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Let's PUMP up some Turkish Nationalistic Tracks and Tunes.. All is welcome

inshaALLAH.. Hz.ALLAH (cc) will prevent this post from being seen by the kuffars and inshaALLAH.. our Ehl-i Sunnet brothers and sisters will keep it quite about it..

but... our brother from JAPAN, Ken Watanabe.. an actor and also governor of Japan... is going to meet Hz. Musa (as) soon.. and it is Hz. Musa (as) will order the Ehl-i Sunnet Muslim army of JAPAN in the Greatest Armagaddon..

Ken Watanabe is Ehl-i Beyt.. and has GAYB, 0 NEFS..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will bring back the PHONEIX birds as he sees best fit for us all.. The kuffar were trying to ride thes birds like in Game of Thrones, but HZ. ALLAH (cc) never allowed, so they the kuffars killed them all..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform these beautiful track into each nations native language..

This TRACK by the Fall Out Boy... the very lyrics was written by our ancestor, and prophet Hz. ADEM (sas).. he, prophet Hz. Adem (sas) comes and goes to earth and back to paradise as ordered by Hz. ALLAH (cc)..

He has written these lyrics in the year 1900, and conversed with my grand father Sultan Abdulhamid II.. and handed the lyrics to him, and he Sultan Abdulhamid II his armies (AK SAKALLILAR), compiled and completed the musical melodies and rhythms in the year 1946... FALL OUT BOY, they're still single and still waiting for the one written for them :turkey:

He says.. " i am going to change you, like a REMIX... and raise you like a Phoenix" this words are in regards to ME and from my creator Hz. ALLAH (cc) since i never really lived a pious life and have only been praying since 2017... and am still working on eliminating my NEFS.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will change these words into each persons native language.

Ask your heart.. this very question.. DOES IT KNOW WAR?

Does the ummet have VENH in their hearts for the past 2 days? 0%

Is there SUICIDE BOMBINGS around the world since 2017? NO.... Elhamdullillah, my LORD, Hz. ALLAH (cc) accepted my prayers and humble supplication from the heart.. and all SUICIDE BOMBERS blow them selves up from the process of gathering the bombs together.... RELEASE THE DOVES..

inshaALLH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language..

They the KUFFAR have been calling me a bi-sexual (hance the title Ozbi).. but i've never touched a MALE men in sexual ways..

Hz. SAID-i Nursi.. the very last MUJJEDID.. and his best friend NECIP FAZIL KISAKUREK... both having GAYB and 0 NEFS..

knew there will be eventually a REVOLUTION, that will CRUMBLE and DISMANTLE and make ISLAM REGION SUPERIOR.. after the pause of Devlet-i Alliye Osmaniyye.. a 100 year (a century) of PAUSE..

Why Devlet-i Alliye Osmaniyye.. since the Ehl-i Beyt comes from Hz. ALI (ra) and Hz. Osman (ra).. Hz. ALLAH (cc) makes Ehl-i Beyt MOSTLY.. marry each other from the lineage of Hz. Ali (ra) and Hz. Osman (ra), except for a few circumstances.

There is a REVOLUTION coming, can you hear the drums coming?

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language..

Is there going to be another Islamic NATION or GOVERNANCE after Devlet-i Aliyye Osaniyye.. NO..

What does the word "GALIB" mean, in both Turkish and Arabic..

Prior to the ADVENT of internet and google and search engines.. when Turkish football teams were playing, they used to use the word "GALIB OLDU" meaning, he/they got defeated.. Look at the google now, they are trying to make it appear the word GALIB means victorious.

Who came up with the word GALIB/DEFEATED.. All the Dejjals and Sheytans.. internet has made us more dumb and gullible..

You can check on OLD NEWS PAPERS from the 80's and 90's.. the back pages of the news papers.. The AK SAKALLIAR have saved all the News papers in printing press especially from USA, France, Europe, Britain and Turkiye and USA... since 1900's.. The internet can fool you, but we have HARD copies of News made since then.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this video of erDOGan in to each persons native language.

Hz. ALLAH (cc) is VICTORIOUS... and his orders will REGION SUPREME..

Who are these 7 Kings around the world.. we shall know soon inshaALLAH. There is in total 298 PYRAMIDS in Egypt, still trying to revive FIRAVUN after they collected his decomposed body under the RED SEA.. the Fish man was a instrumental dejjal in that sense..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language.

our BELOVED Last prophet Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas).. didn't die at the age of 63... No sir... he died at the age of 136...

Two options were also given to him "ya hicret, ya olum" either die, and live an eternal bliss luxurious life in Paradise.. or continue serving for my DEEN and start all over again in PLUTO.. He chose the 2nd option.

He was sent to PLUTO with his TWO wives.. and lived another 634 years in PLUTO, completely transforming the planet from a nation of heedlessness to Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims..

PLUTO is a BLUE plannet.. and all the actors in TRON: LEGACY have been there, it was recorded as it is and was completed in 1968...

Hz. ALLAH (cc) has INFINITE POWER OF WILL... He doesn't need any of us.. but we need him. From Hz. ALLAH (cc) we come from in KALU BELA, and to him we return to in the MAHSER..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete and finalize our war drums and correct our errors, since we are all BESER (human) and it is he who has infinate wisdom.

Hamza Yusuf and Fevzi Hoca.. have been to PLUTO last year and had a humble heart to heart conversation with the governor prophet there..
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Just like our brother Ferman Akgul says.. also an Ehl-i Beyt.. says.. IBLIS/SHEYTAN/DEJJAL(including jinns) in GHOST MODE.. can not enter the vicinity of our houses and gardens.. they will have influence, silent whispers to our ears, if we get outside these boundries.. but Elhamdullillah, they can't enter our houses...

THE ULEMA.. have been making a sincere DUA and RABITA for the past 2 days.. and it was accepted.


inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will translate these lyrics into each persons native language..

Our brother.. also Ehl-i Beyt.. Boona Muhammed.. says " Everything is SO, SLOW.. like wow.. Sorrow swalled me like black whole"

I've experienced this PHYSICAL STATE of being SO SLOW.. I couldn't sleep, i couldn't think, i couldn't move, i couldn't even move the blanket on top of me in my bed, i was shaking, i was in SERIOUS and HIGH STATE OF being disfunctional.. I actually wanted to die.

Our brother Boona Muhammed has experienced this in total 18 times, last one being, December 2022.. for 3 weeks.. ZAM ZAM water cured him Elhamdulillah. There is currently two sources of ZAM ZAM.. ONE IN MECCA, and one in TRUE/REAL Istanbul..

The ZAM ZAM water in MECCA has dried up doesnt pour out any water.. since 2019, January.. The folks of MECCA were using ZAM ZAM in toilets, shower, bath, and watering the gardens, and using it wash their cars, hence Hz. ALLAH (cc) wrath came upon them.

This STATE OF SLOWNESS.. My "psychologist" and "psychiatric" called it... NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS OF Schizophrenia... when the reality is, i was being POISONED, from the house water i was drinking, the food i was eating, and the cigarette i was smoking..

Currently, from the ummet of Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims, 1.4 billion are in this state.. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) would cure us, as he sees best fit for us and if we are worthy... and cleanses and purifies our food we purchase from the grocery store, and purifies the water that's being services into our houses and completes my short comings, since he knows best and is the best of providers to his OBEDIENT servants and creations.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform the words in this track into each persons native language..

The SHEYTANS and DEJJALS.. wanted to remove RABBENA ATTINA, and RABBANAG-FIRLI.. from the DUA books and making LIE's how it's NOT correct, and that it was altered.. and that it was the work of SHEYTAN, hence we shouldn't recite in our last RAKAT prayer...

This FITNA was sprouted by the SMALL SHEYTAN which Huseyin Karaosmanoglu hoca (Ehl-i Beyt) knows about.. as he physically challenged him to a fight and always won him breaking his bones..

Ilyas Mao is Ehl-i Beyt, so is Muslim Bilal, So is Ali Dawah, So is Muhammed Hijab, so is Omar Esa.. different geographic upbringing and birth.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this lyrical genius to each persons native language..

Hamza's DEN... from YouTube... is another Ehl-i Beyt brother, challenging all inept heathens and heretics for a constructive dialogue.. but they all lose the argument.

He always said... I know where i came from, since Muslim Kisa hoca informed him at the age of 11 that his REAL parents were Ehl-i Beyt Muslim, and that he shouldn't tell anyone about it,and to make secret zikirs in his free time.. he held on to these words sincerely and tightly and always tried to re-affirm him self that " i know where i came from"

They tried to kill him in total of 968 times, but he always came out stronger.. hence, real Legends never die, they become greater

The future is now, I don’t believe in later
I keep it pushing till I meet my maker
Real Legends never die, they become greater

They try to dissect the strategy
They found winnin part of my anatomy
Part fighter, survivor, parts of a titan
Eyes of an eagle, heart of lion
No sense of tryin to convince me
Let me see how can I put this simply
If you ain’t wit me, you against me

inshaALLAH, Hz. Allah (cc) will transform these lyrics into each persons native language..

Why is it TITLED "My world now".. cause he was brought up in Kingdom of Britain THE ROYALS, and raised and educated and tried to have him marry a kuffar.. Same/similar story of Hz. Musa (sas) in the house of FIRAVUN.

Some people, including ummet and those Gayr-i Muslims... have this perception that the UMMET, ULEMA and SAHABA were swarthy looking individuals like todays WAHABI's do in Arabiya..

This cover track of "ZwiReK - Oasis" is actually Hz. Hatice (ra)..

Hz. Hatice (ra) was 40 years old when she married Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas) who was 25 at the time..

Hz. Ebu-bekir El-Siddque was and had a dark complexion, a bit like say, a Pakistani in appearence, but as his level of TAKWA had grown, he looked very very Caucasian..

This cover image of Hz. Hatice (ra) was taken by a DEVICE by Sam Gold... Hz. Hizir (as).. by the permission of Hz. Hatice (ra)..

Hz. ALLAH (cc) had granted Hz. Hizir (as).. Sam GOLD.. one request, if you wanted one thing in this life, before you die.. what would it be? The close companions of Hz. ALLAH (cc) never ask for money, as MONEY is a BIG TEST of Hz. ALLAH (cc), by being a Millionaire, Hz. ALLAH (cc) tests you on that money. Some say and incorrectly say I AM BLESSED TO BE WEALTHY... No you are not blessed, you are being tested... Anyhow, Hz. Hizir (as) requested for all the Ummet from east to west, north to south of the world, to be cured by the burns and slit cut eyes and to be restored to their best condition as he Hz. ALLAH (cc) knows best.. Hz. ALLAH (cc) said, you have to wait for TALIBIN.. hence, this image of Hz. Hatice (ra)..

Where does the people of Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (SAS) come from.. meaning his family.. his background, and ancestral lineage..

The QUREYSH people.. His Grandfather was born in todays ASTANA, Kazakhstan.. He also, was a MUJEDDID and was ordered to migrate with a group of 2,496 people, from the land of central asia to Mekke.

Ebu-Leheb... Elleri kuruyasica.. is still alive and was never his uncle..

We will dwelve on the history and ancestral lineage and the Kureysh people, later in some other time.. We don't even know the right from wrong, and wrong from right.. Since, like Zack Hemsey says, there's allot of SOOTHSAYERS.. and 100 years of dejjal and sheytan leadership in the world..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this lyrical genius to each persons native language..

Who is the LEADER of DIYANET as of today?... Ali Erbash has fled to MOSCOW since yesterday...

It is Mehmet Yalciner hoca.. who is also the imam of Broadmeadows Camii, King STREET..

He is Ehl-i BEYT and has GAYB, 0 NEFS..

He will DEPOSE and BLACK LIST many kuffars pandering as a imam / hoca or ilahiyet leader.. 48% of Diyanet is kuffur and has no chance, since they denounce Hz. ALLAH (cc) in private and make it appear that they are Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims.. I have heard so much kuffur from Diyanet supposed hoca's, where they were HURDLING insults and accusations to Hz. Ayse (ra) and Hz. Omer, Osman and Ali.. and Hz. Hatice (ra)..

HE CAN.. if he wants and if Hz. ALLAH (cc) allows.. be in one place to another.. from Turkiye and back to Melbourne.. don't ask how he does it as its not your concern..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language..

The senior individual speaking about NEFS is my grandfather Hz. Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan (ra)..

He speaks words of wisdom about NEFS, where if you don't mature your NEFS, you will be the SLAVE of your own CARNAL DESIRES and SINS..

There is 12 levels of NEFS.. to cut it short, i am on 11 and have one more to go..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this brilliant track to each persons native language.


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