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Leopard 2A7+ for Saudi Arabia

@ opz

you can't "ascend to summit with the giants" with their Owen weapons and technology ....

everybody know this facts , if u want create strong country , the first thing , work on the country's economy to make it strong , and after that build ur army . .
this is the way we went to in order to build a developed country , and see to K.S.A before 10 years just , and where we are now , we are member in [ Group of Twenty ] , in other word stronger 20 economy , with we brother turkish :


for more information writ in uncle google :

Group of Twenty

and i hope u enjoyed when u reading :wave:
of course thats not enough for us , and we know they r still in the beginning of the road . .

after that come to me and talk about economy :what: !?

second point in ur words is weapons , now i will try shorten as much as i can , cuz talking about the Iranian weapons makes me laugh
like comedy movie . .

Can you believe your country when it tells you that it was made in this week's system is better than defense system S300 does not go only a week and then tell your government that it has almost finished building a nuclear submarine is the best of its kind , of course, without all the old products such as the U.S. military aircraft F-5 when your country has a different paint to paint the aircraft and it became a stealth , and challenging the best aircraft of the fifth generation F-22 !!

maybe the devils help yours in this mission :eek:

hey man , if this lies deceive yours , the outside ur country , people are not stupid ..

i apologize for my talk like this way , but when i remember tha Iran is the cause of misfortunes the Middle East lose my balance in the talk like gentlemen
the Leopard 2A7 is a good buy for the Saudi i would say at least they didn't waste the money

but i think they are panicking and overeating over Iran i think that is why they are buying a lot of arms
Saudi don't worry about Iran
the Leopard 2A7 is a good buy for the Saudi i would say at least they didn't waste the money

but i think they are panicking and overeating over Iran i think that is why they are buying a lot of arms
Saudi don't worry about Iran
Do you seriously think they are equipping themselves for Iran Iran is just a drama their main enemy will always be Israel and they know for fact
Yet another Leopard 2A4 upgrade was presented by Rhinemetall to Polish Army as possible configuration for Leopard 2PL. See more on Defence24 Polish portal.
Its fact. Abrams has fully separated ammo and better armor.

We cannot say better ammo.... Just because It uses DU instead of Tungsten... both M829a3 and DM63 are good... DM63 perhaps better... since it is modified DM53.

Besides that Leo has NERA panels as well as a more powerful gun.

A better comparison would be M1A2SEP...and not M1A2.
Do you seriously think they are equipping themselves for Iran Iran is just a drama their main enemy will always be Israel and they know for fact

Who knows for a fact???
Where are these facts when the actions reported have been quite the opposite..
When the Saudis have not spared a seconds chance to undermine Irani interests(and vice versa)..
Even discussing the tacit ignorance if Israeli air strikes against Iran cross its airspace.

Optimism knows no bounds apparently.
Since when Iran and Saudi Arabia share borders?Maybe they want to move these tanks through Persian Gulf? It is like Iran buying tanks to defend itself especially against Japan.Doesn't make any sense
It's is very welcome if some members think a little bit before posting here.

You don't share a tank but you both do share a rather visible rivalry in the region that no one can deny. All the "brotherhood" talks are good on the forum but on the world stage, the real situation counts.

If you had thought yourself before posting this and after reading so many threads on this forum, you'd have known that you don't really need borders to go for a war. A spark is all it requires.
Do you seriously think they are equipping themselves for Iran Iran is just a drama their main enemy will always be Israel and they know for fact

And you really think that they would be using tanks against Israel? Pray tell me how many times Israel has brushed shoulders with Saudis? Not once.

Israel is Pakistan's perceived enemy; while KSA and Israel may not be bosom buddies, one doesn't have to essentially like or hate each other to create a relation.

Just because you fantasize a war between the two doesn't mean geopolitically it is possible.

Israel will never invade KSA and KSA is certainly not going to waste time and money invading Israel.
Can you provide any argument?

Its fact. Abrams has fully separated ammo and better armor.

But that ammo and armor (DU) may kill their crew and the civilians slowly and painfully. For examplei Second Gulf War.
Gosh saudis act like teenage boys who stole their father's credit card :D

Having both Abrams and Leopard2 series tanks means they gonna need different spare parts and technical crews for each of those. It will make it twice harder to maintain and supply this state of the art equipment. Having an additional supply line for just 200 tanks is just... amateurish :)

You can't just go out there and buy anything you like with your petrol money :) Realize you aren't buying a toys your king's childeren. It'd be wise to do as our israeli friend over here just said; just upgrade your damn Abrams'
But that ammo and armor (DU) may kill their crew and the civilians slowly and painfully. For examplei Second Gulf War.

That's in eastern tanks, western tanks like Abram has a separated ammunition storage compartment which has a well protected door, so in case of an attack on the storage, ammunition explosion would be diverted up of the tank. Crews would be safe. So, crews safety has been always a priority in western tanks designation while you wan't see it in the eastern counterparts, however new Russian tanks are going to take those shortcoming into account.
Gosh saudis act like teenage boys who stole their father's credit card :D

Having both Abrams and Leopard2 series tanks means they gonna need different spare parts and technical crews for each of those. It will make it twice harder to maintain and supply this state of the art equipment. Having an additional supply line for just 200 tanks is just... amateurish :)

You can't just go out there and buy anything you like with your petrol money :) Realize you aren't buying a toy to your king's childeren

Due to the harsh criticism of German opposition to this contract, Saudi decided to rise the number to 700 or 800 for $10 bn which would make it more difficult for German Gov to reject especially with the ongoing economic recessions.
Again, I find it funny to see that their first course of action is to throw even more money to cross obstacles :)

It's just :) anyway, as i added my above post any sane person would upgrade existing Abrams' to M1A2SEP level before going to shopping :)
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