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Mahatma Gandhi vs Quaid-e-Azam, MA Jinnah

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I am not the one trying to make X leader look better than Y by arguing over how many other leaders quote X compared to Y.

Please, my argument is not 'vain', your entire basis for comparison is absurd.

Look, the whole point is that Gandhi and Jinnah did not play directly comparable roles in history of their countries. Jinnah and Nehru had probably comparable perspectives.

If you insist on comparing Apples to Oranges, then it seems reasonable to compare how much popular they are. What else is there to compare based on ?
I am not the one trying to make X leader look better than Y by arguing over how many other leaders quote X compared to Y.

Please, my argument is not 'vain', your entire basis for comparison is absurd.

When u talk about a leader who influenced the world Gandhi comes any sane and neutral person's mind for eg Martin Luthar King, Dalai Lama etc. Now if these great people feel Gandhi was great its only a vain attempt on your part to console oneself by saying Jinnah was great to. Jinnah was great for Pakistan but for the world his contributions are zilch. As I said Jinnah vs Nehru debateble. Comparing Gandhi with Jinnah on a global level - welll go ahead there will be no sane takers except probably in Pakistan.

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Continuing our series of point-less comparisons..

Who was greater part 2

Jinnah or Mujib-ur-Rehman ?

to be followed by

who was greater part 3

Khameini vs Prince Saud

Mohandas Gandhi & Nelson Mandela | Emmet Labs

Although they never met, Gandhi and Mandela are often mentioned together as giants of 20th-century anti-colonialism.

In the January 3, 2000, issue of Time Magazine, South African leader Nelson Mandela described Mohandas Gandhi as "the archetypical anti-colonial revolutionary" and acknowledged the earlier leader's influence on the independence movement in South Africa.

Mandela is often described as the South African Gandhi. Both men began their careers as western-trained lawyers. Both served terms in Johannesburg's infamous Fort prison for their activism. Mandela himself often cited Gandhi as an inspiration and claimed the Indian leader as a son of South Africa, stating that "India gave South Africa Gandhi the barrister and Africa gave India back Mahatma Gandhi the Great Soul."
And what does that have to do with anything?

To me that suggests that when it came to a 'struggle for a homeland for the people of Pakistan, Jinnah was the true model of a 'peaceful struggle' and of the victory of 'non-violence' and 'intellect' as tools to achieve an objective.

I think it can also be viewed as....that had there been no Gandhi.....United India (India +Pakistan) would not have gotten independence.....Had there been no Jinnah...Pakistan would not have existed....

Gandhi's should also be revered in Pakistan....something Im surprised does not happen.....since he won your freedom too!!!
I dont understand why we are focusing on the aftermath of the partition or the the issues where jinnah and gandhi differed....have we forgotten that these leaders had tremendous respect for each other?
they were united once in their struggle...and their methods were more or less similar.

I disagree there goals were same, but the methods were different.
Though its off topic please do a google search and you will see that Mohammed himself recommended camel urine to his followers so definately he knew its benefits.


u r sir talking about internet which is full of insults fore Islam, take the casre of denmark, uder the guise of freedom of speech they insult islma and daringly call it freedom of speech, I wonder if they who claim to be the civilizes people know the difference between insults, lies and freedom of speech, sure they do, but they showed their color by insulting our prophet as very ignorant, possessed by anger to insult without any proof what so ever. that is a sheer lie, a concocted blame and a totally uncalled for.

so do not insult my intelligence by telling me to check internet for this nonsense.

Yes if you have any authentic hadis(by revered Muslim writers. and not by enemies of Islam.) I will look at it. so dude do not give me reference of Internet when you and I know it is talking storms against Islam and it is all concocted by enemies of Islam.

On all those point that are written against Islam we have refuted each and every one them as concocted by ignorant people. One thing is common in all of them.

They are pathetic lairs.
It is a very insulting thing to say about our Prophet P.B.U.H. and it said out of spite and out of ignorance of the Islamic history and it is said out of sheerfoolish thoughts.

In India people have known to drink their Urine but in Muslim socities it is one of the dirtiest thing one could do. Therefore there is no question that no Muslim has ever will ever do such a horrible thing, and u Dude saying this are insulting to Islam, you show me one person in Islam who have done this I will salute you, but I can show you many in India who do this, therefore My question was legit and yours sheer insulting.

Talk about going in circles.....My friend you're taking someone who is Divine to many in India....in fact he did more for India and Indians than anybody in history.....and making a joke out of it...just to provide a chuckle to some idiots from Pakistan.....

I strongly condemn the statement by Smart simple.....but you are no better and frankly....you cant defend yourself either...

Please stop hurling....In Islam we do this, we do that....Im sure you do....but I can point a plethora of examples where you dont.....there are faults in all religions.....to each their own....

And by saying that us in India drink cow urine, is going to make you any better you think?....wont gain you the respect of the world who with all your self-righteousness still think you are no more than a bunch of illiterate terrorists....If you can gain the respect of your enemy that itself would be your greatest achievement...Respect others and you will get the same....End of Story!!!
Talk about going in circles.....My friend you're taking someone who is Divine to many in India....in fact he did more for India and Indians than anybody in history.....and making a joke out of it...just to provide a chuckle to some idiots from Pakistan.....

I strongly condemn the statement by Smart simple.....but you are no better and frankly....you cant defend yourself either...

Please stop hurling....In Islam we do this, we do that....Im sure you do....but I can point a plethora of examples where you dont.....there are faults in all religions.....to each their own....

And by saying that us in India drink cow urine, is going to make you any better you think?....wont gain you the respect of the world who with all your self-righteousness still think you are no more than a bunch of illiterate terrorists....If you can gain the respect of your enemy that itself would be your greatest achievement...Respect others and you will get the same....End of Story!!!

where do get your smart ideas that i am better than you thing, u dude are wrong.

Facts are many people in India do drink Urine, and people in Pakistan or Muslim do not.

It is your custom, or your cure, it is not a smart idea, it is the fact.

In Pakistan we do not. it is the fact.

India to launch cow urine as soft drink - Times Online

We the Pakistani have accepted everything u Indians say about Pakistan if it is truth, being off topic, about those foolish terrorists in Bombay, again u r calling all terrorists is a lie.

your respect is always here, but your practices are yours. and ours are ours.

Illiterate bunch, let me enlighten you, in Canada Pakistani doctors and educators are way up in proportions to others.

And do not be personal, nor acceptable. Dude. Let me show you the real India, it has been shown on this site before, but I need to show you this again.

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so do not insult my intelligence by telling me to check internet for this nonsense.

Yes if you have any authentic hadis(by revered Muslim writers. and not by enemies of Islam.) I will look at it. so dude do not give me reference of Internet when you and I know it is talking storms against Islam and it is all concocted by enemies of Islam.


Read my post 129 and come back educated.

where do get your smart ideas that i am better than you thing, u dude are wrong.

Facts are many people in India do drink Urine, and people in Pakistan or Muslim do not.

It is your custom, or your cure, it is not a smart idea, it is the fact.

In Pakistan we do not. it is the fact.

India to launch cow urine as soft drink - Times Online

We the Pakistani have accepted everything u Indians say about Pakistan if it is truth, being off topic, about those foolish terrorists in Bombay, again u r calling all terrorists is a lie.

your respect is always here, but your practices are yours. and ours are ours.

And do not be personal, nor acceptable. Dude.

Stop this nonsence argument I take back my word & I Expect that you also change your view about Mahatma Gandhi

Look, the whole point is that Gandhi and Jinnah did not play directly comparable roles in history of their countries. Jinnah and Nehru had probably comparable perspectives.

If you insist on comparing Apples to Oranges, then it seems reasonable to compare how much popular they are. What else is there to compare based on ?

I agree that there is no direct comparison to be made here - Jinnah accomplished far more than Gandhi did.

AN is the one insisting on determining 'greatness' based on 'frequencey of quotations' and calling Jinnah 'myopic'.

Nehru is a step lower than both Jinnah and Gandhi, and you can't compare Nehru to Jinnah directly either given that he is a shadow of Jinnah in accomplishments.
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When u talk about a leader who influenced the world Gandhi comes any sane and neutral person's mind for eg Martin Luthar King, Dalai Lama etc. Now if these great people feel Gandhi was great its only a vain attempt on your part to console oneself by saying Jinnah was great to. Jinnah was great for Pakistan but for the world his contributions are zilch. As I said Jinnah vs Nehru debateble. Comparing Gandhi with Jinnah on a global level - welll go ahead there will be no sane takers except probably in Pakistan.


How did Gandhi 'influence the world'? Have wars ended, violence ceased?

Gandhi is remembered because he wore white robes, talked about non-violence and cut a 'romanticized figure' of a frail, old dark skinned man using a call for 'non-violence' in a struggle for the rights of his people, against the might of the British Empire.

His position of 'non-violence' was nothing new - as I pointed out, its not like Jinnah was going around shrieking 'kill, kill, kill!'

Jinnah accomplished what he did through 'non-violence' and the power of his intellect, against two titanic foes - the British Empire and the combined personality, intellect and political power of Gandhi and the Congress leadership.

In terms of achievements, Nehru pales in comparison to Jinnah, and Gandhi comes close or is perhaps an equal - that is the reality of the comparison.

Popularity does not determine greatness - achievements and the asperity of the struggle do.
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