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Looking forward to strategic ties with India: China

1. U.S.A is a natural ally of Indian nation and Indian people.
2. We understand U.S.A and Indians don't understand China / Chinese at all. There is no emotional connect with China. With U.S.A. we have emotional, cultural, educational, scientific associations.
3. We understand democracy, fress press, debates etc....we do not understand autocracy.

However our relationship with U.S.A will not be at the cost of Russia. We will seek relationship at equal terms with U.S.A.

We will also strive to live as a good neighbor with China but will prepare to reply back to any adventure of Chineses.

Some good points but we need to be friends with China as well.

There will be a time before China realizes that it can't contain India as it itself can't be contained.

That there will be a multilateral Asia as it wants a multilateral world.

Once the realization dawns, the chances of an equal relationship will be better.
India must press China to open its domestic market for Indian goods and services. The latest number of Sino-India trade is terrible, for India.

Actions count more than words.

The trade deficit is at $40 billion in favor of China. India has been insisting that China open up its IT and Pharmaceutical sectors for India in the past 2 years but it has not materialized.
We need to address our trade deficit in Sino-India bilateral trade

Our policy of being enough strong on eastern border will continue but along that infrastructure in north east should be improved to maximum extent.

As for ties, we should have well thought policies while entering such ties

In short, bilateral trade with China should increase but with reduced percentage of trade deficit, relations with China should be kept good without compromising our interests and India's military power needs to be continuously enhanced, which will happen with Vikramaditya, IAC-1, Arihant class SSBNs, MRCA fighters, Super Sukhois, hundreds of new howitzers getting inducted in IN/IA/IAF and A-4,A-5 and A-6 entering service with Indian Strategic Missile Forces.

This modernization will require huge amount of money so we need to focus on economy too and bring new polices which will result in Indian economy returning to/ exceeding 7% plus GDP growth rate.
The trade deficit is at $40 billion in favor of China. India has been insisting that China open up its IT and Pharmaceutical sectors for India in the past 2 years but it has not materialized.
US$ 40bn is about the amount of Sino-Vietnam bilateral trades in 2011!

We need to address our trade deficit in Sino-India bilateral trade
yeah, a strong economy is important to back the army.
Our policy of being enough strong on eastern border will continue but along that infrastructure in north east should be improved to maximum extent.

As for ties, we should have well thought policies while entering such ties

In short, bilateral trade with China should increase but with reduced percentage of trade deficit, relations with China should be kept good without compromising our interests and India's military power needs to be continuously enhanced, which will happen with Vikramaditya, IAC-1, Arihant class SSBNs, MRCA fighters, Super Sukhois, hundreds of new howitzers getting inducted in IN/IA/IAF and A-4,A-5 and A-6 entering service with Indian Strategic Missile Forces.

This modernization will require huge amount of money so we need to focus on economy too and bring new polices which will result in Indian economy returning to/ exceeding 7% plus GDP growth rate.
Indian Navy should act more aggressive in Indian ocean, and engage in remote areas such as SC Sea. With 2 CBGs India can scare any possible opponents.
India must press China to open its domestic market for Indian goods and services. The latest number of Sino-India trade is terrible, for India.

Actions count more than words.

It is up to Indian companies to provide better value for money.

The only thing India sells to the West is cheap (not better) IT skills, and China already has plenty of that.
It is up to Indian companies to provide better value for money.

The only thing India sells to the West is cheap (not better) IT skills, and China already has plenty of that.

Very good analysis. :tup:

Should be so easy for China to undercut that in the West, as they have done with cheap (not better) manufacturing.

Not sure why they have not done it already.

We have been hearing of that for several years.
India must press China to open its domestic market for Indian goods and services. The latest number of Sino-India trade is terrible, for India.

Actions count more than words.

Possibly a future strong government will be able to negotiate better market access to the Chinese market.
Very good analysis. :tup:

Should be so easy for China to undercut that in the West, as they have done with cheap (not better) manufacturing.

Not sure why they have not done it already.

We have been hearing of that for several years.

I have always maintained that India enjoys two significant advantages over China:
- Indians are much better at sales/marketing than Chinese are.
- English being the world's language helps India and hinders China.
1. U.S.A is a natural ally of Indian nation and Indian people.
2. We understand U.S.A and Indians don't understand China / Chinese at all. There is no emotional connect with China. With U.S.A. we have emotional, cultural, educational, scientific associations.
3. We understand democracy, fress press, debates etc....we do not understand autocracy.

However our relationship with U.S.A will not be at the cost of Russia. We will seek relationship at equal terms with U.S.A.

We will also strive to live as a good neighbor with China but will prepare to reply back to any adventure of Chineses.

Have to agree with this.

Everything i wanted to say. India should not shy away from a partnership with the US.
Im sorry but that is just never gonna happen. Sure, better trade relations yadi yada. But if we are simply talking in strategic terms, then US will form a coalition which will comprise of US, India, South Korea, Japan, RUSSIA (yes, you heard me) to contain the rise of China. And if the US had some brains they would normalize relations and have a rapprochement with Iran and add it to that coalition, instead of wasting time with a bunch of useless gulf arabs, in order to contain China more in the Persian Gulf. Lets see if strategic thinking and rationale will prevail with the yanks.
I have always maintained that India enjoys two significant advantages over China:
- Indians are much better at sales/marketing than Chinese are.
- English being the world's language helps India and hinders China.

Not sure about sales/marketing part. Chinese goods are present on every shelf in the world. Indian goods are sometimes difficult to see on an Indian shelf.

The Chinese must be doing something right.

Also, enough Chinese (and others) know English.

Indian IT must have done something more to succeed and become a $110 billion industry.

Like creating enough value for their customers? Creating new opportunities/possibilities that would have been not there otherwise? Providing quality and scale on demand?

Something that no one else in the world could do? And at an unbeatable price/value proposition?

Not sure about sales/marketing part. Chinese goods are present on every shelf in the world. Indian goods are sometimes difficult to see on an Indian shelf.

The Chinese must be doing something right.

Also, enough Chinese (and others) know English.

Indian IT must have done something more to succeed and become a $110 billion industry.

Like creating enough value for their customers? Creating new opportunities/possibilities that would have been not there otherwise? Providing quality and scale on demand?

Something that no one else in the world could do? And at an unbeatable price/value proposition?


Both Indian services and Chinese products compete largely on the basis of price, not quality.

Not yet.

Maybe in another decade it could change.
Not improve relations with immediate neighbors and jump into bed with a well known global biaatch? Nice logic.

its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.
Both Indian services and Chinese products compete largely on the basis of price, not quality.

Not yet.

Maybe in another decade it could change.

That is a very limited way of looking at it.

Both have created new value and possibilities through the scale at which they operate.
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