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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

What did Zulfiqar Mirza say about UK people?
how do you know about how german are?? dont speak stupid. when osama was killed all muslims were crying.

lol but osama died 5 times in my life time so we thought he is a super human thats why after confirmation people were little bit unhappy that the drama is over
how do you know about how german are?? dont speak stupid. when osama was killed all muslims were crying.

Why was Spandau prison brought down ? Why was Rodolph Hess's grave demolished ?
Why do some Germans call the British Insel Affen
The problem for UK is that they had given too many rights to people

Sounds a little ‘familiar’ no? :)

But actually, such things happened during Civil Rights (Blacks Revolution) days in USA in 1960s. At least that ended up bringing some great changes. Whereas here, this is all outright hooliganism at best. Flipping/burning cars, throwing missiles and projectiles at police and burning down businesses and shops and homes will NOT win you much public sympathy!! Especially when peoples livelihoods and personal safety are at stake.

There are lots of others issues, like disability benefits, job seeker's allowance, New Mother's allowance, Family support, NHS, Police and other agencies.. there has been an unrest in the society since this government came in power.. Youth are taking their anger out.. thats all.. cuz they were pouched too much.. and suddenly everything is taken back without preparing them for whats coming.. they are emotional and they are taking their anger out in the best way only youth can.. its fun (for them) and it benefits (looting) them..

Just my two cents..

Remember the riots and civil unrest in France back in 2005??? You know how all that started? Police were chasing two youth who were suspected of some crime. The youth ended up getting electrocuted (while hiding at power substation. That triggered such large riots and unrest that French government declared state of emergency for 3 months.

So we’ve seen in the past such types of incidents elsewhere – that often deal with disenchanted groups or members of some demographic.
how do you know about how german are?? dont speak stupid. when osama was killed all muslims were crying.

germans are the same germans in Hitler was a german too so according to your theory then you are a nazi too if all muslims are teroorists then all germans are nazis simple as that AND REMEMBER OSAMA WAS AN ANGEL INFRONT OF HITLER AS YOU KILLED MORE THEN 10 MILLION PEOPLE
Rudeman is a troll, report his posts. Just ignore him.

English is the language that is regularly used on this forum. Offensive/off-topic material is also not within the norm here.
germans are the same germans in Hitler was a german too

Hitler was Austrian ..... He became German in 1933 .....
Arnold Schwarzenegger is Austrian too .... If he becomes Prez ..... We are doomed

In China, people don't have liberty to go against permanent Communist government. So, No Chance of Violence. If it will happen, you know what Communist will do? They will be killed. So, don't give wrong info.

U.K. is not like China. People have right to protest for anything. They do and sometime they get out of control and police takes action. It happens 1/1000 times. few years back, It even happened during EPL too. This time, Few people were doing some burglary,looting and destroying government asset. Hence, They were called "rioters" nothing wrong in that. Go and live in U.K. and then talk. U.K. would be one of the last country to come in "Human Right Violation". One of the most Vibrant and Liberal country since centuries. Millions of people from 100's of ethnic group and countries living together with 100% peace and harmony.

Hundred Percent Harmony: Never say never dude. Only yesterday we had that ELD news. I have been a great admirer of British values and am still am but you got to admit that, that is falling apart now...

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