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These sort of robots are the future of surgery . I cant imagine a future surgical wrd without them . they eliminate many of human errors .I predict even when the surgeon is present at the surgical ward they will do the surgery with the help of such robots.

The only concerns about these devices that vorries me is the security and are these equipment secure enough against hacking by third parties ?
These sort of robots are the future of surgery . I cant imagine a future surgical wrd without them . they eliminate many of human errors .I predict even when the surgeon is present at the surgical ward they will do the surgery with the help of such robots.

The only concerns about these devices that vorries me is the security and are these equipment secure enough against hacking by third parties ?
at least there probably be no more of leaving knife or surgery tools inside patient's body!!
the hacking thing is scary...imagine if it is ordered to butcher the poor patient based on hacked orders!!
at least there probably be no more of leaving knife or surgery tools inside patient's body!!
the hacking thing is scary...imagine if it is ordered to butcher the poor patient based on hacked orders!!
I have seen some human (so called) doctors do that without being hacked! So, I'd say risk is the same.

This case is a remote surgery tool. I don't think it has the mind of its own. The surgeon can sit in Tabriz and do the surgery in Zahedan by remotely controlling the robotic hands so all Iranian can use top Doctors service. Take it further and I can see a day that you can export surgery services to other countries. Dr. Samie would sit in his office in Iran and perform brain surgery in Munich or vice versa!
These sort of robots are the future of surgery . I cant imagine a future surgical wrd without them . they eliminate many of human errors .I predict even when the surgeon is present at the surgical ward they will do the surgery with the help of such robots.

The only concerns about these devices that vorries me is the security and are these equipment secure enough against hacking by third parties ?
Well these robots are not online , they are not connected to WWW so they have a natural barrier .

but if you're talking about infection with USB drivers or sth to that sort , i've to say there are many crazy regimes out there who are more than willing to do that .

but their top priority would be electric lines or hospital networks not a single robot in a hospital

The networks in Imam ali (RA) hospital in my city were down for 12 hours due to some sort of host server failure and we were close to mayhem :lol:

no test regarding any patient could be seen . no HRCT , no Spiral CT , no MRI not even biochem .

go figure .
Well these robots are not online , they are not connected to WWW so they have a natural barrier .

but if you're talking about infection with USB drivers or sth to that sort , i've to say there are many crazy regimes out there who are more than willing to do that .

their top priority would be electric lines or hospital networks not a single robot in a hospital

The networks in Imam ali (RA) hospital in my city were down for 12 hours due to some sort of host server failure and we were close to mayhem :lol:

no test regarding any patient could be seen . no HRCT , no Spiral CT , no MRI not even biochem .

go figure .
The possibility is vast . for example when you want to get ridd of a rival company CEO or an annoying foreign minister or get revenge on your ex .
And if you are going to do the surgery in point x while the patient is on point y you must be online you can call it WWW or ZZZ or XXX .
Don't forget in hacking world even private networks are considered online . you just need to get access to one terminal or even line to do your work .



Look how Shia Mullahs of Iran promotes Science and Technolgy while Wahhabi Takfiri Seikhs are busy either asking savages to behead Shia and Sunnis or force Non-Takfiri Muslims or Non-Muslims to become a True Muslim!!

Like that Zahi Khalfan of UAE that said, we are spending $10 billion a year to convert Iranian shias to Sunni True Islam!!

خلفان: سنعيد إيران سنّية كما كانت بإذن الله وينشئ جمعية لنشر “التسنّن” برأسمال 10 مليارات دولار | رأي اليوم
دوت مصر | ضاحي خلفان: جمعية نشر "التسنن" جاهزة
خلفان: جمعية نشر التسنّن بمواجهة إيران جاهزة.. وسيكون لها 10 مليارات دولار سنويا - CNNArabic.com
أخبار 24 | "خلفان": جمعية "نشر التسنن" لإعادة إيران سنية جاهزة.. وميزانيتها 10 مليارات دولار
Wishful thinking from a lazy BEDOU.
Wishful thinking from a lazy BEDOU.
If Sunni Islam is against promoting Science and tech then I,m against it... these fat bedouin think shia are like themselves that sell their vaulable and modern values with coule of bucks... they don't know if Iranian were weak in front of dollar, they would have not done all they have done in last 36 years just to stay shia and independent and proud.... Iranians could stay submitted to US and West like it was pre revolution and gain trillions of money...

This claim of Zahi Khalfan is as likely as DAESH (ISIL) getting popular among Shia Iranians!!
If Sunni Islam is against promoting Science and tech then I,m against it... these fat bedouin think shia are like themselves that sell their vaulable and modern values with coule of bucks... they don't know if Iranian were weak in front of dollar, they would have not done all they have done in last 36 years just to stay shia and independent and proud.... Iranians could stay submitted to US and West like it was pre revolution and gain trillions of money...

This claim of Zahi Khalfan is as likely as DAESH (ISIL) getting popular among Shia Iranians!!
Shame, they are.
All high tech products listed in this thread are made and owned by PRIVATE comanies and no government.... Remember the Plastic TV in LA?? Here we go..!!

1- AmericaSpace image of the Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony of a Friction Stir Welding Machine at NASA's
2- Jan 22, 2013 - Peugeot, which unveiled its prototype yesterday, envisages ... from the prototypes at a packed ceremony attended by French politicians and business leaders.
3- The Premier of Québec and the Mayor of Montréal take the controls of the new trains in an unveiling ceremony.

4- and millions of other ceremonies and unveilings who get its ribbons cut by governmental guests....

Ignorance is one unlimited pit that while you fall the more you trying to climb the more you fall... Any cures? I know non...!!

Non of the high tech stuff I listed are government-made... they are all either collected from their catalogues of sales or special international or national fairs...

@Serpentine can you prevent this thread to become polluted? It is a board to post Iranian high tech products' photos and not posting trolling and ignorant baseless hate by 2 gheroonis... If it is not going to be clean sheet then I see no point in posting anymore photos... I,m sure you know what I mean... the trolling takes us as far as posting Canadian and Japanese high tech stuff instead of Iranians' please clean up if you would

let me take this opportunity to explain why some Iranian members here are a bit shaky when you post things of such nature. Please don't get upset if some members express their discomfort with this topic. A few years ago I had the pleasure of Reading a book by the name of " The History of Iranian Commercial Aviation" by Abbas Atrvash who was one of Iran Air's former executive directers. In page 175 of his book, he quotes a book titled روز ها در پی سال ها written by Naser Amini. Naser amini was a Diplomat during the Shah's era . There is a very interesting story in that book that I'm quoting word by word, I didn't translate it for obvious reasons:

ماموریت چهار ساله نویسنده این اسطور در استانبول به عنوان کنسول ، مصادف بود با افتتاح خط اهن تهران به اروپا از طریق استانبول . سی و دو سال قبل روزی با غرور و افتخار به استانداری استانبول رفتم تا ابراهیم بیگ رئیس تشریفات را که از دوستان صمیمی من بود به ایستگاه راه اهن ببرم . چون قرار بود در ساعت دوازده آن روز اولین قطار تهران-استانبول وارد ایستگاه راه آهن استانبول شود . از یک هفته قبل از ورود اولین قطار ، سراسر ایستگاه راه آهن را با پرچم های دو کشور مزین ساخته و بیش از پانصد تن از شخصیت های برجسته ی محلی و کلیه ی نمایندگان سیاسی و کنسولی خارج و خلاصه هر که سرش به تنش می ارزید دعوت شده بودند تا در این مراسم تاریخی شرکت کنند . در روز موعود درست سر ساعت دوازده سر و کله قطار آن هم چه قطاری از دور پیدا شد و در حلی که مدوعیون کف می زدند در ایستگاه توقف کرد و مهمانان ایرانی که به دعوت راه آهن دولتی ایران از تهران می آمدند از قطار پیاده شدند و پس از مراسم معرفی و خوش و بش گویی ها ابراهیم بیگ را به داخل ترن بردم . صندلی ها برق می زد و نوای یکی از آهنگ های چایکوفسکی از بلندگو ها پخش می شد . رستوران قطار را پارک هتل تهران اداره می کرد و علامت خاص آن روی بشقاب ها و دستمال سفره ها به چشم می خور . وقتی پیاده شدیم به ابراهیم بیگ گفتم : نه سیل ؟ یعنی چطور بود . ابراهیم بیگ گفت : ناصر جیم ، شاهانه . در زبان ترکی جان را جیم می گویند . هنوز چند قدمی دور نشده بودیم و پذیرایی از مدعوین در سالن ایستگاه ادامه داشت که ابراهیم بیگ گفت : شما ایرانی ها در کار های نمایشی و تبلیغاتی در دنیا بی همتا هستید ، مگر قرار نیست این قطار هفته ای دو بار از تهران به استانبول بیاید ، دفترچه ات را در بیاور و یادداشت کن . درست یک ماه بعد باز ساعت دوازده من و تو این جا می آییم و از قطاری که از تهران رسیده مخصوصا رستوران آن دیدن می کنیم .
یک ماه بعد دیگر لزومی نداشت که من او را به ایستگاه راه آهن ببرم زیرا دیگر قطار آن قطار و مسافران آن مسافر ها نبودند و چون بهای بلیت ترن چند برابر قیمت اتوبوس های تی بی تی شده بود که روز با هشتاد تئمان مسافران را از تهران به استانبول می آورد ، عمر این خط ارتباطی هم مثل حباب روی آب کوتاه از آب در آمد و چند بعد عملا تعطیل شد .
ابراهیم بیگ می گفت در زمان حیات آتاتورک که در کشور شما رضا شاه سلطنت می کرد ما طرح سپاه دانش ، سپاه بهداشت و سپاه آبادانی را در سراسر کشور پیاده و اجرا کردیم . اکنون تو به هر ده دور افتاده ای در ترکیه ای سفر کنی و در قهوه خانه ای چای یا قهوه ای بنوشی ، قهوه چی مداد و کاغذ در دست دارد و صورت حساب چای را نوشته و به تو می دهد ولی ما هیچ وقت مثل شما برای آن برنامه این قدر سر و صدا راه نینداختیم .
کار ما مثل آن خیاط است که در گوشه ای نشسته بی سر و صدا هر شب یک دست کت و شلوار برازنده می دوزد و فردا صبح تحویل می دهد و کار شما همانند کار آن مسگری است که سر و صدای ترق و تروقش گوش را کر می کند اما در آخر روز با زدن صد ها چکش لوله ای را خم و به آفتابه ای لحیم کرده است

Has Iran made technological advances? Of course, no doubt about it. At the end of the day, Iran is a nation of 80 million people with vast natural and human resources, with Hundreds of thousands of Science and Engineering major graduates every year. I think the reason why some Iranians may be upset is not because of seeing these products. They are upset because they can't feel such advances in their lives. It's got to do more with management than scientific know-how. It's like an airline that has purchased hundreds of band new passenger airplanes but has no Idea how to use them.A few years ago, one of President Khatami's deputies came to Canada and attended a meeting with Iranian students at the University of Toronto. He said explicitly that the reason we can't feel all these scientific achievements is because the government has failed to create a direct link between scientific institutions and the industries.
Government failure in meeting people's basic needs leads to such perceptions. In water management, pollution, transportation( from Aviation industry to the automotive industry), mass impoverishment in the recent years. People over time develop this perception that since the state is not capable of dealing with basic challenges like what I listed above, they are not capable of doing anything.
I'm not saying this is the right perception but this is where people are coming from. You don't do High-Tech for the sake of High-tech you do it for the sake of Economic progress and development.
second reason that any fair minded Iranian has to accept is that in the recent years the Iranian Armed forces have really messed up with their unveilings, and since they've been caught so many times lying even a genuine scientific show is subject to dispute and debate. You remember چوپان دروغگو story. The last time he called, his flock had been genuinely attacked by the wolfs but since he had been caught lying so many times, no body believed him.

All credit is due to Iranian students. but you and I know too well the fate of those talented students.
let me take this opportunity to explain why some Iranian members here are a bit shaky when you post things of such nature. Please don't get upset if some members express their discomfort with this topic. A few years ago I had the pleasure of Reading a book by the name of " The History of Iranian Commercial Aviation" by Abbas Atrvash who was one of Iran Air's former executive directers. In page 175 of his book, he quotes a book titled روز ها در پی سال ها written by Naser Amini. Naser amini was a Diplomat during the Shah's era . There is a very interesting story in that book that I'm quoting word by word, I didn't translate it for obvious reasons:

ماموریت چهار ساله نویسنده این اسطور در استانبول به عنوان کنسول ، مصادف بود با افتتاح خط اهن تهران به اروپا از طریق استانبول . سی و دو سال قبل روزی با غرور و افتخار به استانداری استانبول رفتم تا ابراهیم بیگ رئیس تشریفات را که از دوستان صمیمی من بود به ایستگاه راه اهن ببرم . چون قرار بود در ساعت دوازده آن روز اولین قطار تهران-استانبول وارد ایستگاه راه آهن استانبول شود . از یک هفته قبل از ورود اولین قطار ، سراسر ایستگاه راه آهن را با پرچم های دو کشور مزین ساخته و بیش از پانصد تن از شخصیت های برجسته ی محلی و کلیه ی نمایندگان سیاسی و کنسولی خارج و خلاصه هر که سرش به تنش می ارزید دعوت شده بودند تا در این مراسم تاریخی شرکت کنند . در روز موعود درست سر ساعت دوازده سر و کله قطار آن هم چه قطاری از دور پیدا شد و در حلی که مدوعیون کف می زدند در ایستگاه توقف کرد و مهمانان ایرانی که به دعوت راه آهن دولتی ایران از تهران می آمدند از قطار پیاده شدند و پس از مراسم معرفی و خوش و بش گویی ها ابراهیم بیگ را به داخل ترن بردم . صندلی ها برق می زد و نوای یکی از آهنگ های چایکوفسکی از بلندگو ها پخش می شد . رستوران قطار را پارک هتل تهران اداره می کرد و علامت خاص آن روی بشقاب ها و دستمال سفره ها به چشم می خور . وقتی پیاده شدیم به ابراهیم بیگ گفتم : نه سیل ؟ یعنی چطور بود . ابراهیم بیگ گفت : ناصر جیم ، شاهانه . در زبان ترکی جان را جیم می گویند . هنوز چند قدمی دور نشده بودیم و پذیرایی از مدعوین در سالن ایستگاه ادامه داشت که ابراهیم بیگ گفت : شما ایرانی ها در کار های نمایشی و تبلیغاتی در دنیا بی همتا هستید ، مگر قرار نیست این قطار هفته ای دو بار از تهران به استانبول بیاید ، دفترچه ات را در بیاور و یادداشت کن . درست یک ماه بعد باز ساعت دوازده من و تو این جا می آییم و از قطاری که از تهران رسیده مخصوصا رستوران آن دیدن می کنیم .
یک ماه بعد دیگر لزومی نداشت که من او را به ایستگاه راه آهن ببرم زیرا دیگر قطار آن قطار و مسافران آن مسافر ها نبودند و چون بهای بلیت ترن چند برابر قیمت اتوبوس های تی بی تی شده بود که روز با هشتاد تئمان مسافران را از تهران به استانبول می آورد ، عمر این خط ارتباطی هم مثل حباب روی آب کوتاه از آب در آمد و چند بعد عملا تعطیل شد .
ابراهیم بیگ می گفت در زمان حیات آتاتورک که در کشور شما رضا شاه سلطنت می کرد ما طرح سپاه دانش ، سپاه بهداشت و سپاه آبادانی را در سراسر کشور پیاده و اجرا کردیم . اکنون تو به هر ده دور افتاده ای در ترکیه ای سفر کنی و در قهوه خانه ای چای یا قهوه ای بنوشی ، قهوه چی مداد و کاغذ در دست دارد و صورت حساب چای را نوشته و به تو می دهد ولی ما هیچ وقت مثل شما برای آن برنامه این قدر سر و صدا راه نینداختیم .
کار ما مثل آن خیاط است که در گوشه ای نشسته بی سر و صدا هر شب یک دست کت و شلوار برازنده می دوزد و فردا صبح تحویل می دهد و کار شما همانند کار آن مسگری است که سر و صدای ترق و تروقش گوش را کر می کند اما در آخر روز با زدن صد ها چکش لوله ای را خم و به آفتابه ای لحیم کرده است

Has Iran made technological advances? Of course, no doubt about it. At the end of the day, Iran is a nation of 80 million people with vast natural and human resources, with Hundreds of thousands of Science and Engineering major graduates every year. I think the reason why some Iranians may be upset is not because of seeing these products. They are upset because they can't feel such advances in their lives. It's got to do more with management than scientific know-how. It's like an airline that has purchased hundreds of band new passenger airplanes but has no Idea how to use them.A few years ago, one of President Khatami's deputies came to Canada and attended a meeting with Iranian students at the University of Toronto. He said explicitly that the reason we can't feel all these scientific achievements is because the government has failed to create a direct link between scientific institutions and the industries.
Government failure in meeting people's basic needs leads to such perceptions. In water management, pollution, transportation( from Aviation industry to the automotive industry), mass impoverishment in the recent years. People over time develop this perception that since the state is not capable of dealing with basic challenges like what I listed above, they are not capable of doing anything.
I'm not saying this is the right perception but this is where people are coming from. You don't do High-Tech for the sake of High-tech you do it for the sake of Economic progress and development.
second reason that any fair minded Iranian has to accept is that in the recent years the Iranian Armed forces have really messed up with their unveilings, and since they've been caught so many times lying even a genuine scientific show is subject to dispute and debate. You remember چوپان دروغگو story. The last time he called, his flock had been genuinely attacked by the wolfs but since he had been caught lying so many times, no body believed him.

All credit is due to Iranian students. but you and I know too well the fate of those talented students.
A big part of what you wrote is correct... but there is a big but...

This discription is more credible for days of Reza shah or even up to first years of revolution... I know well in person what miracles have been placed during 8 years of war with management of the country... The country practically being managed with very small sum of budjet that I can gurrantee you neither Americans can do anything nor Japs with that amounts... The management during those days was miracle due to a very simple element... revolutionary and deidcated persons in charge...

The management went into a hole of darkness right after the war was over... The technocrats of those days are very capable managers but what was missing was a scope and strategic perspective... The revolution changed a lot...war even changed even more... the country were to become nearly a communist style of management due to limitations on budget... after that Hashemi came to power giving power to Capitalism Technocrats of a certain known school of economy in Iran... they first and foremost goal was to expand the economy very fast so Iran can offset all the damages and time lost due to the war and revolution... They focused on infra... and they made it a great job...but this kind of expansions are costy to a system that were only to adapt itself to the war semi-communism economy system.... This caused even more trouble... If you remember those days, there were a lot of paradox in each and every section of society and economy.... anyway, after 8 years of Rafsanjani... the power fell into hands of Khatami... Khatami used a mix of Rafsanjani era technocrats and new capitalism minds... The infra created during Rafsanjani helped his office to create a good and steady economic growth... It was a growth mostly based on reviving unfilled capacities in industry and services sector and worked quite well...

Ahmadnejad has received a relatively neatly organized system that if were to continue while the parliament supporting its plans with correcting laws, Iran would have had another constant %7 growth for at least up to the recent tightening sanctions... but Ahmadinejad did not continue that agenda... he started to act selfish and hundreds of billions of dollars blinded his eyes... he spent like there are no other government... it was predictable as he was a populist guy and never cared about the long term strategies and future governments... He practcally turned back Iranian reviving economy back to pre 1384's.... The only good thing that came to IRan with ahmadinejad, was the fact that Iran relazed that they can not just change everything so wastely and not being harmed... It is very obvious in current gov attitude... Rohani office is very conservative about economy structure modifications... they realized that this necessary modifications need to be done step by step...

This is why the leader + Tashkhise maslahat issued a law in a form that the future gov can never change long term strategies of Iran... This is a good step and apparently needed 35 years to relealize it....

Since the second half of Ahmadinejad, the leader interfiered with the important subject of science and tech issue... He realized that govs are not good with supporting and managing this sector... This is why even when ahmadi is gone the leader plans are still in place... since 1389, leader asked a team of retired and young scientists to gather up and follow this sector by brining roposals and reporting it to the leader itself... There were many sub-commitees formed... one for Navy...one for Defense minsitry...one for universities...one for nano...one for med...and so on...

since that year, we see a constant increase in first organizing science and tech activities...then helping them with budget and laws....then and the most important, to link them to private and public companies... This movement shows its results... although still an infant...

For example, all the high tech projects of army and navy grade improtance have a link to multiple universities... the subarines.... new engines... new EW systems... the Iran-150 airliner project... there are literally hundreds of such projects that have links to either universities or commercial companies... The nano is another example.... First years back in 2005 it was only a government funded research institute dobbed "Bonyad Nano"...but later when they reached commercial levels they started to sell their services to nearly 100 nano related companies that currently are very active in market....

so, although the management is not good as it should be in many basic industries but at the same time, there are a movement to correct all these since a decade a go to correct it...

I think one of the most valuable things that the leader initiated is his care for science and tech and his persistent support and follow up of this sector... He realized well that the first time the world were to share the top positions in science and tech, Iran was absent... now, in 21th century he realized well enough to know that we can not always trying to reach top level industrialized countries all the time... we need to work harder to surpass them in new sciences...

If we are fair we see clearly that very basic mistakes that were normal back 15 years ago is totally fixed now or on the verge of being fixed... one example is, the bureaucratic slow process of governmental and social services... It is very well fixed by initiating Police +10 offices and private sector "daftare khadamate dolati" offices that eliminated the old costly and lazy system....

The recent science and tech jump ups of Iran is not something to be seen in every citizens' life over night... I personally know couple of young graduates that are absorbed by serious science and tech projects after their military service... Who do you think make the R&D and building the military high techs? Who do you think is working in companies like CinnaGen or Parse Semiconductors Co....or in hundreds of new high tech companies in more than 31 science and technology parks around Iran? They are all packed with university graduates and even some still students...

Now in 2015 nearly %30 of all investments and work in Research and Development sector is PRIVATE FUNDED.... This is a good sign that private sector is walking in the right path...we only need some time to see it blossom... It is not far... I promise...


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Under sea explorer Robots:




Ship Hull Inspector Robot:


@Serpentine can you make this thread sticky so we don't worry if it is gone off the list... There are literally hundreds of new stuff we can add to this thread... can you? what about tens of other older threads..can we move the older Iranian made stuff to Made in IRan section? I mean look at at least 20 last posted threads...they all are deserved to be moved to Made in Iran section...

Japanese Robot (Asimo):


Iranian Sorena Robot Family:

Sorena 1 (Sorena the Senior)
Sorena 2 (Sorena Junior):
Sorena 3 (coming soon):

Sorena 3 in his mom's belly!:


Sorena 3 will be born in couple of month and will have below listed improved factors:

1- Angle of Movement from 22 degrees (Sorena 2) was improved to 35 degree
2- The speed of Sorena will be 7 times more!
3- Very good balance and ability to move up and down of a Very Steep ground levels
4- Can do maneuvers when climbing up and down the stairs
5- Can sway around himself very fast and still keep the balance
6- Much more AI (Artificial Intelligence). He can teach himself to learn new shapes and situations
7- Can recognize speeches and respond back in Persian
8- Can analyse photos and pictures in front of him
9- Using an Iranian-made Speech Module developed inside Iran

Could be him!!?

Faez Airplane:

Operation Since: 2009
Empty Weight: 75 kg
Max Take-off Weight: 175 kg
Engine: 2 x 20 HP
Max Speed: 220 km/h
Service Ceiling: 16000 feet (4800 meters)
Max Range Fully loaded: 1500 km
Hull Structure: Composites
Max Fuel Capacity: 54 L
Take Off Needed Runaway Distance: 100 meters

Faez can keep flying and maintain its altitude even when one engine fails



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Free Bird G2 Advantages

You will have more option with the same Price.
- Luxury Seats which designed and inspired from Maserati Cars
- Leather interior
- More Avionics and options on basic version
- Reasonable price for exterior Color Scheme
- Anti UV Glass
- Less Empty weight (25 KG)
- Free insignia on seats and instrument panel
- New door design that opens from sides, this option will allow you to enter or exit the aircraft much easier





Drona: Blue Bird:


Blue Bird - HFDorna Co.

Nano-Based Pyro Aerosol Automatic Fire Extinguishers under the bran name "PAKYRO":

This system produces a mixture of nano chemicals, minerals and electrical elements to produce a Nano-Cloud that can easily extinguish all A – B – C – E – F classes of fire.




با افتخار اعلام میدارد که دانش فنی و تولید این محصول در جهان فقط در دست پنج کشور صنعتی و پیشرفته است که اکنون ایران نیز یکی ازآنهاست. برای این محصول تائیدیه از موسسه BUREAU VERITAS فرانسه - گواهی ایزو ) ISO 9001 ( - تائیدیه CE از موسسه TUV آلمان و گواهینامه (تائید نوع محصول Certificate TYPE Approval) بر اساس استاندارهای بین المللی IMO از موسسه رده بندی ایرانیان ICS)) و تائیدیه کیفیت اخذگردیده است. عملکرد این سیستم میتواند بصورت کاملاً اتوماتیک و یا کنترل از راه دور باشد و نیاز به عامل انسانی ندارد. این فناوری نسل چهارم اطفاء حریق در دنیا ست و جایگزین روش های سنتی و سیستم های قبلی چون هالون ها و گازها شده و در پروتکل مونترال پس از ممنوعیت و تحریم استفاده از هالونها این جایگزینی صورت گرفته است ضمناً در مقام مقایسه با دیگر خاموش کننده ها از مزایا و برتری هائی بشرح زیر برخوردار میباشد.

· نیازی به لوله کشی و سیلندرتحت فشار نیست

· کمترین هزینه تعمیر ونگهداری,هزینه کمتر از دیگر آتش خاموش کننده های متعارف در فضای یکسان تحت پوشش

· بدون هرگونه نشتی, عدم خطر و زیانهای احتمالی از نشت، بدلیل تحت فشار نبودن کپسول های حاوی پاک پایرو

· نصب بسیارآسان

· محصولات اطفاء حریق پاک پایرو نیاز به شارژ و بازرسی مداوم نداشته و در هزینه های سالانه نیز صرفه جویی میکند. عمر مفید این محصولات ٢٥ سال بدون نیاز به شارژ است.

· در مقایسه با خاموش کننده هایی که از فوم و کف استفاده میکنند و باعث خرابی و کثیفی بسیار در محیط میگردند، محصولات پاک پایرو پس از استفاده هیچ گونه اثرات تخریبی بر تجهیزات و اموال و اسناد موجود در محل ندارد.

· سرویس و خدمات به موقع شرکت در قبال استفاده از سیستم های اطفاء حریق پاک پایرو، همراه با گارانتی های لازم

· محصولات پاک پایرو در هنگام پخش شدن در محیط تنها ٢% اکسیژن محیط را کاهش داده و در نتیجه خطر خفگی و سوختگی و دیگر آسیب های جانی را در بر ندارد.

· قابل استفاده درسرور روم و تابلوهای برق و الکترونیکی و سایر تجهیزات حساس.

قابلیت استفاده موثر در دیتاسنتر ها و سایت سرور،کشتی ها و بنادر، تجهیزات حمل و نقل،لوکوموتیو، کانتینر های کالاهای آتش زا و خطرناک، اطاقهای آرشیو و اسناد، موتورخانه ها و سالن های تاسیسات ، انبارهای مواد شیمیایی و نفت و گاز و پتروشیمی، سکوهای نفتی، اطاقهای کنترل و تابلو های برق ، تونل های کابل ، نیروگاهها، برجها و منازل مسکونی و مکانهای غیر قابل دسترس دارد.
النهایه اساس این محصول بر پایه Hight technology استوار گردیده که از ترکیب چند ماده شیمیایی، معدنی و الکتریکی در قالب فناوری نانو تشکیل شده و درابتدا حالت جسمی جامد داشته که در حین عملکرد تبدیل به ابری از ذرات نانو گردیده و تمامی کلاس های A – B – C – E – F آتش را خاوش میکند.
در خاتمه این شرکت امیدوار است که زحمات طاقت فرسای کارشناسان و متخصصان ایرانی در جلوگیری از هرگونه آتش سوزی و ایجاد ضرر و زیان جانی و مالی رضایت هموطنان عزیز را در برداشته و مقبول درگاه احدیت واقع شود.
. .
@Serpentine tamame psot haye chand rooze akhire man delete shode...hatta inja man kolli ax az 3D printer ha ezafe karde boodam.. mitooni dorostesh koni?

First, please don't use any language except English in threads other than chill thread.

Second, I didn't find any deleted post of past days. Perhaps because of forum glitch/problems in past days, they haven't been posted.

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