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Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

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I'm not talking about software piracy or something technical like that.

I'm talking about typical robbery.


Hands of these robbers need to be chopped off, so they can never rob again.

According to you.

You will see soon traitors of Islam have always talked against Hijab and other things and those will be finished so keep living in dreams but those will be broken soon Hijab along with complete shariah will come
You will see soon traitors of Islam have always talked against Hijab and other things and those will be finished so keep living in dreams but those will be broken soon Hijab along with complete shariah will come

I hope Allah guides us to the right path on this matter.

I'm not talking about software piracy or something technical like that.

I'm talking about typical robbery.


Hands of these robbers need to be chopped off, so they can never rob again.

According to you.

then call it your own law not sharia law. You want to pick and choose when sharia has been quite clear that chopping hands should be punishment for 'stealing', you want to keep it only for violent robbery.
The moment you did it, you made an 'improvement' on it btw, so congrats for thinking independently.

The current laws are made by people like you (ok, agreed smarter than you) who understand the need of currrent society. Going back to old laws wont make situation better.
i am a firm supporter of the TRUE SHARIA of MUHAMMAD SAW and not of some pseudo mullah or an illiterate idiot and self claimed master of Allahs commandments who says that I cant pray with shorts down to my calfs although if I am wearing pants or a shilwar he insists on me pulling it up to my calves!!!!! talk about hypocricy.....
I would not like to go in long debate but at this time I would like to clear some misconceptions.

I read this as asking the women to cover their breasts ( adornments ). I agree with that.
What adornments can be exposed to males other than husbands?
I will clear concept regarding adornment:

Definition of adornment
• a thing that adorns or decorates; an ornament:the necktie is no longer a necessary male adornment
• the action of adorning something:precious stones have been used for the purposes of adornment for over 7,000 years
Definition of adornment in Oxford Dictionaries (US English)

and not to show off their adornment except that which is apparent,
means, they should not show anything of their adornment to non-Mahram men except for whatever it is impossible to hide.

Ibn Mas`ud said:
"Such as clothes and outer garments,''
Meaning what the Arab women used to wear of the veil which covered their clothes and whatever showed from underneath the outer garment. There is no blame on her for this, because this is something that she cannot conceal. Similar to that is what appears of her lower garment and what she cannot conceal.
Al-Hasan, Ibn Sirin, Abu Al-Jawza', Ibrahim An-Nakha`i and others also had the same view as Ibn Mas`ud.

What does own by their right hands mean?
or their right hand possessions.
Ibn Jarir said, "This means from among the women of the idolators. It is permissible for a Muslim woman to reveal her adornment before such a woman, even if she is an idolatress, because she is her slave-girl.''
Quran Surah (Sura) Nur (Noor) Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Arabic English, HTMl, PDF, with Recitation By Said Al Ghamdi MP3, Free Download

There is nothing here that says covering the hair with a Hijab. There is no mention of the word HIJAB in Quran or any mention of covering of the head.
O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their Jalabib over their bodies.
Here Allah tells His Messenger to command the believing women -- especially his wives and daughters, because of their position of honor -- to draw their Jilbabs over their bodies, so that they will be distinct in their appearance from the women of the Jahiliyyah and from slave women.
The Jilbab is a Rida', worn over the Khimar.
This was the view of Ibn Mas`ud, Ubaydah, Qatadah, Al-Hasan Al-Basri, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Ibrahim An-Nakha`i, Ata' Al-Khurasani and others.
It is like the Izar used today.
Al-Jawhari said:
"The Jilbab is the outer wrapper."
Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn Abbas said that; Allah commanded the believing women, when they went out of their houses for some need, to cover their faces from above their heads with the Jilbab, leaving only one eye showing.
Muhammad bin Sirin said, "I asked Ubaydah As-Salmani about the Ayah: (to draw their Jalabib over their bodies). He covered his face and head, with just his left eye showing.''
That will be better that they should be known so as not to be annoyed.
means, if they do that, it will be known that they are free, and that they are not servants or ******.
Quran Surah (Sura) Ahzab Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Arabic English, HTMl, PDF, with Recitation By Said Al Ghamdi MP3, Free Download
if we are muslim and live in muslim state then we must support sharia law because this is made for muslims and we must obey this....
I assume you're talking about old times when Shariah law worked due to having the right persons?

You cant use it now, so many years after. The world has changed, the people has changed.

You will never find a great, pious leader for now who will implement the system fairly

You mean Quran was revealed for just old times ... And now Islam is not workable ... Weldone then it is better for that change your religion because practicing Islam is useless for you ..........
You mean Quran was revealed for just old times ... And now Islam is not workable ... Weldone then it is better for that change your religion because practicing Islam is useless for you ..........

So is shariah also "revealed" - is it the equal of Quran?
They fought of lands for the jews. Muslims have enough lands to start something of their own. Anyone that says "Shariah" should be automatically sent to a place of their choosing around the world. They can make the laws just the way they would like. Well this mostly applies to the western countries, cause unfortunately we in this country are still confused about our status as a part of Saudi for now. Once that is decided everyone that wants shariah are more than welcome here too. OR .. or we could do "Operation Syria" here too. But i guess thats been going on here for the past 5 years as well.
including a reference, can you comprehend this part?

I can "comprehend" the usual indian tactics of wordplay and semantics and never looking at the spirit of an agreement.

When it is written Hinduism, it also has a reference to Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism. That is, the laws applying on Hinduism shall also apply on other three.

At present, Article 25 of the Constitution of India describes Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism as parts of the Hindu religion. Sikhs have long been seeking amendment to this Article to grant Sikhism an independent identity under the law.

In a significant move, Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar today allowed Shiromani Akali Dal’s Khadoor Sahib member Rattan Singh Ajnala’s private member Bill to amend Article 25 of the Constitution to meet the community’s pressing demand.
The Bill titled ‘Constitution Amendment Bill 2012’ seeks to drop Explanation II in Article 25, which — while guaranteeing a right to freely profess, practice and propagate religion — defines Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism as components of the Hindu religion.
The statement of object and reasons behind Ajnala’s private member Bill listed for introduction in the Lok Sabha tomorrow wants Explanation II dropped and says, “The drafting of sub clause (b) of Clause 2 of Article 25 tends to ignore the separate and distinct identities of Sikh, Jain and Buddhist religions. Rather, it shows that these religions are either part of the Hindu religion or associated with it. This has resulted in avoidable confusion across the world about the independent identity of these three religions. This Bill proposes to amend Article 25 with a view to distinctively refer to Sikh, Jain and Buddhist religions along with Hindu religion.”
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News

Now its the sikhs that are saying that they are classed as hindus and do not want to be.......like i said before ,trying to waste time and nullify my argument with semantics and wordplay does not stop the fact that the sikhs are telling that want a change from being classed as hindus to being seen as a faith its own right.

I think you should be aware that the original statement about the skihs being hindus or not was in the context of an indian member asking me if ahmadis where muslims and i was trying to explain it along the lines of the sikh-hindus being one faith or not.
You mean Quran was revealed for just old times ... And now Islam is not workable ... Weldone then it is better for that change your religion because practicing Islam is useless for you ..........

Mate, This is what I hate the most. Dont assume things. I didnt mean anything like that, its just people like you who likes to make up stuff.

I just said that you need to bring proof that the system has worked in these times. Sharia has been a big part of KSA and Iran and it has failed there. Thats my point, your call now.
South Asian muslims are the craziest of the lot. :woot:
They top in the following opinions.
They want punishments like cutting hands. The want converts out of Islam to be executed. They think wives should obey husbands.

They use the term South Asia but don't include India which makes up the bulk of South Asia. Maybe they should have interviewed Indian Muslims too. The opinion of Indian Muslims would have probably tempered the results to make South Asia not look like a mad-mullah's dream location.
First you lot need to understand SHARIAH.....and then WHAT IS PRACTICED UNDER the name of SHARIAH....

If ANY OF YOU actually studied even a tiny morsel of Shariah, you will see the HUGE difference between the 2...

Pakistani and Bangladeshi(South Asian) muslims are clearly winning this race.


@Roybot the minute I saw 5% polygamy in Nigeria I had to :rofl:

Seriously? Maybe they consider 4 wives as polygamy and 2 wives as custom like Uganda which is not even Islamic?!
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First you lot need to understand SHARIAH.....and then WHAT IS PRACTICED UNDER the name of SHARIAH....

If ANY OF YOU actually studied even a tiny morsel of Shariah, you will see the HUGE difference between the 2...

It will really be a service to humanity if you can explain us what is sharia and clarify the doubt regarding some of the laws mentioned before.
There are other members who claim opposite things, it really difficult to know who is right. Whatever you do please do not suggest to learn arabic and read the book like @BDforever did, its not really practical.
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What they actually want is a more peaceful, just society. That the peaceful/just society would be a "sharia state" is their delusion.
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