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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

If they are made to pay or penalized for what the youngsters are doing then they will apply for 'legal aid' or government 'support' to pay it.. at the end.. who loses?? us! the tax payers..

I'd like them to fill the jails with these hooligans, and put them on work inside.. if they don't work then send them in 'cell' or 'kothary'

Just fine their parents; simple.

There is no point reasoning with them, because they don't care and they do it because everyone is doing it.
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A moving plea. sadly the people won't listen.

He's right. This ain't a race issue. It is stupid chaotic anarchy that is creating pandemonium in the country. What's gotten into the Brits all of a sudden?

There is no point reasoning with them, because they don't care and they do it because everyone is doing it.

I think this is the time when the UK government takes a leaf out of your government's book. Call something similar to the People's Police, and let them loose with guns. That would shut these rioters up. Stupid idiots.
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I think this is the time when the UK government takes a leaf out of your government's book. Call something similar to the People's Police, and let them loose with guns. That would shut these rioters up. Stupid idiots.

They should have done so long ago. Sometimes there is simply no other ways other than fight them back with force. Standing around with shields and batons and making formations ain't going to do jack. They want to have it the hard way, then they should receive it the hard way.
They should have done so long ago. Sometimes there is simply no other ways other than fight them back with force. Standing around with shields and batons and making formations ain't going to do jack. They just have to learn the hard way.

You know, it is situations like this where pure democracy sucks. I will agree with you here. Force is the only solution. Get a couple of APCs first shooting warning shots and then shooting the crap out of a couple of these killing rioters. That would shut the rest of them. Crazy people have already killed 3 innocents who didn't do anything, robbed another bunch of common people and now are setting the entire city on fire.
the Nato went to bomb the place even before understanding who theser rebels were...
NATO bombed Libya for freedom and democracy of the Libya oil.... sorry Libya people, don't you know that already. Anyway, Gaddafi is also the grand grand son of Hitler and head of the League of Super Evil. He is a bad, bad man. :azn:
I think this is the time when the UK government takes a leaf out of your government's book. Call something similar to the People's Police, and let them loose with guns. That would shut these rioters up. Stupid idiots.

The problem is that since majority of the police is White and majority of the rioters (not all of them but majority of them) are ethnic minorities the police will be labeled "racist" and their will be a media hype about it if the police were to attacks these savages! And lets not forget that the root cause of these riots is the shooting of a non-white male.
NATO bombed Libya for freedom and democracy of the Libya oil.... sorry Libya people, don't you know that already. Anyway, Gaddafi is also the grand grand son of Hitler and head of the League of Super Evil. He is a bad, bad man. :azn:

He is a terrible man. If only he had given his oil away to USA for free. Then he would have been a lovely lovely man. Animal.....
London riots: far-right political party whites EDL 'protect' Eltham residents - LivingScoop
This video looks rascist against Blacks, make them look rioters but the real cause is not understood by whites, yet!!

How is the video racist? The people are merely protecting their community from rioters just as Sikh and Pakistanis protected their mosques, gurdwaras, and communities from violent rioters, or is it that when a white person protects his kind it is wrong and "racist"? I'm sure you haven't lived in a black neighborhood before, especially after 9/11 you would forget about any racist thing a white person did to you.
The problem is that since majority of the police is White and majority of the rioters (not all of them but majority of them) are ethnic minorities the police will be labeled "racist" and their will be a media hype about it if the police were to attacks these savages! And lets not forget that the root cause of these riots is the shooting of a non-white male.

I hear what you are saying but i dont think this was the cause. I think society was looking for an excuse. There is a shortage og ££ and these thugs were looking for an excuse to do this. I think its bored unemployed uneducated youngsters taking advantage. Some under peer pressure, some just doing it for the fun of it. Its sad to say but when i was young and i did something wrong id get a good slapping. Never did it again. Some of these kids getting arrested are 11 and 12! Where the hell were the parents? Something wrong with the up bringing. One thing kids are automatically taught in asian culture is respect the elders.
The problem is that since majority of the police is White and majority of the rioters (not all of them but majority of them) are ethnic minorities the police will be labeled "racist" and their will be a media hype about it if the police were to attacks these savages! And lets not forget that the root cause of these riots is the shooting of a non-white male.

The places these looters come from / are attacking are predominantly populated by ethnic minorities; the guy shot was caucasian.
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