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LOC as borders for India, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and China

Do you support the conversion of LOC into IB?

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Wrong, it only gain momentum after 71 but it was boiling since 48, it was cool down earlier because nehru had promised referendum.

It may have been Boiling in Pakistan but not in Kashmir. Still there was no insurgencies till 71. The Bangladesh Liberation war was the major set back to Pakistan Military and more than that ISI.
Hence ISI started proxy war in Punjab and Kashmir, but failed in both areas. The current Kashmir insurgency is the out come of your Proxy war.
Anyone can google it. :rofl:
That shows you know nothing about the last dynasty. What a fool!

He didn't abdicate by his own wish and even collaborated with Japanese to continue his dynasty in Manchkuo.

You flawed logic don't deny the fact that central authority of China had no control over Tibet for more than 50 years.
what ever, Kashmiri people and Pakistan will not agree to it and Kashmir is already registered b/w Pakistan and India as disputed area in UN

India was the first one to reach UN and registered it :)
He didn't abdicate by his own wish and even collaborated with Japanese to continue his dynasty in Manchkuo.

You flawed logic don't deny the fact that central authority of China had no control over Tibet for more than 50 years.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Go write your own history book
China should accept Macartney-Macdonald line as they had accepted it during British times. It would still keep most of Aksai Chin including the Tibet-Xinjiang highway in China. It lies north of the present LAC so they would have to give some territory to India but they did consider it legitimate earlier so they should do it now too. Most importantly, it would remove a big headache from Indo-Chinese relations.
He didn't abdicate by his own wish and even collaborated with Japanese to continue his dynasty in Manchkuo.

You flawed logic don't deny the fact that central authority of China had no control over Tibet for more than 50 years.

As an underage emperor, his regent can make that choice for him.

Tibet never declared independent. They were internationally recognized as part of China as China was split into many warlords between 1912-1950. Tibet was controlled by the Dalai warlord until 1950.

China should accept Macartney-Macdonald line as they had accepted it during British times. It would still keep most of Aksai Chin including the Tibet-Xinjiang highway in China. It lies north of the present LAC so they would have to give some territory to India but they did consider it legitimate earlier so they should do it now too. Most importantly, it would remove a big headache from Indo-Chinese relations.

The biggest issue in South Asia is the Kashmir issue. And instead of India or Pakistan be in control of Kashmir, the people of Kashmir, an internationally dispute territory, should have the right to self determinate. Its time to end the 2nd hand British imperialist Indian policy against kashmiri and give them freedom.
As an underage emperor, his regent can make that choice for him.

Tibet never declared independent. They were internationally recognized as part of China as China was split into many warlords between 1912-1950. Tibet was controlled by the Dalai warlord until 1950.

Dalai Lama's had been legitimate rulers of Tibet for centuries not the Qing dynasty. :cheesy: Leave recognition, Tibet was not in control of China for more than 50 years before 1950, how can PRC even claim border dispute with India when it was already settled with India in between.

The biggest issue in South Asia is the Kashmir issue. And instead of India or Pakistan be in control of Kashmir, the people of Kashmir, an internationally dispute territory, should have the right to self determinate. Its time to end the 2nd hand British imperialist Indian policy against kashmiri and give them freedom.

Kashmir has an accession paper for integration with India, its legal territory of India.
Since 1947 India and Pakistan have fought a number of wars and battles, incessantly meddled in each others country, killed scores of each others people and brought economic and social deprivation to both country's citizens. Much of this has been done supposedly for Kashmir's sake.

Were the sacrifices worth it? Has it brought about a much better life for everyone including Kashmiri's?

The way things are neither is Pakistan going to relinquish its portion of Kashmir nor will India and neither side can prevail over the other by force. Whats the point of this endless conflict?

IMHO both countries should settle things, converting the LOC in an IB, and make genuine peace with each other. Neither country can truly prosper without making peace with each other and neither country can bear the cost of an all out conflict, either economically or in humane terms.
The biggest issue in South Asia is the Kashmir issue. And instead of India or Pakistan be in control of Kashmir, the people of Kashmir, an internationally dispute territory, should have the right to self determinate. Its time to end the 2nd hand British imperialist Indian policy against kashmiri and give them freedom.
Only some people in the Vale of Kashmir want secession. People of Jammu and Ladakh, which together make up most of the state of Jammu and Kashmir do not support secession. Also, we should not forget about Kashmiri Hindus who are also native to the Vale of Kashmir and who were forcibly driven out of the valley by Kashmiri Muslims and by Pak-sponsored terrorists. They also don't support secession.
The topic of discussion is "how many people support LoC as IB" not change of control or anything. Balochistan or Maharatra or Gujarat or Tamil addu are legal territories of Pakistan & India respectively so there is no need to drag these regions not only in this thread but any where. Except Kalat & Gawadar state all states of Balochistan joined Pakistan with full consensus & debates in their jirga systems. Kalat's jirga/parliament like gathering was still debating & discussing on joining Pakistan when Khan of Kalat use his power & decide to act on his own & announced merging his state with Pakistan, note that Khan of Kalat was an old friend & client of Hazrat Mohammad Ali Jinnah(R.A) & Kalat was surrounded by Sind & other Balochistan states all of which had already joined Pakistan, Gawadar was the last state that joined Pakistan & it was purchased by govt of Pakistan from Oman.

As I said, this is not a topic of discussion. The territories you mentioned, like Junagarh etc are also legal territories of India.

The point here again, is the change of control, which has not happened till date between India and Pakistan post Independence.

PS: I am not counting 1971, since that change of control did not happen between India and Pakistan in the east and in the west, all Pakistani land that was captured by India was returned.

Pakistan have much more advanced & open media than india can ever dream of. It criticize Pakistani Army & Govt like no where else on earth.

:rofl: :rofl:

My answer to this post is hidden in the replies i posted above. Also refrain from derailing the thread & dragging Balochistan, Khalistan, Maharatradesh, Gujaratadesh, Tamil Eelam, Mughalistan, etc.

No derailment dude.. Just a mirror.. :)
It may have been Boiling in Pakistan but not in Kashmir. Still there was no insurgencies till 71. The Bangladesh Liberation war was the major set back to Pakistan Military and more than that ISI.
Hence ISI started proxy war in Punjab and Kashmir, but failed in both areas. The current Kashmir insurgency is the out come of your Proxy war.

Stop living in your denials & stop f@rting out the propaganda. IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir was boiling since 1948, it had cool down for short period only because nehru promised referendum. Pakistan military & ISI has nothing to do with Kashmir except securing the liberated part of Kashmir from terrorists who are occupying IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. Khalistan is offtopic & don't bring it here...it happened because Sikhs want their homeland & don't want to live with indians who raided their religious places.
You can read the book written by Andrew Whitehead and description Father Shanks Kashmir diary about the tribal looting in Kashmir in 1947.

Did anyone have all that recorded on camera? We can say it was dogra terrorists who were looting innocent Kashmiris as furious Tribals were approaching & they knew these areas will be lost.

As for Kalat, you have to resort to army action there before signing of any accession.

@Aeronaut @WebMaster I've reported some members several times, please take action against these members who are continuously dragging offtopics.

Mr IN DIC, no Army action was taken. Kalat Prince/ruler invited Army it self because he feared the jirga leaders who were still debating on accession would feel left out & act against him. It was not like your Hyderabad Deccan operation nor Junagadh/Manavadar operation.
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As I said, this is not a topic of discussion. The territories you mentioned, like Junagarh etc are also legal territories of India.

The point here again, is the change of control, which has not happened till date between India and Pakistan post Independence.

PS: I am not counting 1971, since that change of control did not happen between India and Pakistan in the east and in the west, all Pakistani land that was captured by India was returned.

Either you are trolling or you have comprehension problem. The OP clearly mentioned & even added a poll where he asked if LoC should be made IB, now i don't know what you are smoking at.

Junagadh/Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan are offtopics so why are you trying again & again to divert the topic?
Junagadh/Manvadar is still claimed by Pakistan, if you see many atlas of Pakistan, it have Junagadh/Manvadar as Pakistani territory too.;)

What happen? Don't got any counter argument so start posting smilies like new comer troll? I repeat again Pakistani media is much more independent than indian media can even dream of, Pakistani media criticize not only Govt but Army/Military too which no media on earth do.

No derailment dude.. Just a mirror.. :)

What mirror? You were just trying to save yourself but failed.:rofl::omghaha:
Either you are trolling or you have comprehension problem. The OP clearly mentioned & even added a poll where he asked if LoC should be made IB, now i don't know what you are smoking at.
:) and I replied.

Junagadh/Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan are offtopics so why are you trying again & again to divert the topic?
Junagadh/Manvadar is still claimed by Pakistan, if you see many atlas of Pakistan, it have Junagadh/Manvadar as Pakistani territory too.;)
One of your esteemed defense analyst also claimed the moon 5 years back. And if tomorrow your atlas books (or any other stuff) starts painting the Paksitani flag on the photos of the moon, that wont change a thing really :D

What happen? Don't got any counter argument so start posting smilies like new comer troll? I repeat again Pakistani media is much more independent than indian media can even dream of, Pakistani media criticize not only Govt but Army/Military too which no media on earth do.
Sometimes, all you can do at naivety, is simply smile :)

What mirror? You were just trying to save yourself but failed.:rofl::omghaha:
Dalai Lama's had been legitimate rulers of Tibet for centuries not the Qing dynasty. :cheesy: Leave recognition, Tibet was not in control of China for more than 50 years before 1950, how can PRC even claim border dispute with India when it was already settled with India in between.

Kashmir has an accession paper for integration with India, its legal territory of India.

Tibet was part of the Qing dynasty. The selection of Dalai Lama must be approved by the governor appointed by the Emperor. Read up on history and stop making up things.
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