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Make Gilgit-Baltistan the fifth province of Pakistan

Pakistan should make GB fifth province. People of GB don't even consider them Kashmiri. They don't speak Kashmiri. Pakistani govt should make GB fifth province. Kashmir dispute should be restricted to Azad Kashmir.

India has declared occupied Kashmir to be his jugglar vein and there are regular indian elections in IOK..so why can we follow suit in GB and AJK?
I was watching Capital talk program(last week don't remember the day) & people of G-B were demanding for making G-B fifth province.

If Pakistan does that,it will loose Locus stand on Indian Kashmir,it will not be disputed territory anymore !! remember GB is also part of Dispute

If G-B is also part of dispute than Junagadh Manavadar is also disputed.
India has declared occupied Kashmir to be his jugglar vein and there are regular indian elections in IOK..so why can we follow suit in GB and AJK?

Lol Jugular vein...I wonder how losing Kashmir will kill India?
India has declared occupied Kashmir to be his jugglar vein and there are regular indian elections in IOK..so why can we follow suit in GB and AJK?

Because Pakistan govts of both past and present are pathetic and stupid.
We should do the same with Ladakh and Jammu

Ladakh & Jammu were always part of Kashmir whereas G-B & Aksai Chin were never.

India has declared occupied Kashmir to be his jugglar vein and there are regular indian elections in IOK..so why can we follow suit in GB and AJK?

WTH do they even know the meaning of Jugular vein?
Ladakh & Jammu were always part of Kashmir whereas G-B & Aksai Chin were never.

WTH do they even know the meaning of Jugular vein?

really???any link to prove your claim????because i've many.just like this one....

"Kashmir denotes a larger area that includes the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir (the Kashmir valley, Jammu and Ladakh), the Pakistani-administered Gilgit-Baltistan and the Azad Kashmir provinces, and the Chinese-administered regions of Aksai Chin and Trans-Karakoram Tract."

Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan will loose Locus stand on Kashmir is this happens !! No wonder Pakistan itself inflicted more damage to Kashmir cause with such actions

well, if itsmade a province, then it will be easy to get developments there, and its because of no developments, they are pretty upset
Ladakh & Jammu were always part of Kashmir whereas G-B & Aksai Chin were never.

WTH do they even know the meaning of Jugular vein?

Your words mean nothing ..
UN resolution 47-48(the only legal document that recognizes Pakistan as any kind of contestant for Kashmir region) also recognizes GB(refered to as Northern areas) as part of Kashmir.

Any action by Pakistan govt to the contrary..makes the resolution null and void ..ie Pakistan has no legal leg to stand to viz-a-vis Kashmir .. leaving its "Instrument of Accession" the only viable legal document..thereby eliminating any Pakistani claim what-so-ever on Kashmir.

well, if itsmade a province, then it will be easy to get developments there, and its because of no developments, they are pretty upset

We can also make it a special development zone if making it a province is not feasible at this time and promote foreign investments
Ladakh is already a part of state of occupied Kashmir and is part of Indian union. Something which we should also do with GB.

That is perfectly all right with us ...we recognize J&k as part of India ..because we have Instrument of Accession..and we do not agree with UN resolution on Kashmir...but if you carry this out..tomorrow you can not ask for UN resolutions to be implemented.
Support, but I'd like to know how that is bad as some people are claiming
you would have no legal claim over indian administered kashmir while we can still continue to claim ajk and gb in short it would be end of your so called kashmiri cause
For all intensive purposes GB is already a province of Pakistan, it is integral territory of Pakistan.

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