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Mahd adh Dhahab

Aren't we high on something??? :laughcry:

We were ethnically cleansed from those lands. We are the elder statesmen of the middle east. Muslims are babies.

We will be back to claim what is ours. Just like you Arabs claim other people's lands.
Cousin al-Hasani , you could very easily have some yahoud in you. I am not talking about an illicit batty boyfriend named Moshe, I mean genetically in you.

You should have your DNA checked and if it is more Jewish than Arab, you should come to Israel and see Jerusalem. Maybe even get citizenship and chill on the beach.
Cousin al-Hasani , you could very easily have some yahoud in you. I am not talking about an illicit batty boyfriend named Moshe, I mean genetically in you.

You should have your DNA checked and if it is more Jewish than Arab, you should come to Israel and see Jerusalem. Maybe even get citizenship and chill on the beach.

LOL, that went well overboard there. It would be more plausible on my mothers side. Besides it does not matter. Arabs and Jews - at least the original ones were neighbors and fellow Semitic people that had a similar ancestry. Nothing strange about it. We are all mixed to a certain degree anyway. Arabs, Jews etc. also have Assyrian etc. genes and vice versa. Our native region the Middle East is a major crossroad. Europe, Africa and Asia lies next to it. The first human migrations out of Africa took place through the Arabian Peninsula if science is to be believed.

I don't know about the beaches of Israel but we have a nearly 3000 km long coastline much of it tropical and 1200 islands. You should check my thread called "exploring Saudi Arabis marine wonderland". Well, you already visited once I believe.:laughcry::cheesy:
I don't know about the beaches of Israel but we have a nearly 3000 km long coastline much of it tropical and 1200 islands. You should check my thread called "exploring Saudi Arabis marine wonderland". Well, you already visited once I believe.:laughcry::cheesy:

You may have the coast line but you are missing something very important over there....

Sights like these are not very eye pleasing :P

LOL. You should visit some of the compounds then. Or just UAE.

Maybe it will one day change in most of the Muslim world. Pakistan included.

BTW, take a look at this thread if interested. My Jewish cousin already visited under another name.:D


If you go to private beaches you will find it all..unfortunately they are restricted by the government to not allow Saudi's enter there..they are exclusively for foreigners~!
If you go to private beaches you will find it all..unfortunately they are restricted by the government to not allow Saudi's enter there..they are exclusively for foreigners~!

Yeah, but believe when I say that Saudi Arabians are also present. I have been around beach resorts plenty of times that were frequented by foreigners. Western and non-Western. Nothing special.

Anyway I don't think that running around naked is necessarily a sign of personal freedom. A few changes indeed but then I will be happy without necessarily having copied the Western customs on the beach/nudist beaches etc. aspects. Do you follow me?

How is it in Pakistan btw? You have a coastline that border the Arabian Sea. 814 km long. 2000 km less than KSA. Still plenty of coastline though.
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