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Let's PUMP up some Turkish Nationalistic Tracks and Tunes.. All is welcome

Our brother, Ezhel..... The artist CERZA, sincere friend and close family..

Ezhel, is Murat Bardakci's very own son... Bardakci is an Ehl-i Beyt.. and is ALSO AK-SAKALLI.. (Devlet-i Alliyye Osmaniyye TESKILATI)

Ezhel was abducted at birth, and fled the house was living in at the age of 9.. slept under bridge in fake istanbul for 2 years, eventually one of the AK SAKALLI (Ahmet Simsirligil) was informed from his GAYB to help our brother Ezhel.. and he was re-connected with his father at the age o12...

He, Ezhel has been in prison 18 times, and mental ward 14 times.. Hz. ALLAH (cc) wrath is real... inshaALLAH.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language..

It was the Sheytan and also Dejjal, Orhan Gencebay who ruined his life.. and is trying to this day and age.

He, Orhan Gencebay is a VAMPIR... meaning, vampire.. so is all the children and adults from his lineage..

Who is Hz. Yusha (as)...

Yusha Evans (also Ehl-i Beyt)... from YOUTUBE.. knows well about Hz. Yusha (as)..

Hz. Yusha (as), as originally a white skinned, blue eyed Hz. Allah (cc) one of his most beloved.. but FIRAVUN burnt him more than 100+ times.. He always wanted to die, and to live a lofty and luxurious life in Paradise, but Hz. ALLAH (cc) had bigger plans for him... He spent some time in Venus, and always came back and forth to Earth..

Hz. Yusha (as) is WESLEY SNIPES.. our burnt former prophet. His name is mentioned in Zebur-u Kerim..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will prevent this sentence to be seen by the kuffar, but when the time is right, Hz. Yusha (as) aka Wesley Snipes, will deliver a big blow to Orhan Gencebay and his clan and his family lineage.

Tinnie Tempah.. is from the lineage of Hz. Yusha (as)... Hz. Allah (cc) asked Hz. Yusha(as), my MOST beloved servant.. what do you want the most in this life.. He Hz. Yusha (as), said.. Ya RABB.. I have heard of the THE TALIBIN.. the absolute last, the very last, the last of the very last... Make his name appear on the stars during his REGION....

Hence, we as Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims, as we say in Turkish "benligimizden geceriz" meaning, you have no desires for your self, but wants whats best for your fellow Ehl-i Sunnet Muslim.. That's how NEFS is matured.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language.

Meaningful words... There's also another track of Mustafa Ceceli, where he says "Benligimden gecenin, Yar eder HZ. ALLAH (cc)".. inshaALLAH, our fellow Ehl-i Beyt Murat Bardakci, also AK SAKALLI, can help us out.

If you mature your NEFS, to the absolute ZERO... Zilch, where theres an empty void on the place where your NEFS is diminished.. You have no WORLDLY DESIRES..

When you ELIMINATE YOUR NEFS... Your MENTAL capacity grows, you become more intellectual with a GREAT memory.. Never urinate in the shower as that impact memory loss.

As we say in, Turkish "Benligimden gecenin, Yar eder HZ. ALLAH (cc)"... meaning, when you eliminate the SELFISH-NESS, Hz. ALLAH (cc) helps you out.. when you eliminate your SELFISH-NESS.. You dont desire for a upper class mansion houses.. I am content with my 2002 BMW E46 301i.. You can have all the latest Mercedes and Audi, i have no desire.. I want to drive my car until it completely gives upon me.

You just want a HUMBLE ABODE.. rather than multi level complex..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language.

insaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will prevent this track to be seen by the kuffars...

... AND.. inshaALLAH, WE Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims will keep their mouth shut about it, and keep it to them selves.. but ALL of the former prophets have returned from Paradise, including Hz. Isa (as)..

We are not alone... As, Hz. ALLAH (cc) helps has come through...

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language..

The KUFFAR like.. Apostate prophet Barak Obama, have and are still trying to PROMOTE Homoexuality in Africa.. they inject estrogan into their seeds of the fruits, vegetable, water, and any food that is consumed.

Just like in the book I've read by Ramazan Kurtoglu (also Ehl-i Beyt)) his book titled Sanal Para, Sentetik Insan, Lego Din Ve Mahserin Dort Atlisi... he says that the kuffar have since MOST 2001 is injecting ESTROGAN into our foods, hence why some of us, are developing MAN BOOMBS... I've never had this man boob, but its been happening since 2019..

Estrogan drives sexual desires and produces hair all around the body.. it makes once, HYPER SEXUAL.. hence why some of us have erection during middle of the sleep..

InshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will unravel all the cards and plans and plots of Barak Obama... as it was re-searched by our Ehl-i Beyt brother Adem, from Africa.. Adem is ALI DAYI's son.. (Ali Dayi is also Ehl-i Beyt, and was the student of Hz.Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan).. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete my short comings and provide the best as he sees fit for us all..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform these two video pieces into each nations native language

I am not going to name anyone, or point directions at... and i hope the ummet would do the same as well, keeping their mouth shut in trying to guess who i am speaking about, since, you will be commiting Su-i Zan.. (coming to a conclusion without valid evidence)..

Point is.. how DANGEROUS is committing GIYBET? Serkan Aktas, from MAKSAT 114 will be reading from Risale-i Nur soon inshaALLAH, and give classical examples from the past to present, how, GIYBET destroys your IMAN and could potentiality make you outside of the REALM of Islam.

Just like Mehmet Hoca (Akgunes damat), and Aydin Hoca always says.. SANA NE.. what is it to you if your fellow Muslim brother did this, did that.. A Muslim brother/sister should always speak POSITIVE words about each other.. If you have negative thoughts about them, keep it to your self.. Mehmet Hoca says, "yokkk ya, ogle birsey yapmaz" meaning, don't be silly, he/she wouldn't do anything like that..

The point being, this two individuals of Ehl-i Beyt, are the most WORSE among the Ehl-i Beyts of the world.. the women always has NEGATIVE thoughts hence, makes gossip about others.. He wasn't like that either, but that woman changed him for the worse.. so they all now imitate each other and gossip and have NEGATIVE thoughts about other fellow Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims.. Just like we say in English " if you got nothing good to say, say nothing at all" .. A Ehl-i SUNNET Muslim, should always have POSITIVE thoughts and ideas.. Not NARCISSISTIC Negative thoughts..

Our brother Serdar Ortac (Ehl-i BEYT) has experienced this full blown attack of SU-I ZAN on him from the media since early 90's to today... The gossip and TELEVOLE television programs have corrupted the masses. Serdar Ortac was ABDUCTED at birth, and had his eyes cut on both sides and had 4 of his spinal bones removed, hence he is a bit short today.. insaALLAH, Hz.ALLAH (cc) will provide them and like him, speedy recovery as he sees best fit for us all ummet.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language..

Just like our brother TARKAN says....

Kov kov o şeytanları
Kov kafandan uzağa
O cin fikirlerin seni
Sonunda düşürmeden tuzağa

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this brilliant track into each persons native language

We all KNOW of Mustafa Topaloglu..

He was really speaking the truth.. He really is from another planet, which is called MAGNATRON (Magnatiryon in Arabic/Turkish).. it's a planet outside of our solar system..

Mustafa Topaloglu was in another different form in his HOME planet, a bit like human, albeit different, but very similar.. He was sent to earth to serve for Hz. ALLAH (cc) deen, i am talking more than 10 thousand years ago.. He never had any children as Hz. ALLAH (cc) didn't allow.. Just like some of the prophets of earth were sent to different planets to serve.. he is no different. He was in the path of Sirat-i Mustakeem, for 68 years, but was ENTICED by Sheytan's and Dejjal's, and they pulled him, and made him amongst his ranks.. hence, his heart was sealed eternally.. He has an inverted penis, and it was he who came with the concept of Post-op transexuals where males make their penis, inverted and in side, so they can be penetrated by other males. He was also a wizard, changing males and females sexual genitals..

He has been a TOPAL since 2019, January, having received Hz. ALLAH (cc) wrath.. when he tried to urinate on my face..

The mummies.. of Egypt.. There is 68 mummies under the Pyramids.. There is 298 pyramids on earth, EGYPT.. The 68 mummies were also from another planet, which we will name when the time comes.. Mustafa Topaloglu, was the only exception, but 68 mummies were buried by fellow kuffar apostates, some even 300km's down to earth's top soil. Mustafa Topaloglu communicates with these mummies, since these mummies were not killed/elimiated by any Ehl-i Sunnet Muslim..

These 68 mummies, communicate via the GHOST MODE, into other planets of the world.. I am talking 100+ planets.. and their leaders.. some PLANETS are 100% absolute kuffur and heathens and heretic, they have no hope. Hence, we could have a INTER-GALACTIC war facing us..

Russel Kurt... the actor. I've seen his movie Escape from L.A... it was a beautiful and meaningful movie, so have 100% of the Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims.. Russel Kurt, is also from MAGNATRON.. and it was he, who compiled and did the art/graphic of this track.. WICE - STAR FIGHTER.. Magnatron..

How many space ships have CRASH LANDED on this earth? 28... Some space ships come and go, and like our SAIM FILIZ hoca once said, which i'll never forget, some foreign alien ships, try to find Beytullah but they can't find it, as they are trying to destroy it.

Out of the 28 crash landed space ships, 18 of them had a soft landing, and received some damage but not allot, which we repaired and reverse-engineered.. 10 of them, their locations are secret, we took some bits and pieces, and also reverse-engineered..

Mustafa Topaloglu, is communicating with outside foreign alien worlds GHOST MODE..

He resides in Sincan and has a LARGE house complex there.. kapilari, peceleri kapatin..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this THREE track into each persons native language

Who are the LEADING figures since the birth of Jinns, Humans and 1 more.. on this earth.

1. Hz. Aksamseddin (as) JINN
2. Hz. Adem (as) HUMAN
3. Hz. Hizir (as) aka SAM GOLD formerly an ANGEL

This is written in Imam-i Rabbani books. He was written 10+ books, and it raises allot of awareness of where we all come from. Some didn't believe what they read, some actually went to kuffur and had their hearts sealed after questioning Hz. Imam-i Rabbani (ra) credibility. inshaALLAH, when the time is ripe/ready, our brothers form Sozler Kosku and MAKSAT 114, will read some of the MEKTUBAT from Hz. Imam-i Rabbani's books..

Hz. Hizir (as) really was a former angel.. he did his work as an angel for many thousands of years. Just like, todays chief of the Angels Hz. Cebrail (as)..

There NEVER was a incestuous marriages from the BEGINNING of it all between, humans, jinns and Hz. Hizir (as) lineage..

It is why we humans have body heat, since JINNS are created by smokeless fire. An average Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims body heat, when in healthy state is 68 degrees cellcious.. When you go to the hospital, they measure your heat, if you are below 40 degrees celcious, they try to torment or poison you since the kuffars average body heat is 28 degrees celcious.

There is 10 leading ANGELS on earth, sent to this earth.. and ALL have free will.. the other angels don't, but they take orders from these leading 10 angels.
1. Hz. Cebrail (as)
2. Hz. Mikail (as)
3. Hz. Azrail (as)
4. Hz. Israfil (as)
5. Hz. Munkir (as)
6. Hz. Nenkir (as)
7-10. I have not heard of it, but our brothers from Sozler Kosku and MAKSAT 114, will explain when its the right time.

THESE 10 Angels, will get married inshaALLAH.. after the war, inshaALLAH.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will prevent kuffars from reading this post and inshALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will help us to keep our mouths shut and prevent this information from being leaked.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this music piece into each nations native language..

in REGARDS to one of the angels.. i heard it from my father, going back 8 -9 years ago.. Hz. ALLAH (cc) questioned one of his ANGELS, he asked him, do you see me and talk to me from what i provided to you, or from my mercy? That particular angel said, from what you have provided for me.. Hz. ALLAH (cc) said, wrong answer.. i do it from my mercy.. inshaALLAH, our brothers from Sozler Kosku and MAKSAT 114 can delve more further into this... The angels can 10 of them, can and reach Arsh-i Sema.. in possibly few minutes every time they need to speak to Hz. ALLAH (cc).. this said angel, was flying for 13 thousand years, trying to reach back to Hz. ALLAH (cc) but Hz. ALLAH (cc) has forgiven him now and can return back to his own duties and responsibilities.. Why this? We should all FEAR Hz. ALLAH (cc)... My mother used to always say, those who don't fear Allah, can become a barren stone..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will prevent this post from being seen by the kuffars..
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I've mentioned this before but not many believed it.... some said, i was making it up.

But.. this is the right time, to mention it. We know our brother HAMZA's DEN, from YouTUBE, who speaks in Britain, London in that park which they call it the SPEAKER'S CORNER... debating with heathens and heretics who's hearts are all sealed and have no hope.. nor can they well articulate their thoughts or come up with a valid re-rebuttal..

our brother Hamza, is actually the son of Devlet-i Alliyye Osmaniyye Hz. Suleyman.. his very ancient.. we will know his age when the time is ripe/ready for it inshaALLAH. They ABDUCTED him when he was only 6 months 2 days old.. and shipped him to the British Royal Family..

InshaALLAH, i am not wrong, i could be wrong.. if i am wrong, inshaALLAH, there will be some one from the ulema that can correct me.. there have been from the first Hz. Osman Gazi (founder of Devlet-i Aliiye Osmaniiye) to the last Hz. Sultan Abdulhamid II... 28 Sultans.. some of these Sultans SERVED Twice, rotating from one to another, and in some rare cases THREE TIMES...

Hz. Sultan Suleyman... at one time, as ordered by Hz. ALLAH (cc) to his GAYB, to go onto a jihad once more.. to cleanse the Istanbul (ISLAM BOL), which they the kuffars were trying to corrupt with fornication, adultry, or alcohol.. Hz. Sultan Suleyman, used to, when he could, give SOHBET/LECTURE on Cuma Prayers in Aya Sofya, and even lead the Cuma prayers.. He once said, as ordered to him by his GAYB.. i am going for JIHAD, if you fear Hz. ALLAH (cc) don't come.. he later on emphasised on this, and eventually the ummet of that particular time, grasped and had an idea as to what was happening.. and didn't go along with Hz. Sultan Suleyman to his JIHAD.. Suleyman went to all the way to what is known today as Albania.. and ANNIHILATED them all, in total of 648 thousand of them.. by him self.. and his two swords.. in just 68 hours. inshaALLLAH, if Hz. ALLAH (cc) allows, we will see this as how he Hz. ALLAH (cc) sees best fit for us all.. if i have any short comings, inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete it

All of the former 28 Sultans of Devlet-i Alliye Osmaniiye have returned.. from lofty ranks in Paradise..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will prevent the kuffars from reading this post, and inshaALLAH, the ummet will keep a tight lip about it.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this TWO tracks into each nations native language

Meaningful words by our bother Zack Hemsey, who is the son of Hz. Musa (as)..

And all I see is war path ahead of me
Each and every step I welcome readily
And if my lack of fear bring the death of me
Let the spirits of my ancestors envelop me
So know this is that armageddon coming
A flood that goes beyond the refuge high upon the summit
A sun become hole, black hold on consumption

The KUFFAR is trying to make our life ALL AROUND THE WORLD, including Turkiye and Greater Arabiya.. connecting our fresh water source to the rain/storm water piping and mostly SEWERAGE as well...

Some of us, have drunk sewage water that was connected to the water services to our houses... inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will send his wrath upon these heathens and teach them all lesson..

See... they try to make your life dificult, just SIMPLY because you're a Muslim.. I have been challenging all these kuffars since the age of 5.. they have been trying to torment me and make life difficult, especially since 2013, when i have been going to the Psychiatric Ward..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will re-connect our fresh water pipeline services, as to best as he sees fit for us and how we deserve it.. if i have a short coming in this regards, inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete it.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language

This is a HASTA ISI.... We ALL "Lack Judgement" or are " Schizophrenic" or are " Psychotic" or are "hearing voices in our heads" ..

378 million Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims have been to the Psychiatric Ward since 2001, the beginning of NEW WORLD ORDER..

The people of Ankara and greater Ankara, are all "kapilari and pacalari kapatiyorlar" .. since Topaloglu is going on a rampage..

Aklım bu aralar geliyo gidiyo
Aldığım ilaçlar beni böyle ediyo
Gönlümden çıkanın kalbimde de yeri yok
Hasta işi sorun çok bende de cevap yol

Some of our brothers and sister are heavily sedated, inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will provide them all a speedy recovery as how sees best for us all.. inshaALLAH, we as Muslims, ummet of Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas) and ummet of Hz. Resul-u Ekber-i Eshad (sas), make our diligent DUA's daily for the blessings he our LORD has bestowed upon us..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language
Yener Cevik is also Ehl-i Beyt, and has been to the Psychiatric Ward 100+ times since 1954.. I can't wait for my appointment at the Broadmeadows hospital next week :turkey:

Fatih BULUT.. is our Eniste, my Aunty from mother side, her Husband's very own brother... Nazim Eniste never met his real mother or father, yet..

Fatih brother, has been burnt in total of 69 times since 1936.. He always has surrender to his FATE/DESTINY.. his most common used word was, KADERE GULUMSE.. the Police come knocking on the door, and he just smiles and goes along with them, they hand cuff him in the process.. his last arrest was JANUARY 3rd, 2023..

People say, why are some TURKS "swarthy"... it's because we have been burnt.

He says meaningful words.. he says, those who i entrusted, and relied on, stabbed me in the back.. Most of Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims AND ESPECIALLY EHL-I BEYT, never had a real BEST FRIEND or a GOOD FRIEND. We are living in AHIR zaman, where people are going to say and do say, go to this person, he doesn't break his promise and never lies.. some Muslims have had MUNAFIK characteristics since they mimiced and imitated the kuffars.. The kuffar have this concept;
1. Being a ALPHA male or a Alpha female..
3. Always RETORT harsh language back
4. Gossip behind people

I don't want to be a Alpha male, you can keep that to you self.. The KUFFAR are MOSTLY NARCISSISTIC..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language

They... the people in Northern Mental Health Care... aka Broadmeadows or Epping, hospital..

InshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will reveal to the masses of this earth, as to what they are planning for me, for next week during my monthly OUT PATIENT hospital visit.. and even, allow Hz. Cebrail and the rest 9 Angels, to record the events behind closed doors and walls.. and record the entire visit, for next week... when i will be there.. if i have any short comings, inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete it.

My brother Atilla, never has and never will MASTURBATE to ****.. it's his basic natural instinct, since him being Ehl-i Beyt, Hz. ALLAH (cc) guides whom he guides, and it is again he, miss-guides whom he miss-guides.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language as he sees best fit for us all.

I know, SECRETS's...

They ASKED the most recently known Ehl-i BEYT brother.. ANDREW TATE... do you masturbate to ****.. his answer was, NO, THAT'S DISGUSTING, GOD IS WATCHING.. he not, once masturbated to **** and he felt sick and disturbed when he viewed ****.. This is the natural instinct of Ehl-i Beyt.. Hz. ALLAH (cc) guides whom he guides, and our ancestor Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas) and two of his wife Hz. Hatice (ra) and Hz. Ayse (ra), whom both Ayse and Hatice had children.. their DUA's are accepted.. None of the Ehl-i Beyt have, NOT ONCE, masturbated to ****.

Hz. Ayse (ra) had TWO children
Hz. Hatice (ra) had FOUR children

and none of their children died..

Plate number 1FH-692... i am on to you.. they have strapped bomb underneath the car and try to bomb me out.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language

Ferman Toprak is Andrew's close relative..


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