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Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

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Sir covering themselves is the order of ALLAH and that has to be enforced and those who would steal their hands will be chopped off
While we at it, we should bring slavery back, and we should use horses in warfares as the Quran teaches us. People like you are the main reason our countries are so backward. People like you have been holding our countries back for centuries. You guys need to use your minds and let us build our countries based on equality, freedom, and human rights. It is the ONLY way our countries will develop and progress.
Agreed its widely practiced in Africa, across the religious spectrum. Its basically an old tribal behavior, something which most of cultures and religions have done away with.
@Roybot tell me again how is this related to the thread's topic?!

Seriously I just read Africa and polygamy and started laughing :oops:

I am not aspiring to be an expert or sharia lawyer(?). All I want to know is dos and donts, right and wrong with some reason so that I can decide whether they are resonable, and also, when we have sharia law in Uk, I can faithfully abide by it. :P

@hinduguy :rofl: ask away then...Like a code of law, it is a whole set of law....like there are laws for crimes, there are laws for family, for the poor (treatment), for trade and so on....take your pick :P

While we at it, we should bring slavery back,
@agentny17 Slavery was abolished by Islam...

and we should use horses in warfares as the Quran teaches us.
Quran never said stick to animal transport..Tell me 1 AYAT where it says THEE SHALL ALWAYS RIDE HORSES and NOTHING ELSE!

People like you are the main reason our countries are so backward. People like you have been holding our countries back for centuries. You guys need to use your minds and let us build our countries based on equality, freedom, and human rights.
Are you saying Islam doesnt preach this? I suggest you start reading the Quran then....
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Are you saying Islam doesnt preach this? I suggest you start reading the Quran then....
How does killing people who leave Islam, killing people for expressing what they believe, or chopping people hand's off fit with equality, freedom, and human rights ? You either have to say that these things are not part of Islam, or you have to say Islam does not want us to do these things. You can't have it both ways
While we at it, we should bring slavery back, and we should use horses in warfares as the Quran teaches us. People like you are the main reason our countries are so backward. People like you have been holding our countries back for centuries. You guys need to use your minds and let us build our countries based on equality, freedom, and human rights. It is the ONLY way our countries will develop and progress.

mr slavery was slowly ended by Islam and Islam discouraged slavery but hijab is order off Allah and his rasool saw which has to be enforced by state sir secular traitors are the biggest reason for countries being backward we use our minds and therefore know shariah is the only way forward and has to be enforced and Islam has given best rights no need to learn from corrupt western societies who in the name off rights allow evils to spread
If Sharia can't work in these time while Allah has given Shariat to his Prophet (S.A.W) ... Ok ....... Democracy has been failed in Pakiistan ... Then why are you trying again n again to implement democracy in Pakistan ????

Because democracy is the choice of the people. It has succeded in other parts of the world.

Its the people of Pakistan who can select the right persons, but choose the wrong ones.

Btw, In Iran, The religious leadership rigged the elections and they practice a strict form of Sharia. They can never be accounted for that since they act as dictators, BUT in democracy, chosen leaders can be punished as we saw with Yousaf Raza Gilani.

Thats a major difference.
How does killing people who leave Islam, killing people for expressing what they believe, or chopping people hand's off fit with equality, freedom, and human rights ? You either have to say that these things are not part of Islam, or you have to say Islam does not want us to do these things. You can't have it both ways

1stly, understand what the terms are for such punishment, no not from hearsay but from the laws itself....

The killing part, I admit I am not sure as I have not been able to find it EXCEPT in so and so said so...but chopping hands and what not shows HOW SERIOUS those actions are in order to get your hands chopped!

Were a guy to know that stealing would cost him his hands, WILL HE TAKE THE RISK? If he will...it is the same as in USA, when a guy steals, he risks GOING TO JAIL....Only loosing your hand would be a bigger risk, MAYBE people will think HARDER before COMMITTING SUCH a crime instead of going to jail where they get fed and looked after!

Its related because Shariah governs morality as well right? So its important for the survey to pose these questions about morality.


Thats the full survey report.
@Roybot ahh thick report! Have you read it?
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How does killing people who leave Islam, killing people for expressing what they believe, or chopping people hand's off fit with equality, freedom, and human rights ? You either have to say that these things are not part of Islam, or you have to say Islam does not want us to do these things. You can't have it both ways

those who commit crime will be punished and punished severely those who will commit crimes will get these punishments and this protects humans from evils and chaos and trouble and therefore human rights are protected
Because democracy is the choice of the people. It has succeded in other parts of the world.

Its the people of Pakistan who can select the right persons, but choose the wrong ones.

Btw, In Iran, The religious leadership rigged the elections and they practice a strict form of Sharia. They can never be accounted for that since they act as dictators, BUT in democracy, chosen leaders can be punished as we saw with Yousaf Raza Gilani.

Thats a major difference.
@Pboy am not sure how much you know about khalifah :coffee: Khalifah are not supposed to be Sultans as they became, they are ALSO CHOSEN by a committee...
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Because democracy is the choice of the people. It has succeded in other parts of the world.

Its the people of Pakistan who can select the right persons, but choose the wrong ones.

Btw, In Iran, The religious leadership rigged the elections and they practice a strict form of Sharia. They can never be accounted for that since they act as dictators, BUT in democracy, chosen leaders can be punished as we saw with Yousaf Raza Gilani.

Thats a major difference.

democracy is the corrupt system and only brings corrupt in power and supported by corrupt and ahmed e nijad is not corrupt but villain is master in corruption
@Pboy am not sure how much you know about khalifah :coffee: Khalifah are not supposed to be Sultans as they became, they are ALSO CHOSEN by a committee...

Yep. But keep in mind that its chosen by a committe and not the masses.
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Yep. But keep in mind that its chosen by a committe and not the masses.
@Pboy my dear boy, the masses give a few names of candidates and the committee sits down, DISCUSSES and then chooses!
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democracy is the corrupt system and only brings corrupt in power and supported by corrupt and ahmed e nijad is not corrupt but villain is master in corruption

Ahmedinejad rigged the elections in Iran along with the religious leadership.

That is corruption.

@Pboy my dear boy, the masses give a few names of candidates and the committee sits down, DISCUSSES and then chooses!

Yep, but how can you guarantee that the members in the commitee can not be influenced or corrupted?

Thing changes quickly in politics and what to do if the masses wants to change committe members? Its too late by then.
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Ahmedinejad rigged the elections in Iran along with the religious leadership.

That is corruption.
@Pboy EVERYONE in politics EVENTUALLY becomes corrupt!

Had these "leaders" EVEN THE LEAST of ideas HOW and WHAT they will be questioned on day of judgement...BASED on THEIR leadership, I bet you not a single 1 would fight for the leader chair!

Yep, but how can you guarantee that the members in the commitee can not be influenced or corrupted?

Thing changes quickly in politics and what to do if the masses wants to change committe members? Its too late by then.
@Pboy same goes with democracy!
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@Pboy EVERYONE in politics EVENTUALLY becomes corrupt!

Had these "leaders" EVEN THE LEAST of ideas HOW and WHAT they will be questioned on day of judgement...BASED on THEIR leadership, I bet you not a single 1 would fight for the leader chair!

Yep. Thats why you can't say that Sharia will be a success since elected leaders in that system can be corrupted as easily in the democratic system.
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