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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

All this will make the BNP grow in strength.

Tough times ahead.

Agree they are going to make headway coz of this

Cameron has called for an emergency meeting at 9 (operation cobra ) with his cabinet to discuss what to do next. I think the army and water cannon must be used asap. My concern is Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds havent been seeing major trouble. I sense this is a copy cat kind of thing and unless a hard hand is shown it will escalate further. Hopefully a couple of the old "danda" on thier heads may knock some sense into thier heads.
All this will make the BNP grow in strength.

Tough times ahead.

Naa dont think so. Far right is fragmented in UK and has very weak leadership and isolated. the prob is that mainstream politicos are taking much of their ground.
Naa dont think so. Far right is fragmented in UK and has very weak leadership and isolated. the prob is that mainstream politicos are taking much of their ground.

It is not the far right.

As it is, the white British are chaffing at the bit over immigrant to include the East Europeans.

Cameron's attitude is not very conducive like that of the Labour. Even the Labour was getting a trifle restless, if one remembers Straw and his comment.

If one observes the British forums, the latent anger and dislike is so obvious!

I hope I am wrong.
Agree they are going to make headway coz of this

Cameron has called for an emergency meeting at 9 (operation cobra ) with his cabinet to discuss what to do next. I think the army and water cannon must be used asap. My concern is Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds havent been seeing major trouble. I sense this is a copy cat kind of thing and unless a hard hand is shown it will escalate further. Hopefully a couple of the old "danda" on thier heads may knock some sense into thier heads.

I want to ask the same thing. In India even small group of demonstrators get sprayed with powerful water canon if the Police sense that the people is getting out of hand. Its then followed by tear gas, stun grenade, rubber bullets and for the grand finale if situation demands 'lathi charge' (Firing live rounds to the crowd needs political approval).I am seeing BBC news and the police there is standing still as the rioters are openly challenging their authority and throwing stones at them. Police in my place will throw that stone straight back at him.
What is the reason for all these riots?? I hardly think they want the queen to step down....
I want to ask the same thing. In India even small group of demonstrators get sprayed with powerful water canon if the Police sense that the people is getting out of hand. Its then followed by tear gas, stun grenade, rubber bullets and for the grand finale if situation demands 'lathi charge' (Firing live rounds to the crowd needs political approval).I am seeing BBC news and the police there is standing still as the rioters are openly challenging their authority and throwing stones at them. Police in my place will throw that stone straight back at him.

If they are allowing the riots to escalate, then there is more that what meets the eye!
What is the reason for all these riots?? I hardly think they want the queen to step down....

I think its been bubbling for a while now. General unrest due to lack of jobs money etc. People copying each other. Seeing an oppertunity and realizing they can get away with it. The jails are jam packed. Simply no space to arrest more people. This morning a couple of reporters asked some guys why they were doing this and the answers were "to get our taxes back" or the "police are racist". I think the tax back answer is a bit crap. I think the real answers are "coz we have no money and are bored and want something for nothing and we got no £££ etc
I think its been bubbling for a while now. General unrest due to lack of jobs money etc. People copying each other. Seeing an oppertunity and realizing they can get away with it. The jails are jam packed. Simply no space to arrest more people. This morning a couple of reporters asked some guys why they were doing this and the answers were "to get our taxes back" or the "police are racist". I think the tax back answer is a bit crap. I think the real answers are "coz we have no money and are bored and want something for nothing and we got no £££ etc

Thats funny. If they want the their taxes back they should try taking back the fire hydrant or post office box, not go around looting department stores.
In China, people don't have liberty to go against permanent Communist government. So, No Chance of Violence. If it will happen, you know what Communist will do? They will be killed. So, don't give wrong info.

U.K. is not like China. People have right to protest for anything. They do and sometime they get out of control and police takes action. It happens 1/1000 times. few years back, It even happened during EPL too. This time, Few people were doing some burglary,looting and destroying government asset. Hence, They were called "rioters" nothing wrong in that. Go and live in U.K. and then talk. U.K. would be one of the last country to come in "Human Right Violation". One of the most Vibrant and Liberal country since centuries. Millions of people from 100's of ethnic group and countries living together with 100% peace and harmony.

What about uk's nuclear weapons inspector kelly who committed "suicide" after disclosing information that there were no wmd in iraq.
I think its more to do with inflations, rising shop and store product prices, economic downturn, government racial policies. What if all UK comes under riot attacks, looting, and business losses with police divided everywhere.

Its clearly Consumers cannot buy Goods on streets, very high house rents, unaffordable travel costs and hence loot with those goods!!!

Seems like its more BLACK ppl and a few handful Asian & White communities:

video - 2012 war with Government & People is coming says a onlooker in London:

Now shops and stores and people who had items destroyed will put liar claims of LOSSES. It will be a lottery to destroyed item owners fro insurance claims.
They gonna get double money from Insurance companies.. they always over price their products.. so they are not losing anything..

Some insurance doesnt cover "riots" theft and break in mate.
This has spread beyond London, clearly there is some planning involved in these riots. Political motives cannot be ruled out.
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