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Li Keqiang says 600 Million Chinese Citizens Earn Monthly Incomes of Just USD$140

Ha, like we don't know you're a freaking vietard lol, we've plenty of you bottom feeders in my hometown HK, can smile your kind from miles away:lol:
Face it, south vietnam doesn't exist anymore lol
Really? Damn FK, waste my time... True Americans are really almost none-existent here in this forum...

BTW, I have no problem with Vietnamese now, as long as they admit they are Vietnamese. Right bro? @Viva_Viet
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Ha, like we don't know you're a freaking vietard lol, we've plenty of you bottom feeders in my hometown HK, can smell your kind from miles away:lol:
Face it, south vietnam doesn't exist anymore lol

I am hopeless with u people. It’s like I am in a Circus with morons running around. Just when I thought I was done with one idiot here comes the second now about to make this convo for some Vietnam. smh...How lost are u people that you can’t stay on topic?
I am hopeless with u people. It’s like I am in a Circus with morons running around. Just when I thought I was done with one idiot here comes the second now about to make this convo for some Vietnam. smh...How lost are u people that you can’t stay on topic?
不漏洞拉 Bat lau dung laai:dance3:
不漏洞拉 Bat lau dung laai:dance3:

Well, you are proving my point about me being with Morons or dancing morons lol
不漏洞拉 Bat lau dung laai:dance3:

不漏洞拉 = Không lỗ hổng kéo = Bất lậu động lạp = Bắt đầu từ nay
Well, you are proving my point about me being with Morons or dancing morons lol
Dulaylomo Choiheight Bat lau dung laai:argh:
I am hopeless with u people. It’s like I am in a Circus with morons running around. Just when I thought I was done with one idiot here comes the second now about to make this convo for some Vietnam. smh...How lost are u people that you can’t stay on topic?
Pathetic south vn refugee beggar boy, no more America here America there, you can not represent America more than I can...lol...
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不漏洞拉 = Không lỗ hổng kéo = Bất lậu động lạp = Bắt đầu từ nay
Dulaylomo Choiheight Bat lau dung laai:argh:

LOL . I can’t believe u people think am Vietnamese. Wao this is a just incredible

Pathetic south vn refugee beggar boy, no more America here America there, you can not represent America more than I do...lol...

I knew it . I was waiting for this idiot to start yapping about something new. Dude ur predicitibity is awesome.

I represent common sense and reason which is miles away from u
Pathetic south vn refugee beggar boy, no more America here America there, you can not represent America more than I do...lol...
Bro, such south vietards are so predictable
(1) "self-hating" identity crisis patient, hiding behind American flags
(2) hate and jealous anything thats China, Chinese cos they blame us for the vanishing of their shit hole "south vietnam" from the world map
Best to avoid IT at all cost, we've first hand experience with such creatures in HK for ages:hang2:
Bro, such south vietards are so predictable
(1) "self-hating" identity crisis patient, hiding behind American flags
(2) hate and jealous anything thats China, Chinese cos they blame us for the vanishing of their shit hole "south vietnam" from the world map
Best to avoid IT at all cost, we've first hand experience with such creatures in HK for ages:hang2:

LOL u avoid common sense too apparently lol
Don’t forget denial. And ur constanty insecurity about always wanting to compare to us lol
Bro, such south vietards are so predictable
(1) "self-hating" identity crisis patient, hiding behind American flags
(2) hate and jealous anything thats China, Chinese cos they blame us for the vanishing of their shit hole "south vietnam" from the world map
Best to avoid IT at all cost, we've first hand experience with such creatures in HK for ages:hang2:
Yep Bro. Old trick here, we have seen a bunch of them now.
Self-hating or self cursing can't make them a white American...LOL...
Smh... have I scared both of u that much that ur choosing to converse among each other as a jab . LOL childs

Yep Bro. Old trick here, we have seen a bunch of them now.
Self-hating or self cursing can't make them a white American...LOL...

I knew it . I told u u were gona run to something new. Now ur gona build a narrative to urself to make urself feel better when u lost an arguement. Smh
Smh... have I scared both of u that much that ur choosing to converse among each other as a jab . LOL childs

I knew it . I told u u were gona run to something new. Now ur gona build a narrative to urself to make urself feel better when u lost an arguement. Based on facts
Because we see toooo many of such vn refugee or slumdxg.. You are one of them.. Do not want to waste more time on a vn refugee or a slumdxg...lol...
Because we see toooo many of such vn refugee or slumdxg.. You are one of them.. Do not want to waste more time on a vn refugee or a slumdxg...lol...

oh my god u really are in denial kid. Let’s go over ur summary

- got wrong about disposable income
- started yapping about debt. Got wronged there too
- started yapping about external /internal. Got wrong there too
- started yapping about internal is better. Got wrong there too
- now ran with ur tail in ur legs and compensate urself in denial thinking I am some Vietnamese guy

you really are something you know . And Making some idiot embarrassed and run away... I guess time we’ll spent for me
Smh... have I scared both of u that much that ur choosing to converse among each other as a jab . LOL childs

I knew it . I told u u were gona run to something new. Now ur gona build a narrative to urself to make urself feel better when u lost an arguement. Smh


Bắt đầu từ nay, một chính sách mới về thuyền nhân Việt Nam đã được chấp hành tại Hồng Kông. Từ nay về sau, những thuyền nhân Việt Nam kiếm cách nhập cảnh Hồng Kông với thân phận những người di tản vì vấn đề kinh tế sẽ bị coi là những người nhập cảnh phi pháp. Là những người nhập cảnh phi pháp, họ sẽ không có chút khả năng nào để được đi định cư tại nước thứ ba, và họ sẽ bị giam cầm để chờ ngày giải về Việt Nam

After that, the announcement ended with another sentence in Cantonese Chinese.

Now get the fcuk out of my face for good "Bat lau dung laai"
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