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Made in Iran

Love their "Isfahani" accent...makes me homesick...what a beautiful language Farsi is..many years ago when I was student in Montreal I was sitting with a friend in a corner at McDonald's speaking in Farsi...some French Canadian gentleman approached us and very politely asked what language we were speaking..I told him Farsi and I asked him why is he asking...he said it is the most beautiful sounding foreign language he has heard..coming from a Frenchman that was some compliment..
Iran's first eye surgery simulator

I am trying to see if I get more photos..If you see one please add. Apparently German company that makes the original version is so furious that have ended all contacts with Iran..

محققان شرکتی دانش‌بنیان توانستند با ساخت دستگاه شبیه‌ساز آموزشی عمل جراحی چشم مبتنی بر فناوری واقعیت مجازی، به رقیبی قدر برای شرکت آلمانی تولیدکننده این محصول بدل شوند.
ویدئو| قصه‌ساخت اولین شبیه‌ساز عمل جراحی چشم در ایران/ وقتی دانش‌بنیان‌ها رقیب قدر آلمانی‌ها می‌شوند

به گزارش گروه علم‌و پیشرفت خبرگزاری فارس، شبیه‌سازی پزشکی، یک رویکرد نوین برای آموزش حرفه‌ای در حوزه‌ سلامت است که به متخصصان کمک می‌کند تا شرایط واقعی را از طریق مدل‌های فیزیکی یا واقعیت مجازی (VR) در شرایطی کاملا کنترل شده، تجربه کنند و مهارت‌های خودشان را افزایش دهند.امروزه در صنعت سلامت، شبیه‌سازی، پلی میان کلاس‌های درس و اتاق‌های عمل، تلقی می‌شود. تا کنون شبیه‌سازهای آموزشی پزشکی زیادی در دنیا توسعه یافته و از پیچیده‌ترین این شبیه‌سازها، شبیه‌سازهای مورد استفاده در حوزه چشم‌پزشکی است.
اغلب عمل های جراحی موجود در چشم ‌پزشکی؛ همچون عمل فیکو برای آب مروارید (کاتاراکت) چشم، از نوع عمل‌های جراحی در مقیاس میکرو هستند.این عمل‌های جراحی، در عین ساده بودن، نیاز به مهارت بالایی دارند.چراکه نیاز است تا هماهنگی میان دست و چشم جراح جهت کار با ابزار و میکروسکوپ مربوطه بسیار بالا باشد تا جراحی با بیشترین دقت ممکن انجام شود. اشتباه کوچکی در این عمل جراحی، ممکن است به نابینا شدن بیمار یا عوارضی جبران‌ناپذیر منجر شود.
شرکت دانش‌بنیان آتیه‌سازان ظهور شریف در کشورمان، بعنوان یکی از شرکت‌های ایرانی فعال در حوزه‌ شبیه‌سازهای پزشکی مبتنی بر واقعیت مجازی توانسته است محصول شبیه‌ساز آموزشی عمل جراحی چشم خود را با دو ماژول عمل جراحی آب مروارید چشم و عمل جراحی ویتره – رتین به عنوان دومین تولیدکننده شبیه‌ساز عمل جراحی چشم روانه بازار داخلی و همچنین بازار کشور چین کند.
در ادامه ویدئویی از قصه ساخت دستگاه شبیه‌ساز آموزشی عمل جراحی چشم توسط محققان شرکت دانش‌بنیان آتیه‌سازان ظهور شریف مشاهده می‌کنید:

An interesting story how a group of Iranian Engineers decided to develop this simulator.
قصه‌ساخت اولین شبیه‌ساز عمل جراحیچشم در ایران/ وقتی دانش‌بنیان‌ها رقیب قدر آلمانی‌ها می‌شوند
WOW..watch the video directly from the site it is amazing.
Iranian Researchers Produce Genetically-Modified Goat as Large as Donkey

An Iranian breed of goat is larger than a donkey and cannot be found in any other place around the world.
Over a period of two years, Iranian researchers managed to breed a genetically-engineered goat which is as tall as a donkey and worth the price of a well-bred horse.
At 20 months old, the goat could weigh up to 120kg with a height of 175cm. Goats can grow in size until they are three years old while the weight of this new breed can reach up to 150kg.
Among the features of this genetically-modified goat is that it has horns similar to those of a calf and has no long hair on its body unlike other breeds of goats. Its neck is similar to a sheep’s.

WOW..watch the video directly from the site it is amazing.
Iranian Researchers Produce Genetically-Modified Goat as Large as Donkey

Over a period of two years, Iranian researchers managed to breed a genetically-engineered goat which is as tall as a donkey and worth the price of a well-bred horse.
At 20 months old, the goat could weigh up to 120kg with a height of 175cm. Goats can grow in size until they are three years old while the weight of this new breed can reach up to 150kg.
Among the features of this genetically-modified goat is that it has horns similar to those of a calf and has no long hair on its body unlike other breeds of goats. Its neck is similar to a sheep’s.

lol... dude make sure it not really a cross of donkey and goat ..
It is a Goat indeed..imagine the amount of milk this breed can produce,
I failed to understand body composition ... a nature vs genetically modified living animal .... are we really playing with preset nature rules.
I failed to understand body composition ... a nature vs genetically modified living animal .... are we really playing with preset nature rules.
I share your view ..It does scare me also when I look at the video and of what else can be done in this field.
WOW..watch the video directly from the site it is amazing.
Iranian Researchers Produce Genetically-Modified Goat as Large as Donkey

Over a period of two years, Iranian researchers managed to breed a genetically-engineered goat which is as tall as a donkey and worth the price of a well-bred horse.
At 20 months old, the goat could weigh up to 120kg with a height of 175cm. Goats can grow in size until they are three years old while the weight of this new breed can reach up to 150kg.
Among the features of this genetically-modified goat is that it has horns similar to those of a calf and has no long hair on its body unlike other breeds of goats. Its neck is similar to a sheep’s.

This is no good in my opinion. Genetic manipulations are part of the globalist, anti-specist agenda. Once I came across an article obviously authored by a freemason or a supporter of masonry in a periodical affiliated with a para-masonic current, which was presenting as inevitable and even welcoming the end of the human species and its replacement by two parallel substitutes: a super-human type of species (the transhumanist project) reflecting Promethean ambitions such as embodied by the Babel tower symbolism of the EU parliament (ie humans seeking to become equals to God, astaghforEllah!), as well as a "sub-human" species of sorts composed of human-animal genetic chimeras. Not sure why certain research centers and scientists in Iran are seemingly acting in the playing field of these maniacal madmen. I wouldn't be surprised if the individuals in question were linked to the western-apologetic liberal faction.
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The extremist globalist Transhumanism that I began to know in 1999 will go very far in their delirium. Globalists are in all countries. And why do you think there is an army to fight each other? It is a game of war won between elites and 99% of the people of this planet not knowing it. And they will even reject this assertion because too big to handle this truth.

Even the Iranian parliament is in the Freemasons style with its own symbolism. The peoples of the Earth will have to stand up in unison against these elites and watch their own war games ready to kill each other.
The extremist globalist Transhumanism that I began to know in 1999 will go very far in their delirium. Globalists are in all countries. And why do you think there is an army to fight each other? It is a game of war won between elites and 99% of the people of this planet not knowing it. And they will even reject this assertion because too big to handle this truth.

Even the Iranian parliament is in the Freemasons style with its own symbolism. The peoples of the Earth will have to stand up in unison against these elites and watch their own war games ready to kill each other.

The current Iranian parliament building was designed before the Islamic Revolution. Its architect also drew up the blueprint for a medical center located close to the Milad Tower... I found out who it is.

Freemasonry was outlawed in Iran by Imam Khomeini (ra), all lodges were shut down immediately after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and most of their members including higher grade ones (some of whose identities had been made public by Esmail Ra'in in his book) fled abroad as fast as they could. But there are possibly some infiltrators namely among the reformists and other liberals. Just as there might be some crypto-Haifan Bahais and crypto-zionists acting as fifth columnists to undermine the Islamic Republic from within.

All these networks were implanted in Iran under the monarchy, some went unnoticed and survived the Islamic Revolution to act as stay-behind agents of influence (nofoozi). Be sure that every Muslim nation with diplomatic ties to the US or worse, allied with Washington is infested up to its neck, as opposed to Iran. Because in Iran, these are essentially undercover infiltrators and dissidents trying to subvert and overthrow the establishment, whereas in US-allied states they represent the actual establishment.

By the way, why the left eye with the LGBT-style rainbow colors, my friend?
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Unregulated genetic manipulations are a curse..I do not know the position of Islam on the issue but I know stem cell research is Oked by the Shia clergy in Iran.
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