arabia, an overseas Filipina worker (OFW), who was raped by a coworker and became pregnant, was arrested and imprisoned. The unidentified woman was charged with having an illicit affair since, under the strict interpretation of Sharia law implemented in the Kingdom, sex outside of marriage is a crime – even in cases of rape. For this reason, the Filipina did not report the attack and had begun the process of repatriating to the Philippines when her employer discovered the pregnancy. As a result of the harsh prison conditions, she suffered a miscarriage. The woman remains in Hafer Al Baten Central jail awaiting sentencing, which could be 100 lashes.

Saudi Arabia: Rape Victim Punished for Speaking Out

November 15, 2007

Related Materials:
Saudi Arabia: Lift Gag-Order on Rights Campaigner

This verdict not only sends victims of sexual violence the message that they should not press charges, but in effect offers protection and impunity to the perpetrators.
Farida Deif, researcher in the women’s rights division of Human Rights Watch

A court in Saudi Arabia doubled its sentence of lashings for a rape victim who had spoken out in public about her case and her efforts to seek justice, Human Rights Watch said today. The court also harassed her lawyer, banning him from the case and confiscating his professional license.

An official at the General Court of Qatif, which handed down the sentence on November 14, said the court had increased the woman’s sentence because of “her attempt to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media.” The court sentenced the rape victim to six months in prison and 200 lashes, more than double its October 2006 sentence after its earlier verdict was reviewed by Saudi Arabia’s highest court, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary.

Human Rights Watch called on King Abdullah to immediately void the verdict and drop all charges against the rape victim and to order the court to end its harassment of her lawyer.

“A courageous young woman faces lashing and prison for speaking out about her efforts to find justice,” said Farida Deif, researcher in the women’s rights division of Human Rights Watch. “This verdict not only sends victims of sexual violence the message that they should not press charges, but in effect offers protection and impunity to the perpetrators.”

The young woman, who is married, said she had met with a male acquaintance who had promised to give her back an old photograph of herself. After she met her acquaintance in his car in Qatif, a gang of seven men then attacked and raped both of them, multiple times. Despite the prosecution’s requests for the maximum penalty for the rapists, the Qatif court sentenced four of them to between one and five years in prison and between 80 and 1,000 lashes. They were convicted of kidnapping, apparently because prosecutors could not prove rape. The judges reportedly ignored evidence from a mobile phone video in which the attackers recorded the assault.

Moreover, the court in October 2006 also sentenced both the woman and man who had been raped to 90 lashes each for what it termed “illegal mingling.” Human Rights Watch is particularly concerned that the criminalization of any contact between unmarried individuals of the opposite sex in Saudi Arabia severely impedes the ability of rape victims to seek justice. A court may view a woman’s charge of rape as an admission of extramarital sexual relations (or “illegal mingling”) unless she can prove, by strict evidentiary standards, that this contact was legal and the intercourse was nonconsensual.

In an interview in December, the rape victim described to Human Rights Watch her treatment in court:

“At the first session, [the judges] said to me, ‘what kind of relationship did you have with this individual? Why did you leave the house? Do you know these men?’ They asked me to describe the situation. They used to yell at me. They were insulting. The judge refused to allow my husband in the room with me. One judge told me I was a liar because I didn’t remember the dates well. They kept saying, ‘Why did you leave the house? Why didn’t you tell your husband [where you were going]?’”

“Victims of sexual violence in Saudi Arabia face enormous obstacles in the criminal justice system,” said Deif. “Their interrogations and court hearings are more likely to compound the trauma of the original assault than provide justice.”

During the recent hearings, Judge al-Muhanna of the Qatif court also banned the woman’s lawyer, Abd al-Rahman al-Lahim, from the courtroom and from any future representations of her, without apparent reason. He also confiscated his lawyer’s identification card, which the Ministry of Justice issues. Al-Lahim faces a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Justice on December 5, where sanctions can include suspension for three years and disbarment.

Al-Lahim, who is Saudi Arabia’s best-known human rights lawyer, earlier this year had planned to take legal action against the Ministry of Justice for failing to provide him with a copy of the verdict against his client so that he could prepare an appeal. Despite numerous representations to the court and the ministry, he was not given a copy of the case file or the verdict.

“The decision to ban the rape victim’s lawyer from the case shows what little respect Saudi authorities have for the legal profession or the law in general,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.

On October 3, King Abdullah announced a judicial reform, promising new specialized courts and training for judges and lawyers. There is currently no rule of law in Saudi Arabia, which does not have a written penal code. Judges do not follow procedural rules and issue arbitrary sentences that vary widely. Often, judges do not provide written verdicts, even in death penalty cases. Judges sometimes deny individuals their right to legal representation. In May 2006, a judge in Jeddah had thrown a lawyer out of his courtroom in a civil suit on the sole basis that he is of the Isma’ili faith, a branch of Shiism. Trials remain closed to the public.

Saudi court ups punishment for gang-rape victim

(CNN) -- A court in Saudi Arabia increased the punishment for a gang-rape victim after her lawyer won an appeal of the sentence for the rapists, the lawyer told CNN.

The 19-year-old victim was sentenced last year to 90 lashes for meeting with an unrelated male, a former friend from whom she was retrieving photographs. The seven rapists, who abducted the pair, received sentences ranging from 10 months to five years in prison.

The victim's attorney, Abdulrahman al-Lahim, contested the rapists' sentence, contending there is a fatwa, or edict under Islamic law, that considers such crimes Hiraba (sinful violent crime) and the punishment should be death.

"After a year, the preliminary court changed the punishment and made it two to nine years for the defendants," al-Lahim said of the new decision handed down Wednesday. "However, we were shocked that they also changed the victim's sentence to be six months in prison and 200 lashes."

The judges more than doubled the punishment for the victim because of "her attempt to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media," according to a source quoted by Arab News, an English-language Middle Eastern daily newspaper.

Judge Saad al-Muhanna from the Qatif General Court also barred al-Lahim from defending his client and revoked his law license, al-Lahim said. The attorney has been ordered to attend a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Justice next month.

Al-Lahim said he is appealing the decision to bar him from representing the victim and has a meeting with Justice Minister Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al Al-Sheikh on Monday.
Don't Miss

* Saudi King's U.K. visit draws protests

"Currently she doesn't have a lawyer, and I feel they're doing this to isolate her and deprive her from her basic rights," al-Lahim said. "We will not accept this judgment and I'll do my best to continue representing her because justice needs to take place."

Al-Lahim said he wanted the Justice Ministry to take "a very clear standing" on the case, saying the decision is "judicial mutiny against reform that King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz started and against Saudi women who are being victimized because of such decisions."

Women are subject to numerous restrictions in Saudi Arabia, including a strict dress code, a prohibition against driving and the need for a man's permission to travel or have surgery. Women are also not allowed to testify in court unless it is about a private matter that was not observed by a man, and they are not allowed to vote.

The Saudi government recently has taken some steps toward bettering the situation of women in the kingdom, including the establishment earlier this year of special courts to handle domestic abuse cases, adoption of a new labor law that addresses working women's rights, and creation of a human rights commission.

A pervert society which lashes a victim himself and expects the women to report rape....

the QUOTED POST above your post is your answer YOU TROLLER
i can give you thousands of CASES IN AMERICA
Chappal Chor..you post has answer in it infact 90% of women of Muslim World are doing pardah or covering themselves well without being forced, don't take me wrong emo and a few more i am not here to force like do more and do this and that i am clarifying and suggesting to research..to reject without research doesn't make sense its like you tell someone to don't sleep on the railways track and they say its ok we know more nothing'll happen lol.
chappal chor...One more thing its Pardah Not pudah damn!
the QUOTED POST above your post is your answer YOU TROLLER
i can give you thousands of CASES IN AMERICA

cases of what? US is not on human rights watch list. at least they have a law where you can report rape without getting lashed. and you are giving example of such a pervert society where rape is something you cant report without getting lashed for something or the other. a society which is so indiscriminate to women that it lashes a kid of 13 years for 75 lashes just for carrying mobile phone to school. and you expect women to report rape.

thats my point so whats the point when your purdah is not able to stop rapes. :lol: let it be individual choice.
the QUOTED POST above your post is your answer YOU TROLLER
i can give you thousands of CASES IN AMERICA

when debating something on the threads about parda and its implications, a statistics or news regarding the topic is not called a troll.
Dont make it habitual to call everything trolling or call the people trolls whom you dont like , just for the sake of saying something.
Chappal Chor..you post has answer in it infact 90% of women of Muslim World are doing it without being forced, don't take me wrong emo and a few more i am not here to force like do more and do this i am clarifying and suggesting to research..to reject without research doesn't make sense its like you tell someone to don't sleep on the railways track and they say its ok we know more nothing'll happen lol.
chappal chor...One more thing its Pardah Not pudah damn!

sir sorry for my mistake it was typo mistake. being an Indian i very well know the spelling.

i do agree with you. if a women wants to do purdah as per their religious thoughts or for the sense of security it is fine. its is their individual choice but no men or mullah should force them for it.

if bold clothes encourages perversion in men then why not cover the men instead of women. the problem is with men not with women so purdah should be for men...............
i am talking about the BEETER thing to do!
cases of what? US is not on human rights watch list. at least they have a law where you can report rape without getting lashed. and you are giving example of such a pervert society where rape is something you cant report without getting lashed for something or the other. a society which is so indiscriminate to women that it lashes a kid of 13 years for 75 lashes just for carrying mobile phone to school. and you expect women to report rape.

thats my point so whats the point when your purdah is not able to stop rapes. :lol: let it be individual choice.
we are not answerable for Saudis first your indian media misquoted the speech of Hafeez saeed to make him look bad and now since indians have got nothing to say you people are lashing out against arabs, BTW i hate how Arabs treat others especially Pakistanis n indians, but this is off topic n ur stance is pathetic
when debating something on the threads about parda and its implications, a statistics or news regarding the topic is not called a troll.
Dont make it habitual to call everything trolling or call the people trolls whom you dont like just for the sake of saying something.

first thing pardah is done by muslims others should not interfere!
second thing he interfered ediotically and waz answered firmly....
this is a lame excuse now
reporters are everywhere WORLD IS now a global village.....everything which happens come to light........
we are not answerable for Saudis first your indian media misquoted the speech of Hafeez saeed to make him look bad and now since indians have got nothing to say you people are lashing out against arabs, BTW i hate how Arabs treat others especially Pakistanis n indians, but this is off topic n ur stance is pathetic

i dont intend to lash the arabs but that was in response to one of the frens saying that arabs have a low rate of rapes just because or purdah but instead it is more because majority of them get unreported and the stupid medieval period laws.
Well guys i first hand information on what goes in our universities(Source my personal experience)and believe me just visit those once and your jaws will be touching the ground.There more EXTRA CIRCULAR activities(If you understand what i mean to say)there than studies.

And Bahria University.It is the most infamous university among the youth of Rawalpindi/Islamabad for obvious reasons.It's only rival is perhaps LUMS.
first thing pardah is done by muslims others should not interfere!
second thing he interfered ediotically and waz answered firmly....

if others/kafirs/non believers stopped interfering your middle easterners will die of hunger and you will be without weapons to defend your nation. so cut the crap to not to interfere or just be so self reliant to fill your own stomach. this is a globalized world or if you want your to be closed in a box go find some other planet

care to explain the idiocy. before name calling. i think majority of people know what to call the people like you but i will refrain.
Well guys i first hand information on what goes in our universities(Source my personal experience)and believe me just visit those once and your jaws will be touching the ground.There more EXTRA CIRCULAR activities(If you understand what i mean to say)there than studies.

And Bahria University.It is the most infamous university among the youth of Rawalpindi/Islamabad for obvious reasons.It's only rival is perhaps LUMS.

but still LUMS at number one in Business/I.T & Bahria University also has a pretty decent ranking :)

non of the 'so called & exaggerated' extra curricular activities have damaged the quality of education & quality of professionals they produce
i dont intend to lash the arabs but that was in response to one of the frens saying that arabs have a low rate of rapes just because or purdah but instead it is more because majority of them get unreported and the stupid medieval period laws.
These medieval laws might strike stupid to you in the same manner we find people marrying trees, dogs etc in India so its better if we don't discuss such issues by showing our displeasure in others cultures.
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