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Mahatma Gandhi vs Quaid-e-Azam, MA Jinnah

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Sold Romeo.

Even though always Neutral 's question border on sarcasm, i can still answer those keeping in view the values given to Muslims by Islam.

in Islam unlike other Religions a person is forgiven by Allah S.W.T. if he asks his forgiveness with genuine truth and promises not to do it again.

So If and it is a big IF, Jinnah had taken those forbidden things that always neutral is telling, and if Jinnah asked forgiveness from Allah than he was, I am sure, forgiven as long as he was true in asking for forgiveness and promised not to do it again.that is what we the Muslims can should do, when we have made a grave mistake and ask for forgiveness as noted above. Allah is all forgiving. All mercy and all knowing.

Now only Jinnah will know if he did ask for forgiveness, I am quite certain that he must have as in his later life he was quite open, true to his cause and did not repeat the things that A.L is blaming him for.

i hope it is clear for those who had asked these questions.

So romeo i have answered your queries at the same that of A.L.

How about answering my queries.
MY point is that Gandhi may be a father of a Nation and may be he is being copied by the leaders of yesterday and today, but did he or did he not have two girls under his arms and who were they.

Why did he need girls under his arms, could he not walk with a stick or better yet why did he not get his wife to help him, why two young girls even if they were related to him. to some of you it may not be big deal but to us In Islam it is a very big deal.

In Islam it important that a Leader of such Magnitude must have impeccable character for young generations to not only idolize but to follow.

It is a genuine question to ask and IN asking this question I mean no insult but to clarify about his personal character. I also heard that he slept with these girls and said though I sleep with them but I have complete control on myself. Is it true, AGAIN I MEAN NO INSULT BUT WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT i HAVE HEARD SO OFTEN.

Again I do not mean to offend but to know Indian ways. Same is the question about Nehru did he have illicit relation with viceroy's wife. Can u guys clarify this. I have read a lot about this as well.

If you Indians pride yourselves about freedom of speech than how come you are so rude to this guy who differs with you. Show some respect and allow him to speak and shut him off. As long as he is truthful and respectful.
As for as Jinnah was concerned he had no such relations and he refused to accept his daughter marrying a Parsi and told his daughter that he was wrong when he married a Parsi girl but he cannot allow his daughter to make this mistake.

I would ask all Indians to watch the movie Jinnah on Internet to see the truth about the partition, about his daughter and about why he joined Muslim league and left congress.

OK, I think your dought is what is the relation between Bapuji & those two girls

answer is
Abha, the wife of Kanu Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma's cousin

Manu, the granddaughter of another cousin

Now question is why he always walk with those girls, because he has a back problem since his young time and his young time he used a stick but in his old days he could not walk with any stick support.

now tell me what is the wrong relation with that two girls for helped her grand father's walking
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Here is a Photo biography of this divine person

Gandhi Ji in his Childhood


Gandhi ji in his teens


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in South Africa in 1895


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as Lawyer


Gandhi ji in Videshi outfit at 19 years of age


Young and Enthusiast Lawyer

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Gandhi ji with his wife Kasturba after returning from South Africa


Gandhi ji with his collegues in South Africa


Gandhi and his wife Kasturba


Gandhi ji preaching a group of people


Gandhi ji interacting with his followers sitting in a train


Gandhi ji in Downing Street, England

Gandhi ji in Downing Street, London, UK


Gandhi giving speach to his followers


Gandhi ji on Salt March


Gandhi ji on Dandi March


Gandhi ji lifting the salt


Mahatma Gandhi with a facial expression of peace

Gandhiji with Manu(grand daughter) and Abha(wife of grand son)
(original pic. only the edit part is black & white to colour)

Gandhi ji on a walk with Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan


The two women Manu and Abha as his walking sticks


Gandhi-Nehru on a happy mood


Gandhiji addressing the huge gatherings pertaining to Salt Satyagraha


Gandhiji with Jinnah in 1944



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A young boy leads Gandhiji for a walk


Bapu reading newspaper


Gandhi and Kasturba in their old age


Bapu’s last walk for his prayer on January 30, 1948


Mahatma Gandhi lying in State, 30 January 1948

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Hi Omar,

Did your grand parents join him for a PORK SAUSAGE sandwich AND A GIN AND TONIC ?


My grandparents didn't meet him face to face, but they were strong supporters of Pakistan movement, especially my paternal grandfather who would raise Pakistani flags all over our village during talks of Pakistan. This showed that the average Muslim in British India always wanted a separate homeland for Muslims. My grandparents were farmers and average people, they were very traditional and very religious.

Quaid-e-Azam was liberal but a very intelligent man who cared for the Muslims of British India. He wanted Muslims to govern their own land not Hindus to rule the Muslims' homes, thats why we needed our own homeland.

We are taught in Islam that whoever saves one life saves whole of mankind. We all saw what happened to Muslims in India in 1992 and 2002. If Pakistan and India was still the same country today, we would've seen riots in Lahore and all over Punjab because Punjab saw the worst violence even before partition. We needed to be separated to save humanity.
Hey guys we should not comparisans between a saint and jinnah because one is world teacher or father and second is pakistan father. Jinnah used direct action,caused 1 millions killed in riots and because of gandhi india is full of muslims.

It wasn't Quaid-e-Azam who caused 1 million to be killed in riots, it was the Mountbattens who changed the date of partition at the last moment causing chaos everywhere. If the Mountbattens sticked to the original date of partition, which was 9 months after we got our independence, and if they sent troops to stop the massacre, we wouldn't had over a million people killed during partition.

Even before partition, Muslims and Sikhs/Hindus were killing each other we couldn't get along especially in Punjab. We needed to be separated.
OK, I think your dought is what is the relation between Bapuji & those two girls

answer is
Abha, the wife of Kanu Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma's cousin

Manu, the granddaughter of another cousin

Now question is why he always walk with those girls, because he has a back problem since his young time and his young time he used a stick but in his old days he could not walk with any stick support.

now tell me what is the wrong relation with that two girls for helped her grand father's walking

In Islam and others mannerism is such that one does not take girls under his arms even if they are daughters, u would arrange other means and bot girls.

It is taboo in most religions. u see pope u see other very frail and bent people, not one will take girl as support for their back, it is not a normal practice by any of the prominent people except Gandhi.

He did walk with a stick when he marched to the ocean for salt.
Now my next question about Nehru, is it true, about him and the wife of the lord.

And one mre question, did Gandhi drink his urine.

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In Islam and others mannerism is such that one does not take girls under his arms even if they are daughters, u would arrange other means and bot girls.

It is taboo in most religions. u see pope u see other very frail and bent people, not one will take girl as support for their back, it is not a normal practice by any of the prominent people except Gandhi.

He did walk with a stick when he marched to the ocean for salt.
Now my next question about Nehru, is it true, about him and the wife of the lord.

And one mre question, did Gandhi drink his urine.

Undeniable evidence that Gandhi drank his own urine! - JREF Forum

Brother...I have mentioned in one of my earlier posts that Im not a big fan of Gandhi or Jinnah and their ways....however, the sheer greatness of these souls makes me bow my head in respect...as I will never be anything like them....so in the light of the sensitive nature of this topic, I pray, do not say or write things which are not true or are demeaning to these leaders...

However in the spirit of discussion, I will take a crack at answering some questions....

Gandhi, even though he maybe the Mahatma and divine to some folks, is not a "Religious personality"......So him adhering to any religious taboo's is out of the question....besides religion and morality should not be equated...as history will show you that its these "Religious leaders" are the ones with the most skeletons in their closet!!

Anyways.....just the way you quoted Islams virtues, Hindus have a tradition where they take care of their elders....The "two girls under the arms" were nothing more than granddaughters caring for their elder.....and I dont find anything wrong with it.....Maybe years from now you will face the meaning of this first hand....who knows?

I dont recall any report of a Hindu leader drinking his own Urine except our ex-PM Morarji Desai....I think you should quit on this topic while you're ahead....as I have seen some idiots on this forum disrespect the Prophet Mohammed with the similar accusations...and I would hate to see such degradation based on a unwarranted flame....:angry:

About Nehru.....well what can I say about him....my honest opinion....I think he was definitely giving it to her...but there is no way of proving it...so there you have my opinion!
In Islam and others mannerism is such that one does not take girls under his arms even if they are daughters, u would arrange other means and bot girls.

It is taboo in most religions. u see pope u see other very frail and bent people, not one will take girl as support for their back, it is not a normal practice by any of the prominent people except Gandhi.

He did walk with a stick when he marched to the ocean for salt.
Now my next question about Nehru, is it true, about him and the wife of the lord.

And one mre question, did Gandhi drink his urine.

Undeniable evidence that Gandhi drank his own urine! - JREF Forum

no Mahatma Gandhi did not believe in this type of practice

though Moraji definitely did it.

& your Undeniable evidence link did not give any evidence

& I think you get your all question's answer

I have a question, did ********(take back my word) drink camel urine( because you compare everything with Islam)

no offence only for knowledge
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smart simple u jerk i want to private message u and give you a piece of my mind!!!!!!!!!!.... MODs where are you....ban this idiot please!!!!!!!
smart simple u jerk i want to private message u and give you a piece of my mind!!!!!!!!!!.... MODs where are you....ban this idiot please!!!!!!!

man don't hurt, look at above all conversation between me & asq

& you understand what I mean

again it is no offence to anybody, I am not that type of guy who hurt others religion

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