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Let's build PDF into a proper think tank.

All pieces are present. We've worked hard and made our place in the national debates. Its time to shift gears. I call upon the brain trust of PDF to come forward and help build this community into a think tank. Here are areas i have in mind.

* Geopolitics Desk
* Counterterrorism Desk
* Economics Desk
* Defense & Military Desk
* Political Intelligence

Now, i know this isn't a new idea. We've tried and failed before. But we've also learned. Im giving my resolute commitment to all who come forward to man these desks. From now on our work shall be properly published as it should have a long time ago.

There will be 1X incharge of each desk with analysts attached to help with R&D. Every desk will run projects.

We got sections carved up, so no structural change required.


Syria Conflict
Yemen Conflict
Afghanistan Conflict
SCO Updates / Pakistan Foreign Relations
Nuclear Suppliers Group Project
Arms Imports/Exports to/from Pakistan
Pakistan Economy / Food / Water Security
Counterterrorism inc Ethnofascist terror
Brexit, EU Research Project
CPEC/BRI Project
Kashmir Project


What I can do to help. I think I can give good opinion on Arms thing and Counter Terrorism specially the ideology part

What I can do to help. I think I can give good opinion on Arms thing and Counter Terrorism specially the ideology part
I Can help on topic ...war on terrorism (Insider look), Intelligence and India's war against CPEC.
i thought this wasn't about opinion pieces bit members still offering to give their opinions. We already have plenty of opinions on pdf to put it kindly.
I can help ...
I hold western post grad degrees... n worked in UK for 15 years...

I can help with general strategic and geo political perspectives
OP updated
OP updated
can you guys please stay away from politics?
PDF should be representative of Pakistan and not a particular party
just because of your meddling in politics people are against Pakstan Defence
top comments on your all FB posts are always anti Pakistan
You clearly don't understand.

can you guys please stay away from politics?
PDF should be representative of Pakistan and not a particular party
just because of your meddling in politics people are against Pakstan Defence
top comments on your all FB posts are always anti Pakistan
You are the creme.

Sending you DM.

I've studied it in detail and cut the fat.
I already have a structure in mind which believe will be pragmatic while keeping pdf limitations in mind.

Follow up thread will address that.
Well that's very kind of you.
I can focus on the Middle East primarily in Geopolitics. And we don't have to create a magazine, but if we write the current affairs down, that can be easily converted to a .pdf file, on a weekly basis.
No opinion pieces. I want to collect open source intelligence and later use that database to build PDF papers.

For instance if you're working on our Syria Desk, you'll look for daily updates on the ongoing conflict and your job will be to post excerpts of actionable information on the board with a source.

Slowly the information grid will build up and users will see a clear picture of the conflict or a subject matter.

This is a typical example of a "Project" .
Well than for that I would be great at researching on what is going on in international weapons trade and I am often roaming around those websites which give these news and other places and also be can be useful at National Security specially improving Police And Intelligence gathering and Counter terrorism
Count me in .. @Horus
i can help with arab country’s politics
internel gcc politics i can fluently speak and write arabic too
How about operating like a think tank instead of creating another platform? This includes banning all indians, yes all, and all fanboys that respond childishly.
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