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Madina model vital for defence of Pakistan: Saeed

Actually theres none whatsover. Hes been cleared fromthe Supreme court 6 times, indian media keeps feeding u guys rubbish.

and u guys keep believing this bullshit thats being fed to u by ure govnt. JuD is a pakistani charity org whereas the LeT is a kashmiri militant group, two totally diff entities with norelations whatsoever, dont u wonder why the courts cleared them?

Watch his interview to get your facts straight. [video]http://m.youtube.com/index?&client=mv-google&desktop_uri=%2F&gl=CA&rdm=4ozmbjr4k&reload=3#/watch?v=ATs-OyAfUUk[/video]

Until the indian govnt stops having wet dreams abt Greater India n keeps feeding these historical lies to the masses, th hatred climate against muslims n kashmiris will prevail in india.

Theres no greater lie in the history of sub contentinent than kashmir being integral part of indian history n culture for 5000 years by all historical accounts.

Im afraid not Sir the JUD is the LET in new clothes ask any intelligence agency they can tell you the same thing. There is enough evidence such as the statements made by David Headley or the recent jailing in USA of a Pakistani LET member who spoke to Saeed's son is that not evidence?

Yes Kashmir is part of India it goes back since more than 5000 years and will be so forever and ever but that is for another thread.

---------- Post added at 06:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------

Unreported World - Series 2010 - Episode 3 - Pakistan's Terror Central - Channel 4

Unreported World is granted rare access to the Pakistan headquarters of what the US and UN say is a front organisation for one of the world's biggest terrorist networks, and the organisation behind the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

While the group says it's a charity set up to help the poor, reporter Evan Williams talks to insiders, government ministers and terrorism experts to investigate the truth about an organisation that has expanded its activities from Kashmir to attacking western targets outside Pakistan.

Williams and director Will West begin their journey in Lahore, the capital of Pakistan's Punjab province. They have a meeting with Asadullah, a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba - 'The Army of the Righteous'. The terrorist organisation has been directly blamed for the Mumbai attacks that killed 173 people, and a string of other deadly attacks in India. Asadullah tells Williams he and 26 friends fought in Kashmir, but he was the only one who survived.

Lashkar's terrorist activities led to it being banned in Pakistan. But the United Nations says it is now operating in the country under a new name - Jamaat-ud-Dawa - and the UN continues to view it as a terrorist front organisation. JuD claims it is no more than an Islamic charity, and denies it is a front for Lashkar and its terrorism.

Williams and West travel to a village on the outskirts of Lahore. It was once a Lashkar military training camp, but now it is the JuD headquarters. They've been granted very rare access to the organisation's facilities.

Opponents claim that this centre is used to raise funds that are then channelled into terrorism - a claim denied by JuD. Senior members of the organisation, together with a government official, show the team around, stressing the charitable work they say they carry out, including providing medical care and education for thousands of nearby villagers.

Their spokesperson says that supplies are donated by supportive businesses across Pakistan. He also says that India was behind the decision to label the group a terrorist organisation, and that it is completely separate to Lashkar. However, the group's leaders get jumpy at growing disquiet with the team's presence, telling Williams and West that they can no longer guarantee their safety. The team is then escorted out of the compound.

Back in Lahore, Williams talks to one of the country's most authoritative writers, Ahmed Rashid. He says that every time Lashkar has come under pressure, it changes its name and closes its bank accounts, before opening up a new office and new account and reappearing in a new light. He claims everyone still calls Jamaat-ud-Dawa Lashkar-e-Taiba because that's what they are.

The team follows up this claim in a meeting with Rana Sanaullah Khan, Punjab's Law Minister, and asks him why, when the rest of the world says Jamaat-ud-Dawa is a front for terrorism, the Pakistani government tolerates them. Khan says that, although many people in JuD do good work, it's not just a charity. He claims that some JuD people are carrying out terrorist activities in Kashmir, but that he fears that if the organisation was banned, it would respond with a wave of suicide attacks.

The strength of the organisation is clear when the team visits the group's main mosque, which, a spokesman says, on a good day has up to 10,000 people.

To hear another view on why JuD is allowed to continue in Pakistan, Unreported World meets the former intelligence chief who was responsible for setting up many of Pakistan's militant groups. Hamid Gul is now retired but remains politically involved in the struggle for Kashmir.

He tells Williams that if Islamist militants triumph in neighbouring Afghanistan, a new wave of radicalised fighters will turn their attention to Kashmir. 'There will be uprising in Kashmir, massive uprising,' he says. 'Maybe it will lead to an armed conflict between the two countries - and then the Jihadis will be the right arm of the Pakistan army.'
How can you call us pagans when you kiss the black pagan stone :azn:

Your restricted vocabulary could have been helped by a simple google !

Learn what "paganism" is and then try to come back and debate.
Your restricted vocabulary could have been helped by a simple google !

Learn what "paganism" is and then try to come back and debate.

Funny when I could have told you the same thing, learn what paganism is :disagree:

I know in Wahabi school you are are taught that Hindus are pagan but that is a lie.
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Funny when I could have told you the same thing, learn what paganism is :disagree:

I know in Wahabi school you are are taught that Hindus are pagan but that is a lie.

pagan ?


noun /ˈpāgən/ 
pagans, plural

A person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions

A non-Christian

An adherent of neopaganism

adjective /ˈpāgən/ 

Of or relating to such people or beliefs
- a pagan god

Web definitions

heathen: a person who does not acknowledge your god

heathen: not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam

a person who follows a polytheistic or pre-Christian religion (not a Christian or Muslim or Jew)

hedonist: someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures


(paganism) any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism
(zakir niak and some other suggest that hindus are also people of book(though not pure) so not pagans) so it depends what you think.

Stop fighting on religion in every thread
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pagan ?


noun /ˈpāgən/ 
pagans, plural

A person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions

A non-Christian

An adherent of neopaganism

adjective /ˈpāgən/ 

Of or relating to such people or beliefs
- a pagan god

Web definitions

heathen: a person who does not acknowledge your god

heathen: not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam

a person who follows a polytheistic or pre-Christian religion (not a Christian or Muslim or Jew)

hedonist: someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures


(paganism) any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism
(zakir niak and some other suggest that hindus are also people of book(though not pure) so not pagans) so it depends what you think.

Stop fighting on religion in every thread

Wrong Sir hindus, buddhist and sikhs are dharmic religions we believe in karma and reincarnation and the concept of moksha/nirvana nothing to do with pagans.

---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

If a muslim calls me a pagan i will call them that because muslims kiss the black pagan stone in mecca :agree:

Hindus are never the people of the book we are not abrahamic that is a alien concept for us dharmic people. :tup:
Wrong Sir hindus, buddhist and sikhs are dharmic religions we believe in karma and reincarnation and the concept of moksha/nirvana nothing to do with pagans.

---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

If a muslim calls me a pagan i will call them that because muslims kiss the black pagan stone in mecca :agree:

nothings is right or wrong am giving point of view of different school of thought , you personal opinion has reached to us and it dosent matter what you think.

Hindus are never the people of the book we are not abrahamic that is a alien concept for us dharmic people.
what are vedas purana getas ? these are not books?
nothings is right or wrong am giving point of view of different school of thought , you personal opinion has reached to us and it dosent matter what you think.

what are vedas purana getas ? these are not books?

Yes we have holy books like the Quran and Bible but we are dharmic not abrahamic that is the diffrence.
Dharmic religions are one of the three main schools of religion in the world (the others being the Abrahamic and the Taoic religions). The Dharmic religions all originated in the Indian subcontinent, but have all spread to other regions round the world, especially Southeast and East Asia.

All the Dharmic religions generally center round the concept of Dharma, a Sanskrit word meaning law, duty or fixed decree.





---------- Post added at 07:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 PM ----------

so your words contradict now.

In what way?
once you say these are holy books you cant say we are not people of book , you have to disown these book.





All these religions are very different in practices as far i know you cant combine them with simple word "dharam" , according to dictionary dharam means religion or mahazab , so your dharam theory fails here.
once you say these are holy books you cant say we are not people of book , you have to disown these book.





All these religions are very different in practices as far i know you cant combine them with simple word "dharam" , according to dictionary dharam means religion or mahazab , so your dharam theory fails here.

Im afraid you fail to see what i mean, yes we have our own holy books but that does mean we are 'people of the book' :agree:

Yes we are Dharmic like our Sikh and Buddhist brothers because we follow Karma, Reincarnation and the concept of Nirvana/Moksha.
Im afraid you fail to see what i mean, yes we have our own holy books but that does mean we are 'people of the book' :agree:

Yes we are Dharmic like our Sikh and Buddhist brothers because we follow Karma, Reincarnation and the concept of Nirvana/Moksha.

you can believe whatever you want i have no objection ,you can call your self bookless people, further argument useless i have got your opinion , not all think in your way , i posted views of different school of thought.
you can believe whatever you want i have no objection , further argument useless i have got your opinion , not all think in your way , i posted views of different school of thought.

Fair enough but if wahabi salman calls me a pagan ill respond in kind :tup: because i follow dharma
Fair enough but if wahabi salman calls me a pagan ill respond in kind :tup: because i follow dharma

yea guys leave off the personal attacks all it gets is all of us infractions
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